Ivanka just announced the end of Reaganism

Trade barriers are counterproductive but the tax code could be made a lot fairer so the rich like Trump paid at a much greater rate than I presume he does (we don't know what the hell he pays since he won't release his tax returns).

I thought transparency was important to republicans, or does it just depend on who's in office? Like the definition of torture? Let's see those returns. That's two candidates in a row who won't release them. Men of the people.
Her speech after the last primary was pretty powerful. They are both going to try to goad each other into losing their tempers in the debates. I think the moderators will be a factor too. Hopefully he will actually get pushed for specifics instead of telling is he's going to do away with ISIS, make America Great and all that nonsense.
"...moderators will be a factor"? Moderators are not supposed to be a factor you know? Like good referees, if you see them out of uniform you shouldn't even recognize them. Are Dems depending on moderators being factors? Because they are part of your campaign and you need them on your side? Let's not. I'd like to see debates with just the two candidates and only a time keeper who holds up signs about time left and who never says a single word through out the entire debate. Its not about moderators and it should be structured in such a way that they cannot help the Dems.
Look, if I were judging a round at a forensics competition, he'd get pretty low marks. It was poorly structured, and the delivery was a little monotone, so to speak. But politically, he took a speech full of red meat for his base, and interspersed lines intended to appeal to everyone from minorities to Berniecrats. Following on the heels of Ivanka's speech, I think it was a pretty big pivot, and a politically brilliant one. He had his base chanting his name in favor of liberal ideas.

Look, we all know there is only one way Trump wins this: don't disillusion his own crazy nutjob base while finding a way to appeal to various moderate-to-liberal groups that hate Hillary. Tonight's speech was written to do just that.
Now that peaks my interest. "Moderate to liberal groups that hate Hillary" ? Who would you count among such groups? Independents are leaning far over to Trump now, but I don't think that's who you meant. You meant identify groups like coal miners, steelworkers and like that, didn't you. But who's on your list. Very interesting.
Look, if I were judging a round at a forensics competition, he'd get pretty low marks. It was poorly structured, and the delivery was a little monotone, so to speak. But politically, he took a speech full of red meat for his base, and interspersed lines intended to appeal to everyone from minorities to Berniecrats. Following on the heels of Ivanka's speech, I think it was a pretty big pivot, and a politically brilliant one. He had his base chanting his name in favor of liberal ideas.

Look, we all know there is only one way Trump wins this: don't disillusion his own crazy nutjob base while finding a way to appeal to various moderate-to-liberal groups that hate Hillary. Tonight's speech was written to do just that.

Not disagreeing but how do you suppose he'd disillusion his own nutjob voter base if he hasn't already? He could shoot anyone on 5th Ave, after all...
My guess is the majority of posters haven't claimed bankruptcy four times! But the Donald.. He knows money.
Man are you ignorant on bankruptcy. Go start hundreds of companies and see if you fail once or twice.
"...moderators will be a factor"? Moderators are not supposed to be a factor you know? Like good referees, if you see them out of uniform you shouldn't even recognize them. Are Dems depending on moderators being factors? Because they are part of your campaign and you need them on your side? Let's not. I'd like to see debates with just the two candidates and only a time keeper who holds up signs about time left and who never says a single word through out the entire debate. Its not about moderators and it should be structured in such a way that they cannot help the Dems.

I think that the "mods being a factor" refers to the mods pinning the candidates down on specifics. You know, substance over style.

If that happens, Trump will be in trouble. Because he has no identifiable plans at this point. And he's been all over the place on multiple positions.

Hillary, by contrast, sometimes seems to be too detailed in her plans and approach.

I'd much rather have too much detail than not enough, personally.
Man are you ignorant on bankruptcy. Go start hundreds of companies and see if you fail once or twice.
Ha... You like to throw out that word a lot. I've heard both Mark Cuban and Warren Buffett speak to that. And also to the Donald's thousands of lawsuits. But I'm pretty sure they are ignorant in business too. Just ask you. Or the Donald.
I think that the "mods being a factor" refers to the mods pinning the candidates down on specifics. You know, substance over style.

