Kent St. coach, Wichita St. v. UK


Nov 27, 2010
Anybody see who the Kent St. head coach is? I knew I had seen this Richard before, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I looked it up and, sure enough, it is Rob Senderoff. Hard to believe it has been 9 years: weird blast from the past.

I think Wichita St. takes down UK. I just get that vibe. Not impressed watching Northern Kentucky hang around with UK.
All I saw is that Archie Miller guy lost. So the Archie saves campaign can stop. Hallelujah
Clearly he did not watch the game or he is incapable of recognizing what a well coached team looks like. Miller's team looked really good! They played tenacious defense but were offensively challenged with the exception of Scoochie.

Now in saying that......Marshall is just an exceptional coach! He won the game in my opinion because of his acumen as a coach. I would love to see him at IU.

I would have no problems taking Archie Miller, his future is bright and he'll only get better.
I would take either at this point but if I had to choose I would pick Archie based on him being 15 years younger. I think either guy is going to be an amazing coach at Indiana and bring a lot of national prominence back to Indiana and puts us back in the discussion for a top destination. With that said, I want the younger of the two because he has a chance to be a coach at IU for as many as 30 years. I don't think Marshall is going to coach at a high level into his 80's.
Miller and Marshall are both very good coaches and IU would do very well with either guy
Anybody see who the Kent St. head coach is? I knew I had seen this Richard before, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I looked it up and, sure enough, it is Rob Senderoff. Hard to believe it has been 9 years: weird blast from the past.

I think Wichita St. takes down UK. I just get that vibe. Not impressed watching Northern Kentucky hang around with UK.
There's that obsession again.
There's that obsession again.
Marshall is one of the candidates for the IU job and they played in Indy. Their next game is UK. I am more interested in Wichita St. than UK right now. I watched many of the games yesterday, not just Wichita St. and UK.

Obsession? Says the guy constantly posting on the IU site. Northern Kentucky was within double digits at the end of the game: you have much, much more to worry about than IU right now. UK doesn't look much different from last year. I watched Wichita St. and Dayton, and I don't think UK gets by them.
Marshall is one of the candidates for the IU job and they played in Indy. Their next game is UK. I am more interested in Wichita St. than UK right now. I watched many of the games yesterday, not just Wichita St. and UK.

Obsession? Says the guy constantly posting on the IU site. Northern Kentucky was within double digits at the end of the game: you have much, much more to worry about than IU right now. UK doesn't look much different from last year. I watched Wichita St. and Dayton, and I don't think UK gets by them.
Marshall isn't making the lateral move you IU. You watched the games yesterday? How did IU look?
Well, when two good coaches play against each other, one typically has to lose.
that was a tough back and forth game.....and Wichita State is going to be a handfull for Kentucky.....They will leave it all on the floor.
Well, when two good coaches play against each other, one typically has to lose.

A couple years ago, Crean beat Calapari...........
Today one is coaching a top ten team in the tourney,
the other is looking for a job...go figure........
Marshall isn't making the lateral move you IU. You watched the games yesterday? How did IU look?
Lateral move?!? LOL, you are a f****** moron. The state of Indiana has a better recruiting base than Kentucky. I have lost count how many times the Indiana All Star team has beat Kentucky's. The state of Indiana is the state known for basketball, not Kentucky. Indiana is a sleeping giant that has intangibles Kentucky does not.

Seriously, why was Northern Kentucky able to keep the game within double digits? UK looked like dogs***. UK goes down against Wichita St.: I've got that feeling.....
Lateral move?!? LOL, you are a f****** moron. The state of Indiana has a better recruiting base than Kentucky. I have lost count how many times the Indiana All Star team has beat Kentucky's. The state of Indiana is the state known for basketball, not Kentucky. Indiana is a sleeping giant that has intangibles Kentucky does not.

