Hope y'all stay safe from these climate change- fueled storms

LOL at anyone thinking stupid drivers yelling at cyclists is at all rare.

Another interaction I had this weekend was with a Trumpy neighbor. He was really proud of his American flag display. I pointed out that it looked nice but that there were multiple violations of flag code that he could easily rectify.

None of the flags were illuminated and he didn't take them down at night. To his credit he got some solar lights to fix that issue. Another problem was that he was flying his Trump flags at (or even above) the same height as his American flags. Not acceptable. The US flag flown by US citizens must never be at an inferior position.

My Dad, a WWII vet, was a stickler for flag reverence. There were many times when I had to come in from the farm fields or from the cow milking parlor near dusk to lower and put away the flag so that the sun never set on it. That was a major no-no.
In my small town we have a couple of DATS who have Trump flags that are bigger than their American flag. I just shake my head walking by. The best is the giant one that says God, Guns, Trump.

What a country.
In my small town we have a couple of DATS who have Trump flags that are bigger than their American flag. I just shake my head walking by. The best is the giant one that says God, Guns, Trump.

What a country.
another neighbor has a big sign saying "if you have never put your life on the line serving your country, you have no right to disrespect the flag"

Like... no shit, Sherlock. But if you have put your life on the line serving your country, you DO have the right to disrespect the flag?

How about nobody disrespect the flag?

and add some lights if you keep it up at night, take it down in a storm, and lower that Trump flag a foot or so, please.
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MAGA can afford cars. Limp-wristed leftists have their groceries delivered.
Accuse me of being a limp-wristed leftist - we're having groceries delivered Friday.

Sometimes it's a good idea. My wife is in the middle of her cancer treatment and isn't up to it right now. I've gone for her in the past, but it always takes me three times longer (I don't know where everything is) and costs twice as much (impulse buys of steaks and seafood - sue me). She's decided it's better and cheaper to have it delivered. She's right.
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Before that it’s an ice age in 1979!!! Damn it Joe, this one’s hitting first - get them out of Montana and tell them to head toward the equator - that would be North!!
I saw today some idiot with the WEF (I think?) paraphrasing, to combat climate we have to restructure our entire banking system. All the way down to how we create money orders and cashier checks.
I think her / their message is a clandestine way, to move to a one world order. Just trick the sheeple long enough and we will control them all.. muahahaha
Not buying what they are selling.
I don't need you - a person who has never given a day of military service to you country - to lecture anyone else about patriotism.
But apparently you need Mr bone spurs to do so
Accuse me of being a limp-wristed leftist - we're having groceries delivered Friday.

Sometimes it's a good idea. My wife is in the middle of her cancer treatment and isn't up to it right now. I've gone for her in the past, but it always takes me three times longer (I don't know where everything is) and costs twice as much (impulse buys of steaks and seafood - sue me). She's decided it's better and cheaper to have it delivered. She's right.
Pray your wife kicks cancer's butt
LOL at anyone thinking stupid drivers yelling at cyclists is at all rare.

Another interaction I had this weekend was with a Trumpy neighbor. He was really proud of his American flag display. I pointed out that it looked nice but that there were multiple violations of flag code that he could easily rectify.

None of the flags were illuminated and he didn't take them down at night. To his credit he got some solar lights to fix that issue. Another problem was that he was flying his Trump flags at (or even above) the same height as his American flags. Not acceptable. The US flag flown by US citizens must never be at an inferior position.

My Dad, a WWII vet, was a stickler for flag reverence. There were many times when I had to come in from the farm fields or from the cow milking parlor near dusk to lower and put away the flag so that the sun never set on it. That was a major no-no.
How can you be living in a neighborhood with a “Trumper”? Aren’t they all uneducated poor rednecks? Wouldn’t think they could afford to be in the same neighborhood as such an accomplished man as yourself.
Accuse me of being a limp-wristed leftist - we're having groceries delivered Friday.

Sometimes it's a good idea. My wife is in the middle of her cancer treatment and isn't up to it right now. I've gone for her in the past, but it always takes me three times longer (I don't know where everything is) and costs twice as much (impulse buys of steaks and seafood - sue me). She's decided it's better and cheaper to have it delivered. She's right.
Aloha sorry to hear this news. I pray for both you and your wife and hope you get through all this.
How can you be living in a neighborhood with a “Trumper”? Aren’t they all uneducated poor rednecks? Wouldn’t think they could afford to be in the same neighborhood as such an accomplished man as yourself.
The infestation of the cult of Trump spares few locales.

Even the island of Palm Beach, with beautiful mansions, some zoned as clubs to evade taxes, has rampant Trumphoma. It's very treatment resistant. Facts, logic, rational thought all have no effect on Trumphoma.
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The infestation of the cult of Trump spares few locales.

Even the island of Palm Beach, with beautiful mansions, some zoned as clubs to evade taxes, has rampant Trumphoma. It's very treatment resistant. Facts, logic, rational thought all have no effect on Trumphoma.
Do you mind getting the names and numbers of some of these people? I’d love to hang out with them. Thanks 🙏
I've gone for her in the past, but it always takes me three times longer (I don't know where everything is) and costs twice as much (impulse buys of steaks and seafood - sue me). She's decided it's better and cheaper to have it delivered. She's right.

When mine was laid up after her knee surgery, she ordered online and then sent me to pick it up. She never once trusted me to do it right.
Never been attacked in any parking lot, or claimed to. It is always the MAGA types who don't put the carts back, though. I think there was even a study on that.

I did have a minor run-in with what I think was a MAGA moron this weekend. 7 weeks after my knee replacement and I am starting to ride bikes again. Was riding down a 30 mph max residential street Sunday morning, well-lit with tail lights and headlights, on the white line, well off to the right side.

Some McMurt-hole in their big wheeled pickup pulls up behind me and yells at me to get off the road and ride on the sidewalk. You know, where pedestrians walk and where people put out their trash cans and yard waste.

I didn't see any stickers or flags on his truck so I am just guessing by his dumbness and attitude that he's on your team.

Progressivism is a disease….
It was 93 in Bar Harbor Maine the other day. Ave June high temp = 74

Over the past 100 years / 1200 months, in the last 12 months, the Earth set records for Hottest

June in June 2023 (soon the be broken)
July in July 2023
August in August 2023
September in September 2023
October in October 2023
November in November 2023
December in December 2023
January in January 2024
February in February 2024
March in March 2024
April in April 2024
May in May 2024

Quite a coincidence, huh?
Looks like you're still getting the end of it.
Trailer park is a mess. Trees down everywhere, roads blocked, homes and cars damaged from trees. We're lucky to not have any damage, but some are really going to have a rough time.
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Trailer park is a mess. Trees down everywhere, roads blocked, homes and cars damaged from trees. We're lucky to not have any damage, but some are really going to have a rough time.
Weather will be cooler for a bit if that helps
Trailer park is a mess. Trees down everywhere, roads blocked, homes and cars damaged from trees. We're lucky to not have any damage, but some are really going to have a rough time.
All of town is bad. It took an hour to get home from campus, normally 20 minutes. No power to 42,000. Trees down. I lost count of the police/fire/EMT vehicles on runs. I heard many, many more.
  • Wow
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Lol, like your fat ass would ever survive a 30 mile bike ride in 90 degree heat
Joe Biden Falling GIF by GIPHY News
Trailer park is a mess. Trees down everywhere, roads blocked, homes and cars damaged from trees. We're lucky to not have any damage, but some are really going to have a rough time.
Any injuries in town?

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