It's Walz.

The Devil is after all of us. He is called the god of this age and has his plan on how things will turn out. But we Christians have hope because we have read the back of the book. God wins in the end. One thing we can't do is ever ever....I say it again ever give up. Most people don't believe like these people do with all the different subjects such as trans ideology and removing all guns from the country.
Perfectly stated. I pray for Dems every day. To open their ears. To open their eyes. To open their minds. To be humble enough to learn from us. One day…. Never give up
The Devil is after all of us. He is called the god of this age and has his plan on how things will turn out. But we Christians have hope because we have read the back of the book. God wins in the end. One thing we can't do is ever ever....I say it again ever give up. Most people don't believe like these people do with all the different subjects such as trans ideology and removing all guns from the country.
What do you think about the Antichrist? Do you ever think that he's around now?
There isn't a dishonest word in posts to Van. I'm actually hoping he'll get the point that he's willing to put in the effort to find something in support of his political positions (in this case something negative about Walz) but is unwilling to put in the effort to find anything that doesn't support his political position (in this case something that counters the negative about Walz).

You have a troubling habit of baselessly calling me dishonest. Stop the ankle biting.
Nonsense. The sequence of events was him responding to a post on here. That’s not putting in effort. We all do it.

You then called him out. He respectfully asked you to post information refuting the claim of the initial post. Instead of posting information you said it’s a bad look for a Pastor and questioned his integrity. He then kindly asked again and at that point inferred you didn’t have any information to post, which is a reasonable assumption because you didn’t post anything.

Van has always been nice and never called out anyone for being a hypocrite when it comes to religion. He’s also never responded unkindly to anyone on here, which is impressive considering all the shit he gets from people on here.
Whatever. The last time you prayed for anything, a girl twenty years your junior just peed on a plastic stick.
Whatever. The last time you prayed for anything, a girl twenty years your junior just peed on a plastic stick.
That result has a broken collarbone diagnosed today. So I had one kid on the first flr getting x rays and one on the 10th getting treatment. As someone who doesn’t have kids never feel too badly. I say having kids is 51 percent better than not
Nonsense. The sequence of events was him responding to a post on here. That’s not putting in effort. We all do it.

You then called him out. He respectfully asked you to post information refuting the claim of the initial post. Instead of posting information you said it’s a bad look for a Pastor and questioned his integrity. He then kindly asked again and at that point inferred you didn’t have any information to post, which is a reasonable assumption because you didn’t post anything.

Van has always been nice and never called out anyone for being a hypocrite when it comes to religion. He’s also never responded unkindly to anyone on here, which is impressive considering all the shit he gets from people on here.
The things I’ve seen said about a pastor on this board would make you lose all faith in humanity snarl
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Nonsense. The sequence of events was him responding to a post on here. That’s not putting in effort. We all do it.

You then called him out. He respectfully asked you to post information refuting the claim of the initial post. Instead of posting information you said it’s a bad look for a Pastor and questioned his integrity. He then kindly asked again and at that point inferred you didn’t have any information to post, which is a reasonable assumption because you didn’t post anything.

Van has always been nice and never called out anyone for being a hypocrite when it comes to religion. He’s also never responded unkindly to anyone on here, which is impressive considering all the shit he gets from people on here.
I beg to differ. Van may in fact be nice, but he's quick to very blindly (faithfully) believe negative and often false information about political "enemies." He makes no effort at all to dig into anything to see what the actual truth is. In his defense, that is extremely common here. However, I really do think a Pastor ought to do better than others here at seeking the truth. Yes, it's a ham-handed effort by me to force it but it's an honest one.
The things I’ve seen said about a pastor on this board would make you lose all faith in humanity snarl
I Dont Believe You GIF by Judge Judy
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Now that is disappointing. Now you're accusing me of dishonesty. That's definitely not a good trait for a Pastor. Not only are there links out there, but there are also videos and audio. I listened to some people on SiriusXM today that had served with him.

If you don't want to put in any effort to find something positive, just say so.
The hair on the back of my neck is standing up reading this response. That is exactly the type thing that my wife would say in an argument (all 3 of them (wives not arguments)). Have you ever had your Estrogen levels checked?
He didn't even do well with small town people in his own state. I get the impression that many of you actually believe that small town and blue collar folks are rubes thing. They aren't dumb. They know that not everyone showing up at your door and with an "Aww shucks" attitude and a small town affectation is one of their guys.

