Is it time to stick a fork in DeSantis?

Hey where the f has he been?

His state is underwater and in crisis and he's nowhere to be found right!!!??!! Lol

I'm sure you are more concerned about those things but you're not gen z or a millennial (okay maybe a millennial?).

Is fiscal responsibility your big thing? Please point to me examples of republican fiduciary responsibility in the past 30 years. Our deficit was blown to smithereens by Bush and Trump. Where was this 'concern' then? It didn't exist.

You don't know that Desantis gerrymandered the living hell out of Florida? Cmon. Even the Republican legislature thought it was obnoxious.

Central American Latinos have always been attracted to strongmen, particularly those that campaign against imperialism (the govt is opportunistic and evil and only I can keep it under control) so it's not really a stretch to see that central American Latinos are going to be attracted to an anti govt strong man.

Surely we can see a connection with Desantis's rhetoric.
Desantis won fla by more than anyone in four decades. He kept the state open. Fastest growing state in the country. More new biz filings than any other state. Finance and tech and wealthy heading there in droves. In the meantime ny and Calif and Ill were locking people down, keeping kids home, and taxing the hell out of earners while progressives turn the cities to shitholes and worry about the happiness of a tiny portion of mentally off people

Shocker fla is popular….
DeSantis/ Disney is an important battle in the war for truth in our country. Commonly referred to derogatorily by Democrats and turncoats as the “Culture War”. Republicans have buckled and bent on that front for decades to society’s great detriment. No one is happier, at least not by any observable metric, than those racist, sexist bastages in the 50’s. That includes women and minority groups. What we have reached now is a breaking point.

Is the fight with Disney in the best interest of Floridians? Yes, if Floridians want to live in a state, country, world where truth is still valued.
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Desantis won fla by more than anyone in four decades. He kept the state open. Fastest growing state in the country. More new biz filings than any other state. Finance and tech and wealthy heading there in droves. In the meantime ny and Calif and Ill were locking people down, keeping kids home, and taxing the hell out of earners while progressives turn the cities to shitholes.

Shocker fla is popular….
FYI I try to look at everything like a campaign manager, so I don't mean to come across as 'you Murt!!' or 'you Snarl!!!'.

If I was a campaign manager Desantis is making my job easier by codifying things that we now know are firing up the opposite base, particularly youth.

He's making it law which means he's taken the power of ambiguity out of the equation. You can't say 'he's just trying to appeal to the extreme but don't worry he'll move to the middle of he gets the nomination'.

So yeah, knowing that the big 4 of millennials and gen z are guns, abortion, gays and climate (and it makes sense as this is the generation that has grown up with the threat of school shootings to the point that they do active shooter drills...or knowing that the future earth is more important to them than to us, etc), I don't see how he appeals.

Maybe I'm wrong but I feel much better than I did a couple years ago.
FYI I try to look at everything like a campaign manager, so I don't mean to come across as 'you Murt!!' or 'you Snarl!!!'.

If I was a campaign manager Desantis is making my job easier by codifying things that we now know are firing up the opposite base, particularly youth.

He's making it law which means he's taken the power of ambiguity out of the equation. You can't say 'he's just trying to appeal to the extreme but don't worry he'll move to the middle of he gets the nomination'.

So yeah, knowing that the big 4 of millennials and gen z are guns, abortion, gays and climate (and it makes sense as this is the generation that has grown up with the threat of school shootings to the point that they do active shooter drills...or knowing that the future earth is more important to them than to us, etc), I don't see how he appeals.

Maybe I'm wrong but I feel much better than I did a couple years ago.
Many will grow up and grow tired of being taxed to support shitty gov.
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DeSantis/ Disney is an important battle in the war for truth in our country. Commonly referred to derogatorily by Democrats and turncoats as the “Culture War”. Republicans have buckled and bent on that front for decades to societies great detriment. No one is happier, at least not by any observable metric, than those racist, sexist bastages in the 50’s. That includes women and minority groups. What we have reached now is a breaking point.

Is the fight with Disney in the best interest of Floridians? Yes, if Floridians want to live in a state, country, world where truth is still valued.
I thought freedom of speech was kind of a big deal for you.

