
Do democrats have a number in mind of how many millions they want to allow into the country?
I am a Democrat. I always look to America, the home of the brave and the land of the free. Free does not mean welfare but there are more whites on welfare. The number I job of a parent is to protect his children and provide for a better life for his children. I guess the statue of Liberty with the words, Give me your tired, your poor , yearning to breathe free means nothing to you. It is alright for you but nobody else.
I am a Democrat. I always look to America, the home of the brave and the land of the free. Free does not mean welfare but there are more whites on welfare. The number I job of a parent is to protect his children and provide for a better life for his children. I guess the statue of Liberty with the words, Give me your tired, your poor , yearning to breathe free means nothing to you. It is alright for you but nobody else.
So if we have law's or statutes that have a prescribed # of immigrants. Is your question implying that we just ignore those? Are you more easy with doing things against the laws on the books?
In my opinion, if you really want free open, er'body come on in, boards then have your political leaders make that the law. If that is the proper thing to do, why have the Dems not done it when they had all 3 branches of gub'ment?
So if we have law's or statutes that have a prescribed # of immigrants. Is your question implying that we just ignore those? Are you more easy with doing things against the laws on the books?
In my opinion, if you really want free open, er'body come on in, boards then have your political leaders make that the law. If that is the proper thing to do, why have the Dems not done it when they had all 3 branches of gub'ment?
What laws, congress can not agree on anything. I just believe in what our nation was founded on. There are those who want laws to protect their interests. There has to be a way. We are the richest country in the world are we that selfish that we can't help someone else?
What laws, congress can not agree on anything. I just believe in what our nation was founded on. There are those who want laws to protect their interests. There has to be a way. We are the richest country in the world are we that selfish that we can't help someone else?
The laws, on the books, agreed to already by Congress, signed by the executive and not over rules by the Judiciary. THOSE LAWS.
Today, people like you, are not good with that, you want all of us to give away what we have built and totaly disregard the rules. You can't get everything that your want (which would turn the USA into all of those shit holes that people are running from) so you "suddenly" throw all laws out and find loop holes.
Face it, you want to tear apart, everything that make this the greatest nation ever so you can feel better. When your "forget the rule's" crap turns us into a great big Haiti, will you be happy or do you need us to be below that?

I will give you that we have made "laws" that contradict themselves, and I will give congress credit for that. They've built their own little catch 22. They have also perfected it to remain in power than a lot of people live, under their supreme rule, but those in congress never suffer.
The laws, on the books, agreed to already by Congress, signed by the executive and not over rules by the Judiciary. THOSE LAWS.
Today, people like you, are not good with that, you want all of us to give away what we have built and totaly disregard the rules. You can't get everything that your want (which would turn the USA into all of those shit holes that people are running from) so you "suddenly" throw all laws out and find loop holes.
Face it, you want to tear apart, everything that make this the greatest nation ever so you can feel better. When your "forget the rule's" crap turns us into a great big Haiti, will you be happy or do you need us to be below that?

I will give you that we have made "laws" that contradict themselves, and I will give congress credit for that. They've built their own little catch 22. They have also perfected it to remain in power than a lot of people live, under their supreme rule, but those in congress never suffer.
JOE what have you built? Immigrants build our nation. You are so selfish that you do not want anyone else to have what you have. I do not want to tear apart anything. Equal chance for all. You do not believe in the words on the statue of Liberty. Liberty for all, not just the privileged few.
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JOE what have you built? Immigrants build our nation. You are so selfish that you do not want anyone else to have what you have. I do not want to tear apart anything. Equal chance for all. You do not believe in the words on the statue of Liberty. Liberty for all, not just the privileged few.

No problem. Just go thru the proper channels to vet everyone. I am sure you don't just let anyone into your home, do you? If I round up 100 homeless people and bring them to your house, you'd be cool with that?
What laws, congress can not agree on anything. I just believe in what our nation was founded on. There are those who want laws to protect their interests. There has to be a way. We are the richest country in the world are we that selfish that we can't help someone else?
A wide open door with wide open benefits is a good way to ensure you won't be the richest country for long.
Do democrats have a number in mind of how many millions they want to allow into the country?

