It seems the Border Wall project has been funded, and by Mexico!

Speaking of suckers....

GoFundMe campaign to pay for Trump's US-Mexico border wall raises over $2m
'Even if we get half, that's half the wall'

“Democrats are going to stall this project by every means possible and play political games to ensure President Trump doesn’t get his victor [sic]”, he wrote.

“They’d rather see President Trump fail, than see America succeed. However, if we can fund a large portion of this wall, it will jumpstart things and will be less money Trump has to secure from our politicians.”

Mr Kolfage said he was in contact with officials in the Trump administration to secure a point of contact for the donation and had “many very high level contacts already helping”.

“Like a majority of those American citizens who voted to elect President Donald J Trump, we voted for him to Make America Great Again. President Trump’s main campaign promise was to BUILD THE WALL. And as he’s followed through on just about every promise so far, this wall project needs to be completed still.
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This really had me ROFLOL!! That massive stack of folios ... where are all these Bills that were passed by the Congress that he speaks of? Arent they on holiday?

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The President is absolutely right to fight for border security. The first duty of government is to defend its people and sovereign territory, yet to many in Washington seem unable to do this.
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The President is absolutely right to fight for border security. The first duty of government is to defend its people and sovereign territory, yet to many in Washington seem unable to do this.

The President isn't fighting for border security. He's fighting for his political PR stunt in order to distract from his other problems. If he were actually focused on fighting for border security, he wouldn't have drawn the line for this fight at a border wall.
The President isn't fighting for border security. He's fighting for his political PR stunt in order to distract from his other problems. If he were actually focused on fighting for border security, he wouldn't have drawn the line for this fight at a border wall.
Increased border security funding would reduce the amount of people coming into the U.S. Illegally. Instead of illegal immigrants being able to slip through the various cracks along our border, building a wall would give Border Patrol another tool in their efforts to apprehend illegal immigrants before they enter the United States.
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Increased border security funding would reduce the amount of people coming into the U.S. Illegally. Instead of illegal immigrants being able to slip through the various cracks along our border, building a wall would give Border Patrol another tool in their efforts to apprehend illegal immigrants before they enter the United States.

There are definitely a couple of "tools" in this border wall discussion, but the wall isn't one of them.

President Trump could definitely get money for border security, but even his own party isn't interested in wasting it on a PR stunt.
There are definitely a couple of "tools" in this border wall discussion, but the wall isn't one of them.

President Trump could definitely get money for border security, but even his own party isn't interested in wasting it on a PR stunt.
A majority of Republican voters agree with President Trump's views on securing the border, and I would hope the final funding bill would fund the President's request for the border wall. (Similar to what was listed in memo "White House Framework on Immigration & Border Security" 1/25/2018).
A majority of Republican voters agree with President Trump's views on securing the border, and I would hope the final funding bill would fund the President's request for the border wall. (Similar to what was listed in memo "White House Framework on Immigration & Border Security" 1/25/2018).

In a recent poll 69% responded that the wall was not a priority. It’s very unpopular. You’re conflating the wall with border security. They are two different things.
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In a recent poll 69% responded that the wall was not a priority. It’s very unpopular. You’re conflating the wall with border security. They are two different things.
It is time for Congress and the Administration to crack down on illegal immigration and the harmful policies that have negatively impacted the lives of Americans. Members of Congress should support a spending bill that secures the southern border.
The President is absolutely right to fight for border security. The first duty of government is to defend its people and sovereign territory, yet to many in Washington seem unable to do this.
And no one disagrees we need border security. The question is how and according to most experts, the Wall is stupid . It’s just a symbol of hate to his ignorant base.
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And wasn’t Mexico paying for the wall? And a few months ago he wanted two million and now he wants five. That’s some kind of inflation his economy caused. There are also funds for border security he hasn’t even spent. He was offered wall money in exchange for DACA last year. He should have taken it when the chance was there. Things change in just a few weeks and he won’t be getting anything. Are you truly falling for this stunt? The government has closed three times in Trump’s two years, when GOP has full control of all three branches. That’s indicative of the competency of the Art of the Deal reality star.
I blame the Mexicans. They are supposed to pay for the wall!

Two things I know for certain.

1) When republicans are the minority party, it’s the majority party’s responsibility to get things done.

2) When republicans are the majority party, it’s the minority party’s responsibility to get things done.

