how is the attendance?

The east balcony was 2/3 full and the west which has been completely empty a few games had some students in it. Overall there were lesser games this season from a student standpoint.

Heard some quick boos for the first time when Crean was introduced.
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Was shocked to see one of the balconies EMPTY when I went to the Michigan game. Please Fred Glass save this program while it can still be saved!
obviously I'm not watching tonight so I was just curious how the crowd was
Figures could be skewed.
Since it was overally hyped senior night.
Not, i repeat not a knock on Hartman. Great kid...

I never recall the begging for a senior night, before.Please please please attend, the fate of Crean is already done, please please please fill the seats for Hartman.
"Double edged sword"
That huge win last night was enough to keep Crean for one more year and see what coach can do without the injuries.

The irony in this would be that the kids won the game despite Crean. They ignored him the last two minutes and got it done. Awesome to see Crean out there trying to get a timeout and the kids just getting it done.
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Was shocked to see one of the balconies EMPTY when I went to the Michigan game. Please Fred Glass save this program while it can still be saved!

Glass needs to sell some of the student tickets to the waiting list before Crean destroys that too.
How are you saving money by not making the tourney and the 1/2 million per round payoff(s). Do you realize how much money was lost over the years never winning more than 2 games and sometimes not going at all? Not to mention the Big ten tourney. DAMN!!!!!
Crean will have one more season here so bear with it. It will save the IU athletic department a boatload of money.
It has nothing to do with money but yes I believe Fred with this Crean kool aid glasses brings him back. I still think Fred believes he is the guy.
That huge win last night was enough to keep Crean for one more year and see what coach can do without the injuries.
If he wins the next two I think we are talking contract extension. I assume glass alreay has it drawn up and is just waiting for the right time to have Crean ink the signature.
Keep telling yourself that.
What signs tell you a coaching change is going to happen? What is said outside the administration offices doesn't matter at all. What is clear to those of us watching isn't the same as those that have to answer to tothers to justify the cost of buyouts and larger salaries for those replacements. Glass will make a change if he can do so without hurting his own standing or if keeping Crean would be more harmful to him and the university. I don't know if they can afford to make a change or not. I have a bad feeling we have to see another year of bad basketball.
There are literally no signs other than people discussing it on this board quoting "insiders and people close to the program".

It's pretty much either that or give him another extension. His contract is through 2020, which leaves him 3 full seasons and the '17 class is finished. You either have to extend his contract soon or let him try to recruit the '18 class while telling them he's only got two years left.
How are you saving money by not making the tourney and the 1/2 million per round payoff(s). Do you realize how much money was lost over the years never winning more than 2 games and sometimes not going at all? Not to mention the Big ten tourney. DAMN!!!!!
I was assuming that if Crean were to be released before his contract is up, IU would have to buy out the balance of his legal document. At the same time, you assume that just because we get a new coach at the end of the season, the next one will be better than the last one. All a new coach really does is give us hope until hope is proven otherwise. I'll let you in on a little seldom heard secret...the IU job isn't any more attractive than 20 other jobs around the country. If IU was as special as our egos like to believe, we would have found an adequate replacement for Knight by now. What is this next one going to make, our fourth coach since the Hall of Fame genius was fired under the disguise of "zero tolerance"? It's too bad Brand isn't around for me to whip that smirk off his face.
It's pretty much either that or give him another extension. His contract is through 2020, which leaves him 3 full seasons and the '17 class is finished. You either have to extend his contract soon or let him try to recruit the '18 class while telling them he's only got two years left.
He will be extended. Fred has shown no indication in the past he is interested in being elite again. There is a reason IU is the only blue blood program who has not won a title in 30 years. We simply will not do what it takes.
He will be extended. Fred has shown no indication in the past he is interested in being elite again. There is a reason IU is the only blue blood program who has not won a title in 30 years. We simply will not do what it takes.
If Fred wanted to extend, last year was his perfect chance. In reality he's been waiting for an opportunity to move on, and this year will provide just that. Change is coming. There's literally a 0.0% chance of an extension. Trust me on that.
He will be extended. Fred has shown no indication in the past he is interested in being elite again. There is a reason IU is the only blue blood program who has not won a title in 30 years. We simply will not do what it takes.
He gone! :)
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That huge win last night was enough to keep Crean for one more year and see what coach can do without the injuries.

The fact that this was a huge win at home says all you need to know. And remember, the win came because the players ignored their coach at the end of the game.

Btw, we have seen what he can do without the injuries...unacceptable.
I was assuming that if Crean were to be released before his contract is up, IU would have to buy out the balance of his legal document.

You assumed incorrectly. Again. Would you be willing to do us all a favor and educate yourself... or is the objective to post and continue to look like a fool? If it's the latter, you're on point!

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