I hope a bomb is dropped on the NRA convention.

Hand gun is just as bad. I know the AR shoots farther. I’m just not sure how
An AR-15 can have a 30 round capacity clip (as opposed to a 6 to 15 round capacity for typical handguns). They are also more accurate than your standard hand gun (because of the longer barrel and the ability to hold it with both hands in a wider grip with the stock pressed against your shoulder for stability).

Don't get me wrong, in a class room where nobody is armed, yeah, there's not going to be much of a difference. But in a take-down situation, or when he first entered the premises, the differences are huge.

First off, every time you have to reload a weapon, even highly trained individuals need three to four seconds to change out clips. Three seconds in a firefight is an eternity. You can run 10 feet in that timeframe and potentially make it to cover. Even if you don't make cover, the accuracy of the shooter in an active-fire situation starts to drop significantly when you get beyond 15 to 20 feet. Hitting a moving target is a lot harder than popping off rounds at the gun range. Look at hunting. 90% of hunting is a guy standing very still and waiting for the target to come to him, and then they take careful aim and then gently squeeze the trigger. If you miss that first shot and the target takes off running, the odds of getting the kill on the second shot drop to something close to zero.

Also, every time you have to reload a weapon, there is a slight chance for jamming / misloading. The more stressful the situation, the greater the chance for something to go wrong.

I am in no way an expert on firearms, and I could be waaaay off base, but I'm willing to bet a decent amount of money that if you asked any LEO what he would rather face off against, a guy with two handguns or a guy with two AR-15's, he is going to choose the former every time.
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There is no excuse for the conduct which bordered on cowardice from the LEO's who gathered waiting for "Tactical re enforcements" while Ramos murdered those kids...

But I wonder how much uncertainty and fear of issues like litigation played in the failure of the SRO not to engage Ramos outside the school? I mean as unbelievable as it sounds, the idea of an 18 yr old kid walking around with an AR-15 is legal within the confines of open carry laws. And as I showed in other videos, there are plenty of people who walk around (and make a living on you tube) deliberately attempting to provoke law enforcement into "violating" their individual rights.

Usually it's with a camera, where they proceed to enter government buildings to "conduct an audit", and start spouting their interpretation of the Constitution when officers tell them they aren't allowed to film. It's a whole cottage industry, and has inspired a counter movement of people who satorize the "auditors" and in turn post videos of the auditors who end up in jail and court.

But there are also several who walk around in heavily populated areas streets, parks stores etc in hopes of alarming someone enough that they call the cops. It's all in the interest of views ($$), but it really puts cops in a bind when it comes to determining if a person carrying a loaded weapon poses a legitimate threat or not.

It's also why ideas some have of locking all doors (and exposing everyone in the school to the danger of a fire) is wildly impractical. Or implementing the suggestion of the moron on Fox that advocated setting up booby traps and trip wires would result in a liability nightmare for schools. No insurance company is going to be willing to assume the inherent risk of kids horsing around and accidentally triggering a booby trap. It's just amazing the length some people will go to avoid confronting the real issue, the ridiculous ease of acquiring weapons in the US...
It seems increasingly clear the response by the LEO’s was either a tactical failure a failure of courage or both.

You musing about litigation concerns leading to inaction by the officers if they truly did see Ramos walking into the school with the rifle is just dumb. Pointless surmising driven by you watching too many YouTube videos.

I assume by “locking all doors” you mean creating a single entry point? Obviously you would have the doors be exitable in case of emergency. They’re called emergency exit doors and a lot of buildings have them. That’s just standard security protocol and actually a good idea.
An AR-15 can have a 30 round capacity clip (as opposed to a 6 to 15 round capacity for typical handguns). They are also more accurate than your standard hand gun (because of the longer barrel and the ability to hold it with both hands in a wider grip with the stock pressed against your shoulder for stability).

Don't get me wrong, in a class room where nobody is armed, yeah, there's not going to be much of a difference. But in a take-down situation, or when he first entered the premises, the differences are huge.