Yup, because they have the welcome mat out and haven't caught a soul at the border.


But hey, at least Desantis is using taxpayer money to give them free airfare :)
Do you have a picture of building the FENCING yourself?

I'm sure you put a lot of sweat into it lmao.
shit son you better stay in your lane. the conservatives on this board could easily build fencing. hillzhoosier, vesuvius, cray, ftwayneiu, joehoopsier, danc, aloha, victorymyboy - these aren't paper pushing nerds. these are MEN. Military men. Woodsmen. Oil men! Men whose resumes are the wear and tear on their hands. they don't have CVs. They have pictures!
shit son you better stay in your lane. the conservatives on this board could easily build fencing. hillzhoosier, vesuvius, cray, ftwayneiu, joehoopsier, danc, aloha, victorymyboy - these aren't paper pushing nerds. these are MEN. Military men. Woodsmen. Oil men! Men whose resumes are the wear and tear on their hands. they don't have CVs. They have pictures!

Just curious for proof of the claimed hard work. Fencing to keep out the undesirables from the south might need to be a bit sturdier than your run of the mill fencing for setting up a rodeo.
I've been busy at work so I've missed the last few Soros-Antifa Zoom calls. I'll have to get back with you once I get my fax in. On the plus side, I HAVE invested in a nice new Jewish-Space Laser printer.
So that’s a no….
Did W when he was president?
Is that the precedent for all Presidential (in)action? Is it always W or what criteria is used for which President is used? Should Biden not need to worry about cybercrime because Lincoln didn’t have a policy? Your post raises so many questions…
Yup, because they have the welcome mat out and haven't caught a soul at the border.


But hey, at least Desantis is using taxpayer money to give them free airfare :)
What % need to be caught for you to consider it effective?
I am a Democrat. I always look to America, the home of the brave and the land of the free. Free does not mean welfare but there are more whites on welfare. The number I job of a parent is to protect his children and provide for a better life for his children. I guess the statue of Liberty with the words, Give me your tired, your poor , yearning to breathe free means nothing to you. It is alright for you but nobody else.
Welfare is welfare who cares if you are white, black, orange or purple? But, if you are saying more whites than other colors it probably is correct since the vast majority of the country is "white". To better serve your argument maybe a percentage of those on welfare compared to the percentage of that race would better fit? Say 15% of all whites are on welfare?
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What % need to be caught for you to consider it effective?
I believe the percentage they catch now is low enough to keep us out of the Majors. If you can't hit .250 up here you're no good to us.
I asked how many? Do you have a limit or can the whole World population immigrate to the US? Easy question.

It was a bs question to begin with. No one has a welcome mat and door open for illegal immigrants

And neither party seems willing to work on a solution
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What’s the number? Unlimited every year? What the hell is your number?

Is there a number where they automatically can afford enough enforcers to catch everyone?

You act like there is a gate that dems open to allow people to enter. Maybe step away from the propaganda

If you want to answer a question, then how many more billions of dollars would you like to spend trying to catch more people?

Remember republicans are supposed to be fiscally conservative or at least like to pretend.
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I don't think anyone in either party has ever set a maximum number for annual ASYLUM SEEKERS seeking refuge in the USA.

Some people here pretend that the moniker ASYLUM SEEKER has no meaning whatsoever, and even call them "illegals".

If they are not legitimately seeking asylum, hear their argument and then send them back.
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Today's asylum seekers aren't what they had in mind when our current immigration laws were written.