The people in Minnesota from those groups didn't buy into that BS. They know that he is leftist politics more at home in Portland wrapped up in a bow that the left thinks will appear pretty to them. It did not work on Minnesotans outside of the typical Democrat coalition, why are we to believe it is going to work on anyone else?
He won 6 terms in the House from a pretty red,rural district. The difference is that was in the Bush/Obama years when there was no Trump cult and the GOP was normal.
Did you listen to the mother in that video?
Exactly how did a CSM retiring in May prior to his unit deploying in Sept have any effect on that woman's daughter? The only person who "went in his place" was whatever CSM took over what had been his unt. Evidently you'd be perfectly fine with that CSM not being deployed and Walz going, but somehow if that CSM went in place of Walz you feel sorry for the man who went in his place?

Walz enlisted at 17 and had a 24 yr career, rising from the lowest private to the rank of CSM. By comparison Vance served 4 yrs and rose to the rank of Corporal. So it's fine for Vance to quit on his buddies after 4 years to go to Yale but you have your panties in a wad because Walz quit after 24 yrs? Do you think the Iraq/Afghanistan wars were over when Vance left the Marines?

How come Vance get's a pass to leave and go to Yale after 4 years, but Walz get's castigated because he decided to retire and run for Congress after 24 yrs? What's he supposed to do, stay in the Army for 30 yrs because the wars aren't over? Vance went to Yale and became a venture Capitalist and got extremely wealthy. Walz went to Congress, became emeshed in Veteran's issues served on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, rose to ranking member and championed numerous veteran causes. He earned praise from his fellow committee members, as well as numerous veteran's groups...

Walz followed in his dad's footsteps when he joined the military in 1981. As far as I'm aware neither Corporal Bone spurs nor anyone in his family ever served. Multiple people have also maintained that Trump was downright disrespectful to members of the military. So the GOP ticket has 4 years of military service and the Dem's have 24. Anyone who would give the Trump team any edge on the issue of military service is not particularly bright and was likely a Trump voter no matter what...
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Exactly how did a CSM retiring in May prior to his unit deploying in Sept have any effect on that woman's daughter? The only person who "went in his place" was whatever CSM took over what had been his unt. Evidently you'd be perfectly fine with that CSM not being deployed and Walz going, but somehow if that CSM went in place of Walz you feel sorry for the man who went in his place?

Walz enlisted at 17 and had a 24 yr career, rising from the lowest private to the rank of CSM. By comparison Vance served 4 yrs and rose to the rank of Corporal. So it's fine for Vance to quit on his buddies after 4 years to go to Yale but you have your panties in a wad because Walz quit after 24 yrs? Do you think the Iraq/Afghanistan wars were over when Vance left the Marines?

How come Vance get's a pass to leave and go to Yale after 4 years, but Walz get's castigated because he decided to retire and run for Congress after 24 yrs? What's he supposed to do, stay in the Army for 30 yrs because the wars aren't over? Vance went to Yale and became a venture Capitalist and got extremely wealthy. Walz went to Congress, became emeshed in Veteran's issues served on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, rose to ranking member and championed numerous veteran causes. He earned praise from his fellow committee members, as well as numerous veteran's groups...

Walz followed in his dad's footsteps when he joined the military in 1981. As far as I'm aware neither Corporal Bone spurs nor anyone in his family ever served. Multiple people have also maintained that Trump was downright disrespectful to members of the military. So the GOP ticket has 4 years of military service and the Dem's have 24. Anyone who would give the Trump team any edge on the issue of military service is not particularly bright and was likely a Trump voter no matter what...
According to her mother the
went in Walz place.
According to her mother the
went in Walz place.
So you think a paramedic (likely corporal or below) was sent in place of a Command Sgt Major? Are you daft?

That was the first thing that leapt out at me to indicate the woman was using tragedy to exploit her political views. If she had said something like Walz left his unit and my (CSM) son was put in charge and went to Iraq in his place, at least that would sound plausible.

So back to my original question, how does the CSM in charge being replaced by a different CSM (or similar rank) have any effect on whether this woman's paramedic daughter was deployed to Iraq 4 months later or not?
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That result has a broken collarbone diagnosed today. So I had one kid on the first flr getting x rays and one on the 10th getting treatment. As someone who doesn’t have kids never feel too badly. I say having kids is 51 percent better than not
Your boy broke his collarbone? Damn, what happened?
So JD Vance who spent 6 whole months in Iraq decides to attack a fellow vet who he accuses of , well I'm not exactly sure what?

But then the fact checks come out, and as is usually the case of a Trump team false attack it all starts to unravel. I guess LaCivito thought he was still back in 2004,before social media when the made up swift boat attacks on Kerry went unchallenged...

He did manage to snooker in DANC and the Rev, so obviously it works with the "base". The thing is many of those same folks would be up in arms if after announcing he was running (in March) Walz had stayed in the NG and gained an unfair advantage while "camapaigning on the Govt payroll." We'd undoubtedly be hearing that he "risked his men's lives, because he was too busy camapigning to concentrate on "protecting them"...