First off, every time you have to reload a weapon, even highly trained individuals need three to four seconds to change out clips. Three seconds in a firefight is an eternity. You can run 10 feet in that timeframe and potentially make it to cover. Even if you don't make cover, the accuracy of the shooter in an active-fire situation starts to drop significantly when you get beyond 15 to 20 feet. Hitting a moving target is a lot harder than popping off rounds at the gun range. Look at hunting. 90% of hunting is a guy standing very still and waiting for the target to come to him, and then they take careful aim and then gently squeeze the trigger. If you miss that first shot and the target takes off running, the odds of getting the kill on the second shot drop to something close to zero.

Also, every time you have to reload a weapon, there is a slight chance for jamming / misloading. The more stressful the situation, the greater the chance for something to go wrong.

I am in no way an expert on firearms, and I could be waaaay off base, but I'm willing to bet a decent amount of money that if you asked any LEO what he would rather face off against, a guy with two handguns or a guy with two AR-15's, he is going to choose the former every time.
All valid. Not arguing that. That’s why I said range. The biggest problem in this situation is to many variables. We will never know how different it would have been.
Also, in the Texas case it appears that the police who were outside took 1 1/2 hrs to kill the gunman and it wasn't the local police, it was a nearby Border Patrol Agent. I believe there needs to be an investigation on why from what reports said, "they were waiting for a key to the classroom". They did not engage the perp at all. Going forward I believe the best course of action is to have armed guards in schools. I would also like to have some of the teachers/staff etc trained to act as minutemen in case situations like this come up again. In both the Buffalo and Texas situations you have young men who are at least smart enough to enter places where they know there are no guns. In my view the bottom line is evil has to be fought. There are evil people out there who want to do people harm. I don't even care why they want to do it at this point. The issue right now is protecting citizens. And the answer is not to disarm the law abiding. It is meeting force with force.

Van do you not understand that there was an ARMED security guard in the Topps store in Buffalo and an ARMED School Resource Officer at the school in Uvalde? Why do keep repeating that we need armed guards in schools? Do you not know that many school shootings occur in schools where there are already ARMED personnel on duty? That was true of the Stoneman school in FL as well as here in Uvalde...The first person the kid in Buffalo killed was the ARMED security guard, who himself fired at least two rounds, but they did not penetrate the TEENAGED gunman's body armor...

Do you understand that these security guards are usually off duty or former LEOs that have undergone extensive weapons training and are trained and experienced in catching bad guys? But doesn't it strike you as strange that a TEENAGED gunman can have at his disposal more firepower and lethal weaponry than the cop tasked with protecting a school or grocery store?

We are talking attempts to institute reasonable measures like background checks, waiting periods and limits on who is able to purchase assault weapons. There is a reason law enforcement agencies support those types of measures, and also why the NRA and it's clients in the gun industry are opposed.

Nobody is trying to take weapons from people who are law abiding and should have the right to own them. But the line between who are and are not "law abiding citizens" has been deliberately muddled, because the NRA refuses to allow any time of protective measures like "red flag laws" or waiting periods to be universally applied. Consequently 3 people who never should have been allowed to possess weapons were allowed to purchase them (or in the MI case get them as a present from their parents) and use them to kill innocent people.

In all 3 cases, the people who engaged in mass murder all essentially met the NRA's definition of "law abiding citizen", until they didn't. Essentially they turned into mass murders in a micro second. And in an open carry/no restriction state like Texas, the Ramos kid (aside from his unknown crime spree) is basically allowed by law to walk down public streets carrying his AR-15. He didn't violate open carry provisions until he entered school grounds, and by law no LEO would be able to engage him unless they actually had knowledge of his prior criminal act of shooting his Granma. Anyone who can buy a gun is allowed to carry it openly, with no license or training- that's what open carry means...

There are guys who have you tube channels dedicated to open carrying weapons and basically taunting the inability of police officers to even question them...This guy does it on bridges and along fishing spots in FL and claims he's "fishing"...Really the only difference between him and people who kill others, is for the time being he is not interested in killing anyone. Unless they try to get him not to provoke people needlessly by walking around with an assault weapon. But the reality is, he could just as easily get upset and decide to turn mass killer...