We're operating under laws that have their origins in the 80s. At the time, the vast majority of illegals were young single Mexican males looking for work. We didn't want them. However, we were also up to our eyeballs in the political upheavals in central America, in Nicaragua and El Salvador and the like. Reagan wanted political refugees to be able to immigrate here; that's where the whole idea of "asylum seekers" came from. They were supposed to be seeking political asylum from the political chaos we had contributed to. Families fleeing gangs or domestic violence were never supposed to be included under that umbrella.
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A wide open door with wide open benefits is a good way to ensure you won't be the richest country for long.
This. You can have a welfare state, but then you necessarily must limit immigration. Or you can have open borders, but then you have to go full-on libertarian w/r/t welfare and social programs.

The mid-point would be some requirements for citizenship or classifciations of citizenship that would require amending the Constitution.
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shit son you better stay in your lane. the conservatives on this board could easily build fencing. hillzhoosier, vesuvius, cray, ftwayneiu, joehoopsier, danc, aloha, victorymyboy - these aren't paper pushing nerds. these are MEN. Military men. Woodsmen. Oil men! Men whose resumes are the wear and tear on their hands. they don't have CVs. They have pictures!
I remember my father in law, who was a woodsmen and spent two years in the navy once said exactly what you just said to my face. We got into a fist fight in the restaurant. Our wives were pissed! It was a scene man. See - my grandfather, who fought in WWII and who had two brothers die in WWII told me to go to college. He didn’t want me working in the steel mill (that we literally lived next to) or getting blown up overseas. Thanks for your service and advice to be a pathetic nerd grandpa!
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This. You can have a welfare state, but then you necessarily must limit immigration. Or you can have open borders, but then you have to go full-on libertarian w/r/t welfare and social programs.

The mid-point would be some requirements for citizenship or classifciations of citizenship that would require amending the Constitution.
I think is along the right train of thought.

We have to figure out what our collective priorities are.

Most undocumented folks are coming over as low to semi skilled labor. Most of our legal channels of immigration are for more higher skilled individuals. Which is fine except we need ditch diggers too. If we’ve learned anything over the last 3 years and the difficulty filling jobs, it’s hard to find workers to fill less desirable jobs. I’m personally concerned with the coming mass retirement of Boomers and how that will affect our population pyramid. So maybe now I think we need to let in a lot of low skill immigrants legally.

The real counter to my thinking is, as you guys point out, that you can’t make money running a free buffet. I can’t for the life of me find hard data on the public money cost of undocumented immigrants relative to the taxes they contribute to or other economic activity they spur within the borders.

As with all things, it’s a complex problem with probably a lot more complex solution than we’re going to be able to come up with.
I think is along the right train of thought.

We have to figure out what our collective priorities are.

Most undocumented folks are coming over as low to semi skilled labor. Most of our legal channels of immigration are for more higher skilled individuals. Which is fine except we need ditch diggers too. If we’ve learned anything over the last 3 years and the difficulty filling jobs, it’s hard to find workers to fill less desirable jobs. I’m personally concerned with the coming mass retirement of Boomers and how that will affect our population pyramid. So maybe now I think we need to let in a lot of low skill immigrants legally.

The real counter to my thinking is, as you guys point out, that you can’t make money running a free buffet. I can’t for the life of me find hard data on the public money cost of undocumented immigrants relative to the taxes they contribute to or other economic activity they spur within the borders.

As with all things, it’s a complex problem with probably a lot more complex solution than we’re going to be able to come up with.
If you ease the path to citizenship then they would get to enjoy taxation along with the rest of us.
If you ease the path to citizenship then they would get to enjoy taxation along with the rest of us.
They mostly do, tbh. They can’t avoid sales or property taxes for the most part. If they use a bogus SSN then they’re contributing to FICA without being able to get benefits.

Actually, antipathy towards illegal immigration should be why the GOP should support doubling the size of the IRS. Go after those people hiring undocumented folks and start putting them in prison. The jobs will dry up in a hurry and they’ll have no choice but to go home.
They mostly do, tbh. They can’t avoid sales or property taxes for the most part. If they use a bogus SSN then they’re contributing to FICA without being able to get benefits.

