There is a reason Reagan carried almost every state.
yeah, total idiocracy.
idiots bought his out and out "trickle down lies" and voted for him more because of likeability than anything else, though his sabotaging of the hostage release obviously helped him as well, which is exactly why they sabotaged it.
the non rich who adored him the most, literally hate, loathe, and despise with a passion, everything he did economically more than they hate anything else political ever, but still are too brain dead stupid to make the connection.
It’s how governments work. I understand why liberals are upset. You’re use to Republicans folding and getting your way.
if you think Disney is a "liberal" multinational corporate conglomerate, you're even dumber than i suspected.
there literally is no such thing as a "liberal" multinational corporate conglomerate, on anything corp conglomerates care about..
do you just not grasp what multinational corporate conglomerates are, or how the work?
and Pubs don't usually "fold", they usually get bought, because they legalized being bought as their number 1 economic/judicial priority.
Not to mention, Democrat policies don’t align well with high debt, inflation, and etc.
high debt and today's corp price gouging being falsely passed off as "inflation", are the result of conservative economic policies and the monopolization of many to most industries, with said monopolization also being a purely conservative driven happening.
I was young once and voted for Democrats. Then I grew up and stopped voting for Democrats.
don't know your age, but the DNC went from being economically liberal to economically very conservative in my time, with some Dems now going back to being econ liberals.
though never as conservative as Pubs, other than the Clintons, who were economically as crazy far right as you could possibly get, and not liberal socially either..
I was young once and voted for Democrats. Then I grew up and stopped voting for Democrats.
so was it greed that changed you?
that's the common one, will no doubt hit gen z ers as well, as it does all generations.
there is no difference in generations, that's a total fallacy.
only in age groups.