Please explain this 'war on truth' in more detail cuz it's looks like a classic case of a corporation exercising it's constitutional right (since companies are private entities) to not be forcibly influenced by the power agenda of whoever happens to be in office.

The current resident seems pretty butthurt by that and is trying to forcefully take some creative control or at the minimum punish a private company for not toeing the line of the political agenda.

So please, explain how that is not the case.

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FYI I try to look at everything like a campaign manager, so I don't mean to come across as 'you Murt!!' or 'you Snarl!!!'.

If I was a campaign manager Desantis is making my job easier by codifying things that we now know are firing up the opposite base, particularly youth.

He's making it law which means he's taken the power of ambiguity out of the equation. You can't say 'he's just trying to appeal to the extreme but don't worry he'll move to the middle of he gets the nomination'.

So yeah, knowing that the big 4 of millennials and gen z are guns, abortion, gays and climate (and it makes sense as this is the generation that has grown up with the threat of school shootings to the point that they do active shooter drills...or knowing that the future earth is more important to them than to us, etc), I don't see how he appeals.

Maybe I'm wrong but I feel much better than I did a couple years ago.
Yes but the Democratic position on those issues is based on lies fundamentally. Climate alarmism is based on a litany of lies. Abortion past 6 weeks relies on the lie that a fetus with a heartbeat isn’t alive. LGBTQ? That relies on the lie that all lifestyles and sexual exploits are equivalent and don’t forget the whopper that gender isn’t biological.

Guns is just flagrantly unconstitutional and ignorant of history. I suppose that relies on the lie that an unarmed populous can rely on a benevolent government indefinitely.
Yes but the Democratic position on those issues is based on lies fundamentally. Climate alarmism is based on a litany of lies. Abortion past 6 weeks relies on the lie that a fetus with a heartbeat isn’t alive. LGBTQ? That relies on the lie that all lifestyles and sexual exploits are equivalent and don’t forget the whopper that gender isn’t biological.

Guns is just flagrantly unconstitutional and ignorant of history. I suppose that relies on the lie that an unarmed populous can rely on a benevolent government indefinitely.
That's like your opinion man.

The real problem that I see is the only thing you (Republicans) seem to offer is denial.

Denial doesn't fly, it actually invigorates those that feel strongly about it.
Because of gerrymandering?
No because he was hotter.

Desantis's gerrymandering eliminated two primarily black seats.

'Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis didn’t hold back in the least bit in post-census redistricting. He rejected Florida Republicans’ own proposed map, which already heavily favored the red electorate. With the help of outside right-wing consultants, DeSantis redrew the lines even more egregiously in favor of the GOP by essentially eliminating two Black congressional seats, the 5th and the 10th, formerly represented by Democrats Al Lawson and Val Demings, who recently lost the Florida Senate race to Republican incumbent Marco Rubio.'
Yes but the Democratic position on those issues is based on lies fundamentally. Climate alarmism is based on a litany of lies. Abortion past 6 weeks relies on the lie that a fetus with a heartbeat isn’t alive. LGBTQ? That relies on the lie that all lifestyles and sexual exploits are equivalent and don’t forget the whopper that gender isn’t biological.

Guns is just flagrantly unconstitutional and ignorant of history. I suppose that relies on the lie that an unarmed populous can rely on a benevolent government indefinitely.
Bacteria on Mars is life..
A beating human heart isn't.
Abortionists need the wood inch per minute...
DeSantis/ Disney is an important battle in the war for truth in our country. Commonly referred to derogatorily by Democrats and turncoats as the “Culture War”. Republicans have buckled and bent on that front for decades to societies great detriment. No one is happier, at least not by any observable metric, than those racist, sexist bastages in the 50’s. That includes women and minority groups. What we have reached now is a breaking point.

Is the fight with Disney in the best interest of Floridians? Yes, if Floridians want to live in a state, country, world where truth is still valued.
Without the Battle of DeSantis/ Disney we may never have won the victory at the Battle of Bud Light.

Bud Light may consequentially lead to another Battle. Think of it like The Battle of Ypres.
No because he was hotter.