Actually, antipathy towards illegal immigration should be why the GOP should support doubling the size of the IRS. Go after those people hiring undocumented folks and start putting them in prison. The jobs will dry up in a hurry and they’ll have no choice but to go home.
I was thinking income tax but yea the other taxes would be paid.

If GOP went after the people hiring the undocumented then they would lose the donations they get from them.
shit son you better stay in your lane. the conservatives on this board could easily build fencing. hillzhoosier, vesuvius, cray, ftwayneiu, joehoopsier, danc, aloha, victorymyboy - these aren't paper pushing nerds. these are MEN. Military men. Woodsmen. Oil men! Men whose resumes are the wear and tear on their hands. they don't have CVs. They have pictures!
Confession: i was a paper pushing nerd
Do democrats have a number in mind of how many millions they want to allow into the country?
Neither party truly wants to solve the immigration problem. Republicans have been in office and controlled both Senate and House and didn’t get it done. Likewise with Democrats. Republicans use it to rile up the base. Just like the caravan that was supposedly on its way before the last election that mysteriously disappeared as soon as the election was over. Democrats don’t want to come across as harsh on minorities and piss off the base. Building a wall was symbolic, but it’s a disaster and is already falling down in many places. A couple things:

1. There are jobs in this country that Americans refuse to do. Anyone on here had a roof replaced recently?? Where I live it’s either Amish or hispanics. Factory work?? Lot of Hispanics. And they are good workers too. Always show up, never complain, take all the overtime they can get. I worked in a cast iron foundry in high school and college and they were the best workers in the place. From all accounts Hispanics are the ones who work the fields in the south. Good luck filling those jobs if they aren’t here.

2. If you really wanted to stem this issue, you’d go hard after the companies that hire these folks when they know they are here illegally. Heavy fines, etc. Neither party, especially the Pubs, are going to do that. Why? Business owners love the cheap labor. And they can treat them however they want because they know they aren’t going to anywhere with it. And many business owners are Republicans (and donors).

To me, the key is determining what number can we actually process into the country each year. Then, what to do with those that are here above and beyond that? Arrest them? Send them back? It’s a problem that is never going to go away as long as the US offers them a better way of life.
Neither party truly wants to solve the immigration problem. Republicans have been in office and controlled both Senate and House and didn’t get it done. Likewise with Democrats. Republicans use it to rile up the base. Just like the caravan that was supposedly on its way before the last election that mysteriously disappeared as soon as the election was over. Democrats don’t want to come across as harsh on minorities and piss off the base. Building a wall was symbolic, but it’s a disaster and is already falling down in many places. A couple things:

1. There are jobs in this country that Americans refuse to do. Anyone on here had a roof replaced recently?? Where I live it’s either Amish or hispanics. Factory work?? Lot of Hispanics. And they are good workers too. Always show up, never complain, take all the overtime they can get. I worked in a cast iron foundry in high school and college and they were the best workers in the place. From all accounts Hispanics are the ones who work the fields in the south. Good luck filling those jobs if they aren’t here.

2. If you really wanted to stem this issue, you’d go hard after the companies that hire these folks when they know they are here illegally. Heavy fines, etc. Neither party, especially the Pubs, are going to do that. Why? Business owners love the cheap labor. And they can treat them however they want because they know they aren’t going to anywhere with it. And many business owners are Republicans (and donors).

To me, the key is determining what number can we actually process into the country each year. Then, what to do with those that are here above and beyond that? Arrest them? Send them back? It’s a problem that is never going to go away as long as the US offers them a better way of life.
Never figured out why all these Hispanics want to come to such a racist country.
No problem. Just go thru the proper channels to vet everyone. I am sure you don't just let anyone into your home, do you? If I round up 100 homeless people and bring them to your house, you'd be cool with that?
All I will say is how did you get yours? Do the laws apply to u and nobody else? Somewhere, somehow u were let in but now u want to close the doors for everyone else.