"The JCPOA was a farce. In the most charitable view it kicked the can down the road. In the real view it placated an enemy that continued to kill U.S. service people through their proxies."
The whole point was to kick the can down the road. welcome to geopolitics. don't think of it as backyard brawlers looking to one-shot each other, but chess players buying time while another plan comes together. most of the time it's a draw
while I appreciate the idealism, I'm not sure you guys are getting that Iran can't just be stricken from the map, or coaxed into Western thinking. no matter our stance, their strategic imperatives will clash with those of our regional partners, and ultimately our regional preferences. keep in mind only recently have Republicans taken the aggressive approach and Democrats the diplomatic one. Reagan illegally sold them arms (which may or may not have been used to kill US servicemen) and wisely kept channels open as a Democratic congress beat the war drum. then Clinton enacted a complete trade embargo. Neither approach has been working. The rifts are much deeper than can be explained by American domestic political preferences. the US continues to believe the Iranian people are more moderate, sophisticated than their leaders. both sides of our aisle will continue to foment internal discord and revolutionary machinations with economic pressure, while beefing up our regional partners. that's the playbook.
"Stuxnet was a Mossad operation that you're attributing to an American Democratic presidency for some reason that is inconceivable. By all accounts. The Obama administration was not on board with that."
No one has ever proven who did it (basically meaning it was the US), though it was certainly a nation-state. There is a 0% chance Israel does that without clear US approval, if they did it at all. no way. end of story. it's certainly not a knock on Israel that they rely so heavily on the US as a patron but they do. their strategic imperatives are currently unachievable without a deeper relationship with a superpower, even as powerful and dynamic as they are.