But an extensive background check and extended waiting period including interviews with friends, parents etc... likely would have resulted in all Ramos and the other 2 killers being denied access to that sort of weapon...In most states an 18 yr old has to present some sort of fake id to but beer, but in many that same 18 yr old can purchase an AR-15 on his 18th birthday and not have to fake any documents. The Ramos kid bought two, but if anyone had asked the grandparents he lived with if he should have access to a gun they'd have been horrified...

You're quibbling with me? I posted the local news account compiled by a station in Richardson Texas, based off of what the RICHARDSON POLICE told them. This wasn't a reporter's characterization- there were no reporters on the scene. This is what their staff was told by the RICHARDSON POLICE, and you're arguing semantics with me for reposting what the police said?

Anyway, I could have easily said AR-15, when I questioned DANC about his ridiculous characterization of the weaponry available to kids in the 1970s. I was cross posting and meant to say AR-15, since both Buffalo and Uvalde killers had those. And if you actually read the story I posted from Richardson, in addition to the AK-47 type pistol (which for some unknown reason you joined in with DANCs stupid semantic game), you'd notice that the kid in Richardson had an AR-15 as well...

The point is kids driving their pickups to school in the 1970s didn't have assault weapons in their gun racks... DANC tried to pass off some false equivalency, and even though you should be better that that, you decided to jump in as well... But hey you got an approval emoji from DANC. Congrats?

According to reports, Robb did NOT have an armed resource officer on site.

As I have posted before, the Uvalde school system has its own police department with a chief, detective, and 4 officers for 10 schools (I've heard it's 8 schools, but I found 10 listed on a website).

So there are armed officers but not enough to cover all the schools all the time.

Didn't read rest of your post. Too damn long and I already know it will be filled with half truths and inaccuracies.
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Our Walmart doesn’t stop you for that reason.
From the news report, it seems that it was other shoppers who physically intervened rather than an employee:

Brown was attempting to steal items from the Walmart store on Princeton Road when a shopper tried to intervene, according to Fairfield Township police. Then he ran toward the exit where another shopper tried to stop him.​
Police said Brown shot and killed that shopper and shot an employee in the area who was trying to help.​

There's also this:

About six months ago, Brown posted a $200,000 bond in a separate armed robbery case, according to court records.​

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There is no excuse for the conduct which bordered on cowardice from the LEO's who gathered waiting for "Tactical re enforcements" while Ramos murdered those kids...

But I wonder how much uncertainty and fear of issues like litigation played in the failure of the SRO not to engage Ramos outside the school? I mean as unbelievable as it sounds, the idea of an 18 yr old kid walking around with an AR-15 is legal within the confines of open carry laws. And as I showed in other videos, there are plenty of people who walk around (and make a living on you tube) deliberately attempting to provoke law enforcement into "violating" their individual rights.

Usually it's with a camera, where they proceed to enter government buildings to "conduct an audit", and start spouting their interpretation of the Constitution when officers tell them they aren't allowed to film. It's a whole cottage industry, and has inspired a counter movement of people who satorize the "auditors" and in turn post videos of the auditors who end up in jail and court.

But there are also several who walk around in heavily populated areas streets, parks stores etc in hopes of alarming someone enough that they call the cops. It's all in the interest of views ($$), but it really puts cops in a bind when it comes to determining if a person carrying a loaded weapon poses a legitimate threat or not.

It's also why ideas some have of locking all doors (and exposing everyone in the school to the danger of a fire) is wildly impractical. Or implementing the suggestion of the moron on Fox that advocated setting up booby traps and trip wires would result in a liability nightmare for schools. No insurance company is going to be willing to assume the inherent risk of kids horsing around and accidentally triggering a booby trap. It's just amazing the length some people will go to avoid confronting the real issue, the ridiculous ease of acquiring weapons in the US...
It’s weird that you and other libs spent two years bitching about militarization of the police, lack of de-escalation skills, too many deadly arms, excessive use of force and advocating for general toning down of aggressiveness now bitch about the cops not being trigger-happy, aggressive, and militaristic. The on scene commander might have blown the call, but he could have also blown the call the other way and we could have found that police gunfire killed some kids. This was a no-win.