That’s the party of personal responsibility.
It is time for Congress and the Administration to crack down on illegal immigration and the harmful policies that have negatively impacted the lives of Americans. Members of Congress should support a spending bill that secures the southern border.
Here is another point many don't think about. When you have cheap labor entering the country in droves then it depresses wages. This means those people starting out in the economy ie entry level jobs are hurt the most. I also believe higher wage jobs are hurt too. When I was a student at Moody in Chicago my wife was friends with several illegals who worked with her at Walmart. Their husbands had under the table jobs working in construction, carpentry, electrical fields. They were paid less.
Their husbands had under the table jobs working in construction, carpentry, electrical fields. They were paid less.
Their wives were "illegals" and their husbands "carpenters". To you I say:
Feliz Navidad para ti y todos tus familiares.
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It is time for Congress and the Administration to crack down on illegal immigration and the harmful policies that have negatively impacted the lives of Americans. Members of Congress should support a spending bill that secures the southern border.
Explain to us the illegal immigration problem as you believe it exists today and give us some measurable as to why it's such a top priority. Also explain to us what you think the measurable impact would be if the wall were built.
And no one disagrees we need border security. The question is how and according to most experts, the Wall is stupid . It’s just a symbol of hate to his ignorant base.
Your post reads as though there's little border security today and the only question is what new and additional measures are required. Even that cedes too much ground to the unreasonables.

Probably not what you intended, but given the back and forth, that's a reasonable interpretation of what you wrote and likely what the unreasonables heard (at least in the imaginary world where they heard anything).
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And no one disagrees we need border security. The question is how and according to most experts, the Wall is stupid . It’s just a symbol of hate to his ignorant base.
These issues should have been voted on in October, not right up against a funding deadline. And yes, that is the Republicans fault since they had majorities in Congress and the White House.
They should have brought a DHS funding bill to the floor for a vote.
The bill should have included border wall funding, penalize sanctuary cities, end "catch and release", prosecute employers who hire illegal immigrants, make being unlawfully present a criminal violation, end family-based chain migration (excluding spouses and children), reallocate the diversity lottery visas, move to a merit-based system, increase numbers of ICE officers, increase border patrol agents, increase prosecutors and immigration court judges. These are issues they have talked about for 2 years.
The American people want the border secure. It's past time for Congress to allocate the funding
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These issues should have been voted on in October, not right up against a funding deadline. And yes, that is the Republicans fault since they had majorities in Congress and the White House.
They should have brought a DHS funding bill to the floor for a vote.
The bill should have included border wall funding, penalize sanctuary cities, end "catch and release", prosecute employers who hire illegal immigrants, make being unlawfully present a criminal violation, end family-based chain migration (excluding spouses and children), reallocate the diversity lottery visas, move to a merit-based system, increase numbers of ICE officers, increase border patrol agents, increase prosecutors and immigration court judges. These are issues they have talked about for 2 years.
The American people want the border secure. It's past time for Congress to allocate the funding
And a pony.
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A majority of Republican voters agree with President Trump's views on securing the border, and I would hope the final funding bill would fund the President's request for the border wall. (Similar to what was listed in memo "White House Framework on Immigration & Border Security" 1/25/2018).

I'm on board with the wall. Where's the payment from Mexico?
There are definitely a couple of "tools" in this border wall discussion, but the wall isn't one of them.

