Infrastructure Bill passes with bipartisan votes

The avg person who's screaming and yelling is absolutely pissed about $1B being used to "remedy racist highway design". The numbers are so astronomical that they're not easily grasped relative to the total to begin with. Throw in the racism angle and it elicits even crazier reactions.
The average person who's screaming and yelling is absolutely pissed because they want to be absolutely pissed and are looking for something to be absolutely pissed about.

That's a major distinction from the average person, who is likely more upset that Beverly Hills Ninja and Pineapple Express are leaving Netflix.
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Well if anyone paid any attention politically they'd realize that there is a pretty decent chance that Pete would have been the Dem nominee if not the current president if he had any support from the black community.

Yeah he crushes with suburban women and college educated folk but he (as did Sanders) got very little support from the black community. That went all to Biden, which is why he dominated South Carolina and went on to get the nomination even though he died in Iowa and NH (which was won by Pete and Bernie).

So he needs to build up his trust in the black community.

He's not really concerned about the old, white male, Trumpster that likes to make dumb, gay jokes like Bootyjudge or Chest feeding.

Actually those comments just confirm the stereotype that doesn't play at all for suburban women.

The brilliance of Pete is he's really good at making a moral argument, which politically is the sweet spot, and he does it in a calm, focused and effective manner (vs an over the top, emotional delivery).
He’s just a bullshit politician with no real beliefs. He says what he thinks will get him elected. The black folks in South Bend had very little use for him. I’ll make whatever jokes I want about him because his comment about a racist overpass was a joke. And yea he should go back on family leave. He’s the one taking stupid pictures in a hospital bed like he had a kid. We’re supposed to all play along or be called some phobe. Screw it. He better stay away from CRT or those suburban women will throw his ass in the street like McAuliffe.
He’s just a bullshit politician with no real beliefs. He says what he thinks will get him elected. The black folks in South Bend had very little use for him. I’ll make whatever jokes I want about him because his comment about a racist overpass was a joke. And yea he should go back on family leave. He’s the one taking stupid pictures in a hospital bed like he had a kid. We’re supposed to all play along or be called some phobe. Screw it. He better stay away from CRT or those suburban women will throw his ass in the street like McAuliffe.
exactly why liberal idiots love him
He’s just a bullshit politician with no real beliefs. He says what he thinks will get him elected. The black folks in South Bend had very little use for him. I’ll make whatever jokes I want about him because his comment about a racist overpass was a joke. And yea he should go back on family leave. He’s the one taking stupid pictures in a hospital bed like he had a kid. We’re supposed to all play along or be called some phobe. Screw it. He better stay away from CRT or those suburban women will throw his ass in the street like McAuliffe.

Yes he is a politician and you of all people should be able to recognize when someone is playing to the base.

Unlike your idols, Pete hasn't been wrong and gets more people going 'holy shit he's right' than 'that's completely batshit crazy'.

You know like discussing the cause and effect of how our interstate highway system impacted our cities, particularly those that they were built through, or on or literally taking property via eminent domain.

The highway system was built in the 50's during a time that racial segregation was the 'way things were' and it was used to help segregate the city (cutting down churches, schools, etc while bringing more pollution which led to sickness, death, etc).

Anyway, that's the moral argument he's making and it's pretty hard to say he's 'a moron' which is why it's effective politically and emboldens/enlightens people who didn't realize it even though they might use it everyday.

Oh and you know joking about 'male chestfeeding' plays right into the stigma that's he's making another moral argument against, so continue on.
Not arguing that at all. Just pointing out another example of why people would be angry.

People are stupid. The criticism of interstate placements through urban areas is very valid.

I can only speak for Indy, as I know it well..... but it's expressway design decimated many neighborhoods.

The interstate system was a great achievement, but the urban planning as part of it was a total ****ING disaster
Yes he is a politician and you of all people should be able to recognize when someone is playing to the base.

Unlike your idols, Pete hasn't been wrong and gets more people going 'holy shit he's right' than 'that's completely batshit crazy'.

You know like discussing the cause and effect of how our interstate highway system impacted our cities, particularly those that they were built through, or on or literally taking property via eminent domain.

The highway system was built in the 50's during a time that racial segregation was the 'way things were' and it was used to help segregate the city (cutting down churches, schools, etc while bringing more pollution which led to sickness, death, etc).

Anyway, that's the moral argument he's making and it's pretty hard to say he's 'a moron' which is why it's effective politically and emboldens/enlightens people who didn't realize it even though they might use it everyday.

