Hope y'all stay safe from these climate change- fueled storms

Never been attacked in any parking lot, or claimed to. It is always the MAGA types who don't put the carts back, though. I think there was even a study on that.

I did have a minor run-in with what I think was a MAGA moron this weekend. 7 weeks after my knee replacement and I am starting to ride bikes again. Was riding down a 30 mph max residential street Sunday morning, well-lit with tail lights and headlights, on the white line, well off to the right side.

Some McMurt-hole in their big wheeled pickup pulls up behind me and yells at me to get off the road and ride on the sidewalk. You know, where pedestrians walk and where people put out their trash cans and yard waste.

I didn't see any stickers or flags on his truck so I am just guessing by his dumbness and attitude that he's on your team.
Joe Biden Bike GIF by GIPHY News

Never been attacked in any parking lot, or claimed to. It is always the MAGA types who don't put the carts back, though. I think there was even a study on that.

I did have a minor run-in with what I think was a MAGA moron this weekend. 7 weeks after my knee replacement and I am starting to ride bikes again. Was riding down a 30 mph max residential street Sunday morning, well-lit with tail lights and headlights, on the white line, well off to the right side.

Some McMurt-hole in their big wheeled pickup pulls up behind me and yells at me to get off the road and ride on the sidewalk. You know, where pedestrians walk and where people put out their trash cans and yard waste.

I didn't see any stickers or flags on his truck so I am just guessing by his dumbness and attitude that he's on your team.
Was that you?
The core idea, "shopping cart theory", has been studied and discussed for DECADES. The idea is that the type of person that would abandon their shopping cart in the parking lot is likely a self-centered me-first member of society. "We’ll leave our damn cart wherever we damn well please. And everyone else will just have to deal with it."

On the other hand, someone who puts their cart back in the corral is demonstrating a basic level of selflessness by doing something marginally helpful for the whole parking lot and shopping cart system, but taking some time and no reward other than doing the right thing.

GOOGLE is your friend.

I am not finding a study specific to supporting Trump, but it is likely out there. Not some funded research project, but just an observation, probably on reddit.
MAGA can afford cars. Limp-wristed leftists have their groceries delivered.
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The core idea, "shopping cart theory", has been studied and discussed for DECADES. The idea is that the type of person that would abandon their shopping cart in the parking lot is likely a self-centered me-first member of society. "We’ll leave our damn cart wherever we damn well please. And everyone else will just have to deal with it."

On the other hand, someone who puts their cart back in the corral is demonstrating a basic level of selflessness by doing something marginally helpful for the whole parking lot and shopping cart system, but taking some time and no reward other than doing the right thing.

GOOGLE is your friend.

I am not finding a study specific to supporting Trump, but it is likely out there. Not some funded research project, but just an observation, probably on reddit.
It is always the MAGA types who don't put the carts back, though. I think there was even a study on that
But you explicitly said ^^^

Got Damn your three wheeled BI cycle must have a back up beeper. You fail so bad going forward, you must put the seat on backwards. "I think there have been studies about this physiognomy".
When was the last time you got your fat ass on a bike and rode even 10 miles? If you did it probably was a ride to a donut shop.
I could be 95 years old and no one will put me on the sidewalk. If you weren’t in a cult you’d have told the guy to go F himself. But you are in a cult

Your mask pissed him off
And your big wheel
And I’m sure your outfit
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I could be 95 years old and no one will put me on the sidewalk
Why am I envisioning grandpa simpson, riding without hands, chunking #2 gravel from a slingshot, towards cars, giving them the middle finger? MAYBE, with a doughnut in his teeth. With Chocolate milk in the basket.
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Nope...any Patriot, on the odd chance he knew the misinformation and deep pharma propaganda you've been retching up since 2020, would have nerfed you into the weeds..
You were lucky..
It’s so funny that the people who use the word Patriot truly have no meaning of the word, supporting Trump and his cult are good examples.
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Not really, but keep stoking your fear mongering.

According to experts at the Climate Prediction Center, "A transition from El Niño to ENSO-neutral is likely in [June]. La Niña may develop in June-August (49% chance) or July-September (69% chance)". La Niña will likely continue through the end of hurricane season on November 30th. Our most recent La Niña Hurricane seasons were 2020, 2021 and 2022. All three were above average for hurricane activity.
Fear-mongering? Regarding the 2024 hurricane season? Talk to the meteorologists and climate specialists at NOAA.

