Is The US Outfoxing Russia?

If it was actual intelligence then it would have to give Russia pause that we know almost down to the hour what they want to do or are planning to do. So what else have we intercepted and shared with the Ukrainians would be the question.

However, I think the costs of occupying Ukraine are going to be too high for the Russians to ultimately pursue an invasion. I think they are looking for a face saving off ramp at the moment as well. There may have been the thought to do this at a point in time, but as they got up to that point, it was becoming clear that whatever ruptures they thought were in NATO were more superficial then they believed and that there was going to be a heavier toll than they had initially believed (IMO).

I agree with your thoughts on the guerrilla strategy discussed in another thread. One issue for the Ukrainians is that their soldiers loyalty. Ukrainians will fight for whomever pays them the most. It's well known that one day they are fighting on the side of the breakaway regions and the next day fighting with the Ukrainian military.

I think if you truly want to inflict maximum pain on Russia you must take the fight to them. E.g. there are plenty of Ukrainians within Russia who could engage in acts of terrorism in Russian cities. That might be the only thing that would get Putin's attention in the event of an invasion.
NATO was created in 1949 and is outdated. It is called a military alliance. The wall came down and was progress but NATO expands military alliance to some of those countries that became independent from Russia and wants to continue to do so. Seems NATO is just as Imperialistic. US is a country that has imperialistic views also with their middle east presence on that side of the world. Now that they are out of Afghanistan, guess they need somewhere to replace that presence. Germany and Russia may not trust each other but seemed to work it out as they are buying oil from Russia.

You read propaganda like Russians will go home in body bags if they attack Ukraine. Just trying to provoke them into war so warmonger Joe can take our money and mindlessly spend it on war plus have another excuse to raise the price of gas. Joe wants to keep that presence in Russia's backyard and is promising to make our lives worse at home and more costly. His claims of not sending troops to Eastern Europe are a front. Eventually he will get Americans over there and in body bags too while he eats his Yankee bean soup.
Some things happening today have me questioning if this is a front. The Russian separatists in Donbas are shelling civilian areas around the border and Russia announced that *shock* they have found mass graves in the same region. So now they have their pretext and it appears they have their proxies provoking a fight.

Guess we see how stupid the world is going to get over the next few days.
I dunno . . . this whole episode sorta feels like the last minute of an NBA game, where a coach takes a time out to draw up a play, then the players come out and set up, then the other coach calls time out to set up the defense against the formation shown, meanwhile the first coach is drawing up a completely different play . . .

. . . kinda feels like Putin is wanting to see what NATO's response is to his Ukrainian aggression, then he calls a time out to think it over, then does something else . . . like moving 7000 troops from one invasion spot to another closer to the target . . . .
NATO was created in 1949 and is outdated. It is called a military alliance. The wall came down and was progress but NATO expands military alliance to some of those countries that became independent from Russia and wants to continue to do so. Seems NATO is just as Imperialistic. US is a country that has imperialistic views also with their middle east presence on that side of the world. Now that they are out of Afghanistan, guess they need somewhere to replace that presence. Germany and Russia may not trust each other but seemed to work it out as they are buying oil from Russia.

You read propaganda like Russians will go home in body bags if they attack Ukraine. Just trying to provoke them into war so warmonger Joe can take our money and mindlessly spend it on war plus have another excuse to raise the price of gas. Joe wants to keep that presence in Russia's backyard and is promising to make our lives worse at home and more costly. His claims of not sending troops to Eastern Europe are a front. Eventually he will get Americans over there and in body bags too while he eats his Yankee bean soup.

you keep saying warmonger joe but methinks you don't know what the word means. What war has he started exactly?
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you keep saying warmonger joe but methinks you don't know what the word means. What war has he started exactly?
FWIW, Monger isn’t the same as start. Putin thinks Biden is encouraging European countries to be aggressive toward Russia.

Learn to pronounce

  1. a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups.
FWIW, Monger isn’t the same as start. Putin thinks Biden is encouraging European countries to be aggressive toward Russia.

Learn to pronounce

  1. a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups.

ah, didn't realize jsig followed Trump's lead in listening to Putin for his instruction.
I think if you truly want to inflict maximum pain on Russia you must take the fight to them. E.g. there are plenty of Ukrainians within Russia who could engage in acts of terrorism in Russian cities. That might be the only thing that would get Putin's attention in the event of an invasion.
Come again?
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. . . and when the man dances, certainly, boys, what else?
The piper pays him . . . yes, sir.
I must confess, I knew this was familiar but the exact reference had slipped away into the recesses of my memory and I had to google. Then I felt really stupid because as a young pre teen I had actually played one of the town kids in the Starlight Musicals production starring the "legendary" Forrest Tucker...

