Is The US Outfoxing Russia?

What's more important? Defending Ukraine or defending the US southern border?

Southern Border:
All voters - 53%
Rep - 74%
Dem - 31%
Ind - 56% #UkraineInvasion @POTUS

Rasmussen Reports


Nolte: 64% Disapprove of Joe Biden‘s Handling of Ukraine Crisis … via @BreitbartNews

Joe cannot be bothered with the southern border he is more interested in Ukraine and making the neocons happy. America last is his motto.
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Seems to me the U.S. would have had to deploy our own troops into Ukraine as the only way to have prevented the Russian invasion.

Putin had to be convinced this wouldn't happen,

As for me, glad we didn't do it.
Seems to me the U.S. would have had to deploy our own troops into Ukraine as the only way to have prevented the Russian invasion.

Putin had to be convinced this wouldn't happen,

As for me, glad we didn't do it.
Too risky considering who we are dealing with.
MIKE CERNOVICH: "All Zelensky had to do was tell the truth about the Biden corruption. He would have saved his country [Ukraine] and been a hero forever."
Those fkn traders! I think pork belly traders are the worst!

What's more important? Defending Ukraine or defending the US southern border?

Southern Border:
All voters - 53%
Rep - 74%
Dem - 31%
Ind - 56% #UkraineInvasion @POTUS

Rasmussen Reports

Nolte: 64% Disapprove of Joe Biden‘s Handling of Ukraine Crisis … via @BreitbartNews

Joe cannot be bothered with the southern border he is more interested in Ukraine and making the neocons happy. America last is his motto.
Would bet Putin keeps close tabs on the U.S. public political attitudes and and therefore felt secure that unlike the past the American people would not rally around the flag and support the president as the article linked with the Rasmussen poll states.

The exact quote from the articles goes as follows,

These numbers must be something close to a record low for a U.S. president in the early stages of an international crisis. Throughout modern history, Americans have rallied around the flag and our commander-in-chief during these difficult moments. The creep of time can eventually undermine this support. But in the early days, we tend to give the president every benefit of the doubt.
When our enemies saw the Biden regime’s total debacle in Afghanistan - they knew they were dealing with incompetent morons and could do anything they wanted going forward.

Just wait til china moves on tawain. What is china joe going to do? Not a thing.
Would bet Putin keeps close tabs on the U.S. public political attitudes and and therefore felt secure that unlike the past the American people would not rally around the flag and support the president as the article linked with the Rasmussen poll states.

The exact quote from the articles goes as follows,

These numbers must be something close to a record low for a U.S. president in the early stages of an international crisis. Throughout modern history, Americans have rallied around the flag and our commander-in-chief during these difficult moments. The creep of time can eventually undermine this support. But in the early days, we tend to give the president every benefit of the doubt.
Biden eliminates all doubt about competency. That presser yesterday was an absolute train wreck.

Don’t know what Putin will do next? We have the largest most expensive SIGINT and HUMINT in the world. And Biden says he has no idea?

Sanctions are not a deterrent for aggression. Then why impose them?
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Biden eliminates all doubt about competency. That presser yesterday was an absolute train wreck.

Don’t know what Putin will do next? We have the largest most expensive SIGINT and HUMINT in the world. And Biden says he has no idea?

Sanctions are not a deterrent for aggression. Then why impose them?
The press conference was indeed painful to watch.

Like to believe our SIGINT and HUMINT capabilities are good, but doubt they can read what is in Putin's head.
Biden eliminates all doubt about competency. That presser yesterday was an absolute train wreck.

Don’t know what Putin will do next? We have the largest most expensive SIGINT and HUMINT in the world. And Biden says he has no idea?

Sanctions are not a deterrent for aggression. Then why impose them?
Don't forget this gem.

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Don't forget this gem.

majority of American voters say that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not have invaded Ukraine had former President Trump been president, according to a new survey released on Friday.

A new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released Friday found that 62 percent of those polled believed Putin would not be moving against Ukraine if Trump had been president. When looking strictly at the answers of Democrats and Republicans, 85

Dah no kidding. Putin knows how weak Biden is.