BTW, there is evidence that the only gunfire from the perp during the waiting time was directed at the door and cops. The 100,s of rounds fired at the kids was already mostly finished.
you and other libs bitch about the cops not being trigger-happy, aggressive, and militaristic.
Um, I think the bitching is all about 19 cops waiting out in a hallway for 80 freakin' minutes while some kids and teachers bled to death and while others were possibly being shot (that part is not so clear, as there are conflicting accounts).

Their boss, the police commander, is bitching about that too, by the way.
Um, I think the bitching is all about 19 cops waiting out in a hallway for 80 freakin' minutes while some kids and teachers bled to death and while others were possibly being shot (that part is not so clear, as there are conflicting accounts).

Their boss, the police commander, is bitching about that too, by the way.
Exactly. If the commander made bad decisions then he or she should be held accountable. And while we are at it, I think we need to know more about the school district police chief, who made the call, got that job and what his or her background is.
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It’s weird that you and other libs spent two years bitching about militarization of the police, lack of de-escalation skills, too many deadly arms, excessive use of force and advocating for general toning down of aggressiveness now bitch about the cops not being trigger-happy, aggressive, and militaristic. The on scene commander might have blown the call, but he could have also blown the call the other way and we could have found that police gunfire killed some kids. This was a no-win.

BTW, there is evidence that the only gunfire from the perp during the waiting time was directed at the door and cops. The 100,s of rounds fired at the kids was already mostly finished.
I think you should read this timeline and then revise your remarks.

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Maybe if we made it a ton harder to get automatic weapons?

Just a thought.
Don't usually screw with you but I have to point out that in reality it is damn tough to own "automatic weapons"...

None of the shootings being discussed have involved "automatic" weapons...

You can't buy one that was produced after 1986 (Reagan's law)... In order to own one you need to have a pristine criminal record, a heck of a lot of cash to blow on the weapon (starting price point of around $25,000 and going up) and being willing to allow the ATF to enter your premises without a warrant...

While collectors do own them, they've never been used in a shooting like this that I'm aware of...
Actually immigrants are flocking to the UK and Western Europe as a whole. Why do you think Facist, anti-Immigrant parties have sprung up all thru out Europe...

The reality is that this is in a very real sense the fruits of colonialism. Do you think that Pakistanis and other people from the Indian subcontinent have just ended up in huge numbers in Britain by accident?

When you base your economy for centuries largely on the wealth and influence you derive from subjugating people in distant lands there are eventually going to be consequences. Not only did European powers exploit the manpower and natural resources of the lands they colonized, but they also incorporated those people into the "Empire" in order to portray themselves as benevolent masters. They claimed they wanted the people in places like India to view themselves as subjects of the Crown, to be educated in British schools, adopt British religion etc...

A big selling point was always we're all citizens of the Crown, and you have the same rights as all other English citizens. One of those rights was the freedom to travel within the Empire and presumably immigrate and live anywhere within it's confines. So particularly after the partition between India/Pakistan circa 1948, large groups of folks from the area decided to move to Britain and take their fellow Brit citizens up on their offer...This was especially true for Islamic residents of India who found themselves a persecuted minority after the Brits left.

Same with Turks in Germany, Algerians and other residents of former French colonies/possessions in France, people from former Dutch colonies in the Netherlands etc... Unintended consequence of Colonialism 101...

That's less than my dog park membership... But at least I'm guaranteed that all of the dogs have had all their shots, and can't accidentally reproduce...
Actually, you're full of shit.
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I think you should read this timeline and then revise your remarks.