Desantis's gerrymandering eliminated two primarily black seats.

'Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis didn’t hold back in the least bit in post-census redistricting. He rejected Florida Republicans’ own proposed map, which already heavily favored the red electorate. With the help of outside right-wing consultants, DeSantis redrew the lines even more egregiously in favor of the GOP by essentially eliminating two Black congressional seats, the 5th and the 10th, formerly represented by Democrats Al Lawson and Val Demings, who recently lost the Florida Senate race to Republican incumbent Marco Rubio.'
Gerrymandering Senate seats. Do you see that.

People use terms In places that don’t belong. Or there is a lack of understanding. Hmmm….buzz words
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His whole culture war stick is modeled after what Orban did to Hungary. You saying 'calm down' or 'its not a big deal' or 'you're overreacting' are things you never should say in politics. It's a bad defense mechanism to try to emote feels.
That’s nonsense. The left is the one who always brings him up and are whining about something he said or did. This exchange started because of a clickbait article from thehill. Seriously, you need to calm down and stop overreacting 🫣
He gerrymandered the living shit out of Florida. The republican legislature even said it possibly violated Florida election laws but Desantis rammed it through. Rubio beat Demings by what, 17 points because of it and it turned the legislature branch into a super majority. Again, the Orban playbook.

I was young also. Millennials are now into their 40's and they voted overwhelmingly dem.

Again what is the position on Abortion, Guns, Gays and Climate? Desantis is on the overwhelming opposite side and he's codified it in Florida.

So no, you can't say 'he's just joking' or 'I think he'll come back to the middle of he beats Trump'.

No going back now. It's law.

To quote James Carville, it’s the economy stupid. We no longer have the tailwinds of low debt, good demographics, a poor China making cheap goods for America, and the ability to pass along inflation to the rest of the world like we have the past 30 years. The bill for big government has come due.
DeSantis really doesn't have a prayer on a national stage. The 6 wk abortion ban was the nail in his POTUS coffin and now him picking a short man's fight to try and gang up on Mickey Mouse is insurance. Forget the Fascist Lite title... that would be more complimentary than where he finds himself now. His political look and strut is best described as a Rick-Moranis-I-Am-The-Keymaster flex thinking Florida is the Gatekeeper to a national election.

He's in a weird league of his own that won't even remotely appeal on a national stage, and even Trump knows it. So long to the Floridian Naploean... we hardly knew ye.

If the Republican Top 2 are Trump and DeSantis for 2024, go ahead and offer early congratulations to Dems now.
DeSantis is aggressive and ambitious and until recently I thought he was smart. I've been saying that all he has to do is present himself as the sane alternative to Trump. He's struggling at that and, as others have noted, his anti-woke messaging and stance on social issues flies in Florida but it will fall flat on the national stage. I don't know who's advising him and/or what the hell his problem is.

Oh, and a huge donor has pulled back. Ronnie's losing momentum.

That’s nonsense. The left is the one who always brings him up and are whining about something he said or did. This exchange started because of a clickbait article from thehill. Seriously, you need to calm down and stop overreacting 🫣

To quote James Carville, it’s the economy stupid. We no longer have the tailwinds of low debt, good demographics, a poor China making cheap goods for America, and the ability to pass along inflation to the rest of the world like we have the past 30 years. The bill for big government has come due.

Yup it's all just an overreaction.

These actual laws that the right leaning state governments are codifying...they aren't real. There's nothing to see here.

When that's your defense you're in a losing position.
DeSantis is aggressive and ambitious and until recently I thought he was smart. I've been saying that all he has to do is present himself as the sane alternative to Trump. He's struggling at that and, as others have noted, his anti-woke messaging and stance on social issues flies in Florida but it will fall flat on the national stage. I don't know who's advising him and/or what the hell his problem is.

Oh, and a huge donor has pulled back. Ronnie's losing momentum.

That donor is quite literally Trumps neighbor. Take a look at his donations the last couple cycles. He didn’t “pause” shit. He was never going to be funding DeSantis, at least not in the primary.

