Is anyone still a supporter of fan of Biden at this point?

Do you even Abe Lincoln bro?

I'd go 60 or tie it to retirement age

Competency is f*cking sexy as hell. I don't know if DeSantis has it. Or Newsom. Or Haley (although.....probably).

McM does on sheer principle.
I was surrounded by cougs sat night. Drunk ones. I was thinking that maybe they can’t even get pregnant anymore. Might be okay. But then I got real turned off. I checked my phone before bed and my friend requests were blowing up!! They don’t get many chances out in the wild I don’t think
How do you figure? Under Trump:
Lower gas prices
Inflation low
Secure borders
Healthy economy
Respected on world stage
Low crime

I'll take Trump any day of the liberal administration we have today. Nobody in their right mind could think it's better today than under Trump.
Ohhhhh but you must have forgotten where you are...The WC is the definition of right mind, NOT. I agree with you all day on your statement. Incoming
How do you figure? Under Trump:
Lower gas prices
Inflation low
Secure borders
Healthy economy
Respected on world stage
Low crime

I'll take Trump any day of the liberal administration we have today. Nobody in their right mind could think it's better today than under Trump.

Trump's last year in office was the worst violent crime levels in a generation.... but that aside.

He had an opportunity to display leadership and failed miserably during covid.

1) he won't win and 2) he's the most divisive asshole in modern history.... the last thing this country needs.
How do you figure? Under Trump:
Lower gas prices
Inflation low
Secure borders
Healthy economy
Respected on world stage
Low crime

I'll take Trump any day of the liberal administration we have today. Nobody in their right mind could think it's better today than under Trump.

Yeah he was unbiased. Doesn't even like Trump. Garland, not so.

Barr did everything Trump wanted until he drew the line at stealing the election.

When Barr grew a spine, Trump dumped him because he was of no use to him.

Nice try though.
You like paying more for everything? Like our ballooning debt? Like our withdrawal from Afghanistan where we lost 13 servicemen? Like no borders? I could keep going. You had none of these under Trump

Nope, I don't like ballooning debt or paying more. But I'm not blind to the effects of tax cuts for the wealthy either or that a lot of the debt occurred under Trump.

More servicemen were lost under Trump in Afghanistan (23 to be exact). Why do you only care about those 13? Were the 23 servicemen lost in Afghanistan by Trump immaterial to you?

Want to count how many people died when Trump abandoned the Kurds? or do non-American lives not count?

More people have been caught at the border under Biden than under Trump.

So yea, facts matter and you don't seem to have them.
We don't even use the terminology mass retreats which it wasn't. It was a redeployment which we didn't do as well as we've done it elsewhere.

C'mon, man. Can't you come up with a better euphemism than that?
Trump's last year in office was the worst violent crime levels in a generation.... but that aside.

He had an opportunity to display leadership and failed miserably during covid.

1) he won't win and 2) he's the most divisive asshole in modern history.... the last thing this country needs.

Dude, this administration couldn’t be bothered to go to Tennessee when 6 people were murdered but they were Johnny on the spot when an opportunity arose to grandstand for political points.

Biden is literally worse than Trump

Dude, this administration couldn’t be bothered to go to Tennessee when 6 people were murdered but they were Johnny on the spot when an opportunity arose to grandstand for political points.

Biden is literally worse than Trump

Trump really brought people together during mass shootings

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Dude, this administration couldn’t be bothered to go to Tennessee when 6 people were murdered but they were Johnny on the spot when an opportunity arose to grandstand for political points.

Biden is literally worse than Trump

Yea, Biden should have brought them some paper towels lmao

Or minted some Biden autographed guns to commemorate the event. He could have really trumpified things by trying to profit off of it.
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The other poster asked what he has done "well". I'd say those things fit that. But of course we both have partisan leanings that skew how we view those accomplishments. It's probably why Hickory didn't respond, as he knew all he would have received was a "nuh uh".
Hickory did not respond because he is low hanging fruit that can't come up with anything deeper than what you can fit on a bumper sticker.

I asked the question of Hickory knowing he wouldn't respond. He always disappears when those questions are asked and waits for one of you more intelligent (but misguided) folks to do the lifting for him.
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Here, let me spell it out. I’m apparently not being clear enough.

