I have a flagpole and the flag is at half-staff for Senator Feinstein.

I'm assuming Silver Spring is close to DC, and since she's a lobbyist/fundraiser it kinda makes sense. She only get the seat for a year (ish). Political payoffs are a part of politics. B/c money is part of politics.

We have teh government we allow to happen.
And the backtracking begins.

We really do have the government we deserve.

Do one was hiding anything. Newsom acknowledged the MD residency, but also said she has a home in California and will change her legal/registered residency to CA.
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Do one was hiding anything. Newsom acknowledged the MD residency, but also said she has a home in California and will change her legal/registered residency to CA.
Well, they suck at coordinating communication. Better clean it up if he wants to run for Prez.
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C'mon dumb dumb, I'm not a Trumpster. We've been over this. Your story. and thread are ridiculous. You are very divisive. That's not a good look.
Frankly, I don't believe it, dumbass. You have all the symptoms of Trumpsterism.

There's nothing divisive about flying the US flag and honoring those that served our country. Your attitude is divisive.
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It’s always entertaining watching “If there’s smoke there must be fire” GOP operative robots having conniptions when they can’t be bothered to even acknowledge the raging wildfire on their side of the aisle.
So this is how the democrats save our constitution and democracy? Rules mean nothing to the Democrats if the rules impede the narrative.
Now cover how Dr. Mehmet Oz suddenly became a Pennsylvanian when he wanted to run for Senate, at Trump's bidding. Such shenanigans are not party-affiliated and are not new.
And the backtracking begins.

We really do have the government we deserve.
Newsome has certain criteria to meet…we all know that. Checking those boxes with someone who lives in California should be easy. It’s not as if the state is void of liberal activists
The flag is at half-staff now and will be half-staff until sunset tomorrow as requested by the White House. I did the same for Ted Kennedy. I'll do the same for President Bill Clinton. This is the same as I've done for Republican Senators, Cabinet members, etc. It's the right thing to do.

People here know I've harshly criticized Feinstein, Kennedy and probably especially Bill Clinton. That's irrelevant. We honor the office always. Many times we're also personally honoring the person as well because we admired them during their lifetimes. You can't tell by my flagpole if I personally admired the individual in the office I'm respecting and that's the way it should be.

How many of you do the same - or would if you had a flagpole?

RIP, Senator.

And why don't you America hating, pinko, commie bastages have flagpoles proudly flying the US flag! ;)

Are you doing the same for Trump, given your disdain for the man?
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Got into it with the wife recently over a similar issue. We were driving around and i called her out a bit on her insitence that only Trumpers fly the flag. I told her I would if we had a flagpole and she believed people would just assume we're Trumpers. After letting her I know i really didn't give a shit what anybody thought of me I told her it shouldn't be political. It represents America. All of it. And that Dems shouldn't be afraid to say so.

She has yet to admit she's wrong but we've got years to figure that out.

I wouldn't judge anyone negatively for flying the American flag. It's just being patriotic.

Now if it was the confederate flag. you bet there would be some judgment.
Of course I would, but he’s not dead yet. I will for Bill Clinton and his election was the final straw for me as a Democrat causing me to officially shift to Republican. I could not stand Bill Clinton the man, but it’s about honoring the office.

I like your position on it, just wanted to make sure. Good to hear.
Newsome has certain criteria to meet…we all know that. Checking those boxes with someone who lives in California should be easy. It’s not as if the state is void of liberal activists
You would think his voters would be offended. but that's way too much to expect of anyone who would vote for the POS.
Of course I would, but he’s not dead yet. I will for Bill Clinton and his election was the final straw for me as a Democrat causing me to officially shift to Republican. I could not stand Bill Clinton the man, but it’s about honoring the office.

"How I became a RINO"...............
So this is how the democrats save our constitution and democracy? Rules mean nothing to the Democrats if the rules impede the narrative.
So you're saying Herschel and Oz were Democrats? I'm not even sure Loefler was a Georgia resident when Kemp initially apointed her...

I'm guessing being the chairwoman of Angie provides at least as much qualifying experience for being a Senator as being the trophy wife of a WNBA owner does... And I have no idea how anyone could assign any qualifying experience at all to Herschel...

Any more phoney issues you want to whine about?
You would think his voters would be offended. but that's way too much to expect of anyone who would vote for the POS.
Why would Dem voters in CA be "offended"? By appointing someone other than Porter or Schiff as a placeholder, he effectively avoids taking sides and demonstrates a willingness to allow the voters to determine their choice for the Dem nominee...Seems pretty astute to me...
So you're saying Herschel and Oz were Democrats? I'm not even sure Loefler was a Georgia resident when Kemp initially apointed her...

I'm guessing being the chairwoman of Angie provides at least as much qualifying experience for being a Senator as being the trophy wife of a WNBA owner does... And I have no idea how anyone could assign any qualifying experience at all to Herschel...

Any more phoney issues you want to whine about?
Now cover how Dr. Mehmet Oz suddenly became a Pennsylvanian when he wanted to run for Senate, at Trump's bidding. Such shenanigans are not party-affiliated and are not new.
Your wutabouts ain’t cuttin‘ it.

I bet you don’t even know why.
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Newsome has certain criteria to meet…we all know that. Checking those boxes with someone who lives in California should be easy. It’s not as if the state is void of liberal activists
This is a little silly, Sparty. Gavin Newsome gives the world loads of things to complain about, but this definitely isn't one of them. Appointing someone who has lived in California her whole life until last year is far from a grave sin. It's a pretty common occurrence in politics.

The more interesting thing is why Gavin Newsome wouldn't appoint Barbara Lee, who has built a pretty strong and vocal election apparatus that is super pissed off at Newsome. Butler is plenty qualified and as well-informed about issues affecting Californians being heard in D.C. as anyone.

Complain about one of the legitimate things about Newsome. There are tons of them. I know some of your brethren can't, but you can do so much better than this.
The term Patriot, patriotism and the flag itself has been hijacked and weaponized by the very least patriotic among us.

People are afraid to put it out in fear of being suspected a maga nut job
Then they’re not Patriots. The allegiance is to America, no man, no woman can remove it
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LOL. Perhaps you might explain to the non-lawyers here how the Democrats are violating any rules.


Need more??
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Need more??
Well, since those have absolutely zero to do with the topic at hand, yes.
Do one was hiding anything. Newsom acknowledged the MD residency, but also said she has a home in California and will change her legal/registered residency to CA.

with only 40 million people who actually do live in Ca, you can see how it might be tough to find a gay black female Dem president of a political action committee to fill the vacancy.

i guess if she had also been trans, she would have crossed the line into being "overqualified".
LOL. Perhaps you might explain to the non-lawyers here how the Democrats are violating any rules.
And hopefully, note the founders struck the original word "resident" and replaced it with "inhabitant" to include people who may be away from their home state on business. IF, and I don't know, but IF she left CA to work a few years at Emily's List and then return to CA, and if they are right that she kept a home in CA, she definitely seems to fit the word "inhabitant".
And hopefully, note the founders struck the original word "resident" and replaced it with "inhabitant" to include people who may be away from their home state on business. IF, and I don't know, but IF she left CA to work a few years at Emily's List and then return to CA, and if they are right that she kept a home in CA, she definitely seems to fit the word "inhabitant".
Who you callin' "people"?
She's from Cali originally. She's now a swamp creature working in DC.

If Cali residents don't care, not sure anyone else should.

I crime.

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