Is the destruction of critical infrastructure Ukraine by Russia a war crime?
Mass, great question.

Seems to me given the definition of war crimes below, wars such as WWII whereby more innocent citizens are killed than combatants illustrates war crimes are committed by all the participants in modern day wars. Heck, combatants may be better protected than ordinary citizens.

War crimes can be divided into three categories:

Traditional war crimes, which are acts that violate customary wartime practices.

Crimes against peace, which are acts of hostile military action against a sovereign country that isn't in self defense.

Crimes against humanity, which are acts that involve the enslavement, persecution, brutality, or murder of non-combatants or the extermination of certain groups of people.

World War II

According to most sources, World War II was the most lethal war in world history, with some 70 million killed in six years. The civilian to combatant fatality ratio in World War II lies somewhere between 3:2 and 2:1, or from 60% to 67%.[17] The high ratio of civilian casualties in this war was due in part to the increasing effectiveness and lethality of strategic weapons which were used to target enemy industrial or population centers, and famines caused by economic disruption. An estimated 2.1–3 million Indians died in the Bengal famine of 1943 in India during World War II. A substantial number of civilians in this war were also deliberately killed by Axis Powers as a result of genocide such as the Holocaust or other ethnic cleansing campaigns.[15]
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General Sherman has already weighed in on the issue. Total war is very ugly, but it is the only way to fight.
Sun Tzu disagrees..

What about the war crimes,
You know as well as I that after the shooting stops both sides will have grievances. Collaborators being tied to telephone poles is particularly disturbing. Lobing missiles and arty into civilian aeras seems to be Russian war strategy. I have forgotten any Sun Tzu I was ever exposed too.
You know as well as I that after the shooting stops both sides will have grievances. Collaborators being tied to telephone poles is particularly disturbing. Lobing missiles and arty into civilian aeras seems to be Russian war strategy. I have forgotten any Sun Tzu I was ever exposed too.
So, were the Nuremberg charges, "grievances"?
So, were the Nuremberg charges, "grievances"?
If you are looking at the Russian side of the conflict, then total war is justified. Disabling infrastructure is Shermans plan. The problem is the Russians are pigs and deserve death. Those that don't die in the battle must die from the rope. Officers and politicians. "Kill them, kill them all". My blood has been up for 10 months. Damn serious challenge from "people who have no pretense of loving liberty".
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If you are looking at the Russian side of the conflict, then total war is justified. Disabling infrastructure is Shermans plan. The problem is the Russians are pigs and deserve death. Those that don't die in the battle must die from the rope. Officers and politicians. "Kill them, kill them all". My blood has been up for 10 months. Damn serious challenge from "people who have no pretense of loving liberty".
Russia was exercising some restraint earlier. Punishing brother Orthodox Slav civilians was not the aim. Russia wanted very much to get a look inside the dozen or so biolabs in Ukr. and reduce the NATO,(USA) war machine that was 8 years in the making. The main live fire training was directed towards Donbas, majority Russian-speaking Ukr. citizens. These civilians were slaughtered by predominantly USA-provided munitions, training and technology.

As of today, Ukraine has no air support other than drones. Most of Ukraine has no electricity, fuel (diverted to the war machine) or potable water. A satellite photo of nighttime Ukraine looks identical to one of North Korea. Russia did not sabotage the Nordstream pipelines. It was in their interest to allow Germany to find accommodation to somewhat ameliorate Europe's energy problem. The USA/UK destroyed the pipeline, which took away any chance of Germany's economy being somewhat protected. Germany was the economic engine of the EU.
Not any more.

When the ground freezes in the next few weeks, Russia will come across the border in force; I have read estimated troop strength of the force at 300 to 700 thousand personnel.

Ukraine is committing suicide, and the USA is providing the rope.
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Russia was exercising some restraint earlier. Punishing brother Orthodox Slav civilians was not the aim.p Russia wanted very much to get a look inside the dozen or so biolabs in Ukr. and reduce the NATO,(USA) war machine that was 8 years in the making. The main live fire training was directed towards Donbass, majority Russian-speaking Ukr. citizens. These civilians were slaughtered by predominantly USA-provided munitions, training and technology.

As of today, Ukraine has no air support other than drones. Most of Ukraine has no electricity, fuel (diverted to the war machine) or potable water. A satellite photo of nighttime Ukraine looks identical to one of North Korea. Russia did not sabotage the Nordstream pipelines. It was in their interest to allow Germany to find accommodation to somewhat ameliorate Europe's energy problem. The USA destroyed the pipeline, which took away any chance of Germany's economy being somewhat protected. Germany was the economic engine of the EU.
Not any more.