Seriously, why was Northern Kentucky able to keep the game within double digits? UK looked like dogs***. UK goes down against Wichita St.: I've got that feeling.....
this game has trap written all over it.....
Lateral move?!? LOL, you are a f****** moron. The state of Indiana has a better recruiting base than Kentucky. I have lost count how many times the Indiana All Star team has beat Kentucky's. The state of Indiana is the state known for basketball, not Kentucky. Indiana is a sleeping giant that has intangibles Kentucky does not.

Seriously, why was Northern Kentucky able to keep the game within double digits? UK looked like dogs***. UK goes down against Wichita St.: I've got that feeling.....
Is Marshall leaving Wichita to coach high school? Strange the levels you have to sink to in order to feel good about yourself when you haven't been relevant since Reagan was president. Congrats on the great high school basketball. Enjoy your game tomorrow.
Is Marshall leaving Wichita to coach high school? Strange the levels you have to sink to in order to feel good about yourself when you haven't been relevant since Reagan was president. Congrats on the great high school basketball. Enjoy your game tomorrow.
IU was tied with UK in National Championships in the 90's despite IU playing in a much tougher conference, the NCAA only allowing the conference champion in the Tourney up until 1975, and the dirty advantages UK has had. Even Crean kicked UK's ass in the Tourney just last year: what is your excuse for that? When you have the intangibles that IU has, which include intangibles UK lacks and will never have, IU can always be back. Thanks for the concern, though. Believe me, I would never want IU's program to be like UK's, ever.

It will be fun watching a superior coach at a mid-major beat UK's ass tomorrow. Maybe I will go down the road and attend the game. When you live in a state that actually has professional sports facilities, you can do stuff like that.
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UK is nothing special this year. They look basically like they looked last year. Wichita St. is legit.
Nah Wichita St has played no one...They may win, but i doubt it..I think Sunday will be Marshall's last game as a shocker They have only beat 2 top 50 teams.26 wins vs teams from 100-200+.that 31-4 record is fools gold.

NO. 1-25 .... 26-50 ... 51-100 .... 101-200 ...201+
.......... 0-1 ........ 2-3 .......1-0 ......... 12-0 ........ 14-0
Did you enjoy it?
Had to wait for that one to be over with to come to an IU site to open your mouth, right? Lol. I am doubting you enjoyed watching a superior coach with lesser talent at a mid-major take things down to the wire. Seriously, I wish I could have seen your reaction sweating that one out: the UK fans on TV looked pretty frightened.

If Marshall comes to IU, it will be fun watching Cal duck IU even more than he already does. Cal has a hard enough time beating a Crean team.
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Had to wait for that one to be over with to come to an IU site to open your mouth, right? Lol. I am doubting you enjoyed watching a superior coach with lesser talent at a mid-major take things down to the wire. Seriously, I wish I could have seen your reaction sweating that one out: the UK fans on TV looked pretty frightened.

If Marshall comes to IU, it will be fun watching Cal duck IU even more than he already does. Cal has a hard enough time beating a Crean team.
No one is ducking IU, they are ducking their terrible fans who rushed the court and hurt many UK fans after a win in December. Did you frame your phonebook cover from that one? Cal offer to play IU in Indy but IU said no thanks.
No one is ducking IU, they are ducking their terrible fans who rushed the court and hurt many UK fans after a win in December. Did you frame your phonebook cover from that one? Cal offer to play IU in Indy but IU said no thanks.
Chickens***, plain and simple. We saw what happened last year in the Tourney: I think we can put your little theory to rest now.

The State of Indiana can use its professional sports facilities however it wants. I understand the State of Kentucky has no professional sports facilities: but, beggars can't be choosers.
Haha. Facility smack. That is what the mighty Whoosiers have been reduced to. Well, congrats for that, I guess.

We are off next week to watch the Cats in the Sweet 16. Not world beaters this year, for sure. But here we are with nations longest winning streak and playing in the S16. Things could be worse. We could be fighting over a has been college player and a mid major coach.

