"I don't remember"

The sham Jan 6 committee intentionally deleted all their evidence and you still believe them. Who's the dope?
That's false too. MAGA Republicans alleged that without any proof at all because they're also suffering from TDS. You're a dope. The last whistleblowers were supposed to tie Joe Biden to Hunter Biden and that turned out to be nonsense. Whistleblowers turn out to be busts over 90 percent of the time. This will once again be a big fat nothing burger.
That's false too. MAGA Republicans alleged that without any proof at all because they're also suffering from TDS. You're a dope. The last whistleblowers were supposed to tie Joe Biden to Hunter Biden and that turned out to be nonsense. Whistleblowers turn out to be busts over 90 percent of the time. This will once again be a big fat nothing burger.
And when this ridiculous verdict is announced in a couple months which will 100% be reversed on appeal you'll be telling me "dbm he was just convicted by a jury of his peers. Accept it."

No he was convicted by a jury made up entirely of Marxist Democrats of a complete non-crime. Who's the dupe?

And when this ridiculous verdict is announced in a couple months which will 100% be reversed on appeal you'll be telling me "dbm he was just convicted by a jury of his peers. Accept it."

No he was convicted by a jury made up entirely of Marxist Democrats of a complete non-crime. Who's the dupe?

Turley may be right about this particular case. What does he think about the documents case or the GA election case or the DC coup plot case?
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And when this ridiculous verdict is announced in a couple months which will 100% be reversed on appeal you'll be telling me "dbm he was just convicted by a jury of his peers. Accept it."

No he was convicted by a jury made up entirely of Marxist Democrats of a complete non-crime. Who's the dupe?

LOL! Looking forward to your epic meltdown here.

I don’t care much about this case. The documents case is the one I care most about.
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LOL! Looking forward to your epic meltdown here.

I don’t care much about this case. The documents case is the one I care most about.
I know you care much more about that case, and I totally understand why, you’re totally justified in that.
But I’m afraid you (and every other military person) are so close to it, it amplifies your prejudice. That prejudice renders your opinion moot. Sadly.
I know you care much more about that case, and I totally understand why, you’re totally justified in that.
But I’m afraid you (and every other military person) are so close to it, it amplifies your prejudice. That prejudice renders your opinion moot. Sadly.
That’s one heck of a strange take.
You don’t even know what any of that means. You only know that another Trumpster Twitter Twit told you this will exonerate Lord Trump. THIS TIME it’s real! Seriously. Stay outraged, brother dumbHoosier. LOL!

I read the email. I have no idea why dbm and his TwiX buddy think this is in any way exculpatory. And I can't tell if this is from the cache that Trump gave up voluntarily or from the batch the FBI had to seize.
I stopped reading when he called Judge Cannon corrupt.

If he’s a lawyer, he should face disciplinary proceedings.

Yes, he started out hot, but once he got to the meat of his argument I think it was well reasoned.
Confirms that the President didn't call for them ON J6. Why didn't he?
Why would he? He already gave the order to make sure it was safe and to do whatever the needed to do. You're saying the brass don't follow the Commander in Chief's order the first time that he has to repeat them?
Why would he? He already gave the order to make sure it was safe and to do whatever the needed to do. You're saying the brass don't follow the Commander in Chief's order the first time that he has to repeat them?
You posted a tweet which referenced a purely political release with politically selected quotes taken out of context. The DoD IG and the J6 committee investigations put it all together and it's been released and reported.

By the way, do you think this latest bombshell Trumpster Twitter Twit Tweet exonerates you Lord T like you did with all the other "bombshells" which were duds too?
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