how is the attendance?

If Fred wanted to extend, last year was his perfect chance. In reality he's been waiting for an opportunity to move on, and this year will provide just that. Change is coming. There's literally a 0.0% chance of an extension. Trust me on that.

I hope you're right
You assumed incorrectly. Again. Would you be willing to do us all a favor and educate yourself... or is the objective to post and continue to look like a fool? If it's the latter, you're on point!
Be nice now, Angry Man. Although the brain is a wonderfully complex organ, one's human mind is incapable of grasping every concept it is presented. Consider yourself lucky when it comes to the specifics of Tom Crean's contract, while at the same time, try showing a little compassion for your fellow man. You'll sleep much better if you do. Now, if you'll please excuse me, "POTFB!"

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