It’s indictment time again….

My problem is your response to Spartan, who is no fan of mine, and who is certainly no Trump fan.

I don't understand the vitriol you direct at him for having a discussion that doesn't start with 'Trump sucks'.
He brought that on...but we won't have to worry about that anymore. He is on ignore.
If "nothing was going to be done to stop Covid", why do the numbers look like this?


I suggest you listen to this interview with Bob Woodward and the tapes he made with Trump where Woodward says "I have never seen such a failure to protect the people”. And "Who is this person? It is with sadness that I concluded that he was not only not up to the job, but that he was INCAPABLE."

Are you insane? That graph doesn't cover Covid.

Please take the 'Dr' off your ID and replace it with 'Clueless'.
This needs to be copied and pasted all over social media.

The problem is you, me and a lot of others on our side are willing to talk but guys like Dr Hoop and many on his side won’t look at us as equals and talk to us without shouting insults.

They refuse to look at anything you just said as reasonable and worth talking about.
I've told Crazy he needs his own blog. He can put into words many of our feelings and thoughts on politics.
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The appeal is simple IMO. Take everything you think negatively about anyone who would vote for Donald Trump and then realize they feel exactly the same way about you. All the things you think about Trump, they think about the types of candidates you support. Their perception (backed up by some factual evidence and some more perceived) is that the candidate they voted for in 2016 got railroaded. When he tells them, "They aren't really after me, they are after you" there is a willingness to believe that because deplorable is one of the least offensive things they have been called the past 7 years.

I think some of it is a cult of personality but most of that personality being followed breaks down to a bunch of working class people giving a big old middle finger to a bunch of people they feel dicked them over.

Now you can argue about how that is their perception and they are crazy to think that but that is the long and the short of it I think. It can get more complicated then that but I think it is that simple. The types of conservatives that are favored by someone like Aloha aren't going to be really popular with the populists at the moment because they are viewed as do nothings. And it is hard to disagree with that if we are being honest. The GOP, outside of decreasing taxes, invading Middle Eastern countries, and building a huge domestic spying apparatus has been fairly ineffectual for decades. And maybe only one of the 3 things I mentioned could be labeled as somewhat conservative.

Lastly, no offense, but you are a pretty partisan guy (to put it lightly). Anybody you would be willing to live with is probably the least interesting option to someone like me. You would prefer candidates because of your perception of who would be the least likely to upset the status quo. A whole bunch of people on my side of the aisle are not happy with the status quo in a whole host of areas. The appealing person is someone who looks like they can not only get things done, but that they have every intention of doing that despite whatever they are called.

I think that last part is where Trump supporters are miscalculating, he has the fight no matter what part down but I don't think he has the ability to get anything accomplished. More than anything, that is what disqualifies him for me. All this indictment stuff is for you guys and frankly it is some of the best campaign support he could ever ask for right now.
I'll tell you what Trump's appeal to me is: He recognizes the absurdity of the state of the government and isn't afraid to call it out. See the Dave Chappelle comments on him. Whereas good old Joe would smile, pat you on the back, and steal your wallet, Trump is arrogant and narcissistic but isn't trying to profit off a lifetime in politics.

Sometimes it takes someone crude, with a take-no-prisoners approach to get anything done. There's no doubt Trump was paranoid after the Russian Collusion bullshit that ran on for years. People like Hoops totally ignore anything that he did during his Presidency and, in fact, lie about what he was able to do.

As far as getting anything done, who will be able to do that without the House and Senate being in control of the same Party? I don't know of anyone, although I think Scott comes closest.

I was thinking that some advice from lawyers could be so outrageous that nobody would be permitted to claim they reasonably believed it in support of an advice of counsel defense.

As examples, I was thinking of a hypothetical lawyer that advised his client it was OK to rob a bank or murder someone, but your ass-whipping example is pretty good too. No reasonable person should be able to claim he believed he could legally rob a bank or commit murder just because a lawyer told him so.

