I don’t consider my divorces as failures

Do you all really remember the years AND the month? That's totally ghey.
After the terrible incident 5 yrs ago, our head of HR sends me a reminder one week before my anniversary every year now. It seems even my co-workers don't want to live through that whole episode again.
I even remember the day. How do you think I stayed married this long?
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I even remember the day. How do you think I stayed married this long?
There's probably a reason I remember everything about my first. Her and I still call each other on that day. When I screw up and say/ do stupid shit on here. Trust me, It's nothing compared to me screwing up my first marriage. A debit I will never be able to repay.
ha. No wonder you don’t think a septuagenarian should be president. Once you are finished with the mind-numbing experiences of family and job you’ll be a lot more competent and the world will be your oyster. :)

Of course I don’t think a geriatric should be President. Any rationale person without a stubborn denial of scientific fact would agree.

I’m not like I was when I was 30 and definitely not like I was in my 20s when I could function at a decent level on a few hours of sleep.

I’ve seen how much my parents and in laws aged from 60 to 70. 70 to 80 is an entirely different level, regardless of how active you stay.
Of course I don’t think a geriatric should be President. Any rationale person without a stubborn denial of scientific fact would agree.

I’m not like I was when I was 30 and definitely not like I was in my 20s when I could function at a decent level on a few hours of sleep.

I’ve seen how much my parents and in laws aged from 60 to 70. 70 to 80 is an entirely different level, regardless of how active you stay.
I still function on 5-6 hours of sleep.
The worst is when the kids are still young. Has to get better after the kids are gone. Just today I got a notification of a friend request on instagram. Fing ex wife. Miserable. Can’t ignore her. Those divorced know why. So I had to sanitize my follow list of those that she had on her radar.

Day I cut my last support check I’m blocking em all learn how to use your privacy settings. ;)
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Been married 25 years to the same woman. More than half my life.
I've been married over 33 yrs. We got married at 19 so I too have been with her more than half of my life. In fact we started dating at 16 so she knew me when I was a 16 yr old punk. Now, I am a 50's punk. lol We are very fortunate. I do have a place in my heart for those who have not made it for whatever reason. Nobody gets married to get a divorce. My oldest daughter has been through two divorces and though they were a necessity, the first cheated twice, and the second was physically abusive, it was still not easy for her mentally.
The worst is when the kids are still young. Has to get better after the kids are gone. Just today I got a notification of a friend request on instagram. Fing ex wife. Miserable. Can’t ignore her. Those divorced know why. So I had to sanitize my follow list of those that she had on her radar.

Day I cut my last support check I’m blocking em all
At least you support your kids. Hopefully she has used the money for their benefit. I had a buddy from High School who got married, had four children with his wife. She divorced him and had a live in boyfriend who was living off the money my buddy was paying in support. That hurt him a lot.
At least you support your kids. Hopefully she has used the money for their benefit. I had a buddy from High School who got married, had four children with his wife. She divorced him and had a live in boyfriend who was living off the money my buddy was paying in support. That hurt him a lot.
Thanks pastor. They’re good kids and good moms. Horrible exes tho. Cold blooded pastor.
If she ever cuts me off, it won't be hard to make up my mind between divorce and child support.

The worst is when the kids are still young. Has to get better after the kids are gone. Just today I got a notification of a friend request on instagram. Fing ex wife. Miserable. Can’t ignore her. Those divorced know why. So I had to sanitize my follow list of those that she had on her radar.

Day I cut my last support check I’m blocking em all
You need to find a hot young wife and really piss them both off. Check writing would now be fun.