President Trump could definitely get money for border security, but even his own party isn't interested in wasting it on a PR stunt.
Why do you engage the idiot that is Monroe? He is a parrot who thinks a wall, which invades private property owners, sensitive ecological sites, national parks... and cannot even physically be completed not maintained is solid security...the guy is a fool. He apparently has no ideas about current technology or even care about the actual facts concerning immigration... he spouts mindless drivel he heard from Fox, Hannity, and other shrill lazy privileged people who don’t know an honest days work, or honesty at all.
And a pony.
That comment brought back memories from the local Indianapolis television commercials of "Give away Don" for his furniture store, where you could buy a whole room of furniture for $149 and along with that purchase he would give you your choice of a pony or a "good used car". Since the IRS is going to be out of commission for sometime with the government shutdown maybe in lieu of a tax refund we will be given the same choice once again.
These issues should have been voted on in October, not right up against a funding deadline. And yes, that is the Republicans fault since they had majorities in Congress and the White House.
They should have brought a DHS funding bill to the floor for a vote.
The bill should have included border wall funding, penalize sanctuary cities, end "catch and release", prosecute employers who hire illegal immigrants, make being unlawfully present a criminal violation, end family-based chain migration (excluding spouses and children), reallocate the diversity lottery visas, move to a merit-based system, increase numbers of ICE officers, increase border patrol agents, increase prosecutors and immigration court judges. These are issues they have talked about for 2 years.
The American people want the border secure. It's past time for Congress to allocate the funding
What exactly do you know that makes you think the wall is a reasonable approach? When nearly all the experts disagree.
Why do you engage the idiot that is Monroe? He is a parrot who thinks a wall, which invades private property owners, sensitive ecological sites, national parks... and cannot even physically be completed not maintained is solid security...the guy is a fool. He apparently has no ideas about current technology or even care about the actual facts concerning immigration... he spouts mindless drivel he heard from Fox, Hannity, and other shrill lazy privileged people who don’t know an honest days work, or honesty at all.
I don’t think he is, actually, unlike a few other Build The Wall people here. That’s why I’m genuinely curious about how exactly he falls in with the ignorance on this one.
I don’t think he is, actually, unlike a few other Build The Wall people here. That’s why I’m genuinely curious about how exactly he falls in with the ignorance on this one.
Fair enuff, no offense intended
I'll be honest....I have no clue where the $5b number came from..... or what it exactly includes.

Obviously the idea of a "wall" going from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico is beyond idiotic...and was estimated to cost over $25b.....but it seems there would be certain areas where an improved physical barrier would be helpful. So I'm curious what exactly this funding request is based upon.

The Dems were ready to trade $25b for DACA back last year, but that's off the table.

We are seeing a lot of posturing and politicking right now. The Dems know that if Trump gets zero border wall built by 2020 he'll have serious problems with his base.
I'm on board with the wall. Where's the payment from Mexico?

2016: I'm going to build a big, strong wall to stop illegal immigrants and drugs from coming into our country, and Mexico will pay for it! #youwillbecometiredofwinning

2018: I'm going to build a barrier of sorts that obviously won't stop any drugs from coming in, and I can't find anyone to pay for it! #feckitimgoingtomaralago
The President is absolutely right to fight for border security. The first duty of government is to defend its people and sovereign territory, yet to many in Washington seem unable to do this.
Yeah, but, do you really agree with Trump's tactic of not killing the terrorists in Syria and Afghanistan but instead waiting until they get to the Rio Grande and then hoping at that late stage that they won't get any farther?

Israel found at least 3 major tunnels under its wall with Lebanon in the last 2-3 weeks. I just don't think Trump knows more about this stuff than the Israelis.
Yeah, but, do you really agree with Trump's tactic of not killing the terrorists in Syria and Afghanistan but instead waiting until they get to the Rio Grande and then hoping at that late stage that they won't get any farther?

Israel found at least 3 major tunnels under its wall with Lebanon in the last 2-3 weeks. I just don't think Trump knows more about this stuff than the Israelis.
I posted in the thread about Syria, that I thought it was a bad decision
These issues should have been voted on in October, not right up against a funding deadline. And yes, that is the Republicans fault since they had majorities in Congress and the White House.
They should have brought a DHS funding bill to the floor for a vote.
The bill should have included border wall funding, penalize sanctuary cities, end "catch and release", prosecute employers who hire illegal immigrants, make being unlawfully present a criminal violation, end family-based chain migration (excluding spouses and children), reallocate the diversity lottery visas, move to a merit-based system, increase numbers of ICE officers, increase border patrol agents, increase prosecutors and immigration court judges. These are issues they have talked about for 2 years.
The American people want the border secure. It's past time for Congress to allocate the funding
You never answered the straightforward questions put to you regarding the basis for your assertions.
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I'll be honest....I have no clue where the $5b number came from..... or what it exactly includes.

Obviously the idea of a "wall" going from the Pacific to the Gulf of Mexico is beyond idiotic...and was estimated to cost over $25b.....but it seems there would be certain areas where an improved physical barrier would be helpful. So I'm curious what exactly this funding request is based upon.

The Dems were ready to trade $25b for DACA back last year, but that's off the table.

We are seeing a lot of posturing and politicking right now. The Dems know that if Trump gets zero border wall built by 2020 he'll have serious problems with his base.


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