When the ground freezes in the next few weeks, Russia will come across the border in force; I have read estimated troop strength of the force at 300 to 700 thousand personnel.

Ukraine is committing suicide, and the USA is providing the rope.
Baghdad Bob.
Russia was exercising some restraint earlier. Punishing brother Orthodox Slav civilians was not the aim.p Russia wanted very much to get a look inside the dozen or so biolabs in Ukr. and reduce the NATO,(USA) war machine that was 8 years in the making. The main live fire training was directed towards Donbass, majority Russian-speaking Ukr. citizens. These civilians were slaughtered by predominantly USA-provided munitions, training and technology.

As of today, Ukraine has no air support other than drones. Most of Ukraine has no electricity, fuel (diverted to the war machine) or potable water. A satellite photo of nighttime Ukraine looks identical to one of North Korea. Russia did not sabotage the Nordstream pipelines. It was in their interest to allow Germany to find accommodation to somewhat ameliorate Europe's energy problem. The USA destroyed the pipeline, which took away any chance of Germany's economy being somewhat protected. Germany was the economic engine of the EU.
Not any more.

When the ground freezes in the next few weeks, Russia will come across the border in force; I have read estimated troop strength of the force at 300 to 700 thousand personnel.

Ukraine is committing suicide, and the USA is providing the rope.

Looks like someone got their weekly Q update!

But skipped their thorazine.
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Crimes against humanity, which are acts that involve the enslavement, persecution, brutality, or murder of non-combatants or the extermination of certain groups of people.

Based on this, one could argue destroying Ukraine’s heat source in the winter would in fact qualify.
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Russia was exercising some restraint earlier. Punishing brother Orthodox Slav civilians was not the aim.p Russia wanted very much to get a look inside the dozen or so biolabs in Ukr. and reduce the NATO,(USA) war machine that was 8 years in the making. The main live fire training was directed towards Donbass, majority Russian-speaking Ukr. citizens. These civilians were slaughtered by predominantly USA-provided munitions, training and technology.

As of today, Ukraine has no air support other than drones. Most of Ukraine has no electricity, fuel (diverted to the war machine) or potable water. A satellite photo of nighttime Ukraine looks identical to one of North Korea. Russia did not sabotage the Nordstream pipelines. It was in their interest to allow Germany to find accommodation to somewhat ameliorate Europe's energy problem. The USA destroyed the pipeline, which took away any chance of Germany's economy being somewhat protected. Germany was the economic engine of the EU.
Not any more.

When the ground freezes in the next few weeks, Russia will come across the border in force; I have read estimated troop strength of the force at 300 to 700 thousand personnel.

Ukraine is committing suicide, and the USA is providing the rope.
If that turns out to be the truth, then the entire news reported from most of the west is propaganda and I will have been dupped.
Not all of the media.
Like finding must seek to find.
Link your sources. Nothing you posted approaches reality. Russia isn't capable of mustering 300,000 to 700,000 troops and train them effectively enough to mount a successful operation this winter. They're giving conscripts a week of training and sending them to the front lines to die by the thousands. The Russian military has proven to be poorly trained, poorly led and very ineffective. That's not going to change quickly enough to do anything near what you're claiming they're planning to do.

Where did your pro-Russia sentiment come from?
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Link your sources. Nothing you posted approaches reality. Russia isn't capable of mustering 300,000 to 700,000 Trumps and train them effectively enough to mount a successful operation this winter. They're giving conscripts a week of training and sending them to the front lines to die by the thousands. The Russian military has proven to be poorly trained, poorly led and very ineffective. That's not going to change quickly enough to do anything near what you're claiming they're planning to do.

Where did your pro-Russia sentiment come from?
You posted 300-700k are 8^...

Is Trump paying rent or living
free in your head?
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I don’t know if it’s a war crime, as that definition seems highly situational.

But I think it’s now obvious that Ukraine is being obliterated as we watch and it will cease to exist as a country. A winter with limited electricity, or no electricity for millions, will result in the 21st century’s first genocide. The looming suffering, starvation, and frozen water supply is the product of a sick, evil, depraved mind.

Meanwhile the “free world” is impotent and the leader of the free world is a joke.
Link your sources. Nothing you posted approaches reality. Russia isn't capable of mustering 300,000 to 700,000 Trumps and train them effectively enough to mount a successful operation this winter. They're giving conscripts a week of training and sending them to the front lines to die by the thousands. The Russian military has proven to be poorly trained, poorly led and very ineffective. That's not going to change quickly enough to do anything near what you're claiming they're planning to do.

Where did your pro-Russia sentiment come from?