If that happens, Trump will be in trouble. Because he has no identifiable plans at this point. And he's been all over the place on multiple positions.

Hillary, by contrast, sometimes seems to be too detailed in her plans and approach.

I'd much rather have too much detail than not enough, personally.
That's exactly what I mean. Like last night, immediately after Trump said there would be no lies told here, he started lying. It doesn't do much good to talk about it the next day. The lie is already in people's minds. He has to be nailed right there. But Hillary can do it also. And no Ladoga, I'm not depending on the mods. I'm depending on the Donald's total ignorance on policy and lack of decency to once again show itself to the public.
That's exactly what I mean. Like last night, immediately after Trump said there would be no lies told here, he started lying. It doesn't do much good to talk about it the next day. The lie is already in people's minds. He has to be nailed right there. But Hillary can do it also.
That will be an interesting tightrope for Clinton to walk. In a lot of people's minds, she's not got a leg to stand on when it comes to honesty. And you can be sure The Donald will be ready to play to that notion at every turn.
I just saw where Trump brought up again that a credible news source, the National Enquirer, is showing Ted Cruz's father helped Lee Harvey Oswald with Kennedy's assassination. Fox News showed Trump holding the paper up with Ted's supposed father beside Oswald. Trump sure is a "classy" guy.
I just saw where Trump brought up again that a credible news source, the National Enquirer, is showing Ted Cruz's father helped Lee Harvey Oswald with Kennedy's assassination. Fox News showed Trump holding the paper up with Ted's supposed father beside Oswald. Trump sure is a "classy" guy.
Yup. And Pense had to stand there and watch the spectacle.

There's a price for selling out.
Ha... You like to throw out that word a lot. I've heard both Mark Cuban and Warren Buffett speak to that. And also to the Donald's thousands of lawsuits. But I'm pretty sure they are ignorant in business too. Just ask you. Or the Donald.
You don't need to ask me. It is quite clear that you have very little business acumen. There are literally a hundred things that you can rip on Trump about, and yet I see you repeatedly pick on business bankruptcies, that quite frankly don't amount to a hill of beans. Just once I would like for you to be honest, and rip on your side. Lord knows, there are hundreds on that side to.
You don't need to ask me. It is quite clear that you have very little business acumen. There are literally a hundred things that you can rip on Trump about, and yet I see you repeatedly pick on business bankruptcies, that quite frankly don't amount to a hill of beans. Just once I would like for you to be honest, and rip on your side. Lord knows, there are hundreds on that side to.
Please notify me when you rip on your side. And please share your business acumen that would give you a better comprehension than Buffett and Mark Cuban, whom as I said and you conveniently ignored, have both criticized Trump's business dealings, bankruptcies, and multiple lawsuits.
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Please notify me when you rip on your side. And please share your business acumen that would give you a better comprehension than Buffett and Mark Cuban, whom as I said and you conveniently ignored, have both criticized Trump's business dealings, bankruptcies, and multiple lawsuits.
Who cares what 2 people say, one of which is left of you. I know when you start dozens and dozens of companies, bankruptcies and lawsuits are a part of the business. But of course, since you are supporting HRC, you are not honest enough to see that, are you?
Who cares what 2 people say, one of which is left of you. I know when you start dozens and dozens of companies, bankruptcies and lawsuits are a part of the business. But of course, since you are supporting HRC, you are not honest enough to see that, are you?
Well, I'd think those two might know a little more about business than say, you, or me. Cuban was originally open to Trump , and he certainly isn't liberal. He specifically spoke about the lawsuits and said it was an extraordinary number. So let's review....I'm ignorant because I don't think thousands of lawsuits and multiple bankruptcies is a good example of ways to run a business ( and for the record, I don't think constantly stiffing people is a great idea either, but that's just me). Mark Cuban and Warren Buffett , both of whom are billionaire businessmen, but they must be ignorant too, since they have remarked about both. But his opinion must be listened to, because he is both bipartisan and a better businessman. Sound about right?
Well, I'd think those two might know a little more about business than say, you, or me. Cuban was originally open to Trump , and he certainly isn't liberal. He specifically spoke about the lawsuits and said it was an extraordinary number. So let's review....I'm ignorant because I don't think thousands of lawsuits and multiple bankruptcies is a good example of ways to run a business ( and for the record, I don't think constantly stiffing people is a great idea either, but that's just me). Mark Cuban and Warren Buffett , both of whose are billionaire businessmen, but they must be ignorant too, since they have remarked about both. But his opinion must be listened to, because he is both bipartisan and a better businessman. Sound about right?
They have their opinion, and I have mine. They are good at what they do, and don't like Trump. Big deal.