Do your research.
Took the house. And without the trump effect probably the senate
You definitely would have taken both if you didn't have the 300 Trump gorilla weighing the party down.

We as Dems only salvaged the mid terms because of the youth vote....they came out (hell I didn't vote until I was 22 and that was for Perot) so my 18 year old self was like most, unengaged and thought politics was boring.

But they saved our asses thanks to Trump and Roe v Wade.

Which is why I'm super concerned (as a guy that just manages my families investments now, including my own) on the debt ceiling.

I don't trust republicans these days.

I would normally be 100% in now but I'm only 65ish which means I'm 100% going to be pissed off this summer with how the debt ceiling plays out. Lol
Yup it's all just an overreaction.
I was trying to get you going. I couldn’t help myself.
These actual laws that the right leaning state governments are codifying...they aren't real. There's nothing to see here. When that's your defense you're in a losing position.
They are definitely real and most conservatives agree with them. I actually agree with Walsh. Any Republican who isn’t clear on the trans issue when it comes to sports, women spaces, and children won’t get my vote. I choose to live in reality.

Lastly, my real position was my last paragraph. The economy trumps all of the cultural issues for most people.
You definitely would have taken both if you didn't have the 300 Trump gorilla weighing the party down.

We as Dems only salvaged the mid terms because of the youth vote....they came out (hell I didn't vote until I was 22 and that was for Perot) so my 18 year old self was like most, unengaged and thought politics was boring.

But they saved our asses thanks to Trump and Roe v Wade.

Which is why I'm super concerned (as a guy that just manages my families investments now, including my own) on the debt ceiling.

I don't trust republicans these days.

I would normally be 100% in now but I'm only 65ish which means I'm 100% going to be pissed off this summer with how the debt ceiling plays out. Lol
Dems prevented me from being rich with Covid. I’ll never vote for another Dem in a state election. Desantis isn’t a tax nut like you see in calif and ny.

Tommy c. But for Pritzker I’d still have ky stoker. And be rich
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Yes. Inflation/economy drove the Red Wave last November.

Oh wait. Never mind.
Inflation had only been an issue for about a year, the economy was still in good shape, and a lot of people still had savings from the Covid handouts. Losing 2-3% of your purchasing power isn’t that big of deal. It becomes an issue if it continues for years.

Edit: I wanted to add Trump and Roe/Wade didn’t help Republicans either.
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Dems prevented me from being rich with Covid. I’ll never vote for another Dem in a state election. Desantis isn’t a tax nut like you see in calif and ny.

Tommy c. But for Pritzker I’d still have ky stoker. And be rich

You sound bitter, bro.
I was trying to get you going. I couldn’t help myself.

They are definitely real and most conservatives agree with them. I actually agree with Walsh. Any Republican who isn’t clear on the trans issue when it comes to sports, women spaces, and children won’t get my vote. I choose to live in reality.

Lastly, my real position was my last paragraph. The economy trumps all of the cultural issues for most people.
Yeah I don't get the intense trans rhetoric.

I just don't care what they do. The very, very small amount of time that I've been in proximity to one they've never bothered me, hell they've never even looked at me.

It's just not a major concern and never has been until the right found some juice in a manufactured grievance against them....that's what you guys do.

Republicans, in my lifetime, have always forced themselves onto everyone else as the guardians of 'accepted' morals.

Republicans say they value independence, freedom and personal accountability while also trying to govern accepted behavior....which is counterintuitive to 'personal freedom, independence and personal accountability'.

I know what's next....'BUT THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!'
The dumbass thinks state-wide elections, such as Governor or US Senate can be gerrymandered.
I did Mas, I f#$ked that one up.

Desantis did gerrymander the hell out of Florida to get his supermajority.

Exactly what Orban did in Hungary.

Orban also strong armed their liberal university to close down.... exactly what Desantis is attempting to do (and started with New College) whereas everyone on here just said he was only concerned with grade schools and not to over react.

Nope, wrong.

Orban got his power by gerrymandering, putting in cronies, overriding the courts, claiming election fraud, blaming Soros as the scapegoat for everything, eliminating opposition press, attacking the gays back into the closet, etc.

