Lindsey Graham should breathe a sigh of relief...


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
The Special Grand Jury in GA which initially invetigated the case and then issued recommendations to the actual Grand Jury originally wanted to charge 39 people, including Lindsey Graham, ex-Sens Loefller and Perdue along with ex-General Flynn. It's interesting to note that after Rudy,Meadows and others testified before the Special Grand Jury last year, the Grand jurors determined that they had been lied to and urged Prosecutors (Willis) to file perjury charges, which she has up till now decided not to pursue...

For people who try and make the baseless argument that the final indictments were timed to be handed down to spoil the Trump election agenda and that it "took too long", it's important to note how the process works under state (GA) law. The Special Grand Jury is designed to investigate, but has no power to indict. They forward their evidence and recommendations to the DA, and then the prosecutor acting on those recommendations decides whether to seek a Grand Jury indictment or not.

And speaking of educating the ignorant, Fani Willis absolutely brutalized Gym Jordan yesterday in her reply to his presumptuous letter in which he tried to claim oversight power that he doesn't posses...In response to his whining about the timing of the indictments, Fani pointed out to Gym, that the timeline of the investigation was increased deliberately by people like Graham employing multiple delaying tactics to avoid testifying. As a result it took 8 months to complete the initial investigation, and it wasn't till Jan 2023 that the Special Grand Jury issued it's report.

Interesting to note that the dox info is being hosted on a Russian website...

The best burn which isn't discussed in this particular video was her advsing Jordan to educate himself on RICO law. She explained that he could read up on the subject in RICO State by State and that since he was not a member of the Bar it would cost him $249 to purchase a copy.

Can you say powned? ;)
The Special Grand Jury in GA which initially invetigated the case and then issued recommendations to the actual Grand Jury originally wanted to charge 39 people, including Lindsey Graham, ex-Sens Loefller and Perdue along with ex-General Flynn. It's interesting to note that after Rudy,Meadows and others testified before the Special Grand Jury last year, the Grand jurors determined that they had been lied to and urged Prosecutors (Willis) to file perjury charges, which she has up till now decided not to pursue...

For people who try and make the baseless argument that the final indictments were timed to be handed down to spoil the Trump election agenda and that it "took too long", it's important to note how the process works under state (GA) law. The Special Grand Jury is designed to investigate, but has no power to indict. They forward their evidence and recommendations to the DA, and then the prosecutor acting on those recommendations decides whether to seek a Grand Jury indictment or not.

And speaking of educating the ignorant, Fani Willis absolutely brutalized Gym Jordan yesterday in her reply to his presumptuous letter in which he tried to claim oversight power that he doesn't posses...In response to his whining about the timing of the indictments, Fani pointed out to Gym, that the timeline of the investigation was increased deliberately by people like Graham employing multiple delaying tactics to avoid testifying. As a result it took 8 months to complete the initial investigation, and it wasn't till Jan 2023 that the Special Grand Jury issued it's report.

Interesting to note that the dox info is being hosted on a Russian website...

The best burn which isn't discussed in this particular video was her advsing Jordan to educate himself on RICO law. She explained that he could read up on the subject in RICO State by State and that since he was not a member of the Bar it would cost him $249 to purchase a copy.

Can you say powned? ;)
This is if anything a credit to the prosecutors. Grand jurors have no idea what the law is. On average, 11 of the 22 will be people of below average intelligence. It’s the prosecutors job to kibosh any nonsense indictments the grand jury returns that have no basis in law. That Willis tossed the indictments of Graham, Perdue, and Loeffler showed that she wasn’t looking to indict any Republican the grand jury would sign off on, and did the bare minimum of distinguishing between political pandering and acts that could reasonably be criminal fraud and conspiracy offenses.
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