Legal challenges to Trump funding freezes--will the elimination of Chevron deference limit Trump's goal?

Trump hasn’t read project 2025. Come on. After consideration I suspect I’m sort of right. Instead of trump playing golf and not giving a shit he probably said buy my way in and do whatever you want. I don’t give a shit

It's amazing how naive you are. Of course Trump didn't read it. He doesn't read anything.

But he turned over the apparatus of his administration to the people that wrote it. Just as was predicted. That'll tickle the pickles of all the hard right cranks/dweebs that usually only wet dream about getting that kind of power. It's the mirror of the Squad.
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It's amazing how naive you are. Of course Trump didn't read it. He doesn't read anything.

But he turned over the apparatus of his administration to the people that wrote it. Just as was predicted. That'll tickle the pickles of all the hard right cranks/dweebs that usually only wet dream about getting that kind of power. It's the mirror of the Squad.

I’m guessing his impoundment move isn’t going to last long - although it could be an interesting court case…just in terms of the civics aspect of separation of powers.

That said, given the fiscal situation, I can’t say I’d be opposed in principle to anything which would help get expenditures down.

Along those lines, count me in on the voluntary severance packages they’re offering on the return-to-work policy.
I’m guessing his impoundment move isn’t going to last long - although it could be an interesting court case…just in terms of the civics aspect of separation of powers.

How do you think any govt funding bill ever gets passed in an era of Presidential impoundment? He's set himself up for some big time problems right out of the gate
Nobody will take those other than people already planning to retire anyway.

And are they actually trying to cut jobs, or are these people just going to be replaced by Trump loyalists, so for the next eight months we will be paying two people for the same job?

Seems to me you could achieve greater net savings simply through normal attrition. Of course, that doesn't create any media buzz, so probably wasn't considered.
And are they actually trying to cut jobs, or are these people just going to be replaced by Trump loyalists, so for the next eight months we will be paying two people for the same job?

Well what, like nearly half of Fed jobs are in DoD, right? I doubt they even qualify for this. Saw that DOD was exempt from the hiring freeze. So yeah anyone who would quit on that half would probably just get backfilled. So you're paying for two jobs at once.

DHS I assume will be on a hiring binge to fill out the deportation force.

So then you're talking about the other maybe 40% of govt?
Seems to me you could achieve greater net savings simply through normal attrition. Of course, that doesn't create any media buzz, so probably wasn't considered.
I don’t think media buzz is the objective. It’s to thin the herd. Like Twitter. Whether someone takes the severance obviously depends on their situation. Unless you were a recent hire it’s really not that attractive. That said fed ees have protections beyond at will so mass dumps could become a mess if there’s a bunch of people who say no
How do you think any govt funding bill ever gets passed in an era of Presidential impoundment? He's set himself up for some big time problems right out of the gate
It’s not as if they’ve been passing easily in an era without presidential impoundment.

And, besides, we went close to 200 years with it in place, fought several wars, etc.

That said, if Congress was going to restore it to any degree, I doubt he’s the one that’s going to talk them into it. So there’s that.

But I just think that, generally, it could help with nibbling some edges. No more than that, though.
Or those who don’t want to physically return to work. We’ll see how it plays out, but I’d guess there will be a fairly good number of those.

Maybe some lowly like GS5 making $50k will say screw it, I'll go to work elsewhere. But hard to see career people leaving just over having to go back to office full time. Maybe some of the full remote jobs where it's not tenable for them
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Maybe some lowly like GS5 making $50k will say screw it, I'll go to work elsewhere. But hard to see career people leaving just over having to go back to office full time. Maybe some of the full remote jobs where it's not tenable for them
Time will tell. Should be interesting to watch unfold. From what I read, it’s been offered to 2 million federal employees.
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It’s not as if they’ve been passing easily in an era without presidential impoundment.

And, besides, we went close to 200 years with it in place, fought several wars, etc.

That said, if Congress was going to restore it to any degree, I doubt he’s the one that’s going to talk them into it. So there’s that.

But I just think that, generally, it could help with nibbling some edges. No more than that, though.

Sure. Republicans can't pass govt funding bills on their own. That's known.

I just don't see how now you can get Dems to buy into anything funding related, if what they pass is just going to not be executed. Things are setting up for a big hot mess and it's coming in like a month.
Sure. Republicans can't pass govt funding bills on their own. That's known.

I just don't see how now you can get Dems to buy into anything funding related, if what they pass is just going to not be executed. Things are setting up for a big hot mess and it's coming in like a month.
Keep in mind that they can use reconciliation once a year on tax/spending bills. And I believe that law allows for a second time under some circumstances.

They’ll certainly need to use it to extend TCJA. So I think the aim has been to try to get both into one bill.
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Keep in mind that they can use reconciliation once a year on tax/spending bills. And I believe that law allows for a second time under some circumstances.

They’ll certainly need to use it to extend TCJA. So I think the aim has been to try to get both into one bill.

A reconciliation bill is not a govt appropriation bill. Cannot do the annual govt funding via reconciliation
A reconciliation bill is not a govt appropriation bill. Cannot do the annual govt funding via reconciliation
Oh you were referring back to the impoundment.

