

Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2003
...getting triple jabbed, then testing positive for the rona.
While isolated, diagnosed with myocarditis, then told to be tested for HIV, but first prescribed blood thinning meds....

And people call purebloods crazy.

Take the Red Pill.
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...getting triple jabbed, then testing positive for the rona.
While isolated, diagnosed with myocarditis, then told to be tested for HIV, but first prescribed blood thinning meds....

And people call purebloods crazy.

Take the Red Pill.
I try to avoid the systems as much as possible but sometimes unavoidable. Go to a doctor…you are sick…let’s investigate your sickness. Go to a lawyer…let’s sue someone. Go to an accountant…let’s do an audit. Go to an engineer..let’s do an energy balance or a structural fbd.
...getting triple jabbed, then testing positive for the rona.
While isolated, diagnosed with myocarditis, then told to be tested for HIV, but first prescribed blood thinning meds....

And people call purebloods crazy.

Take the Red Pill.

I give up, who are we talking about
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...getting triple jabbed, then testing positive for the rona.
While isolated, diagnosed with myocarditis, then told to be tested for HIV, but first prescribed blood thinning meds....

And people call purebloods crazy.

Take the Red Pill.

Who? Him?

More like Noblud to me.
...getting triple jabbed, then testing positive for the rona.
While isolated, diagnosed with myocarditis, then told to be tested for HIV, but first prescribed blood thinning meds....

And people call purebloods crazy.

Take the Red Pill.
Imagine still being alive after catching Covid 19...because of the vaccine
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Are you still attending Klan rallies with Mas? If not, when did you stop?
Thats an intelligent response. You don't know anything about me, or what my family helped do, back in the 70's to bring blacks and whites closer together, and remove a terrible race barrier in our community.
Thats an intelligent response. You don't know anything about me, or what my family helped do, back in the 70's to bring blacks and whites closer together, and remove a terrible race barrier in our community.
Oh, I think your posts here tell us plenty about you.
...getting triple jabbed, then testing positive for the rona.
While isolated, diagnosed with myocarditis, then told to be tested for HIV, but first prescribed blood thinning meds....

And people call purebloods crazy.

Take the Red Pill.
Who's/what's a "pureblood?"
Mas should avoid 23andMe and other DNA tests at all costs. I'd bet I'm lighter/whiter than him, and my DNA analysis unexpectedly revealed (in addition to our previously known European lineage) a small percentage of sub-Saharan African ancestry.

I have a relative by marriage who occasionally exhibits some bigotry, although he's certainly not the raging anti-Semite that Mas is. This relative (fair-skinned, light hair, etc.) was shocked to learn of Sephardic Jewish lineage upon submission of his DNA sample. If Mas discovered something like that in his ancestry, he would implode.
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Mas should avoid 23andMe and other DNA tests at all costs. I'd bet I'm lighter/whiter than him, and my DNA analysis unexpectedly revealed (in addition to our previously known European lineage) a small percentage of sub-Saharan African ancestry.

I have a relative by marriage who occasionally exhibits some bigotry, although he's certainly not the raging anti-Semite that Mas is. This relative (fair-skinned, light hair, etc.) was shocked to learn of Sephardic Jewish lineage upon submission of his DNA sample. If Mas discovered something like that in his ancestry, he would implode.
Dude you need some sort of releae is life your obsession with attacking Mas is very bizarre to say the least. I get you are a keyboard warrior but you strike me as the type of uptight liberal who thinks the term " manhole " is sexist. You probably are offended by everthing and lose you mind if someone says black instead of African Amercian. You likely spend your whole life being offended. I thought Hickory was the biggest lefty on here but I stand corrected you clearly get the trophy for being by far the biggest far left winger on this site.
Dude you need some sort of releae is life your obsession with attacking Mas is very bizarre to say the least. I get you are a keyboard warrior but you strike me as the type of uptight liberal who thinks the term " manhole " is sexist. You probably are offended by everthing and lose you mind if someone says black instead of African Amercian. You likely spend your whole life being offended. I thought Hickory was the biggest lefty on here but I stand corrected you clearly get the trophy for being by far the biggest far left winger on this site.
Simple solution, pal. If my posts bother you so much, don't read them.

