American foreign policy since Wilson has been a disaster. And that's both sides of the aisle. Policing the world doesn't work. We've been playing both sides of this particular conflict for 70 years. We gave Eastern Europe and Asia to the Communists, and then proceeded to fight Communism for the next 50 years. As bad as the fascists and imperialists were, they don't hold a candle to the deaths inflicted by Communism. And in our efforts to curb Communism in the ME, we arm bin Laden and help create the Taliban. We helped create the current system in Iran, then armed Saddam to fight them and the Turks. Then we go after Saddam for using our weapons to fight the Kurds (Of course when we helped fight the Kurds that was ok). We support the overthrow of Qaddafi (successful) and Assad (unsuccessful) by arming the Muslim Brotherhood and other militant groups. And round and round we go. Neither Biden, nor Obama, nor Trump are to blame for what's going on, other than the fact that our meddling/policing helps to keep these fires stoked and Americans in continued danger both here and abroad.