Go look into any company with 10 billion in revenue (according to CNN Money), and tell me there are not lawsuits all the time. I get class action lawsuits in the mail every week, usually from very well thought of companies. If I act, I may get $3.53 cents back, hardly worth my time. But it is a lawsuit....
Well, I'd think those two might know a little more about business than say, you, or me. Cuban was originally open to Trump , and he certainly isn't liberal. He specifically spoke about the lawsuits and said it was an extraordinary number. So let's review....I'm ignorant because I don't think thousands of lawsuits and multiple bankruptcies is a good example of ways to run a business ( and for the record, I don't think constantly stiffing people is a great idea either, but that's just me). Mark Cuban and Warren Buffett , both of whom are billionaire businessmen, but they must be ignorant too, since they have remarked about both. But his opinion must be listened to, because he is both bipartisan and a better businessman. Sound about right?

A couple of things you overlooked

The construction business attracts litigation. Construction litigation is a specialty many lawyers claim. Not all business sectors have a lawyer litigation specialty attached to it. As far as I know, the bankruptcies all concerned Trump's efforts to be part of rejuvenating Atlantic City. That failed. Too many competing Indian casinos is probably the biggest reason. Maybe Trump ought to get some credit for at least taking some risks on Atlantic City in the first place.

In addition Trump actually OPERATES his businesses in his name, or some company name. This also increases the litigation volume. Buffet is an investor. Cuban operated a few and invests in others. I think the only business Cuban operates now is the Mavericks. That said, Trump does brag about being litigious, so there is that. But that follows that he works in areas with many areas ripe for potential litigation.
They have their opinion, and I have mine. They are good at what they do, and don't like Trump. Big deal.

Go look into any company with 10 billion in revenue (according to CNN Money), and tell me there are not lawsuits all the time. I get class action lawsuits in the mail every week, usually from very well thought of companies. If I act, I may get $3.53 cents back, hardly worth my time. But it is a lawsuit....

Trump has more lawsuits filed than the next 5 real estate developers of his size COMBINED.

It's the way he operates his businesses...he hires contractors, doesn't pay them what he agrees to, then dares them to sue him. He then engulfs mom and pop business with lawyers until they reneg and take less for their work, or go under. It's not an unusual practice in the construction world, there are shady developers here in downtown Indy that have been doing the same thing recently.
Trump sues everyone, which should be interesting when his "boy" Putin doesn't behave the way he wants him to:

And this is why Schwartz feels Trump is unqualified to be the President:

And this...

And this...

And this...
The last story is just because republicans are all about bootstraps and free markets

Edit: removed first link
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At the RNC.

To thunderous applause.

That was a helluva speech, but her ability takes a back seat to how fascinating this is at the moment.
I scratched my head when she talked about childcare. The govt has no business providing childcare unless you want to lower taxes so parents can have extra money to pay for it. I am usually in favor of lower taxes so the people can have freedom to do with their own money what they want. I've got four kids and my wife and I worked around it with the kids. I worked when she was off and vice versa. Now it is true that single parent households don't have that teamwork like me and my wife had when the kids were little. But that is the thing that really sucks about being a single parent. You are trying to do a two person job alone.