Lewandowski, a real man's man....

This is different. Trump was talking about women who allow men to touch them because they want to be near powerful men or they want a role ie casting couch. This woman is saying the man touched her behind and then touched it again after she told him not to.
here is what Trump told Billy Bush: "I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything....Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]"
He says in the quote that "I don't even wait".. Just thought it is useful to be clear.
This is different. Trump was talking about women who allow men to touch them because they want to be near powerful men or they want a role ie casting couch. This woman is saying the man touched her behind and then touched it again after she told him not to.

Are you a parody poster-maybe the religious version of "lucy"? Reason I ask is that what you ascribe to CL (and attempt to absolve Trump of in the process) is EXACTLY what the majority of the 15 or so Trump accusers have accused him of-UNWANTED ADVANCES.Sticking his tongue down a fellow airline passenger's throat,spying on beauty contestants,unwanted grabs and comments-the type of behavior he freaking admitted to on both the Access Hollywood tape AND MULTIPLE episodes of Howard Stern,when he was playing the good ol' boy lothario role...

Do you honestly believe that ALL of these women from all over the country,some of whom were known to know Trump (though he denies knowing any of them) just decided on their own to make up stories and come forward to face the ridicule of right wing zealots? Do you think ALL of the folks who filed lawsuits over his financial shenanigans (long before he ever ran for office) just all decided on their own to make up stories about how he screwed them over?He's had more lawsuits filed against him than practically ANYONE-going back 30 or more years,and nothing to do with him running for POTUS...

Honestly WHY do you think that is? Because he claims to be "rich",and rich folks get sued? Before you try and use that flimsy explanation,check out how many times actual WEALTHY folks,like Buffet,Bill Gates,Branson (who are all well known philanthropists) are sued,compared to Trump.
Now why do you think folks sue Trump and not those others,who actually have far more $$ than he does? Come on,I know you can figure it out...;)
here is what Trump told Billy Bush: "I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything....Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]"
He says in the quote that "I don't even wait".. Just thought it is useful to be clear.
He did say, "they let you do it". See Hollywood star scene is a different culture. I'm not advocating this kind of behavior mind you, but it's different than doing something to someone who just said stop.
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"HE" said.

Are you an apologist for a serial liar and harasser?

Extremely naive?

Or are you just an awful human?
He did say, "they let you do it". See Hollywood star scene is a different culture. I'm not advocating this kind of behavior mind you, but it's different than doing something to someone who just said stop.
I would love to hear your response to that quote if it’d been attributed to Barack Obama.

This is different. Trump was talking about women who allow men to touch them because they want to be near powerful men or they want a role ie casting couch. This woman is saying the man touched her behind and then touched it again after she told him not to.
I would love to hear your response to that quote if it’d been attributed to Barack Obama.
If Barack Obama touched women who accepted it I would not call him a harasser. Let's be clear about who these women are that Trump was talking about. They are women in the movie industry or want to be there. Therefore they allow men to touch them. How do you think all these hollywood big shots got all those women?
If Barack Obama touched women who accepted it I would not call him a harasser. Let's be clear about who these women are that Trump was talking about. They are women in the movie industry or want to be there. Therefore they allow men to touch them. How do you think all these hollywood big shots got all those women?
All the women that accused Trump of harassment/rape are in the movie industry and are lying? Really?
If you don't understand that touching a woman who told you not to and touching a woman who allows it is different, then I wonder about your sanity. Actually I think you know the difference but are just trying to score political points. I said in my post that I don't condone either behavior. I have lived a moral life with one woman by my side.

Per his own words, he doesn’t wait to find out. It can’t be any more clear.

How would this “Van Pastor test” work in that scenario? The women clearly didn’t want to be part of his behavior, as he does stuff without asking.

Is the first grab Free, until it’s established that the woman doesn’t want any part of it? It’s pretty clear that 17+ women have accused Trump of doing exactly what he said he does. Only, there’s no way they gave consent- because he just went for it without asking or communicating first.

That, my friend, is the very definition of sexual assault.

Your hypocrisy becomes more refined every day you post. You continually amaze me- but not in good ways.

I’d love to hear you refute what I said above re: Lewandowski’s behavior vs Trump’s behavior.
If Barack Obama touched women who accepted it I would not call him a harasser. Let's be clear about who these women are that Trump was talking about. They are women in the movie industry or want to be there. Therefore they allow men to touch them. How do you think all these hollywood big shots got all those women?

So, the women on the airplane that Trump tried to finger $uck “allowed it”???

You really need to stop trying to defend the guy. He’s indefensible. And it’s not like he’s repented in some way. He’s possibly even a bigger @sshole now than he was before. If that’s possible.
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You saw the quote yourself. These women allow men to use them so they can get a part or be near power. As I said before I don't condone sex outside. It is wrong. But you can't say someone is being harassed if they allow it.

I really don't like to besmirch people,especially fellow IU fans.But do you really not comprehend the difference between the females Trump offhandedly referred to while bragging to Billy Bush (and Howard Stern,as well) and the women who came forward to tell their own stories/experiences with Trump in light of that tape being aired?

This woman is in her 70's and is somebody's Grandma...

Jessica Leeds (early 1980s)
The allegation: Leeds said Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt when she was seated next to him in first class on a flight in the early 1980s. “He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

Afterward, she fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

After Leeds went public, Trump mocked her at a campaign rally, suggesting she wasn’t attractive enough to sexually harass. “Yeah, I’m gonna go after — believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you,” he said.

