How do you deal with Islam?

Appears that some of the Britons have had it...

ETA: This city might sound familiar.

When your government imports a bunch of barbarians who rape your children ("The Jay inquiry estimated that there may be 1,400 victims. Although the inquiry did not specify the ethnicity of the victims or the perpetrators, the authors noted that in a large number of historic cases in particular, most of the victims they sampled were white British while the perpetrators were from ethnic minority communities.") along with their own, because, you know, "culture" and then goes about hiding and rug sweeping it because of "multicultural sensitivities" it will piss people off.

These people will be accused of racism but I think they have a legitimate beef.
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Appears that some of the Britons have had it...

ETA: This city might sound familiar.

When your government imports a bunch of barbarians who rape your children ("The Jay inquiry estimated that there may be 1,400 victims. Although the inquiry did not specify the ethnicity of the victims or the perpetrators, the authors noted that in a large number of historic cases in particular, most of the victims they sampled were white British while the perpetrators were from ethnic minority communities.") along with their own, because, you know, "culture" and then goes about hiding and rug sweeping it because of "multicultural sensitivities" it will piss people off.

These people will be accused of racism but I think they have a legitimate beef.
Legitimate beef, hell yes. People are freaking stupid, dumb idiot creatures period. People that defend this crap have ZERO IDEA what they are dealing with. You watch historians that talk about how many years they kept the Nation of Islam at bay and now let em in!?!?!? Sheer stupidity! My God, I know "peaceful muslims". However, the book they believe in tells them to go after, subdue, and kill anything that is not of Islam. Not once, over 200 times! IDC to hear the Bible debate either when it comes to violence because 99% of people arguing have no clue what they are arguing about when it comes to Israel, God, gods, and history. If you don't believe the things that happened in the Bible are true then don't argue.

Not you crazy just anyone arguing or debating.

It's not healthy for any nation. Look at Dearborn Michigan. Anyone think thats OK? Those people HATE us period. There is NO ROOM for that in this country. These protests in England? The cops are going after the citizens and letting the Nation of Islam march WTF! What kind of times are these in which we live?
3 new America holidays. These are not necessary, if some people come on board, we have time to stop this.
Hate is a strong word but I think it is appropriate here and in the post you made just above it. I hate those backwards ass (deleted to be kind) living in the stone ages and I hate these supposedly educated ignorant (also deleted to be nice) who think that the (expletives deleted) in the first post are something to be fawned upon as opposed to the civilization that allows them to spew their absolute bull shit jackassery that an amoeba would find beneath its intellectual capacity while simultaneously enjoying all the creature comforts this civilization has provided.

If it is so good there, I would strongly encourage these elitist twats to go and join the revolutionaries in the southern hemisphere. They wouldn't last 3 days with those savages.
Another horrific incident in Iran that will be swept under the rug.

Meanwhile, protestors are not only supporting anti-Israel, but are literally proclaiming Islamic Jihad to take over various places across the Western world. And if that weren't enough, this is a religion that is responsible for 33,769 Islamist attacks that killed at least 167,096 people between 1979 and 2019. We know those figures are now too low, based not only on Hamas' attack, but various other attacks the past couple of years.

Is there any other cause that is even close to having this much of a detrimental impact across the globe? Is it racist to feel like Islam and its followers are a lost cause? Obviously the majority of Islam followers are probably not bad people and are getting a bad rap.
Not like this. Britain has been conquered.

You’re worried about Harris repealing the First Amendment?
Rights are torn away whole cloth overnight Brad. They whittled down slowly over time.

The 2nd amendment has been chiseled down to the point where you can basically only own a handgun or a semi-auto rifle. And by the time I’m middle age, I’m not sure we’ll have the rifle.

The 4th amendment as we’ve seen can be ended around by scribbling anything on a piece of paper and brining it before a FISA court for a rubber stamp.

Right to peaceably assemble? Not if there’s a nasty flu season.
The 2nd amendment has been chiseled down to the point where you can basically only own a handgun or a semi-auto rifle. And by the time I’m middle age, I’m not sure we’ll have the rifle.
What the f*ck are you even talking about? 2nd Amendment rights are currently stronger than they have ever been in history.
Rights are torn away whole cloth overnight Brad. They whittled down slowly over time.

The 2nd amendment has been chiseled down to the point where you can basically only own a handgun or a semi-auto rifle. And by the time I’m middle age, I’m not sure we’ll have the rifle.

The 4th amendment as we’ve seen can be ended around by scribbling anything on a piece of paper and brining it before a FISA court for a rubber stamp.

Right to peaceably assemble? Not if there’s a nasty flu season.

You are such a drama queen. How much of US history did you miss?
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I thought it was illegal now? Wasn’t that what the bumpstock case was about?
Oh man, how much time do you have? The definition of machine gun absolutely doesn't include a bump stock, and SCOTUS overruled the regulation that tried to equate them.

But even true machine guns are still legal. You just have to go through some hoops to get one.
Oh man, how much time do you have? The definition of machine gun absolutely doesn't include a bump stock, and SCOTUS overruled the regulation that tried to equate them.

But even true machine guns are still legal. You just have to go through some hoops to get one.
I didn’t know the last part.
I thought it was illegal now? Wasn’t that what the bumpstock case was about?

In theory it takes 200 bucks for your NFA tax stamp, several forms and alot of patience (you could literally wait a year or more). But in practice, owning a gun with the giggle switch is cost prohibitive due to the limited supply of transferable weapons. While not a ban in the literal sense, it is IMHO a defacto one.

In theory it takes 200 bucks for your NFA tax stamp, several forms and alot of patience (you could literally wait a year or more). But in practice, owning a gun with the giggle switch is cost prohibitive due to the limited supply of transferable weapons. While not a ban in the literal sense, it is IMHO a defacto one.

Fascinating stuff. Had no idea.
Why must someone “go through some hoops” to exercise a right.
No Con rights are absolute. Even the First Amendment has time, place, and manner restrictions read into it.

Why? Because sometimes in the delicate balancing of interests, society and the community win out over individual desires. We the People, domestic tranquility, etc.

The Constitution isn’t a suicide pact.
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