How? During that 40 minutes the perp gunfire was substantially less, and there was some comment that the gunfire was directed at the door. It’s also my understanding that there was no gunfire from anybody during the last 27minutes or so of that 40. But all of that is preliminary.
There is no excuse for the conduct which bordered on cowardice from the LEO's who gathered waiting for "Tactical re enforcements" while Ramos murdered those kids...

But I wonder how much uncertainty and fear of issues like litigation played in the failure of the SRO not to engage Ramos outside the school? I mean as unbelievable as it sounds, the idea of an 18 yr old kid walking around with an AR-15 is legal within the confines of open carry laws. And as I showed in other videos, there are plenty of people who walk around (and make a living on you tube) deliberately attempting to provoke law enforcement into "violating" their individual rights.

Usually it's with a camera, where they proceed to enter government buildings to "conduct an audit", and start spouting their interpretation of the Constitution when officers tell them they aren't allowed to film. It's a whole cottage industry, and has inspired a counter movement of people who satorize the "auditors" and in turn post videos of the auditors who end up in jail and court.

But there are also several who walk around in heavily populated areas streets, parks stores etc in hopes of alarming someone enough that they call the cops. It's all in the interest of views ($$), but it really puts cops in a bind when it comes to determining if a person carrying a loaded weapon poses a legitimate threat or not.

It's also why ideas some have of locking all doors (and exposing everyone in the school to the danger of a fire) is wildly impractical. Or implementing the suggestion of the moron on Fox that advocated setting up booby traps and trip wires would result in a liability nightmare for schools. No insurance company is going to be willing to assume the inherent risk of kids horsing around and accidentally triggering a booby trap. It's just amazing the length some people will go to avoid confronting the real issue, the ridiculous ease of acquiring weapons in the US...
Locking all doors is currently protocol for nearly every school in the country... You'll literally say anything to attempt to win an argument 🙄...
Most doors in the situations we're discussing have egress overrides by Fire Code (as I'm certain you well know)...
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That's literally what you did with the quote. You brought it out, took it out of context and applied to the issue at hand to support your view. You did that. Not me.

And your point about Berger kind of sums things up nicely (I apologize for misspelling his name when I initially brought him up). You figuratively put your fingers in your ears and sang, 'lalalala!'

If you can totally disregard the legal opinion of a Supreme Court Justice, then you're likely not going to listen to anyone.
You need to take a civics class. A single SC Justice does not make law and his opinion is his opinion - nothing more. The fact you would quote him when he was overriden by the majority of the SC shows you are grasping at straws.

Did I do it "literally". Do you know what "literally" means? Obviously not.
How? During that 40 minutes the perp gunfire was substantially less, and there was some comment that the gunfire was directed at the door. It’s also my understanding that there was no gunfire from anybody during the last 27minutes or so of that 40. But all of that is preliminary.
So you did not read the timeline. There were as many as 17 police there at 12:03. At 1216:

One of the 911 callers reported that there were “eight or nine” people who were still alive.​

A couple minutes later a child called, shots were heard, the child said he shot the door. Here is the question, could this door be one separating rooms and he shot it to get through?

Also in that story, the missing piece. A teacher propped the door open when she went to check on the car crashing, when she saw the gun she ran inside to call 911 but did not close the door. That teacher also screwed up (if that ends up being accurate).
Well, you were exactly wrong, is the point, in claiming that anyone (lib or otherwise) is demanding that the cops be some Rambo-like "trigger-happy, aggressive, and militaristic" supercop. They would instead have preferred the cops do their job and not stand in the hallway for an hour like Chief Wiggum on the Simpsons would.

not this

but not this, either
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From the news report, it seems that it was other shoppers who physically intervened rather than an employee:

Brown was attempting to steal items from the Walmart store on Princeton Road when a shopper tried to intervene, according to Fairfield Township police. Then he ran toward the exit where another shopper tried to stop him.​
Police said Brown shot and killed that shopper and shot an employee in the area who was trying to help.​

There's also this:

About six months ago, Brown posted a $200,000 bond in a separate armed robbery case, according to court records.​