Go back and read his posts in the thread "Jewish Community Under Attack," or even some recent comments (like referring to the New York Times as the "__ York Times") and then come back and tell me my criticism is unwarranted. Then again, maybe you're okay with that kind of hate speech. It wouldn't shock me.

I think you've got the bizarre obsession - - with me.
Dude you need some sort of releae is life your obsession with attacking Mas is very bizarre to say the least. I get you are a keyboard warrior but you strike me as the type of uptight liberal who thinks the term " manhole " is sexist. You probably are offended by everthing and lose you mind if someone says black instead of African Amercian. You likely spend your whole life being offended. I thought Hickory was the biggest lefty on here but I stand corrected you clearly get the trophy for being by far the biggest far left winger on this site.
This is your funniest post...ever.
Simple solution, pal. If my posts bother you so much, don't read them.

Go back and read his posts in the thread "Jewish Community Under Attack," or even some recent comments (like referring to the New York Times as the "__ York Times") and then come back and tell me my criticism is unwarranted. Then again, maybe you're okay with that kind of hate speech. It wouldn't shock me.

I think you've got the bizarre obsession - - with me.
Frankly, he's not really smart enough to understand your point. He's only capable of spouting talking points given to him by his right wing media heroes.
I know alot of unvaxed that have caught Covid and are alive because of the immune system they were given.

This isn't a zero sum game. Yes, it's possible for someone who isn't vaccinated to survive COVID. It's not an and/or, this/that situation. It's also possible to survive a drug overdose. I'm not about to go on a weekend bender to play the odds though.

Your risk of dying from COVID is significantly less if you get vaccinated. It's pretty simple. Your risks of dying of COVID are highest if you have a comorbidity and you're unvaxxed. If you don't understand that by now, then no amount of replies to your posts here are going to get through your thick head.

I get that you and people like Mas think everything is a conspiracy. I get that you think that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci created COVID using Windows 95 in Wuhan to reduce the world population and distract us from all the flights Bill Clinton took to Epstein Island and proof of that is hidden on Hunter Biden's laptop and a smattering of voting machines around the country. I get it but I don't understand it. I wrongly assumed that some of you would get tired of being so stupid by now.

Yes, it's possible for someone who isn't vaccinated to survive COVID.

Your risk of dying from COVID is significantly less if you get vaccinated. It's pretty simple. Your risks of dying of COVID are highest if you have a comorbidity and you're unvaxxed. If you don't understand that by now, then no amount of replies to your posts here are going to get through your thick head.
I get that you and people like Mas think everything is a conspiracy. I get that you think that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci created COVID using Windows 95 in Wuhan to reduce the world population and distract us from all the flights Bill Clinton took to Epstein Island and proof of that is hidden on Hunter Biden's laptop and a smattering of voting machines around the country. I get it but I don't understand it. I wrongly assumed that some of you would get tired of being so stupid by now.

Well wtf ohio, some of you vaxed pop off here acting like if you don't get vaxed you are f*cked. Millions have had Covid, unvaxed, and survived. Remember 2019? Prolly less than 1% of people that actually got it died from, just Covid. I wish you could understand that.

As far as reducing world population do you think that has just magically disappeared? Its in history books...They don't hide it you can find tons of info on it and if you know your history there is some very real things that have already occurred with horror stories behind them. Its NOT a conspiracy there are several things in play currently to fend off overpopulation. What don't you understand?

Since you bring up conspiracies, and I read some of you mock when this subject gets brought up. Killing and sacrificing kids. You wanna see some crap, pull up a King James bible search and look up "green trees" in a search. Be ready to sh!t yourself. Killing and burning babies in sacrificial acts has happened throughout history. Do you think that those satanic religions and "groves" just went away OR got more powerful as time went on? The more God "The Father of the Lord Jesus Christ" disappears the stronger and more powerful these satanic religions get. Its a beautiful planet with many seriously evil people unfortunately. Its seems like the more money and power you have the more evil you get.

It sounds to me like you have already digested a ton of reading and not sure what to think about some of it. To quote you "I get it but I don't understand it." I get you but don't understand you. I'm trying too, but we come from two different sets of beliefs.