Oh and you know joking about 'male chestfeeding' plays right into the stigma that's he's making another moral argument against, so continue on.
Since blacks haven’t exactly flocked to him, he’s working overtime to kiss ass. Just another politician playing to the crowd. No real beliefs. Just playing the game.
exactly why liberal idiots love him
So put you down for not giving a f about past decisions that advertently or inadvertently made some communities take the brunt of the negative impacts (which was surprisingly consistent trend in most cities it went through) to make an effort to not f#$k over those same communities this time?

God forbid possibly help those communities?

Got it.

Ha ha ha I bet Pete just wants to make sure there's a wide highway to Hershey. Derp derp derp.
Hilarious. I've got people from both sides bitching at me and telling me why I'm wrong for pointing out why people are upset.

This is why we can't have nice things.

It's all the fault of Joe Trump and Don Biden. LOL
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Well if anyone paid any attention politically they'd realize that there is a pretty decent chance that Pete would have been the Dem nominee if not the current president if he had any support from the black community.

Yeah he crushes with suburban women and college educated folk but he (as did Sanders) got very little support from the black community. That went all to Biden, which is why he dominated South Carolina and went on to get the nomination even though he died in Iowa and NH (which was won by Pete and Bernie).

So he needs to build up his trust in the black community.

He's not really concerned about the old, white male, Trumpster that likes to make dumb, gay jokes like Bootyjudge or Chest feeding.

Actually those comments just confirm the stereotype that doesn't play at all for suburban women.

The brilliance of Pete is he's really good at making a moral argument, which politically is the sweet spot, and he does it in a calm, focused and effective manner (vs an over the top, emotional delivery).
I highly doubt Pete "crushes" with anyone other than the far left at this point - a group that isn't doing so hot at the moment after VA, Buffalo, education, and the Defund nonsense. He was the mayor of a tiny town and MIA with his agency during a crisis with same. Pointing out racism in midcentury urban planning is hardly novel and common knowledge that it exists. Urban planning 101. Pete has proven himself to be worthless - tho his virtue signaling game is solid.
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People are stupid. The criticism of interstate placements through urban areas is very valid.

I can only speak for Indy, as I know it well..... but it's expressway design decimated many neighborhoods.

The interstate system was a great achievement, but the urban planning as part of it was a total ****ING disaster
I hope Mayor Pete takes some of his billions and plows up Meridian Hills, Castleton, Zionsville, Carmel, Traders Point, Westfield, Allisonville, Saint John and Fishers. That should right some wrongs.
Since blacks haven’t exactly flocked to him, he’s working overtime to kiss ass. Just another politician playing to the crowd. No real beliefs. Just playing the game.
Nope. He's got a whole platform of beliefs.

They are actually written down too (imagine that) with his economic proposals being the most cost effective of all the Dem candidates (and blessed by ivy league economists).

Blurb from the fiscal times on each candidates economic proposal.

'Buttigieg is the only candidate among the four to have fully offset the cost of his agenda, with $200 billion more in revenue than new spending'.
So put you down for not giving a f about past decisions that advertently or inadvertently made some communities take the brunt of the negative impacts (which was surprisingly consistent trend in most cities it went through) to make an effort to not f#$k over those same communities this time?

God forbid possibly help those communities?

Got it.

Ha ha ha I bet Pete just wants to make sure there's a wide highway to Hershey. Derp derp derp.
Mayor Pete wants to do what might get him elected President someday. That has very little to do with his core beliefs.

Our highway system is definitely screwed up. I don’t think white nationalists sit around designing them.
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Nope. He's got a whole platform of beliefs.

They are actually written down too (imagine that) with his economic proposals being the most cost effective of all the Dem candidates (and blessed by ivy league economists).

Blurb from the fiscal times on each candidates economic proposal.

'Buttigieg is the only candidate among the four to have fully offset the cost of his agenda, with $200 billion more in revenue than new spending'.
Assuming of course he shows for work right? Pete was a terrible choice. Harris was a terrible choice. Infrastructure bill was a win. Best thing for Biden is to skip the social spending bill, tone down the virtue signaling, and watch his approval rating rise. Absent that midterms will be ugly.
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I highly doubt Pete "crushes" with anyone other than the far left at this point - a group that isn't doing so hot at the moment after VA, Buffalo and the Defund nonsense. He was the mayor of a tiny town and MIA with his agency during a crisis with same. Pointing out racism in midcentury urban planning is hardly novel and common knowledge that it exists. Urban planning 101. Pete has proven himself to be worthless - tho his virtue signaling game is solid.

Hell flick (he already has) the 'crisis' like a gnat. He'll (he already has) will actually turn it into a gain.

