It seems the Border Wall project has been funded, and by Mexico!

There are 62,984,825 born fools out there! That is a lot of fools! :(

Exhibit 62,984,821:

More comedy gold:

Trump claims 'many' furloughed or unpaid federal workers want wall, support gov't shutdown

"Many of those workers have said to me and communicated, ‘stay out until you get the funding for the wall,’" he said, when asked for his message to the hundreds of thousands of federal workers either furloughed or working without pay.
"These federal workers want the wall,” he added. “The only one that doesn't want the wall are the Democrats.”
Many, many (federal) workers.... more imaginary friends.!!


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And no one disagrees we need border security. The question is how and according to most experts, the Wall is stupid . It’s just a symbol of hate to his ignorant base.
You of course being the judge of who is ignorant? Thanks I needed a laugh!
"These federal workers want the wall,” he added. “The only one that doesn't want the wall are the Democrats.”
He was talking about the Freedom Caucus nutters.
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A majority of Republican voters agree with President Trump's views on securing the border, and I would hope the final funding bill would fund the President's request for the border wall. (Similar to what was listed in memo "White House Framework on Immigration & Border Security" 1/25/2018).

It appears to me that the republicans have become the party of Trump compared to the party of Reagan.
Yeah, everything is relative according to Einstein.

Though I am not sure Reagan would recognise it anymore.

Won't recognise the amount of anger; exclusionary, victimised attitudes and fiscal responsibility or the lack of -- even though Reagan blew up the budget himself but at least he preached it!!
Just for my sanity's sake, how is $4,972,933 out of $1.0B almost halfway? Is this Trumpian new math? Is he pioneering in mathematics as well?

I guessing it was a slip of the tongue. He needs 10 mill from the rubes for his legal defense. They’ll find out later that this is the wall of which he refers.
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Well nobody saw this coming....

GoFundMe refunding entirety of $20 million "Build the Wall" campaign

GoFundMe is refunding all $20 million that was raised for the "Build the Wall" campaign, after the man who started broke his promise of returning donor money if the campaign didn't reach its goal," BuzzFeed News' Brianna Sacks reports.

Details: The GoFundMe, which had a $1 billion target, was started by veteran Brian Kolfage. Kolfage wrote on the campaign's page that after consultation with experts, he decided to take the $20 million raised and form a non-profit called "We Build the Wall, Inc." in order to complete segments of the wall for lower costs than the government has estimated. A GoFundMe spokesman responded by saying that unless the donors make it clear they want their funds to be directed to the non-profit, "they will automatically receive a full refund.


That's a shame. In this case, GoFundMe should just allow the obvious theft of that money and issue a GofeckYourselves receipt to the donors.
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