As I said, my read on this is that Trump is hoping to get the courts to invalidate the ICA. Because it doesn’t give him the authority to do what he just did - and the law has never been tested in the courts.

I expect that he will not be successful in getting them to do that. If he wants impoundment back, Congress is going to have to give it to him. And that, also, isn’t going to happen.
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And Arby's has the MEATS!
Hot Dog Face GIF
I think the intent here is to shrink headcount.

Possibly but I wouldn't be shocked if the hidden goal is bringing in as many loyalists as possible.

With relocation expenses and likely expenses for extra offices needed in order to bring people back into an office, this isn't likely to be a budget friendly decision.
Possibly but I wouldn't be shocked if the hidden goal is bringing in as many loyalists as possible.

With relocation expenses and likely expenses for extra offices needed in order to bring people back into an office, this isn't likely to be a budget friendly decision.
Two million. Those are apolitical jobs for the most part
I'm not going to click on the link...

I learned that lesson the hard way which was "Never click on a link that your online gaming friends from Europe post in Teamspeak".

At first it was grand. Two of my favorite things, hot chick and chocolate cake. It went south in a hurry by combining two words that should never be spoken together...Cake and Fart. I have seen that which cannot be unseen.
He’s reviewing a stack of fed ee resumes
If I need to I will perform this service for my country.

"Also, Tommy, see that board up there. Do you see youR name on it? No? Because that's the top 10 Tommy and you're not in it. In fact, wait for it, wait, still scrolling....Oh, there you are! Third from the bottom. You know what happens to third from the bottom Tommy? DO YOU WATCH PREMIER LEAGUE FOOTBALL TOMMY? THEN YOU DAMN WELL KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. You'll be busted back down to taking Medicare calls from geriatrics and listening to their stories about their grandkids. Is that what you want Tommy? IS IT?"
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I don’t think it matters. As long as it’s not a dei hire a clerk at VA isn’t a political job

The lady in kentucky that refused to give marriage licenses to gay people was in an apolitical job as well.

I think you're underestimating the desire and potential benefit of getting politically aligned people in positions regardless of the position being apolitical.
Blue Waffle?
The Russian guy with the bottles?

Nope...Goatse scarred me for sure. Had some guy who was mad at the Everquest Tholluxe Paells Server Forums for being banned and got ahold of the admin info and plasters those pics all over the main page and changed the password. Shocking for sure but I was able to quickly click away.

This one involved a hot chick who gets naked from the waist down using a chocolate cake as a prop. So your imagination kicks in with the obvious question "I wonder what she is going to do with that cake". Well, my 20 years ago imagination never landed on "sit on the cake and let loose a fart that would make a cow blush". I had to wash out my eyes with turpentine.
  • Haha
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The lady in kentucky that refused to give marriage licenses to gay people was in an apolitical job as well.

I think you're underestimating the desire and potential benefit of getting politically aligned people in positions regardless of the position being apolitical.
Well, that isn't true. Kim Davis was an elected County Clerk.

That said, a bureaucrat refusing to do their apolitical job correctly for political reasons - like Lois Lerner or whoever - is going to run into problems. That there are such people doesn't mean that the positions themselves aren't apolitical.
I think you're underestimating the desire and potential benefit of getting politically aligned people in positions regardless of the position being apolitical.

Since we're on the subject, and respective of your comment here, would you say the desire to have politically-aligned people in apolitical positions only a Trump thing, or does this apply to politicians in general?
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The lady in kentucky that refused to give marriage licenses to gay people was in an apolitical job as well.

I think you're underestimating the desire and potential benefit of getting politically aligned people in positions regardless of the position being apolitical.
The lion’s share of the jobs are apolitical because the work itself is apolitical
Nope...Goatse scarred me for sure. Had some guy who was mad at the Everquest Tholluxe Paells Server Forums for being banned and got ahold of the admin info and plasters those pics all over the main page and changed the password. Shocking for sure but I was able to quickly click away.

This one involved a hot chick who gets naked from the waist down using a chocolate cake as a prop. So your imagination kicks in with the obvious question "I wonder what she is going to do with that cake". Well, my 20 years ago imagination never landed on "sit on the cake and let loose a fart that would make a cow blush". I had to wash out my eyes with turpentine.
2G1C is the worst I've seen. I'm sure there's worse but I'm not seeking it out any longer. I remember the Best Gore days too. The narco wars finally put me off that. Savages.
Since we're on the subject, and respective of your comment here, would you say the desire to have politically-aligned people in apolitical positions only a Trump thing, or does this apply to politicians in general?
I'd say the desire is nearly universal. Trying to make it happen is probably unique to Trump.
Democrats ran a pretty effective smear campaign against it. And some of the more socially conservative aspects are out of step with the country.

But I don’t think the average voter gives a damn about unitary executive theory. And that where it looks like they’re pushing the hardest.
We had an entire thread about Project 2025 and most/all of our most prominent MAGA posters claimed it had nothing to do with President Trump because at the time candidate Trump was distancing himself from it.

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