Is November Getting Bigger? Another Dem Denies The Science of Biology


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
So the economy and wanting transexualism taught in 3rd grade was gonna kill the Democrats in the mid-terms..

The rumored overturning of Roe maybe got them some bites back, although most folks who were pro-abortion were already in their camp.

This week, the Dems doubled down on the idiocy of denying biology, and had a dumbass testify that men can get pregnant and have abortions because everyone can "identify for themselves."

Aimee Arrambide, the executive director of Avow Texas, was asked by Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., to define what "a woman is," to which she responded, "I believe that everyone can identify for themselves." When asked "Do you believe that men can become pregnant and have abortions?", Arrambide replied. "yes."

A bunch of Ph.D.'s may want to sit around in an ivory tower and discuss the nuances of sexual "identification," but Bubba won't.

Bubba used to vote straight ticket Democrat, having believed the big lie that the Dems were "for the working man."
But as they woke up and saw that was BS, and that the Dems felt they were Deplorable, the Dems lost Bubba.
So Bubba elected Trump.
And Bubba is gonna un-elect a BUNCH of Democrats in November.

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