FTR, as a U.K. Fan, you guys are much more inclined for reemergence with Marshall. Alford is fools gold. Crean has a better resume. Without covering up rapists.
Haha. Facility smack. That is what the mighty Whoosiers have been reduced to. Well, congrats for that, I guess.

We are off next week to watch the Cats in the Sweet 16. Not world beaters this year, for sure. But here we are with nations longest winning streak and playing in the S16. Things could be worse. We could be fighting over a has been college player and a mid major coach.

FTR, as a U.K. Fan, you guys are much more inclined for reemergence with Marshall. Alford is fools gold. Crean has a better resume. Without covering up rapists.
Not smack, just fact. Indiana doesn't have to allow UK to use any of its facilities: UK isn't entitled to them.

Who said the coaching search was down to only Steve Alford and Gregg Marshall? Don't act like it is hard to win SEC games: it is a football conference.

I'd take Gregg Marshall over Calipari, both because Calipari is shady as they come and because he is the better coach. UMass was certainly a mid-major, and Memphis isn't much better: you do understand this is where Calipari came from? I don't think anybody in their right mind wants Alford as coach.
IU was tied with UK in National Championships in the 90's despite IU playing in a much tougher conference, the NCAA only allowing the conference champion in the Tourney up until 1975, and the dirty advantages UK has had. Even Crean kicked UK's ass in the Tourney just last year: what is your excuse for that? When you have the intangibles that IU has, which include intangibles UK lacks and will never have, IU can always be back. Thanks for the concern, though. Believe me, I would never want IU's program to be like UK's, ever.

It will be fun watching a superior coach at a mid-major beat UK's ass tomorrow. Maybe I will go down the road and attend the game. When you live in a state that actually has professional sports facilities, you can do stuff like that.
The SEC was great in the 80s and 90s. Can't use the last 10 years to relate to 20-30 years ago.
Not smack, just fact. Indiana doesn't have to allow UK to use any of its facilities: UK isn't entitled to them.

Who said the coaching search was down to only Steve Alford and Gregg Marshall? Don't act like it is hard to win SEC games: it is a football conference.

I'd take Gregg Marshall over Calipari, both because Calipari is shady as they come and because he is the better coach. UMass was certainly a mid-major, and Memphis isn't much better: you do understand this is where Calipari came from? I don't think anybody in their right mind wants Alford as coach.

Again, congrats on your facilities. You should be proud, I guess. Cling to whatever you can. Desperate times and all. Oh, and that "football conference" has as many teams in the S16 as the Big Ten. So, not really fitting your narrative there I don't think. How many basketball titles has B10 won in the last 25 years? How many has the SEC won?

It is pretty much the ongoing narrative both on the IU sites and in the press that these are the 2 logical progressions for the coaching vacancy. I guess you can throw A Miller in there as well who would be a decent option. But, all the house money is trending to Alford from what I can see on the outside. Even a report of an offer already. Unless you have Fred Glass on speed dial, you don't have a clue either and are guessing as well.

I will dismiss your Cal comment as you just being defensive since I did poke fun at IU on your board. I will only add that IU is the program most recently in major trouble with the NCAA. So, don't throw stones in Fred Glass' house. CTC wasn't the squeaky clean guy you all trumpeted either, and he still couldn't do anything of note. Except tweet out weird creepy things like " I have been thinking about you a lot" to a high school boy.

I did chuckle audibly at the Cal--Marshall comparison tho. Their HTH record speaks just fine for itself. I know since Cal has been at UK, Marshall has never beaten them. Elsewhere I don't really care. Marshall may be the better X&O guy, I wouldn't argue that, but hasn't fared to well for him so far HTH. IF he comes to IU, which is a big if, we will see how he does then against UK. But, the data doesn't lie. He can't hold a candle up to this point. And we don't need to even explore overall team success. That is a given also.
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Chickens***, plain and simple. We saw what happened last year in the Tourney: I think we can put your little theory to rest now.