Who do think is going to have more headwinds? A guy who took leave to take care of two infants or your guy who did nothing but encourage a pandemic, a year later, to ravage his state and then proceeded to fire his surgeon general, change how things were reported in the middle of his shitstorm so it 'looked' better on paper.

One guy raised his kids, the other guy cost lives and lied about it like a greasy, sleazy Kelvin Sampson-ish used car salesman illegally turning back odometers.

Good luck with that my friend
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Hell flick (he already has) the 'crisis' like a gnat. He'll (he already has) will actually turn it into a gain.

Who do think is going to have more headwinds? A guy who took leave to take care of two infants or your guy who did nothing but encourage a pandemic, a year later, to ravage his state and then proceeded to fire his surgeon general, change how things were reported in the middle of his shitstorm so it 'looked' better on paper.

One guy raised his kids, the other guy cost lives and lied about it like a greasy, sleazy Kelvin Sampson-ish used car salesman illegally turning back odometers.

Good luck with that my friend
It's the number one issue we have and during the throes of same he's vacillated from virtue signaling to throwing his hands up. He appeals to few other than the far left, a group, again, that isn't doing so hot.

DeSantis, since you brought him up, would destroy Pete in a national election. Pete has outed himself akin to the AOC camp ideologically with all the virtue signaling. That's not a group with national appeal.
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Hell flick (he already has) the 'crisis' like a gnat. He'll (he already has) will actually turn it into a gain.

Who do think is going to have more headwinds? A guy who took leave to take care of two infants or your guy who did nothing but encourage a pandemic, a year later, to ravage his state and then proceeded to fire his surgeon general, change how things were reported in the middle of his shitstorm so it 'looked' better on paper.

One guy raised his kids, the other guy cost lives and lied about it like a greasy, sleazy Kelvin Sampson-ish used car salesman illegally turning back odometers.

Good luck with that my friend
You do realize @mcmurtry66 isn't a Trumpster?
Assuming of course he shows for work right? Pete was a terrible choice. Harris was a terrible choice. Infrastructure bill was a win. Best thing for Biden is to skip the social spending bill, tone down the virtue signaling, and watch his approval rating rise. Absent that midterms will be ugly.
Again you're playing right into the stereotype that he's going to turn on you. Wait and see.

You're playing the old, narrow-minded, out of touch male that stigmatizes coworkers when they take leave.

Yeah you'll okay it because you have to...but you'll roll your eyes and convince people that paternity leave is basically 'vacation'.
Hell flick (he already has) the 'crisis' like a gnat. He'll (he already has) will actually turn it into a gain.

Who do think is going to have more headwinds? A guy who took leave to take care of two infants or your guy who did nothing but encourage a pandemic, a year later, to ravage his state and then proceeded to fire his surgeon general, change how things were reported in the middle of his shitstorm so it 'looked' better on paper.

One guy raised his kids, the other guy cost lives and lied about it like a greasy, sleazy Kelvin Sampson-ish used car salesman illegally turning back odometers.

Good luck with that my friend
About that costing life’s. Biden has passed Trump in only 10 months. If we only had those death meter banners on CNN and MSNBC you would know that.
Again you're playing right into the stereotype that he's going to turn on you. Wait and see.

You're playing the old, narrow-minded, out of touch male that stigmatizes coworkers when they take leave.

Yeah you'll okay it because you have to...but you'll roll your eyes and convince people that paternity leave is basically 'vacation'.
No you are playing into the far left wish list that doesn't comport with reality. You understand that no one gets the leave Pete got right? Nor going forward will anyone get it. The "old guy" stereotype is what will comport with the law going forward for a reason. The values behind same still represent the majority. 12 weeks of paid leave after 8 months on a job isn't happening for any of us.

Pete taking it during a crisis was BS. And he got caught.
It's the number one issue we have and during the throes of same he's vacillated from virtue signaling to throwing his hands up. He appeals to few other than the far left, a group, again that isn't doing so hot.
No, it's an issue, I'll give you that. Its more a private sector issue at that and a global one along with one that hasn't really had an impact so far. Christmas hasn't been cancelled yet.

If you think this is going to stick, particularly with the Dem base....I think you're mistaken.

In short, the guys bitching about it weren't probably ever going to vote for him anyway.
Again you're playing right into the stereotype that he's going to turn on you. Wait and see.

You're playing the old, narrow-minded, out of touch male that stigmatizes coworkers when they take leave.