What was factually inaccurate about my post? Answer: nothing.

Yes, La Nina is a factor in tropical storm activity but the current sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic have nothing to do with La Nina, which hasn't even developed yet. And El Nino is supposed to signal a below average hurricane season, but the unusually warm sea surface temperatures last summer negated that effect and it was, in fact, an active season.

It’s so funny that the people who use the word Patriot truly have no meaning of the word, supporting Trump and his cult are good examples.
I don't need you - a person who has never given a day of military service to you country - to lecture anyone else about patriotism.
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Good for you. I don't give a damn how stupid you want to sound when you lecture a veteran about patriotism.
I can thank someone for their service and still criticize them. You know, kinda how Trump and the right likes to criticize military and police that don’t support him? Generals? Gold star families? Jan 6 officers?
  • Haha
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I can thank someone for their service and still criticize them. You know, kinda how Trump and the right likes to criticize military and police that don’t support him? Generals? Gold star families? Jan 6 officers?
The same people who go after him as a political arm of this country. WAKE UP!
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I can thank someone for their service and still criticize them. You know, kinda how Trump and the right likes to criticize military and police that don’t support him? Generals? Gold star families? Jan 6 officers?
Of course you can. You have no sense of shame to lecture a veteran about patriotism.
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I can thank someone for their service and still criticize them. You know, kinda how Trump and the right likes to criticize military and police that don’t support him? Generals? Gold star families? Jan 6 officers?
He faked bone spurs to avoid the draft. He’s referred to dead American soldiers as “losers and suckers.” While standing near the grave of General Kelly’s son at Arlington, he said “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” He threatened to disown Don Jr years ago when he was contemplating military service. He suggested the former chair of the Joint Chiefs should be executed.

Some patriot.
Never been attacked in any parking lot, or claimed to. It is always the MAGA types who don't put the carts back, though. I think there was even a study on that.

I did have a minor run-in with what I think was a MAGA moron this weekend. 7 weeks after my knee replacement and I am starting to ride bikes again. Was riding down a 30 mph max residential street Sunday morning, well-lit with tail lights and headlights, on the white line, well off to the right side.

Some McMurt-hole in their big wheeled pickup pulls up behind me and yells at me to get off the road and ride on the sidewalk. You know, where pedestrians walk and where people put out their trash cans and yard waste.

I didn't see any stickers or flags on his truck so I am just guessing by his dumbness and attitude that he's on your team.
Alex, I'll take $500 for shit that didn't happen.
LOL at anyone thinking stupid drivers yelling at cyclists is at all rare.

Another interaction I had this weekend was with a Trumpy neighbor. He was really proud of his American flag display. I pointed out that it looked nice but that there were multiple violations of flag code that he could easily rectify.

None of the flags were illuminated and he didn't take them down at night. To his credit he got some solar lights to fix that issue. Another problem was that he was flying his Trump flags at (or even above) the same height as his American flags. Not acceptable. The US flag flown by US citizens must never be at an inferior position.

My Dad, a WWII vet, was a stickler for flag reverence. There were many times when I had to come in from the farm fields or from the cow milking parlor near dusk to lower and put away the flag so that the sun never set on it. That was a major no-no.
LOL at anyone thinking stupid drivers yelling at cyclists is at all rare.

Another interaction I had this weekend was with a Trumpy neighbor. He was really proud of his American flag display. I pointed out that it looked nice but that there were multiple violations of flag code that he could easily rectify.

None of the flags were illuminated and he didn't take them down at night. To his credit he got some solar lights to fix that issue. Another problem was that he was flying his Trump flags at (or even above) the same height as his American flags. Not acceptable. The US flag flown by US citizens must never be at an inferior position.

My Dad, a WWII vet, was a stickler for flag reverence. There were many times when I had to come in from the farm fields or from the cow milking parlor near dusk to lower and put away the flag so that the sun never set on it. That was a major no-no.
Do you fly your own flag, or just criticize your 'Trumpy' neighbor?

It's funny I've never heard you criticize anyone, or their political beliefs, when they're burning the flag.
Poor Montana. All those NYC folks bringing their crazy liberal/progressive ways.
Montana isn't alone. North Carolina is NYC South.

Anyone want a business opportunity? Open a NYC-style pizzaria or bagel shop. Guaranteed success.
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