Since then: “It is hard to reconcile that Harvey Weinstein could be brought down with this, and [President] Trump just continues to be the Teflon Don,” Leeds told the Washington Post a year after she first came forward.

In December 2017, Leeds and several other Trump accusers held a press conference and appeared on Megyn Kelly Today. She recalledthat she encountered Trump at a fundraising gala in New York three years after the airplane incident. “And he says, ‘I remember you, you were that [she does air quotes] woman from the airplane.’ He called me the worst name ever.” She confirmed to Kelly that the word was “****.”



WATCH: “He called me the worst name ever.” Jessica Leeds recalls meeting Trump a few years after alleged groping incident on plane

9:41 AM - Dec 11, 2017

Leeds also said she would be interested in providing a deposition in the Zervos defamation suit. “I would do it — I’m not afraid,” Leeds said.
I really don't like to besmirch people,especially fellow IU fans.But do you really not comprehend the difference between the females Trump offhandedly referred to while bragging to Billy Bush (and Howard Stern,as well) and the women who came forward to tell their own stories/experiences with Trump in light of that tape being aired?

This woman is in her 70's and is somebody's Grandma...

Jessica Leeds (early 1980s)
The allegation: Leeds said Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt when she was seated next to him in first class on a flight in the early 1980s. “He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

Afterward, she fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

After Leeds went public, Trump mocked her at a campaign rally, suggesting she wasn’t attractive enough to sexually harass. “Yeah, I’m gonna go after — believe me, she would not be my first choice, that I can tell you,” he said.

Since then: “It is hard to reconcile that Harvey Weinstein could be brought down with this, and [President] Trump just continues to be the Teflon Don,” Leeds told the Washington Post a year after she first came forward.

In December 2017, Leeds and several other Trump accusers held a press conference and appeared on Megyn Kelly Today. She recalledthat she encountered Trump at a fundraising gala in New York three years after the airplane incident. “And he says, ‘I remember you, you were that [she does air quotes] woman from the airplane.’ He called me the worst name ever.” She confirmed to Kelly that the word was “****.”



WATCH: “He called me the worst name ever.” Jessica Leeds recalls meeting Trump a few years after alleged groping incident on plane

9:41 AM - Dec 11, 2017

Leeds also said she would be interested in providing a deposition in the Zervos defamation suit. “I would do it — I’m not afraid,” Leeds said.
Sure you're not overthinking this?

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You saw the quote yourself. These women allow men to use them so they can get a part or be near power. As I said before I don't condone sex outside. It is wrong. But you can't say someone is being harassed if they allow it.
Van, I’m a Republican (still) and I feel no need whatever to defend Trump as a person. He’s an awful person. What he said just isn’t defensible. He said he liked to sexually assault women and they’d put up with it because he’s a celebrity. There is no defense for that statement, and there are too many women that have come forward to believe he didn’t actually do it. It’s reasonable to defend something he’s done as President, as I will when appropriate, but the man is who he is - a man of exceptionally poor character.
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He said he liked to sexually assault women and they’d put up with it because he’s a celebrity. There is no defense for that statement, and there are too many women that have come forward to believe he didn’t actually do it. ...but the man is who he is - a man of exceptionally poor character.
I almost feel sorry for people like VPM, people who sold their votes -- if not their souls -- to the devil in exchange for a Supreme Court justice. In doing so, they have brought shame upon themselves and upon our country, and are forced to put themselves up to public ridicule in their attempts to justify having done so.

Note I said "almost".
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I almost feel sorry for people like VPM, people who sold their votes -- if not their souls -- to the devil in exchange for a Supreme Court justice. In doing so, they have brought shame upon themselves and upon our country, and are forced to put themselves up to public ridicule in their attempts to justify having done so.

Note I said "almost".
I'm happy with the Supreme Court Justice too. However, that doesn't make Trump, the man, any less despicable.
Van, I’m a Republican (still) and I feel no need whatever to defend Trump as a person. He’s an awful person. What he said just isn’t defensible. He said he liked to sexually assault women and they’d put up with it because he’s a celebrity. There is no defense for that statement, and there are too many women that have come forward to believe he didn’t actually do it. It’s reasonable to defend something he’s done as President, as I will when appropriate, but the man is wo he is - a man of exceptionally poor character.
Slight adjustment to that. I believe what Trump was in essence saying on the Access Hollywood recording is that nothing he does is sexual assault. He's the greatest pussy grabber ever. All women want him to. Even Zeke.
I'm happy with the Supreme Court Justice too. However, that doesn't make Trump, the man, any less despicable.
But, you didn't vote for him simply to get the kind of justice you wanted, no matter how despicable he is otherwise.
But, you didn't vote for him simply to get the kind of justice you wanted, no matter how despicable he is otherwise.
No I didn't. I couldn't vote tor him. That doesn't mean I don't understand the reasoning of many people that did vote for him. I do, and I think many of them just held their nose and pulled the lever for him as the lesser of two evils as far as they were concerned.
I do, and I think many of them just held their nose and pulled the lever for him as the lesser of two evils as far as they were concerned.
That otherwise reasonable people could make that sort of "weighted" decision and pull the lever for Trump is what baffles me still.
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That otherwise reasonable people could make that sort of "weighted" decision and pull the lever for Trump is what baffles me still.
It's not all that baffling. I'm sure you know some people that did it. People make their own decisions and they're rational to them.
You saw the quote yourself. These women allow men to use them so they can get a part or be near power. As I said before I don't condone sex outside. It is wrong. But you can't say someone is being harassed if they allow it.
Take all that is deplorable in Trump supporters, then garb it in Christian piety, and you have Republican Jesus.

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