Yeah you'll okay it because you have to...but you'll roll your eyes and convince people that paternity leave is basically 'vacation'.
Taking paternity leave in the crisis we’re in right now was a dereliction of his duties.
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About that costing life’s. Biden has passed Trump in only 10 months. If we only had those death meter banners on CNN and MSNBC you would know that.
Yeah his first week didn't start at 1 either and three months into it.

As a numbers guy, that's a really weak numbers case.
No, it's an issue, I'll give you that. Its more a private sector issue at that and a global one along with one that hasn't really had an impact so far. Christmas hasn't been cancelled yet.

If you think this is going to stick, particularly with the Dem base....I think you're mistaken.

In short, the guys bitching about it weren't probably ever going to vote for him anyway.
It's a private/public sector issue. Labor was impacted by gov. To what extent I don't know. Newsom was helpful in determining regs that could be amended to ameliorate the logjam. Pete was home.

I don't see many other than the very far left voting for Pete for anything.
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Taking paternity leave in the crisis we’re in right now was a dereliction of his duties.
Im just saying, he can easily come back with something like 'newborns aren't concerned with your work schedule nor do they apologize for not being convenient' when that gets tossed his way (which it will and you and McM will owe me a beer when he bats it back).

Just saying, he's got leverage in this argument.
If you think this is going to stick, particularly with the Dem base....I think you're mistaken.

In short, the guys bitching about it weren't probably ever going to vote for him anyway.
You’re right. The “free stuff” crowd could care less if person is working or not as long as person keeps the money presses printing money for “free stuff”.
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Im just saying, he can easily come back with something like 'newborns aren't concerned with your work schedule nor do they apologize for not being convenient' when that gets tossed his way (which it will and you and McM will owe me a beer when he bats it back).

Just saying, he's got leverage in this argument.
You might be right. Stupid people who believe in work ethic are a dying breed.
You do realize @mcmurtry66 isn't a Trumpster?
Oh I know and I actually read, listen and get some really good insights to his posts (other than when he starts talking about soccer of course).

He's also very clearly a Desantis guy and a conservative Republican which I don't have a problem with because he tends to be really reasoned with his intentions which is all I hope for.
You’re right. The “free stuff” crowd could care less if person is working or not as long as person keeps the money presses printing money for “free stuff”.
If the 'free stuff' crowd is college educated women in the workplace balancing home and work decisions and living in the suburbs then yes.
Im just saying, he can easily come back with something like 'newborns aren't concerned with your work schedule nor do they apologize for not being convenient' when that gets tossed his way (which it will and you and McM will owe me a beer when he bats it back).

Just saying, he's got leverage in this argument.
The beer bet is on 👍👍
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You might be right. Stupid people who believe in work ethic are a dying breed.
Companies are using paid family leave as a big recruiting tool (well, that's what my gf tells me as an HR bigwig for a medical device company).

Plus it seems to be popular in general with both voters.

I think it's a difficult complaint to make when he's got the popular moral position (or he's talented enough to maneuver into the popular moral position).

But like with everything, I might be wrong.
Companies are using paid family leave as a big recruiting tool (well, that's what my gf tells me as an HR bigwig for a medical device company).

Plus it seems to be popular in general with both voters.

I think it's a difficult complaint to make when he's got the popular moral position (or he's talented enough to maneuver into the popular moral position).

But like with everything, I might be wrong.
That's the rub. To me the moral thing to do is sacrifice and go to work. Public service in a time of crisis. The selfish thing to do is stay home. We all want to stay home. Then to take a 250k public salary while staying home ... moral doesn't come to mind.
The beer bet is on 👍👍
I like those fancy, local brewery pale ales. Not sure what local tap is at Nick's these days.

I'm good for the bet! Would love to see a Pete vs Desantis debate but I don't think that will be til 2028 at the earliest (I think Biden bows out, Pete sits out, Kamala possibly gets the nom, Trump wins and then Trump probably beats Kamala.

But if we get through all the pandemic mess in good shape including the economic effects (prices stabilize, market continues to grow, employment continues to shrink and life goes back to normal) then the Dems will be sitting in decent shape.

If any of that stuff lingers than yeah....Trump again.

This time as a lame duck president out for vengeance.

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Companies are using paid family leave as a big recruiting tool (well, that's what my gf tells me as an HR bigwig for a medical device company).

Plus it seems to be popular in general with both voters.

I think it's a difficult complaint to make when he's got the popular moral position (or he's talented enough to maneuver into the popular moral position).

But like with everything, I might be wrong.
Family leave and paternity leave have their place.

IMO it’s not for a cabinet secretary in a crisis.

i would have no business if I decided to take family leave and miss two months of tax season.
@TommyCracker i know I am beating a dead horse but Pete had a moral obligation to be on the job.

