Jussie Smollett attacked: Empire star assaulted in Chicago in suspected hate crime

I think you are inaccurately remembering the OJ outrage. People were pissed, not only at the outcome, but by the judicial system flaws.
There were a large number of people that openly cheered the not guilty verdict, knowing full well he might have done it. They just liked that the verdict was stickin' it to The Man.
Remember when Foxx “recused” herself? Well, it turns out they were using that word “colloquially”(wtf?), not officially, and she didn’t actually recuse herself.

She publicly admits to sacrificing this Joe guy so that she didn't have to take the "beating that would come"? Amusing choice of words in any event.

Pffft....Jussie and his legal team are superheroes. Faster than closed circuit cameras. More powerful than signed depositions and confessions. Able to leap mountains of evidence in a single bound. He will keep using the amazing power of his lies to create Truth and's the American way.

I have no doubt had it been Jussie in red, no matter the outcome, the story would be he beat him with one rope tied around his neck while enduring chants of "This is MAGA country!!!" from the crowd.
My very hard working President called this sissy a third rate actor. :p
I didn't think it was offensive either. I relished the opportunity to call you on your bullshit. But I guess the mods thought differently, which is their right. No reason to get all butthurt over it. C'est la vie.

Elite globalist. Using all these fancy foreign words. No wonder Trump fans despise folks like yourself.
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Jussie Smollett lawyers: Even if actor faked attack, cops didn’t need to investigate it so vigorously

But even if he did, “The filing of a police report, in and of itself, does not necessitate a sprawling investigation nor does it, as a practical matter, usually result in an investigation as extensive as the one the CPD chose to undertake in this case,” the motion says.

“ ... The City has failed to allege that Mr. Smollett was similarly ‘well aware’ that his statements to police would result in 1,836 hours of police overtime, or any other reasons why he should have known this would have been the case.

Jussie Smollett lawyers: Even if actor faked attack, cops didn’t need to investigate it so vigorously

But even if he did, “The filing of a police report, in and of itself, does not necessitate a sprawling investigation nor does it, as a practical matter, usually result in an investigation as extensive as the one the CPD chose to undertake in this case,” the motion says.

“ ... The City has failed to allege that Mr. Smollett was similarly ‘well aware’ that his statements to police would result in 1,836 hours of police overtime, or any other reasons why he should have known this would have been the case.

Nah, you're not obsessed.
Jussie Smollett lawyers: Even if actor faked attack, cops didn’t need to investigate it so vigorously

But even if he did, “The filing of a police report, in and of itself, does not necessitate a sprawling investigation nor does it, as a practical matter, usually result in an investigation as extensive as the one the CPD chose to undertake in this case,” the motion says.

“ ... The City has failed to allege that Mr. Smollett was similarly ‘well aware’ that his statements to police would result in 1,836 hours of police overtime, or any other reasons why he should have known this would have been the case.

You seem to have above average intelligence. Why do you dwell on this story?
Chicago and the ridiculous overreaction of the left
What ridiculous overreaction? Perhaps I'm a bit provincial, and my view of the left is clouded by what I see on this forum, but I didn't see any overreaction from the left. I saw a shit ton of overreaction from the right. But the left here was almost entirely in "wait-and-see" mode.
You seem to have above average intelligence. Why do you dwell on this story?

Chicago and the ridiculous overreaction of the left
You are so obsessed with this minor story, it’s really amusing. As soon as I saw it had been brought back up, I knew exactly who had done it. The left ridiculous overreaction? I think you’re the one that’s overreacting . But I’ll be sure to check back and see the latest in five years when you’re still posting about what some actor most people had never heard of until this event has done.
It is minor to the left because it was outed. The reason people on the right are interested in it is because the media ran (again) with sensationalized headlines and how Trump incited this attack. The media was running the white supremacy of the MAGA mantra and poor Smollett got caught in it because he was black. He added the MAGA thing knowing the media would run with it. After 72 hours of look at what Trump did, the damage, even though fake, was done.

These past three years will be remembered for the tweets of Trump AND equally the tactics the Democrats and left have deployed to negate an election.

All that has been accomplished is a hardening of positions in gun law, a massive desire to address Roe vs Wade, and a deep desire to uncover less than good actors within the Federal Govt who abused power. The damage to a biased media is unrepairable to at least half the United States. Even the elderly now know we do not have a media free of bias. Accomplishments or damage? The fact the left can’t become concerned when they KNOW something like Smollett or even the Messing mess or Milano dribble is a detriment to their cause can’t bring themselves to criticize it. Does anyone think Messing and company were not speaking of lists? Come on get real.....

However I will say, it is nice to see that things have quieted a bit on the board but ..... the reports are due aren’t they? Let’s see.... what are the odds you guys won’t believe the findings? LOL
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... what are the odds you guys won’t believe the findings? LOL

Going back to read the first page of the thread, several people on here of all political persuasions thought the story sounded fishy from the get-go and thought a wait-and-see approach was wise.

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