Trump was really really bad.

Biden is also really really bad.
Except that was not at all what you said until that post.

Comparing the levels of bad though is laughable. Trump was much, much worse
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Hickory, I feel for you. We seem to have a collection of MAGA Partisans commenting here and there isn't a thing you can say that will change their little minds. Trump was a disaster for this country. And to top his reign off he tried to STEAL a free and fair election. I doubt you can find another Prez that has tried to do that. In doing so our country has no more faith in our elections, the FBI, Justice Department, EPA, etc.... If he didn't get his way with these departments then he would try to kill them. Trump has lowered the bar for every other Prez. Slept with a pornstar? Trump did that. Lied on taxes? Trump did that. Bribed a foreign government? Trump did that. Lied about replacing healthcare? Trump did that. Family members making BILLIONS off of a foreign government? Hunter only made a couple million. And BTW, Biden is not to blame for world wide inflation, world wide gas prices, Russia invading the Ukraine, etc. If you believe that your are an idiot.

You can say "but I like his policies" all you want but that is really saying the end justifies the means. Never before has our country given a pass to a Prez like they did The Donald and hopefully never again. Again, Old Hickory, it's impossible to get the MAGA Cult in here to change their thought process. Biden is old but the job is getting done. The alternative would have been a Prez (Trump) that ALL scholars have rated as the worst or almost the worst Prez in our nations history.
Hickory, I feel for you. We seem to have a collection of MAGA Partisans commenting here and there isn't a thing you can say that will change their little minds. Trump was a disaster for this country. And to top his reign off he tried to STEAL a free and fair election. I doubt you can find another Prez that has tried to do that. In doing so our country has no more faith in our elections, the FBI, Justice Department, EPA, etc.... If he didn't get his way with these departments then he would try to kill them. Trump has lowered the bar for every other Prez. Slept with a pornstar? Trump did that. Lied on taxes? Trump did that. Bribed a foreign government? Trump did that. Lied about replacing healthcare? Trump did that. Family members making BILLIONS off of a foreign government? Hunter only made a couple million. And BTW, Biden is not to blame for world wide inflation, world wide gas prices, Russia invading the Ukraine, etc. If you believe that your are an idiot.

You can say "but I like his policies" all you want but that is really saying the end justifies the means. Never before has our country given a pass to a Prez like they did The Donald and hopefully never again. Again, Old Hickory, it's impossible to get the MAGA Cult in here to change their thought process. Biden is old but the job is getting done. The alternative would have been a Prez (Trump) that ALL scholars have rated as the worst or almost the worst Prez in our nations history.
Another question. If Justice Thomas gets impeached do you think the Republicans/MAGA would allow Prez Biden to pick his replacement this close to the 2024 elections? It is 1 year and 7 months away ya know....
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Yea, Biden should have brought them some paper towels lmao

Or minted some Biden autographed guns to commemorate the event. He could have really trumpified things by trying to profit off of it.
Nancy Pelosi



In the land of **** ups, Biden is king.
He is an idiot and his administration is incompetent. That is the reason Democrats are still harping on Trump. That is the only way they can pull this next election off because every other Republican candidate would destroy that dotard in 2024. He has nothing to run on, if he could put together thoughts to begin with. No pandemic to hide him in his basement for this go around either.
“Nothing to run on”- Jobs market is historically strong- team elephant is incredibly lucky that Biden isn’t the self-promoting huckster that was and is Trump. Also Biden has added less than half the amount than did Trump to our federal debt. So he’s certainly out-performed Don on some important metrics- Biden isn’t great, but he didn’t try and overcome an election defeat with the Green Bay Sweep, isn’t under multiple indictments, and is mainly too damn old for the job
“Nothing to run on”- Jobs market is historically strong- team elephant is incredibly lucky that Biden isn’t the self-promoting huckster that was and is Trump. Also Biden has added less than half the amount than did Trump to our federal debt. So he’s certainly out-performed Don on some important metrics- Biden isn’t great, but he didn’t try and overcome an election defeat with the Green Bay Sweep, isn’t under multiple indictments, and is mainly too damn old for the job
He sucks.
He sucks.
The Founders knew not everyone would be a popular and effective president, so they gave us a system of government which could still function if the Prez sucked,

My fears aren't about who is or may occupy the White House, My fear is the country is so divided that the system isn't functioning.