Pretty common playbook for autocrat strongmen.

Desantis is just tracing and test driving the same playbook in Florida.

You should love that.
I did Mas, I f#$ked that one up.

Desantis did gerrymander the hell out of Florida to get his supermajority.

Exactly what Orban did in Hungary.

Orban also strong armed their liberal university to close down.... exactly what Desantis is attempting to do (and started with New College) whereas everyone on here just said he was only concerned with grade schools and not to over react.

Nope, wrong.

Orban got his power by gerrymandering, putting in cronies, overriding the courts, claiming election fraud, blaming Soros as the scapegoat for everything, eliminating opposition press, attacking the gays back into the closet, etc.

Pretty common playbook for autocrat strongmen.

Desantis is just tracing and test driving the same playbook in Florida.

You should love that.
Could you post a picture of current map of congressional districts in Florida and a picture of the previous map of congressional districts in Florida?
I did Mas, I f#$ked that one up.

Desantis did gerrymander the hell out of Florida to get his supermajority.

Exactly what Orban did in Hungary.

Orban also strong armed their liberal university to close down.... exactly what Desantis is attempting to do (and started with New College) whereas everyone on here just said he was only concerned with grade schools and not to over react.

Nope, wrong.

Orban got his power by gerrymandering, putting in cronies, overriding the courts, claiming election fraud, blaming Soros as the scapegoat for everything, eliminating opposition press, attacking the gays back into the closet, etc.

Pretty common playbook for autocrat strongmen.

Desantis is just tracing and test driving the same playbook in Florida.

You should love that.
Odd that Tucker isn't full on with Ron. He thinks Orban is the shit.
His whole culture war stick is modeled after what Orban did to Hungary. You saying 'calm down' or 'its not a big deal' or 'you're overreacting' are things you never should say in politics. It's a bad defense mechanism to try to emote feels.

He gerrymandered the living shit out of Florida. The republican legislature even said it possibly violated Florida election laws but Desantis rammed it through. Rubio beat Demings by what, 17 points because of it and it turned the legislature branch into a super majority. Again, the Orban playbook.

I was young also. Millennials are now into their 40's and they voted overwhelmingly dem.

Again what is the position on Abortion, Guns, Gays and Climate? Desantis is on the overwhelming opposite side and he's codified it in Florida.

So no, you can't say 'he's just joking' or 'I think he'll come back to the middle of he beats Trump'.

No going back now. It's law.

Rubio’s victory over Demmings had zero to do with gerrymandering. Senate is a state-wide race.
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I just don't care what they do. The very, very small amount of time that I've been in proximity to one they've never bothered me, hell they've never even looked at me.

It's just not a major concern and never has been until the right found some juice in a manufactured grievance against them....that's what you guys do.

Republicans, in my lifetime, have always forced themselves onto everyone else as the guardians of 'accepted' morals.

Republicans say they value independence, freedom and personal accountability while also trying to govern accepted behavior....which is counterintuitive to 'personal freedom, independence and personal accountability'.

I know what's next....'BUT THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!'
I’ve never given two sh#ts until it started involving women, children, and the changing of reality.

You wouldn’t be slightly annoyed if your conservative boss made a company policy that you had to agree and say Jesus Christ is the son of God to Christian’s at work because he didn’t want you to hurt their feelings? Maybe on Zoom calls or email signatures you have to post born again? The Orwellian nature of it is annoying as f#ck.

Also the flag is ugly. Gay dudes are known for having good taste and style. It’s bullshit they are stuck with that monstrosity. When racist rednecks have a better looking flag, you know you f#cked up. Rant over 😤
The dumbass thinks state-wide elections, such as Governor or US Senate can be gerrymandered.
No, but the house and state legislators can be gerrymandered. Who said he was gerrymandering for himself?

He was stacking the deck so that the gop could control all aspects of florida.
No, but the house and state legislators can be gerrymandered. Who said he was gerrymandering for himself?

He was stacking the deck so that the gop could control all aspects of florida.
What does the Florida Fair District Amendment say?
I would like to see the previous map and compare to current map.