How do you deal with Islam?

Where’s our Border Czar?

Don't do X (Tweets) or NY Times links. Almost always an opinion piece touting something from either left or right bias.

Having said that, at least the JDM X link gives credit to the author rather than plagiarizing these opinions as if they were your own.

JDM thanks from a leftist leaner for not plagiarizing.
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Don't do X (Tweets) or NY Times links. Almost always an opinion piece touting something from either left or right bias.

Having said that, at least the JDM X link gives credit to the author rather than plagiarizing these opinions as if they were your own.

JDM thanks from a leftist leaner for not plagiarizing.

Not necessarily. This was based on this NYPost story:

While undoubtedly the X user in the OP and NYPost lean right, the story embedded shouldn't really be a political one. Both parties have acknowledged problems with the border at this point and regardless of varying differences in how to handle the ongoing crisis, every American should be concerned about people like these trying to cross into America. There have undoubtedly been several that were not caught and are living among us.
Are you guys familiar with Karl Popper's formulation of the paradox of tolerance?

I was not, but the concept would seem to apply here. All of these Western societies welcomed perceived refugees from religious dictatorships under the assumption of assimilation and a behavior that is more tolerant of others, given their history of oppression. Yet, here we are.

I'd be curious how Merkel and others who advocated for such acceptance view the current state and direction. They may not have changed their course, but it would be an interesting Q&A.
Nothing better than checking out Cathedral’s in Europe that date back older than the printing press. Absolutely beautiful. Preserving such history is a sacred duty.

A certain religion doesn’t agree.

I was not, but the concept would seem to apply here. All of these Western societies welcomed perceived refugees from religious dictatorships under the assumption of assimilation and a behavior that is more tolerant of others, given their history of oppression. Yet, here we are.

I'd be curious how Merkel and others who advocated for such acceptance view the current state and direction. They may not have changed their course, but it would be an interesting Q&A.
I agree it applies. But it also applies in a lot of other situations. If you really believe that a modern, liberal, pluralistic, free society needs to reserve the right to expel/ban/punish the intolerant in order to protect its most important values, that doesn't just mean Muslims. You have to do it to the extreme right, to the Christian nationalists. Hell, actually probably to most nationalists. Certainly racial ones, black and white. You have to take a serious look at our friends who are opposed to woke extremism - i.e., the so-called gender-critical.

Of course, all these folks are dangerous in different ways, and at different levels, but they still are all intolerant and pose a threat. Hell, we're talking about Germany in this thread, and AfD is far closer to power than Sharia-endorsing Muslims.

Just food for thought.
I agree it applies. But it also applies in a lot of other situations. If you really believe that a modern, liberal, pluralistic, free society needs to reserve the right to expel/ban/punish the intolerant in order to protect its most important values, that doesn't just mean Muslims. You have to do it to the extreme right, to the Christian nationalists. Hell, actually probably to most nationalists. Certainly racial ones, black and white. You have to take a serious look at our friends who are opposed to woke extremism - i.e., the so-called gender-critical.

Of course, all these folks are dangerous in different ways, and at different levels, but they still are all intolerant and pose a threat. Hell, we're talking about Germany in this thread, and AfD is far closer to power than Sharia-endorsing Muslims.

Just food for thought.

Like these guys?

I agree it applies. But it also applies in a lot of other situations. If you really believe that a modern, liberal, pluralistic, free society needs to reserve the right to expel/ban/punish the intolerant in order to protect its most important values, that doesn't just mean Muslims. You have to do it to the extreme right, to the Christian nationalists. Hell, actually probably to most nationalists. Certainly racial ones, black and white. You have to take a serious look at our friends who are opposed to woke extremism - i.e., the so-called gender-critical.

Of course, all these folks are dangerous in different ways, and at different levels, but they still are all intolerant and pose a threat. Hell, we're talking about Germany in this thread, and AfD is far closer to power than Sharia-endorsing Muslims.

Just food for thought.
What about BLM? Can they be kicked out for hating the country enough to destroy property that isn't theirs? They hate the police so they injure or kill them during their riots?
I was not, but the concept would seem to apply here. All of these Western societies welcomed perceived refugees from religious dictatorships under the assumption of assimilation and a behavior that is more tolerant of others, given their history of oppression. Yet, here we are.

I'd be curious how Merkel and others who advocated for such acceptance view the current state and direction. They may not have changed their course, but it would be an interesting Q&A.

F*** Merkel. I'm not curious in the least as to what she thinks. Everyone with any sense knew this was going to be the result. She did a lot of damage, and the continuing danage from what she did will never end. She has suffered no consequences.
Are you guys familiar with Karl Popper's formulation of the paradox of tolerance?
Yes, which is why I am intolerant of certain things.

Frankly, I think the whole idea that multiculturalism is our greatest strength is patently false. Islamic culture is one of the cultures that is incompatible with Western countries. I am tired of pretending it is.