The worst part is a good many of us prefer a non functioning federal government, as they see the federal government as the enemy of the people.
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He's doing the best he can and it's pretty obvious that he has a very orchestrated team behind him, helping to make decisions.
Obviously not what we need right now but he is all that is keeping us from falling off of a Trump cliff.

neither party has anything good to offer at the moment.
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He sucks.
As did Trump- you evidently hold no BS degree from IU- hope you are already receiving Social Security or your lack of economic knowledge and overly partisan viewpoint may cause you to collect and sell beer cans in retirement- federal debt matters more than you seem to understand
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He's doing the best he can and it's pretty obvious that he has a very orchestrated team behind him, helping to make decisions.
JH, your mention of the team behind Biden, reminded me of Ronald Reagan and what I've have always thought was a great team. Also Reagan, just like Biden, showed signs of aging which back in those days wasn't played up to the extent Biden is facing.

The Reagan team included James A. Baker, Donald Regan, Michael Deaver, and Edwin Meese. All were political pros who were respected on both sides of the political aisle. The animosity between parties and within the entire body politic back then paled as compared to these days.
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Hickory, I feel for you. We seem to have a collection of MAGA Partisans commenting here and there isn't a thing you can say that will change their little minds. Trump was a disaster for this country. And to top his reign off he tried to STEAL a free and fair election. I doubt you can find another Prez that has tried to do that. In doing so our country has no more faith in our elections, the FBI, Justice Department, EPA, etc.... If he didn't get his way with these departments then he would try to kill them. Trump has lowered the bar for every other Prez. Slept with a pornstar? Trump did that. Lied on taxes? Trump did that. Bribed a foreign government? Trump did that. Lied about replacing healthcare? Trump did that. Family members making BILLIONS off of a foreign government? Hunter only made a couple million. And BTW, Biden is not to blame for world wide inflation, world wide gas prices, Russia invading the Ukraine, etc. If you believe that your are an idiot.

You can say "but I like his policies" all you want but that is really saying the end justifies the means. Never before has our country given a pass to a Prez like they did The Donald and hopefully never again. Again, Old Hickory, it's impossible to get the MAGA Cult in here to change their thought process. Biden is old but the job is getting done. The alternative would have been a Prez (Trump) that ALL scholars have rated as the worst or almost the worst Prez in our nations history.
MY MY MY as smart as you are I bet you’re a billionaire too.
JH, your mention of the team behind Biden, reminded me of Ronald Reagan and what I've have always thought was a great team. Also Reagan, just like Biden, showed signs of aging which back in those days wasn't played up to the extent Biden is facing.

The Reagan team included James A. Baker, Donald Regan, Michael Deaver, and Edwin Meese. All were political pros who were respected on both sides of the political aisle. The animosity between parties and within the entire body politic back then paled as compared to these days.
Reagan sure had a dream team, that is for sure. I am also pretty sure that Reagan should have been 25th out, the last couple of years.
I don't think Joe's team could wash Reagans teams bath towels. But for them to keep him in the 30th % approval range is something they should be very proud of. That is not an overlooked small task.
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Only 4 times in last 100 years has a President not won re-election. Hoover (Depression) , Carter (15% inflation) , GHW Bush (probably only lost due to Perot) and Trump (insane asshole).

Odds are not on the Republican side, historically. Even worse odds with Trump returning.
Only 4 times in last 100 years has a President not won re-election. Hoover (Depression) , Carter (15% inflation) , GHW Bush (probably only lost due to Perot) and Trump (insane asshole).

Odds are not on the Republican side, historically. Even worse odds with Trump returning.
Buyden is a shoe in no matter who runs. Things are going swimmingly and we are respected around the world. On the other hand, I am concerned that he doesn't make it until 24' to continue to save all of us.
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Buyden is a shoe in no matter who runs. Things are going swimmingly and we are respected around the world. On the other hand, I am concerned that he doesn't make it until 24' to continue to save all of us.
No people think he is too old. Think he’s an ahole. Picked shitty people. Went too far left. He’s easily beatable. Just have to dump trump. #dumptrump

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