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The gist of the editorial was that life continues as normal for Ukrainians, who are certainly aware of the Russian threat but not obsessed with it. Unlike some outside observers, the Ukrainians are not responding with great alarm to each tidbit of news about Russian activity on the far side of their border.

“The country’s capital Kyiv, along with other major cities, remains vibrant and lives a normal life with children going to school, businesses and offices remaining open to clients, no one taping their windows in anticipation of bombing or digging trenches in the suburbs to ‘meet’ Russian tanks,” Ukrinform wrote.

The key passage in the article needled Western media for paying so little attention to Ukraine while Russian-backed separatists waged a brutal
NATO's sole purpose imo was to try to contend with Russia's expansionistic movements after WWII. I can see why Putin doesn't like the organization. Doesn't mean it isn't good rather that Russia's menacing existence to Europe is why it was created in the first place. Russia still seems to be in its empire building phase whereas the rest of the world has moved away from that philosophy.
People assume that because Putin was KGB that he was a dedicated "communist". But he actually would have been just as comfortable within the ranks of the Okhrana, and is basically a Russian Nationalist at heart.

He was born a half century or so too late to serve a Tsar, but he is a true believer in the Russian Imperial tradition. And it's not surprising that the areas of Ukraine controlled by pro-Russian separatists have shown increasing intolerance towards non-Orthodox populations...
Here's a good article regarding Fiona Hill and what she thinks Putin's options will entail:

She doesn't seem to be very optimistic it will turn out well for the Ukrainians.
In addition to knowing better how to deal with Putin than any of the other current and previous western leaders, sounds like Biden might be getting a desperately needed political victory from Putin.
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People assume that because Putin was KGB that he was a dedicated "communist". But he actually would have been just as comfortable within the ranks of the Okhrana, and is basically a Russian Nationalist at heart.

He was born a half century or so too late to serve a Tsar, but he is a true believer in the Russian Imperial tradition. And it's not surprising that the areas of Ukraine controlled by pro-Russian separatists have shown increasing intolerance towards non-Orthodox populations...
You ought to know…
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Meh. Foreign policy political victories are even shorter lived than foreign policy political losses.
Of course that’s true from the victory itself, but in this case it would directly undermine the talking point that Biden has lost it and reinforce Biden’s experience factor.

To me Biden’s biggest problem is the apparency that he’s mentally enfeebled.
Of course that’s true from the victory itself, but in this case it would directly undermine the talking point that Biden has lost it and reinforce Biden’s experience factor.

To me Biden’s biggest problem is the apparency that he’s mentally enfeebled.
That's only Biden's biggest problem among people who are never going to vote for him, anyway, because they have sucked on the teat of right-wing nonsense.

Biden's biggest problem among voters that actually matter is probably inflation. With the idea that he's supporting far left craziness over good ol' American values a close second.
That's only Biden's biggest problem among people who are never going to vote for him, anyway, because they have sucked on the teat of right-wing nonsense.

Biden's biggest problem among voters that actually matter is probably inflation. With the idea that he's supporting far left craziness over good ol' American values a close second.
No doubt.

I still think Biden’s questionable senility can affect the turnout of his own voters too, especially the sizable amount in the middle. Hopefully Biden won’t run again.
Of course that’s true from the victory itself, but in this case it would directly undermine the talking point that Biden has lost it and reinforce Biden’s experience factor.

To me Biden’s biggest problem is the apparency that he’s mentally enfeebled.
The irony of that nonsensical video that was heavily edited to make it seem like Biden admitted some sort of corruption in Ukraine, was that it was part of an hour long lecture/question he gave regarding Russian meddling in Ukraine and former Soviet Republics. Anybody that listened to him thoroughly analyze Russian designs in the area knew that compared to Trump, Biden was an expert on the geo political realities of the region. And any impartial observer would realize that in terms of understanding the region alone, Biden had likely forgotten more about it than Trump would ever know...
I think if Putin doesn't invade, that means he already got what he wanted, which is the entire world talking about him and taking him seriously. I really doubt that's what he's after; I think he's more ambitious than that. But it's a possibility.
I agree with your thoughts on the guerrilla strategy discussed in another thread. One issue for the Ukrainians is that their soldiers loyalty. Ukrainians will fight for whomever pays them the most. It's well known that one day they are fighting on the side of the breakaway regions and the next day fighting with the Ukrainian military.