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So JD Vance who spent 6 whole months in Iraq decides to attack a fellow vet who he accuses of , well I'm not exactly sure what?

But then the fact checks come out, and as is usually the case of a Trump team false attack it all starts to unravel. I guess LaCivito thought he was still back in 2004,before social media when the made up swift boat attacks on Kerry went unchallenged...

He did manage to snooker in DANC and the Rev, so obviously it works with the "base". The thing is many of those same folks would be up in arms if after announcing he was running (in March) Walz had stayed in the NG and gained an unfair advantage while "camapaigning on the Govt payroll." We'd undoubtedly be hearing that he "risked his men's lives, because he was too busy camapigning to concentrate on "protecting them"...

Unfortunately for you, that little clip from the always objective CNN does nothing to refute the charges that, no only did Walz bail out on his troops before they went to Iraq, but that he gave the false impression he had fired a weapon in combat.

Vance never claimed to be in combat and went out of his way to point that out. Still, if you were in a combat zone, your life is in danger. Even your status as an AAFES veteran should make you aware of that.
Unfortunately for you, that little clip from the always objective CNN does nothing to refute the charges that, no only did Walz bail out on his troops before they went to Iraq, but that he gave the false impression he had fired a weapon in combat.

Vance never claimed to be in combat and went out of his way to point that out. Still, if you were in a combat zone, your life is in danger. Even your status as an AAFES veteran should make you aware of that.
Unfortunately the only people who believe/agree with your characterization of events are Trumpers...

Walz "retired" in May, but it's not something you just do in a day, or even month. I saw one clip where an NCO who served with him said he submitted his paperwork 8 months or more from his eventual retirement date. He also said there were rumours that the unit would be deployed, but they didn't even know it was to be Iraq until Aug. Which makes sense because in the previous "war" OEF the unit was deployed to places like Italy and Norway...

What's Walz supposed to do, hold off his retirement till the war ends? Vance left active duty right before Bush launched "the surge", yet hypocritical as usual you see no problem with that. How many people even serve 24 yrs, much less attain the rank of CSM? Vance spent 4 yrs pushing a pen and only acheived the rank of corporal. That's kind of below average...

On the other hand, Walz enlisted fresh out of high school as a 17 yr old in 1981 in the freaking NG, never once saw action and still managed to reach the rank of CSM within 20 yrs. My buddy who worked with me at the MOS library in Butzbach was a guy who retired at 20 as a First Sgt. But he was quite honest and had no problem admitting that a lot of his rank came because he was a LRRP in Vietnam. He also decided not to go past 20 and instead get a 2nd career even though he was already getting his pension check each month.

So did he "abandon" his men? He basically retired about the same time Walz was starting his own career. Walz likely had a good deal in common with many of the soldiers who came into the library each day, Many of them also attended the NCO leadership academy that was right next door. Many of them decided to make the military a career, and in Walz's case he apparently decided to devote himself to both the NG and teaching/coaching...But I'd say to go from being a raw recruit to attaining one of the highest NCO ranks in the military in less than 24 years, means in terms of doing your job you have to be doing something right...

This guy doesn't agree wth Walz on anything politically, after all the area Walz lived in was a rural,Red district. But he is a former NCO who served both with and under Walz and finds the attacks levelled by Vance reprehensible. Hell he's a Trumper and doesn't agree with you...

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Unfortunately for you, that little clip from the always objective CNN does nothing to refute the charges that, no only did Walz bail out on his troops before they went to Iraq, but that he gave the false impression he had fired a weapon in combat.

Vance never claimed to be in combat and went out of his way to point that out. Still, if you were in a combat zone, your life is in danger. Even your status as an AAFES veteran should make you aware of that.
The Bad Faith King of posters does it again. You never bother to honestly criticize a Democrat or to honestly defend your Lord T.
Normally I'd say that this is an example of something good Walz did that everyone could agree on. But on this board, I doubt that is the case.

But it's still pretty cool. He has a special chemistry with his daughter Hope, who is a child conceived thru IVF. Which I think Vance has attacked...

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Normally I'd say that this is an example of something good Walz did that everyone could agree on. But on this board, I doubt that is the case.

But it's still pretty cool. He has a special chemistry with his daughter Hope, who is a child conceived thru IVF. Which I think Vance has attacked...

You 'think' he attacked IVF?

Prove it or stop lying.
SIAP, just saw this while following someone else's links:

That's a HUGE scandal. I'd never heard of it.
So the fraudsters were investigated, charged and the convictions are rolling in. The system worked.

Now do PPP. You know, the program Trump rolled out that was intended to provide emergency funds to small businesses during the pandemic. You know, the program with virtually no oversight. It's been aptly described as the biggest fraud in a generation.

And where there's fraud, there's Trump.