Know the Enemy (week 1 - Iowa)


Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2017

My take:
Iowa's fans, for the most part, have appeared to be much, much, much..., more focused on their Iowa State matchup in week 2..., while just chalking up their Big Ten game with INDIANA up as a possibly tight but certain win... Here's hoping their football team has had the same mentality..., if so..., they're about to get a painful education as to why they should have worried about INDIANA FOOTBALL.... 😉🍺
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We compete for many of the same players so the better we are the more of those battles we win and vice versa. That is why cidsports is here giving history lessons and why Barta f’d us over last year.
I keep thinking of Days of Thunder when Tom Cruise tests Rowdy's car. Randy Quaid starts rattling off a bunch of info about him. Rowdy's crew chief turns to Robert Duvall and says "You got yourself a real statistician here." That's cidsports.
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Here's another breakdown of both teams by a pro-Iowa writer...

He's wrong about the outcome but that's to be expected... 😉
It is a good breakdown of the teams but he doesn't put enough emphasis of IU's transfers that I think are going to really enhance this offense and defense. It won't be long before we can stop this speculation and comment on how IU performe in the game.