As far as Trump and Trumpers...I get that a ton of you despise him, he's an arrogant prick. Reminds me of a lot of the prima donna salespeople I have had over the years. Love them or hate them you learn to live with them coz they make you a sh!t ton of money. The guy that wrote the Art of the Deal was in our corner for a few and it was fun watching him interact with these deal breaking, lying, corrupt, politicians from around the planet and here at home putting them in their place. IDC when people laugh about Trump either or at me for defending the guy. For many Trumpers he was a person that wasn't in the "political brothers club" and shook things up. AND they needed to be shaken up as we are all aware of these a$$hole politicians getting rich off of us in politics. Therefore, from the fbi, cia, doj, congress and the senate they tried like hell to get rid of him. The ones that tried the hardest stuck out, like the ones who had the most to hide, and were scared he would blow the lid off all their corruption. Meanwhile he kept doing his job.

I think he ran for pres for a few reasons. He was on Oprah and some other shows when he was younger and he was urged to run. Then he does and they turn on him like a venomous snake. Also, to piss all the elites off because he never got invited to "The Good Club". He sure as hell had them all ripping their clothes and gnashing their teeth after the speech he gave at the world economic forum telling them he wanted to put America first. Talk about throwing a monkey wrench in their plans hilarious. Anyways...

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This isn't a zero sum game. Yes, it's possible for someone who isn't vaccinated to survive COVID. It's not an and/or, this/that situation. It's also possible to survive a drug overdose. I'm not about to go on a weekend bender to play the odds though.

Your risk of dying from COVID is significantly less if you get vaccinated. It's pretty simple. Your risks of dying of COVID are highest if you have a comorbidity and you're unvaxxed. If you don't understand that by now, then no amount of replies to your posts here are going to get through your thick head.

I get that you and people like Mas think everything is a conspiracy. I get that you think that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci created COVID using Windows 95 in Wuhan to reduce the world population and distract us from all the flights Bill Clinton took to Epstein Island and proof of that is hidden on Hunter Biden's laptop and a smattering of voting machines around the country. I get it but I don't understand it. I wrongly assumed that some of you would get tired of being so stupid by now.
I'm in my mid 50's. When I look at the Indiana Covid 19 Dashboard, I find that 99.3% of my age group have survived their bout with Covid. I subtract out the nursing home deaths and cases for my age group to get a more accurate picture of my chances, but, even if I leave them in, I've still got a 99.25 chance of survival.

Harvard (or one of the other fancy schools) say that the true denominator of cases might be 2 to 3 times higher than what we've actually captured through testing, due to seroprevalence studies. If what they say is true and I multiply the denominator by 2.5, then it's more likely that my chance of survival is 99.72%

Now, lets say the vax ups my survival chance to 99.93, given a 75% relative efficacy against death. If I believed that the vax carried with it zero risk of it's own, I might consider giving it a try. However, believing in something is quite different than knowing something.

There seems to me to be plenty of evidence that the vax might carry some risk of it's own. Given the difference between 99.72 and 99.93, I prefer to stick with the 99.72, or even 99.3 for that matter, as opposed to venturing into the unknown.

I see this as perfectly rational decision making. If someone else thinks 99.93 sounds worth it, then by all means go for it.

I don't see how 99.72 vs 99.93 translates into the 99.72 guy as going out and abusing drugs for an evening or playing Russian Roulette... lol

It's these kind of ridiculous analogies that make it difficult to take the less skeptical side serious whatsoever.
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I'm in my mid 50's. When I look at the Indiana Covid 19 Dashboard, I find that 99.3% of my age group have survived their bout with Covid. I subtract out the nursing home deaths and cases for my age group to get a more accurate picture of my chances, but, even if I leave them in, I've still got a 99.25 chance of survival.

Harvard (or one of the other fancy schools) say that the true denominator of cases might be 2 to 3 times higher than what we've actually captured through testing, due to seroprevalence studies. If what they say is true and I multiply the denominator by 2.5, then it's more likely that my chance of survival is 99.72%

Now, lets say the vax ups my survival chance to 99.93, given a 75% relative efficacy against death. If I believed that the vax carried with it zero risk of it's own, I might consider giving it a try. However, believing in something is quite different than knowing something.

There seems to me to be plenty of evidence that the vax might carry some risk of it's own. Given the difference between 99.72 and 99.93, I prefer to stick with the 99.72, or even 99.3 for that matter, as opposed to venturing into the unknown.