I was going to like this but I feel weird doing that. Strange days.
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No, I was obviously talking about you.
Learn to read, hermit.
So you are still figuring out back to front or front to back then. Obviously your main contribution is being an a**hole just to be an a**hole. Likely the only thing in life you have really been successful at. BTW GFY.
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Well, you were exactly wrong, is the point, in claiming that anyone (lib or otherwise) is demanding that the cops be some Rambo-like "trigger-happy, aggressive, and militaristic" supercop. They would instead have preferred the cops do their job and not stand in the hallway for an hour like Chief Wiggum on the Simpsons would.

not this

but not this, either
It looks like a bad decision. But I can also see the hesitation to order a guns-blazing entry into a room where kids are present if I felt the immediate threat was at least paused if not over

The reason I posted as I did is the cops are forced to make split second life and death decisions in some place every day. When they make one decision, people like you and cosmic claim cops are aggressive trigger happy Rambos and when they make another decision they are cowards. Neither is true, but that is not how you think in your extreme world where everybody who disagrees with you is scum.
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... that is not how you think in your extreme world where everybody who disagrees with you is scum.
I don't think anyone, you included, is scum for disagreeing with me about almost anything.

I will gladly point out when you make clear factual errors, though, even though you will every time obfuscate and fervently deny that you've ever deviated an inch from the sheer human perfection that you imagine you see when looking in the mirror.
I don't think anyone, you included, is scum for disagreeing with me about almost anything.

I will gladly point out when you make clear factual errors, though, even though you will every time obfuscate and fervently deny that you've ever deviated an inch from the sheer human perfection that you imagine you see when looking in the mirror.
That's funny, because I can see you doing that exact thing when looking in the mirror.
So you are still figuring out back to front or front to back then. Obviously your main contribution is being an a**hole just to be an a**hole. Likely the only thing in life you have really been successful at. BTW GFY.
I know you don't like to put anyone on ignore, but that dude does nothing but troll.

He's not worth a response.
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So you are still figuring out back to front or front to back then. Obviously your main contribution is being an a**hole just to be an a**hole. Likely the only thing in life you have really been successful at. BTW GFY.
Go back and read your posts in this forum, hermit. Then ask yourself who the asshole is around here. You've probably come by it honestly, though. I'm sure your life has led you to a fairly pitiful existence in the present, and your only way to feel better is to lash out and call everyone you don't agree with an asshole, an idiot, or your go-to, which is to use someone else's post and just repeat it back to him/her, mainly because you are incredibly unoriginal.
You are, by far, the angriest poster on here. You make stoll look like a ray of sunshine. Your anger, plus a heaping dose of insecurity, and a pinch of ignorance make you a comedic guilty pleasure.
Never change, craycray. You are the board jester.
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Go back and read your posts in this forum, hermit. Then ask yourself who the asshole is around here. You've probably come by it honestly, though. I'm sure your life has led you to a fairly pitiful existence in the present, and your only way to feel better is to lash out and call everyone you don't agree with an asshole, an idiot, or your go-to, which is to use someone else's post and just repeat it back to him/her, mainly because you are incredibly unoriginal.
You are, by far, the angriest poster on here. You make stoll look like a ray of sunshine. Your anger, plus a heaping dose of insecurity, and a pinch of ignorance make you a comedic guilty pleasure.
Never change, craycray. You are the board jester.
Well F you.
Yes you did!
Being an A##hole is his only talent. I saw him as the #1 prick on this board the first post of his I ever read. The lack of self awareness is amazing of some people. Glad to know I get under his skin as I could basically care less what a total loser's opinion is.
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Being an A##hole is his only talent. I saw him as the #1 prick on this board the first post of his I ever read. The lack of self awareness is amazing of some people. Glad to know I get under his skin as I could basically care less what a total loser's opinion is.
English, please.
You going to start stalking me like you do zeke?
Whatever will I do?
You have some secret crush on her? If you notice until your rants tonight I don't respond to your BS anymore. I don't put people on ignore I just ignore them. You having a bad day? It is funny watching liberals go all unhinged when people don't like them. I don't like you.