The State of Indiana can use its professional sports facilities however it wants. I understand the State of Kentucky has no professional sports facilities: but, beggars can't be choosers.
First you brag about you high school ball and now your professional sports facilities. I notice no bragging about the Hoosiers. Tell me when is the last time any team in Indiana, college or pro, won a national championship?

Wow. What a burn. You got me there brotha. Can't even reply to the wittiness of your post.

If you care to refute any of the actual content, you know where I am at. If not, please continue with the third grade antics.

BTW, since you went there, you do realize IN has as much of a stigma with regard to the inbred southerner thing as KY does, right? You have to know that. Maybe not. Oh well. Please feel free to change another post for your amusement.
my sister wreaks of my dad


same stigma? not really. you must not know many folks outside of ol Kantuck. you also must not know that Indiana is in the mid-west and Kantuck is in the south. but cheaters are always getting their facts wrong.

in reality, i think Kentucky is a beautiful state and the folks who live there are pretty cool. just weird that you come here talking crap and then get butt hurt when it comes back to you.
Again, congrats on your facilities. You should be proud, I guess. Cling to whatever you can. Desperate times and all. Oh, and that "football conference" has as many teams in the S16 as the Big Ten. So, not really fitting your narrative there I don't think. How many basketball titles has B10 won in the last 25 years? How many has the SEC won?

It is pretty much the ongoing narrative both on the IU sites and in the press that these are the 2 logical progressions for the coaching vacancy. I guess you can throw A Miller in there as well who would be a decent option. But, all the house money is trending to Alford from what I can see on the outside. Even a report of an offer already. Unless you have Fred Glass on speed dial, you don't have a clue either and are guessing as well.

I will dismiss your Cal comment as you just being defensive since I did poke fun at IU on your board. I will only add that IU is the program most recently in major trouble with the NCAA. So, don't throw stones in Fred Glass' house. CTC wasn't the squeaky clean guy you all trumpeted either, and he still couldn't do anything of note. Except tweet out weird creepy things like " I have been thinking about you a lot" to a high school boy.

I did chuckle audibly at the Cal--Marshall comparison tho. Their HTH record speaks just fine for itself. I know since Cal has been at UK, Marshall has never beaten them. Elsewhere I don't really care. Marshall may be the better X&O guy, I wouldn't argue that, but hasn't fared to well for him so far HTH. IF he comes to IU, which is a big if, we will see how he does then against UK. But, the data doesn't lie. He can't hold a candle up to this point. And we don't need to even explore overall team success. That is a given also.
Once again, the professional sport facilities are Indiana's, not Kentucky's. UK isn't entitled to them. In context, I think it is funny that UK tries to rip IU as a program, even though Indiana as a state has intangibles that Kentucky and any other state lacks. There is literally nothing in Kentucky other than UK basketball: this is why your fan base and message boards are so toxic.

It is common knowledge that the SEC has always been a football conference with one basketball school (UK), whereas the Big 10 has always been a much tougher basketball conference. If you don't think this affects W's and L's or number of Titles (seeing is how the NCAA only allowed the Conference champ in the Tourney prior to 1975), you would be wrong.

Once again, you aren't on the BOT or Fred Glass. It is impossible for you to know who IU's coaching candidates are. I think you have shown who YOU would like them to be. Don't believe everything you read on the internet and the TV box, especially about Alford.

Calipari is a filthy coach with an NCAA rap sheet: I would never want him at IU, doesn't normally end well. Historically, UK and UCLA are the filthiest NCAA programs. It is at least debatable that Marshall is the better COACH, and Marshall very well may get his shot to show what he can do with the best players. Right now, you may as well be comparing Calipari at UMass to Pitino at UK: it is a little different with Calipari at UK and Pitino even at UL.
Marshall may be the better X&O guy, I wouldn't argue that, but hasn't fared to well for him so far HTH....the data doesn't lie. He can't hold a candle up to this point. And we don't need to even explore overall team success. That is a given also.

Hypothetical question, for your honest guess.

Imagine giving Calipari the WSU roster, giving Marshall the UK roster, and giving the coaches a month to work with their (new) players. Whom do you think would win if they played?