As for Trump's election claims, I keep going back to this -- Trump lacked knowledge of any evidence whatsoever that there had been election fraud on a scale that would have changed the outcome ... anywhere. Although some of Trump's lawyers told him to use some goofy legal tactics, I can't remember ever reading that any of Trump's lawyers told him that there was actual for-real evidence that provable voter fraud had occurred in such numbers as to change the outcome.
I heard Barr yesterday talking about the attorneys. He said that Trump would just fire them if they didn’t say what he wanted, so he kept going until he ended up with the goofy attorneys who all under indictment now. Doubt this surprises anyone.
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I heard Barr yesterday talking about the attorneys. He said that Trump would just fire them if they didn’t say what he wanted, so he kept going until he ended up with the goofy attorneys who all under indictment now. Doubt this surprises anyone.
Oh, so you believe Barr now.....
I'll tell you what Trump's appeal to me is: He recognizes the absurdity of the state of the government and isn't afraid to call it out. See the Dave Chappelle comments on him. Whereas good old Joe would smile, pat you on the back, and steal your wallet, Trump is arrogant and narcissistic but isn't trying to profit off a lifetime in politics.

Sometimes it takes someone crude, with a take-no-prisoners approach to get anything done. There's no doubt Trump was paranoid after the Russian Collusion bullshit that ran on for years. People like Hoops totally ignore anything that he did during his Presidency and, in fact, lie about what he was able to do.

As far as getting anything done, who will be able to do that without the House and Senate being in control of the same Party? I don't know of anyone, although I think Scott comes closest.
You seriously don’t think Trump and his entire family profited off of his presidency? I think that and the power were the only reasons he had any interest in running.
You seriously don’t think Trump and his entire family profited off of his presidency? I think that and the power were the only reasons he had any interest in running.
No. You're free to think what you want, but you don't have anything to back it up.
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No. You're free to think what you want, but you don't have anything to back it up.
Sure all those patents Ivanka got after her trip to China….coincidence. That dirty 2 billion for Jared, for helping his buddy cover up the murder and dismembering of a journalist….coincidence. Trump forcing the Secret Service to stay at his golf courses and hotels every time they traveled and charging them….coincidence. His businesses made billions during his presidency. Total coincidence.
Sure all those patents Ivanka got after her trip to China….coincidence. That dirty 2 billion for Jared, for helping his buddy cover up the murder and dismembering of a journalist….coincidence. Trump forcing the Secret Service to stay at his golf courses and hotels every time they traveled and charging them….coincidence. His businesses made billions during his presidency. Total coincidence.
Of course. The stark difference being that Jared and Trump had multi-million dollar, international business interests pre-presidency so it’s not inconceivable that would continue.

Joe/ Hunter have no discernible skills, profession or really anything that would warrant their overseas cash drops. Does it bother you that they used public office to get rich? Trump and Jared were going to be rich regardless.
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I'll tell you what Trump's appeal to me is: He recognizes the absurdity of the state of the government and isn't afraid to call it out. See the Dave Chappelle comments on him. Whereas good old Joe would smile, pat you on the back, and steal your wallet, Trump is arrogant and narcissistic but isn't trying to profit off a lifetime in politics.

Sometimes it takes someone crude, with a take-no-prisoners approach to get anything done. There's no doubt Trump was paranoid after the Russian Collusion bullshit that ran on for years. People like Hoops totally ignore anything that he did during his Presidency and, in fact, lie about what he was able to do.

As far as getting anything done, who will be able to do that without the House and Senate being in control of the same Party? I don't know of anyone, although I think Scott comes closest.
No, Trump was willing to tell you anything you wanted to hear because he wanted your vote. He had no intention of following up, especially if he met with any resistance. His plan was then to yell "Witch Hunt" in order to divert attention.
Your characterization of Trump as a crude, take no prisoners type of guy may have been true of the character he played on The Apprentice, but bears no resemblance to the cowardly victim he quickly turned into when reality set in. His appeal has been reduced to other people who blame all their problems on being the victim of unfair treatment.
Sure all those patents Ivanka got after her trip to China….coincidence. That dirty 2 billion for Jared, for helping his buddy cover up the murder and dismembering of a journalist….coincidence. Trump forcing the Secret Service to stay at his golf courses and hotels every time they traveled and charging them….coincidence. His businesses made billions during his presidency. Total coincidence.
Evidently the DoJ doesn't agree with you.

If you have evidence of law-breaking, you should contact them.
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I'll tell you what Trump's appeal to me is: He recognizes the absurdity of the state of the government and isn't afraid to call it out. See the Dave Chappelle comments on him. Whereas good old Joe would smile, pat you on the back, and steal your wallet, Trump is arrogant and narcissistic but isn't trying to profit off a lifetime in politics.

