Israel under attack from Hamas

I meant the whole cradle of religion. Both sides.

What they do to their own people comes with its own set of consequences. The 'whataboutism' in the holy land has been the largest threat to this planet, and it isn't going away any time soon.
You’re not listening to The Big Guy. Global Warming is the biggest threat to the planet.
You’re not listening to The Big Guy. Global Warming is the biggest threat to the planet.
The oppressor doesn't like it when you stand up against them. They lose all of their power over you when you do that. .... American patriots are smart, we will let them play around, until we call bullshit. ... I call bullshit.
That makes perfect sense. It make so much sense that it's like it was on a power point presentation at the Kremlin president for da leader. Well done, you have regurgitated your lords words. This qualifies you to the front line. Awesome job, we are proud of you.
Just one Hoosier's perspective, Joe.

I agree with the Israeli that JDB posted yesterday, Israel should have just withdrawn to the 1967 borders after the war and let Jordan and Egypt annex the area, rather than the endless occupation. Now neither of those countries want anything to do with absorbing the Palestinians.

They have never really wanted anything to do with the Palestinians. Part of the reason they weren’t going to withdraw was security - more buffer is important, particularly in those days.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) blamed the United States and Europe for “biased” support for Israel, indicating that the party aims to delegitimize the United States as a responsible regional actor. The CCP condemned violence between Palestine and Israel but did not condemn Hamas.[8] The party called for all involved parties to remain restrained and immediately implement a cease fire on October 8 and October 9. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Spokesman Wang Wenbin expressed support for the October 11 resolution passed by the Arab League that called for an immediate cessation of Israeli military action in Gaza.[9] CCP English-language propaganda outlets accused American and European countries of hindering the creation of a Palestinian state because of “biased” support for Israel.[10] This narrative places the blame for the current instability in the Middle East on the West. This aligns with the CCP’s messaging during Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine which blamed the United States and NATO expansion for instigating the crisis.[11]

Failure to condemn Hamas war crimes says all one needs to know about the CCP … they cannot be trusted.
SEC needs to enforce NYSE listing rules… and delist the stocks … which have never been audited to GAAP.
Pensions funds should not be sending Capital to the CCP front companies.

I was expecting a rundown on Taiwan Straight reporting … but saw none … long rundown of election contenders and their assessed positions on reunification related topics,
Oh maybe you missed Donnie’s earlier statements and Israel’s response, so I’ll fill you in. First he pronounced Hamas like the dip. Then he criticized Israel and Netanyahu and praised Hezbollah. Israel minister response to your hero: “Shameful that a man like that, a former US President, abets propaganda. We don’t have to bother with him or the nonsense he spouts. “
Sounds like they really miss him, right?
Religion is not really the driving factor. Hell, a lot of Israelis are not religious, at all. Sure there are some orthodox Jews, but they are a minority (though growing).
That's very difficult to believe it's not at its core. A Jewish state, battling Muslim neighbors over decades who wish to eradicate them, or certainly made it known at one point it was their goal.

Then we have this most recent dispute:

From the BBC: A series of violent confrontations occurred between Palestinians and Israeli police at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem in April 2023. After the evening Ramadan prayer, Palestinians barricaded themselves inside the mosque, prompted by reports that Jews planned to sacrifice a goat at the site (which is forbidden by Israeli law). In response, Israeli police raided the mosque in riot gear, injuring 50 people[1]

I don't know, maybe they're Cubs' fans.

There are certainly territorial issues at play here too, but over this endless set of battles and incidents, it's disputed religious territory that has led to a string of violent 'whataboutisms'.
That's very difficult to believe it's not at its core. A Jewish state, battling Muslim neighbors over decades who wish to eradicate them, or certainly made it known at one point it was their goal.

Then we have this most recent dispute:

I don't know, maybe they're Cubs' fans.

There are certainly territorial issues at play here too, but over this endless set of battles and incidents, it's disputed religious territory that has led to a string of violent 'whataboutisms'.

Then you don't understand the origins of Israel and the zionist movement, at all. It was a secular and nationalist ideology, not a religious one.
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Then you don't understand the origins of Israel and the zionist movement, at all. It was a secular and nationalist ideology, not a religious one.
And what does that have to do with the people trying to kill them?

And you think nationalists movements resolving in a homeland for people of one main faith is secular?

And you think this homeland encompassing disputed religious territories, over-riding its previous people isn't religiously charged?

I know the basics of the Zionist movement, but when 'home' is the basic origin of your religion as well as religious territory of those who want to kill you, it's hard to separate it from religion. A 19th century movement wasn't just about getting a place for Jews to live. It was about getting a specific place for Jews to live.
And what does that have to do with the people trying to kill them?

And you think nationalists movements resolving in a homeland for people of one main faith is secular?

And you think this homeland encompassing disputed religious territories, over-riding its previous people isn't religiously charged?

I know the basics of the Zionist movement, but when 'home' is the basic origin of your religion as well as religious territory of those who want to kill you, it's hard to separate it from religion. A 19th century movement wasn't just about getting a place for Jews to live. It was about getting a specific place for Jews to live.

Because it's a nationalist movement based upon culture and ethnicity, not religion. Orthodox jews only represent like 10% of Israeli population. Half the population is not religious whatsoever... and another 20% are 'traditional' Jewish, that may or may not actively participate in their religion. They may participate in some of the traditions, but that's like saying everyone who celebrates Christmas traditions must be a actively practicing Christian.

Only something like 30% of Israelis say that religion is even an important part of their life. It's over 50% in the US, by comparison.
Because it's a nationalist movement based upon culture and ethnicity, not religion. Orthodox jews only represent like 10% of Israeli population. Half the population is not religious whatsoever... and another 20% are 'traditional' Jewish, that may or may not actively participate in their religion. They may participate in some of the traditions, but that's like saying everyone who celebrates Christmas traditions must be a actively practicing Christian.

Only something like 30% of Israelis say that religion is even an important part of their life. It's over 50% in the US, by comparison.
The toothpaste is already out of the bottle. It's the history of it. It's not about just today. The origination of the movement was to center it on their holy land, the holiest of holy lands. Call it what they wanted, frame it however you to portray, it wasn't some random place. Even those pushing the hardest and loudest to make it happen, it came to be in the wake of being persecuted for their religion in the most heinous way possible. So even if they weren't making it about religion others were and are.
The toothpaste is already out of the bottle. It's the history of it. It's not about just today. The origination of the movement was to center it on their holy land, the holiest of holy lands. Call it what they wanted, frame it however you to portray, it wasn't some random place. Even those pushing the hardest and loudest to make it happen, it came to be in the wake of being persecuted for their religion in the most heinous way possible. So even if they weren't making it about religion others were and are.

The history is actually more secular than today, as there has been an increase in so- called religious zionists, who do push to weave religion into the Israeli secular society and even military, something that has been pushed back on.

Sorry you're so miserable.

Oh I’m pretty damn happy. And confident in my sources, since I don’t follow batshit crazy people like you do. You should probably check yourself before throwing out stats about mental illness. Anyone that has the love affair with a deranged criminal like you do is certainly sus.
Oh I’m pretty damn happy. And confident in my sources, since I don’t follow batshit crazy people like you do. You should probably check yourself before throwing out stats about mental illness. Anyone that has the love affair with a deranged criminal like you do is certainly sus.
What an arrogant, condescending remark.
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