I navigated 4-5 tax seasons of my son in AAU basketball. One year that included two nights a week after school traveling from Washington Indiana to Louisville for practice. There was no good drive from Washington to Louisville. My son studied on the way to practice and slept on the way home. Other years practices in Evansville, Indianapolis and Marion. I got very little sleep between work and getting my son where he needed to be. I wouldn’t trade those times for anything. But it did take sacrifice.

If Mayor Pete wants to be president he should have been on the job.
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@TommyCracker i know I am beating a dead horse but Pete had a moral obligation to be on the job.

I navigated 4-5 tax seasons of my son in AAU basketball. One year that included two nights a week after school traveling from Washington Indiana to Louisville for practice. There was no good drive from Washington to Louisville. My son studied on the way to practice and slept on the way home. Other years practices in Evansville, Indianapolis and Marion. I got very little sleep between work and getting my son where he needed to be. I wouldn’t trade those times for anything. But it did take sacrifice.

If Mayor Pete wants to be president he should have been on the job.
In your case I'm guessing you are (admirably) the king, ceo, cfo, coo of your business which comes with the choices for that autonomy of being mainly you on your own. Meaning your business basically depends on the input you put in, like most small businesses, and if you don't 'show up' or 'take leave', you're going to piss off the large base that you individually built up because shit won't get done.

I don't think your situation is relevant to a common, medium sized business org or government org whereas there is no one individual that is critical to the everyday output of it's success like you are to your personal business. Meaning it's built in to allow for people to take leave, bereavement, mental health or whatnot.

It's a huge deal with younger generations.

It's a different mindset.

Mine (as a GenX) was money and to make that money I grinded, networked, worked crazy long hours on that key 'project' (that today doesn't have any lasting effect. I take that back, when you go into Target and buy Market Pantry Target brand cheese....that was me. When you grab your crescent rolls off of a gravity fed shelving display....that was also me even though that's starting to disappear in stores also) etc because that's how I saw was the path to wealth. Long hours, proving my worth, taking on more projects than I probably should working for the next promotion, etc.

It's a different mindset in current corporate America than it was 25-30 years ago.

Like it or not, millennials are entering their power years. They will end up ruling at a near point in time and when they do, like all generations that come into power, their perspective will change the landscape.

The work/home balance is a major boner for people these days but particularly younger executives.

As the party that likes to boast that they are 'family first'....this complaint runs against that and is actually welcomed by Pete.

I think it's a softball pitch for him.
In your case I'm guessing you are (admirably) the king, ceo, cfo, coo of your business which comes with the choices for that autonomy of being mainly you on your own. Meaning your business basically depends on the input you put in, like most small businesses, and if you don't 'show up' or 'take leave', you're going to piss off the large base that you individually built up because shit won't get done.

I don't think your situation is relevant to a common, medium sized business org or government org whereas there is no one individual that is critical to the everyday output of it's success like you are to your personal business. Meaning it's built in to allow for people to take leave, bereavement, mental health or whatnot.

It's a huge deal with younger generations.

It's a different mindset.

Mine (as a GenX) was money and to make that money I grinded, networked, worked crazy long hours on that key 'project' (that today doesn't have any lasting effect. I take that back, when you go into Target and buy Market Pantry Target brand cheese....that was me. When you grab your crescent rolls off of a gravity fed shelving display....that was also me even though that's starting to disappear in stores also) etc because that's how I saw was the path to wealth. Long hours, proving my worth, taking on more projects than I probably should working for the next promotion, etc.

It's a different mindset in current corporate America than it was 25-30 years ago.

Like it or not, millennials are entering their power years. They will end up ruling at a near point in time and when they do, like all generations that come into power, their perspective will change the landscape.

The work/home balance is a major boner for people these days but particularly younger executives.

As the party that likes to boast that they are 'family first'....this complaint runs against that and is actually welcomed by Pete.

I think it's a softball pitch for him.
You may be right. Maybe they can have everything, free stuff for everyone and no work ethic. I suppose we are going to find out. When the crowd with work ethic dies off it will be interesting. I guess socialism will be in full force and the government will take care of everyone.
This person is supposed to be intelligent? Can we ask this person to show us one of these overpasses? I’ve never seen an overpass that rises to allow a bus with white kids to pass and lowers to disallow a bus with black and Puerto Rican kids to pass? Do we know how many black and Puerto Rican kids it takes for the overpass to lower?
Whites drive cars. Busses are more heavily used by minorities as in cities they are less likely to afford cars.

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