Sometimes it takes someone crude, with a take-no-prisoners approach to get anything done. There's no doubt Trump was paranoid after the Russian Collusion bullshit that ran on for years. People like Hoops totally ignore anything that he did during his Presidency and, in fact, lie about what he was able to do.

As far as getting anything done, who will be able to do that without the House and Senate being in control of the same Party? I don't know of anyone, although I think Scott comes closest.
The only person I have heard that has put forth a plan to get some things done would be DeSantis. He has expressed ideas about how Executive Branch departments would be run and is already setting up the legal justification for some of those changes. He is the one I have my eye on the most so some of the others may have as well and I am just not aware.
No, Trump was willing to tell you anything you wanted to hear because he wanted your vote. He had no intention of following up, especially if he met with any resistance. His plan was then to yell "Witch Hunt" in order to divert attention.
Your characterization of Trump as a crude, take no prisoners type of guy may have been true of the character he played on The Apprentice, but bears no resemblance to the cowardly victim he quickly turned into when reality set in. His appeal has been reduced to other people who blame all their problems on being the victim of unfair treatment.
Excellent post.

Keep it coming.
No, Trump was willing to tell you anything you wanted to hear because he wanted your vote. He had no intention of following up, especially if he met with any resistance. His plan was then to yell "Witch Hunt" in order to divert attention.
Your characterization of Trump as a crude, take no prisoners type of guy may have been true of the character he played on The Apprentice, but bears no resemblance to the cowardly victim he quickly turned into when reality set in. His appeal has been reduced to other people who blame all their problems on being the victim of unfair treatment.
I don't understand this. Trump as a President failed on some things, but achieved things he ran on: he built more of a wall, no doubt; he cut taxes, no doubt; he carried on a trade war with China, no doubt; he put 3 conservative justices on the SCt, no doubt.

So he obviously did have an intention of following up in 2016--because he did it.
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The stark difference being that Jared and Trump had multi-million dollar, international business interests pre-presidency so it’s not inconceivable that would continue.

Jared had/has extremely limited international business experience, aside from weapons sales to the Saudis. In fact, his domestic track record is also unimpressive. He does, though, have a very influential father-in-law.

The article below may be behind a paywall, so here's an excerpt:

"Mr. Kushner, whose fund has not publicly disclosed a theme or focus, has little experience or track record in private equity. Before working in the White House, he ran his family’s commercial real estate empire, sometimes with disappointing results. His best-known deal was the $1.8 billion purchase of the office tower at 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, in 2007; the building’s mortgage became a crippling liability when the recession hit the next year."

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The only person I have heard that has put forth a plan to get some things done would be DeSantis. He has expressed ideas about how Executive Branch departments would be run and is already setting up the legal justification for some of those changes. He is the one I have my eye on the most so some of the others may have as well and I am just not aware.
I agree Desantis has more of a plan fleshed out. His problem is, the media is making him out to be Trump Lite. Hopefully he can change the perception to that of being his own man.

I think Ravaswamy(?) has outlined some plans, but the chances of him getting it are pretty small.
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I don't understand this. Trump as a President failed on some things, but achieved things he ran on: he built more of a wall, no doubt; he cut taxes, no doubt; he carried on a trade war with China, no doubt; he put 3 conservative justices on the SCt, no doubt.

So he obviously did have an intention of following up in 2016--because he did it.
Yeah, there were a couple of hits. But a shitload of errors. And a second, unearned run.
I don't understand this. Trump as a President failed on some things, but achieved things he ran on: he built more of a wall, no doubt; he cut taxes, no doubt; he carried on a trade war with China, no doubt; he put 3 conservative justices on the SCt, no doubt.

So he obviously did have an intention of following up in 2016--because he did it.
Health care reform? Infrastructure? A big, beautiful wall? Drain the swamp? Lock up Hillary?