If a pollster asked me about whether Putin would have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been president, I would have responded, I don't know.

Similar question was asked at Biden"s press conference about what Putin would do next. Biden answered that he didn't know.

Proving once again that not all of us are mind readers. Therefore subject to being called incompetent and weak.
We have the largest most expensive SIGINT and HUMINT in the world.
lol .... it's cute that you use terminology pretending to be some kind of expert. You would think you learned your lesson after HVAC.

Somehow ... in your twisted socially engineered brain, this is a battle between Biden and Trump.

You just can't help twisting everything into lies about Trump's competency or lies about Biden's incompetency.. it's almost all you do. Lie.

Go seek professional help and unwire yourself from the propaganda machine... you are one seriously ate up MF currently.
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You wake up thinking about Biden, don't you.
Only to think how good everything was with Trump in office. 400 days into Biden and its a f*cking disaster. I've had too many threads listed where you dumb idiots keep defending the shit admin you all elected. And what's really defend yourselves and make yourselves look like foolish children that get caught in a lie. Half of you prolly still live in mom and Dads basement OR depend so much on the government you freak out without your free shit. People are tired of paying for you go earn a living. Now f* k off and own the idiot decision you made to be a reprobate liberal and voted to doom our freedom.
Only to think how good everything was with Trump in office. 400 days into Biden and its a f*cking disaster. I've had too many threads listed where you dumb idiots keep defending the shit admin you all elected. And what's really defend yourselves and make yourselves look like foolish children that get caught in a lie. Half of you prolly still live in mom and Dads basement OR depend so much on the government you freak out without your free shit. People are tired of paying for you go earn a living. Now f* k off and own the idiot decision you made to be a reprobate liberal and voted to doom our freedom.

You need a xanax.
I think the succinct conclusion following recent events is that Putin got the US’s lunch money.

Complaining about the description of the events by a particular source is a distraction on the impact of the outcome.

I think it’s also quite likely Russian troops never leave Belarus. Buy 1 get 1 free.
3/5 Putin still has the US’s lunch money.
Situation in Ukraine is deteriorating.
US is thinking about asking for its lunch money back.
3/5 Putin still has the US’s lunch money.
Situation in Ukraine is deteriorating.
US is thinking about asking for its lunch money back.
Russia is so totally forked that 1 billion lunch monies will not cover their future problems. The world has never united like this ever before. Even without China and some other dipshits. The world is an anarchy of nations, the United Nations notwithstanding. This is the first semblance of creating order out of that anarchy.
Russia is so totally forked that 1 billion lunch monies will not cover their future problems. The world has never united like this ever before. Even without China and some other dipshits. The world is an anarchy of nations, the United Nations notwithstanding. This is the first semblance of creating order out of that anarchy.
All things considered, Russia (already) is as financially bankrupt as Putin is morally bankrupt.

The Wiemar Republic shows what happens,
when national financial bankruptcy is the outcome of forced war reparations.

This may be part of why Putin thinks Russia must win.
It could be the lose, lose square of the prisoner’ dilemma.
Both Russia and Ukraine are standing in the losers‘ square now.

The difference between the Ruble and the US dollar is already a US dollar.
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This may be part of why Putin thinks Russia must win.
It could be the lose, lose square of the prisoner’ dilemma.
Both Russia and Ukraine are standing in the losers‘ square now.
Interesting thought. The most rational choice for Ukraine right now is to surrender. It might also be the perfect timing. If they had surrendered initially Zelensky wouldn’t have had his social media public relations victory. If he were to talk in private to the leaders of the free world now, he could possibly get them to agree to absolutely and totally isolate Russia until Russia leaves Ukraine militarily and reinstates Zelensky as the president.

No more Ukrainians die, the fighting is over, and Russia is totally screwed until they relinquish Ukraine.

Total isolation will include no Internet access to the rest of the world. Just plain shut it down. Of course China would still do it’s thing but there would be repercussions for that too.

I kinda like the idea of Russian hackers getting put out of a job.