I think if you truly want to inflict maximum pain on Russia you must take the fight to them. E.g. there are plenty of Ukrainians within Russia who could engage in acts of terrorism in Russian cities. That might be the only thing that would get Putin's attention in the event of an invasion.

Wow. @toastedbread is back. Really thought you might be stuck in that Hezbolahh cell for a while.

Where have you been? Don't tell me Florida.
I think if Putin doesn't invade, that means he already got what he wanted, which is the entire world talking about him and taking him seriously. I really doubt that's what he's after; I think he's more ambitious than that. But it's a possibility.

Putin/Russia are clowns. Just attempting to act like they matter on the world stage. Probably the most irrelevant place in the world. They are like IUBB. Nobody cares

The one thing they have is nat gas supply to Europe. Which is fleeting, as the EU noves away from that fuel source over the next decade.

All they have left is a bunch of figure skaters... that can't even perform under their own flag.
Putin/Russia are clowns. Just attempting to act like they matter on the world stage. Probably the most irrelevant place in the world. They are like IUBB. Nobody cares

The one thing they have is nat gas supply to Europe. Which is fleeting, as the EU noves away from that fuel source over the next decade.

All they have left is a bunch of figure skaters... that can't even perform under their own flag.
Russia has a lot of natural elements in various forms that would become scarcer sooner or later.
Putin/Russia are clowns. Just attempting to act like they matter on the world stage. Probably the most irrelevant place in the world. They are like IUBB. Nobody cares

The one thing they have is nat gas supply to Europe. Which is fleeting, as the EU noves away from that fuel source over the next decade.

All they have left is a bunch of figure skaters... that can't even perform under their own flag.
You are understating the pain they can be if they go fully antagonistic and their rapprochement with China recently makes them a bit of a wild card as well. They do sit on quite a bit of natural resource wealth, they are still the 2nd or 3rd most capable military in the world (all things considered), their size puts them in close contact with Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. They are heavily invested in cyber terrorism. They have a massive nuclear arsenal which also makes military action against them next to impossible. They are basically a large pain in the ass type of state with the ability to be a problem wherever they set their mind to it and they can do this with minimal repercussions. Yeah, more sanctions are coming, but all they have to do is weather that storm. And if they sign on to the Chinese New World Order, then the sanctions are likely to have less bite anyway.

They are not the threat of the Soviet Union, but they are not a pushover.
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I think if Putin doesn't invade, that means he already got what he wanted, which is the entire world talking about him and taking him seriously. I really doubt that's what he's after; I think he's more ambitious than that. But it's a possibility.
The calls for "mobilization" in the Donbass are straight out of Hitler's playbook with regards to the "plight" of Sudeten Germans (Czechoslovakia). That worked so well, that he repeated it in Poland , but escalated it further by planting the bodies of murdered Concentration Camp inmates at the scene of a "raid" by "Polish forces" on a German radio station in the German area of Danzig. Naturally the Wehrmacht had to invade Poland to protect the lives of ethnic Germans in the disputed city...WW2 starts overnight...

Ukrainians have as much incentive to invade Donbass as the Czechs did to invade Dresden or Leipzig in 1938...

Scary developments, regarding Putin's goals...

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Multiple competing reports tonight. Firt, Biden and Putin have agreed "in principle" on a summit during the coming week. Then, a few minutes later, CNN reports that some Russian forces have left their garrisons and taken up field positions along the border. Could be another exercise, could be a feint, or we could be getting close to actual war.
Multiple competing reports tonight. Firt, Biden and Putin have agreed "in principle" on a summit during the coming week. Then, a few minutes later, CNN reports that some Russian forces have left their garrisons and taken up field positions along the border. Could be another exercise, could be a feint, or we could be getting close to actual war.
I wouldn’t trust Putin further than a flatulence rhinoceros with the runs would squirt him.
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Multiple competing reports tonight. Firt, Biden and Putin have agreed "in principle" on a summit during the coming week. Then, a few minutes later, CNN reports that some Russian forces have left their garrisons and taken up field positions along the border. Could be another exercise, could be a feint, or we could be getting close to actual war.