I see this as perfectly rational decision making. If someone else thinks 99.93 sounds worth it, then by all means go for it.

I don't see how 99.72 vs 99.93 translates into the 99.72 guy as going out and abusing drugs for an evening or playing Russian Roulette... lol

It's these kind of ridiculous analogies that make it difficult to take the less skeptical side serious whatsoever.

I'm in my mid 50's. When I look at the Indiana Covid 19 Dashboard, I find that 99.3% of my age group have survived their bout with Covid. I subtract out the nursing home deaths and cases for my age group to get a more accurate picture of my chances, but, even if I leave them in, I've still got a 99.25 chance of survival.

Harvard (or one of the other fancy schools) say that the true denominator of cases might be 2 to 3 times higher than what we've actually captured through testing, due to seroprevalence studies. If what they say is true and I multiply the denominator by 2.5, then it's more likely that my chance of survival is 99.72%

Now, lets say the vax ups my survival chance to 99.93, given a 75% relative efficacy against death. If I believed that the vax carried with it zero risk of it's own, I might consider giving it a try. However, believing in something is quite different than knowing something.

There seems to me to be plenty of evidence that the vax might carry some risk of it's own. Given the difference between 99.72 and 99.93, I prefer to stick with the 99.72, or even 99.3 for that matter, as opposed to venturing into the unknown.

I see this as perfectly rational decision making. If someone else thinks 99.93 sounds worth it, then by all means go for it.

I don't see how 99.72 vs 99.93 translates into the 99.72 guy as going out and abusing drugs for an evening or playing Russian Roulette... lol

It's these kind of ridiculous analogies that make it difficult to take the less skeptical side serious whatsoever.
Don't think for yourself. Data will always be on your side. You're dealing with zealots who refuse to think for themselves. Last I looked kids had a greater likelihood of drowning than dying from covid, and parents are now vaccinated (hell many kids are), yet some see nothing wrong with making them wear masks 8 hours a day. Duhhh I'd prefer they not but mine don't complain too much.... Good grief.

And there's nothing irrational about your take on vaccines. Personally I believe there is more than enough data to show the benefit outweighs the likelihood of harm, but your decision is completely rational.

Time to move on from Covid
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Simple solution, pal. If my posts bother you so much, don't read them.

Go back and read his posts in the thread "Jewish Community Under Attack," or even some recent comments (like referring to the New York Times as the "__ York Times") and then come back and tell me my criticism is unwarranted. Then again, maybe you're okay with that kind of hate speech. It wouldn't shock me.

I think you've got the bizarre obsession - - with me.
Not only is it unwarranted, your slurs have no basis in fact.

You are a liar.
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Who's/what's a "pureblood?"
No surprise that mas would use the term. It's sort of the purvey of the wackiest of the wacky... Example 1- Wild Bill

It's sort of an example of the people least representative of a term using it to characterize themselves. Here's a prime example- a woman named Stephanie Denaro who oozes sleaze. Why anyone would want anything this woman has to offer I have no clue...

Now to illustrate the kind of person we're dealing with... Besides attending an anti-vax rally with full blown covid, and hurling racist insults in public, she is also one of the stupider people Jordan Klepper interviews in one of his Jan 6 videos. She isn't credited, but there is a remarkable resemblance and I'm pretty sure it's her...

And as further evidence, the "Danny" she is referring to as "dying of covid" is Danny Christman, who was not only in DC on Jan 6, but was one of those ordinary citizens" engaging in legitimate political discourse

Maybe it's just me, but that mug screams PUREBLOOD. No doubt he's the epitome of the "in demand" specimen that Wild Bill is raving about...
Imagine still being alive after catching Covid 19...because of the vaccine
You don't know that is true at all. You know you're alive but you don't know it's because the vaccine kept you alive.
Well wtf ohio, some of you vaxed pop off here acting like if you don't get vaxed you are f*cked. Millions have had Covid, unvaxed, and survived. Remember 2019? Prolly less than 1% of people that actually got it died from, just Covid. I wish you could understand that.