Hint: Cal rolls out the basketballs, teaches a few basic defensive principles, and then lets the players play. Marshall actually coaches, on the other hand, offense, defense, situational awareness, EVERYTHING. Players develop. The whole EXCEEDS the sum of the parts.

It would be like Bum Phillips once said about Don Shula: "He can take hisn's and beat your-uns, then if he wanted to he can take your-uns and beat hisn's"

In this case Cal has such overwhelmingly more talent that he can win a close one, so Marshall can't take hisn's and beat your-uns, but IMO he surely COULD then take your-uns and beat hisn's, and EASILY, rather than with great difficulty.
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Hypothetical question, for your honest guess.

Imagine giving Calipari the WSU roster, giving Marshall the UK roster, and giving the coaches a month to work with their (new) players. Whom do you think would win if they played?

Hint: Cal rolls out the basketballs, teaches a few basic defensive principles, and then lets the players play. Marshall actually coaches, on the other hand, offense, defense, situational awareness, EVERYTHING. Players develop. The whole EXCEEDS the sum of the parts.

It would be like Bum Phillips once said about Don Shula: "He can take hisn's and beat your-uns, then if he wanted to he can take your-uns and beat hisn's"

In this case Cal has such overwhelmingly more talent that he can win a close one, so Marshall can't take hisn's and beat your-uns, but IMO he surely COULD then take your-uns and beat hisn's, and EASILY, rather than with great difficulty.

Late reply, but better than never.

I will answer with my completely honest opinion. Regardless what you think, it is my true opinion.

In short, the answer to your question is no. GM could not beat Cal with the positions reversed. It is not entirely what you may be thinking tho. I do believe GM MAY be the better X & O guy. At least that is debatable.

Where I believe GM would falter would be exactly what you said--Cal is the master at getting these young studs to buy in and play together. Even as a Hoosier, I would assume we could agree with that. Especially given the time frame you offered--one month--there is no way GM could have them playing together as a unit and at their optimal individual and team strength.

If you changed the argument slightly, say change Cal & GM's lineups for 2 years? Maybe that is a time frame where there would be an advantage to a possibly superior in game coach. Honestly, my opinion is that it still wouldn't matter.

You guys, and I mean that in the broad sense--ostensibly "the haters", like to brand Cal as a roll the balls out kinda guy. That is completely untrue in many ways. There is some slight truth to it in that he has realized that with the elite super talented players you actually hold them back trying to force them into complicated offense and defensive schemes. Especially if you only have them for a season. He realized that you work their ass off on MTM defense and multiple offensive Options out of motion. Anything else actually backfires. You can overdo these things--see Coach K this year with pretty much unarguably the best class ever assembled. It was too much for him b/c he has never had to deal with that before. Not that many young guys and at that level.

So, there you go. Not the answer you were searching for. But, you do realize that Cal has been the mid-major route and he has coached up the same type talent as GM. With that similar type talent he had BETTER results. UMass & Memphis were not talent juggernauts. They were very similar in most years to WSU.

I do appreciate the opportunity to educate you silly Whoosiers tho. Thanks for the opportunity. I did also chuckle at the assertion that Cal is so sleazy. Talk about Kettle---Black. Weren't you guys just on probation?Didnt Sampson get run out of NCAA after cheating so badly at IU? Didn't you just fire that creeper of a coach Crean? Who several times was borderline on NCAA violations. That AAU pipeline was working for awhile there, huh? And he still couldn't do anything with the talent he did get. Alas, that's why he is driving his creeper rape van off into the sunset. Sayonara my once blue-blood friends. Someday we may meet again. But, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Chickens***, plain and simple. We saw what happened last year in the Tourney: I think we can put your little theory to rest now.

The State of Indiana can use its professional sports facilities however it wants. I understand the State of Kentucky has no professional sports facilities: but, beggars can't be choosers.
I dont give a ish about pro sports..I love CBB