Now sure, he built a fraction of an ineffective wall. He did cut taxes, but for whom? He did insert 3 conservative SC justices, but that was not an opportunity he created.
And I'll even give him the benefit of the doubt that Covid absolutely destroyed his effectiveness as leader...with one caveat. That disease gave him all kinds of opportunity to grow into a transformational leader that could have made us a stronger and more unified country. Instead, he made mistake after mistake, some that conservatives point out (Fauci, anyone?), and finally, when he realized he didn't have the will, he took the cowardly and lazy way out and sowed division.
Of course. The stark difference being that Jared and Trump had multi-million dollar, international business interests pre-presidency so it’s not inconceivable that would continue.

Joe/ Hunter have no discernible skills, profession or really anything that would warrant their overseas cash drops. Does it bother you that they used public office to get rich? Trump and Jared were going to be rich regardless.
Joe was rich enough already. Hunter has plenty of issues and it doesn’t surprise me a bit he profited off his Dad’s name. Trump used his office to get both him and his family even richer , and definitely made a deal with a Saudi devil to do so. Same difference imo.
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Evidently the DoJ doesn't agree with you.

If you have evidence of law-breaking, you should contact them.
We’ve said this before. It’s hard to get all their crimes at once. One indictment at a time, I think Trump has a court date about every month next year. Should be fun .
Joe was rich enough already. Hunter has plenty of issues and it doesn’t surprise me a bit he profited off his Dad’s name. Trump used his office to get both him and his family even richer , and definitely made a deal with a Saudi devil to do so. Same difference imo.
Then why did Joe portray himself as one of the poorest Senators before he became VP?

Was he lying about that?
We’ve said this before. It’s hard to get all their crimes at once. One indictment at a time, I think Trump has a court date about every month next year. Should be fun .
You should notify the DoJ about Ivanka and Jared. Do you need the number?
I don't understand this. Trump as a President failed on some things, but achieved things he ran on: he built more of a wall, no doubt; he cut taxes, no doubt; he carried on a trade war with China, no doubt; he put 3 conservative justices on the SCt, no doubt.

So he obviously did have an intention of following up in 2016--because he did it.
He built mostly some fencing, very little if it was actually a wall. And wasn’t the promise that Mexico was going to pay for it? I don’t remember his taxes promise specifically but I bet it wasn’t based on lowering taxes mostly for the rich. Not sure the benefit of a China Trade War, I mainly remember having to take federal money to pay the farmers after the tariffs . And yes, he was fortunate in the number of justices he was able to seat. Partly due to Mitch’s disgusting tactics and partly due to RBG’s untimely death. So yes, all Of those things were partially done, with caveats.
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You should notify the DoJ about Ivanka and Jared. Do you need the number?
Oh never fear. Pretty sure they are on the list. And you’ll be on here making excuses and whining about it as always.
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Evidently the DoJ doesn't agree with you.

If you have evidence of law-breaking, you should contact them.
Maybe you can persuade Jimmy Jordan to conduct a hearing to determine why the DOJ didn't charge them.
I don't understand this. Trump as a President failed on some things, but achieved things he ran on: he built more of a wall, no doubt; he cut taxes, no doubt; he carried on a trade war with China, no doubt; he put 3 conservative justices on the SCt, no doubt.

So he obviously did have an intention of following up in 2016--because he did it.
Trump campaigned predominantly on "repeal and replace Obamacare." He utterly failed and, even now, isn't talking about healthcare. He's given up on healthcare and also on infrastructure, another Trump campaign plank.

And, to be honest, saving a few hundred in income taxes under the Trump tax cuts is nice, but it doesn't compensate for increased costs of heathcare and health insurance, both of which continued to rise while Trump did nothing during his four-year term.
Jared had/has extremely limited international business experience, aside from weapons sales to the Saudis. In fact, his domestic track record is also unimpressive. He does, though, have a very influential father-in-law.

The article below may be behind a paywall, so here's an excerpt:

"Mr. Kushner, whose fund has not publicly disclosed a theme or focus, has little experience or track record in private equity. Before working in the White House, he ran his family’s commercial real estate empire, sometimes with disappointing results. His best-known deal was the $1.8 billion purchase of the office tower at 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, in 2007; the building’s mortgage became a crippling liability when the recession hit the next year."

The argument isn’t whether he’s a trust fund baby. He is. Would the PIF had made their investment if Jared hadn’t been in the Trump White House? Who knows. Probably not.

Would Hunter be picking up bags of cash around the world if he had a different father? Definitely not. In terms of who is leveraging public office the most it’s no contest, the Bribens.
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