As far as reducing world population do you think that has just magically disappeared? Its in history books...They don't hide it you can find tons of info on it and if you know your history there is some very real things that have already occurred with horror stories behind them. Its NOT a conspiracy there are several things in play currently to fend off overpopulation. What don't you understand?

Since you bring up conspiracies, and I read some of you mock when this subject gets brought up. Killing and sacrificing kids. You wanna see some crap, pull up a King James bible search and look up "green trees" in a search. Be ready to sh!t yourself. Killing and burning babies in sacrificial acts has happened throughout history. Do you think that those satanic religions and "groves" just went away OR got more powerful as time went on? The more God "The Father of the Lord Jesus Christ" disappears the stronger and more powerful these satanic religions get. Its a beautiful planet with many seriously evil people unfortunately. Its seems like the more money and power you have the more evil you get.

It sounds to me like you have already digested a ton of reading and not sure what to think about some of it. To quote you "I get it but I don't understand it." I get you but don't understand you. I'm trying too, but we come from two different sets of beliefs.

As far as Trump and Trumpers...I get that a ton of you despise him, he's an arrogant prick. Reminds me of a lot of the prima donna salespeople I have had over the years. Love them or hate them you learn to live with them coz they make you a sh!t ton of money. The guy that wrote the Art of the Deal was in our corner for a few and it was fun watching him interact with these deal breaking, lying, corrupt, politicians from around the planet and here at home putting them in their place. IDC when people laugh about Trump either or at me for defending the guy. For many Trumpers he was a person that wasn't in the "political brothers club" and shook things up. AND they needed to be shaken up as we are all aware of these a$$hole politicians getting rich off of us in politics. Therefore, from the fbi, cia, doj, congress and the senate they tried like hell to get rid of him. The ones that tried the hardest stuck out, like the ones who had the most to hide, and were scared he would blow the lid off all their corruption. Meanwhile he kept doing his job.

I think he ran for pres for a few reasons. He was on Oprah and some other shows when he was younger and he was urged to run. Then he does and they turn on him like a venomous snake. Also, to piss all the elites off because he never got invited to "The Good Club". He sure as hell had them all ripping their clothes and gnashing their teeth after the speech he gave at the world economic forum telling them he wanted to put America first. Talk about throwing a monkey wrench in their plans hilarious. Anyways...

Well wtf ohio, some of you vaxed pop off here acting like if you don't get vaxed you are f*cked. Millions have had Covid, unvaxed, and survived. Remember 2019? Prolly less than 1% of people that actually got it died from, just Covid. I wish you could understand that.

This is the 2nd post in which you've discussed covid and mistakenly mentioned the 2019 death toll? It's 2022,not 2021. Did you lose a year?

And mas liked your post. I' m curious if you think that's a good thing? Known by the company you keep, and all that...

In case you're confused why that's relevant...

"Since you bring up conspiracies, and I read some of you mock when this subject gets brought up. Killing and sacrificing kids. You wanna see some crap, pull up a King James bible search and look up "green trees" in a search. Be ready to sh!t yourself. Killing and burning babies in sacrificial acts has happened throughout history. Do you think that those satanic religions and "groves" just went away OR got more powerful as time went on? The more God "The Father of the Lord Jesus Christ" disappears the stronger and more powerful these satanic religions get. Its a beautiful planet with many seriously evil people unfortunately. Its seems like the more money and power you have the more evil you get."

You're literally posting an example of why many scholars trace the roots of anti-Semitism back to some of the New Testament. Naturally, mas approves...
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Mas should avoid 23andMe and other DNA tests at all costs. I'd bet I'm lighter/whiter than him, and my DNA analysis unexpectedly revealed (in addition to our previously known European lineage) a small percentage of sub-Saharan African ancestry.

I have a relative by marriage who occasionally exhibits some bigotry, although he's certainly not the raging anti-Semite that Mas is. This relative (fair-skinned, light hair, etc.) was shocked to learn of Sephardic Jewish lineage upon submission of his DNA sample. If Mas discovered something like that in his ancestry, he would implode.
Does that mean you qualify for affirmative action or are you dq’d because you’re “lighter/whiter”?
Does that mean you qualify for affirmative action or are you dq’d because you’re “lighter/whiter”?
No. We're talking a very small percentage here. I'll continue to check the "White/Caucasian" box. I won't pay reparations, though. Lol.

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