All you need to know about Democrats

A) You are still trying to throw out 125+ years of precedent. This isn't Roe where the ruling was made off of a unique interpretation. This is a fundamental statute of American history.
B) Even if you somehow pulled it off where Trump signs an EO, it goes before the court, and they rule for it, it would be political suicide. Republicans would lose the presidency for the next 30 years because both Texas and Florida would go Democrat. There is no path to 270 when those two states are blue.
Curious why you think it would lose them Texas and Florida? My understanding is illegal immigrants can’t vote (so I’ve been told) and legal immigrants from Central America and Mexico don’t much like illegal immigrants.

You raise an interesting point as to if such a decision would be applied retroactively to children and even grand children of illegal immigrants or only on a go forward basis. I’m at the end of my legal rope so I don’t know the answer but you could presumably pass some sort of amnesty for those already born here.

Regardless, I’m with you that we should start a movement to pass an amendment. More Democratic.
Either apologize for the lie or delete your post you’re gone.
Sorry that you support trump who is pals with putin. It is rather pathetic but guess you and Trump do have something in common...fascist tendencies
What's objectionable in the least about vasectomies, free or otherwise?

I would think the MAGA crowd would be all in favor of reducing the population, since they are convinced that America is somehow transformed into a wasteland, rather than the greatest place to live on the globe.
What's objectionable is that we don't have enough children in our nation, which is a problem with people who are opposed - for whatever reason - to filling that hole with immigrants.
Curious why you think it would lose them Texas and Florida? My understanding is illegal immigrants can’t vote (so I’ve been told) and legal immigrants from Central America and Mexico don’t much like illegal immigrants.

You raise an interesting point as to if such a decision would be applied retroactively to children and even grand children of illegal immigrants or only on a go forward basis. I’m at the end of my legal rope so I don’t know the answer but you could presumably pass some sort of amnesty for those already born here.

Regardless, I’m with you that we should start a movement to pass an amendment. More Democratic.
By your own stat, applying it retroactively would deport 8% of the population. Good luck with that.

The reason you lose Florida and Texas is because a good chunk of the citizens in those states are children or grandchildren of immigrants. And if they aren't, they have friends and coworkers who are. You'd get a 10% flip, which would be enough to switch both states.
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All I want is it raised before the court. I believe what we are debating is textualism vs originalism. As a self professed originalist, Gorsuch may surprise you.

Texturalism and Originalism are constructs that justices will use interchangeably, depending on the decision they want to reach. The only time Gorsuch would entertain going all in on originalism is when there is some ambiguity in the text. In this case there is none. Much like the case that Gorsuch wrote the opinion on regarding workplace discrimination for gays, the text provides no wiggle room. COH thinks it's one of the most standout opinions in recent history. I agree.
Curious why you think it would lose them Texas and Florida? My understanding is illegal immigrants can’t vote (so I’ve been told) and legal immigrants from Central America and Mexico don’t much like illegal immigrants.

You raise an interesting point as to if such a decision would be applied retroactively to children and even grand children of illegal immigrants or only on a go forward basis. I’m at the end of my legal rope so I don’t know the answer but you could presumably pass some sort of amnesty for those already born here.

Regardless, I’m with you that we should start a movement to pass an amendment. More Democratic.
Holy shit, are you really trying to argue against birthright citizenship? Good luck with that!
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Stoll is pissed because I banned a conservative, so he's going to go nutso until he finds a reason to make it even by banning a liberal.
If I was looking to make things equal it would take a lot more than one liberal to even things up.

Hick don’t have to push much more and it will be permanent just like you and @UncleMark do it.
Like cray!!! @UncleMark SAY HIS NAME!!!!!
cray cray GIF by Andrew and Pete
I'm just saying, was he married? Because if so, kicking him off this site probably saved his marriage. Did he own guns? Because if so, kicking him off this site probably prevented him from ending up in the news. This place was so unhealthy for him, it's insane.
Like too many, he was just here for the fight.
At a time when birth rates have shrunk to unsustainable levels in the U.S., the Democrats offer free vasectomies and free medicated abortions at their convention. Abortion is the number 2or3 issue for Democrats as if the economy, the border, energy, and war are side shows.
The good news is, more Democrats are getting abortions than Republicans.

So, there's that.