Mankind has naively attempted to make war civilized and humane with The Hague Conventions adopted in 1899 and 1907, the Geneva Convention of 1864, subsequent Geneva Conventions ( notably the four 1949 Geneva Conventions and the two 1977 Additional Protocols).
Unfortunately as the Kumbaya crowd was making war crime rules the development of weaponry to fight the next war under the guise of national defense continued to make the conduct of war more devastating to non combatants.
Looking ahead the new weapons appear to have more of a destructive focus on civilians and infrastructure than battlefields involving combatants. For example future combat will include both the cyber and space domains along with biological warfare.. By harnessing advanced technologies and looking for ways to reduce the burden on combatants, armed forces are preparing themselves for tomorrow’s wars at the expense of ordinary citizens .
Unfortunately as the Kumbaya crowd was making war crime rules the development of weaponry to fight the next war under the guise of national defense continued to make the conduct of war more devastating to non combatants.
Looking ahead the new weapons appear to have more of a destructive focus on civilians and infrastructure than battlefields involving combatants. For example future combat will include both the cyber and space domains along with biological warfare.. By harnessing advanced technologies and looking for ways to reduce the burden on combatants, armed forces are preparing themselves for tomorrow’s wars at the expense of ordinary citizens .