Hezbollah Pagers Exploding?

If i understand this correctly, Hezbollah started using these pagers because the Mossad used a cell phone to pinpoint the location of a top Hezbollah official they assassinated.

So they switched to these pagers, which the Mossad loaded with explosives.

Thats diabolical. That’s like 12D chess.
My wife and I are watching Leverage Redemption after we finished the original series. One thing about these shows is how the team thinks ahead on issues and then brings down evil people. The real question is about Hezbollah. Are they evil? They want to kill Jews, so is that evil in and of itself? So if Israel is defending themselves were they almost forced to take these actions. Goat, brought up that a terrorist's daughter died because she was sitting next to him. Whose fault is this? What if her father decided not to follow this path in life? Israel never would have touched him because the Jews do not have a policy to just kill people for the sake of killing them. It is always preemptive or responsive.
What will explode tomorrow? Tin cans and string communicators? Carrier pigeons?
smart watches? PlayStations and Xboxes?

Gotta give Israel credit. This will set back the Hezbollah communication network for at least a month. If this was a preemptive strike before a larger Israeli offensive, it is a brilliant move.
What will explode tomorrow? Tin cans and string communicators? Carrier pigeons?
And there's the issue if this was truly a mistaken activation of these pagers and it causes them to stop using technology to communicate and plan.

Will all their communication now be done by courier through written notes or word of mouth? How do you intercept those? How do you track targets now?
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And there's the issue if this was truly a mistaken activation of these pagers and it causes them to stop using technology to communicate and plan.

Will all their communication now be done by courier through written notes or word of mouth? How do you intercept those? How do you track targets now?
Yeah, you lose ability to track, but you gain massive amounts of time. What used to take two seconds to spread information amongst Hezbollah members will now take hours, days or even weeks. It's probably still chalked up as a win.
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GPS is VERY accurate, cell phone triangulation is not. Search Cell Tower triangulation, you will see it is about 1/3 of a mile.
It wasn't like they took a few readings and ruled them a mule. They took thousands of records and narrowed them down to only those who went to the same places many multiples of times.

I don't care if any Democrats here believe it or not. I don't care if self-proclaimed 'Republicans' here believe it or not. I think the methodology for narrowing down the 'mules' was solid enough evidence for me.

It's just another anomaly of the 2020 election that has never been properly investigated.
And there's the issue if this was truly a mistaken activation of these pagers and it causes them to stop using technology to communicate and plan.

Will all their communication now be done by courier through written notes or word of mouth? How do you intercept those? How do you track targets now?
They wouldn't have the issue if they had quality control of their equipment.

It's not like the Israelis can do this to devices without explosives in them. I don't think..... lol
And there's the issue if this was truly a mistaken activation of these pagers and it causes them to stop using technology to communicate and plan.

Will all their communication now be done by courier through written notes or word of mouth? How do you intercept those? How do you track targets now?
They had already lost some of their ability to track when Hezbollah stopped using cell phones. But, they were able to improvise using the exploding pagers and walkie talkies. I do not believe they would be able to track anyone from their pagers or walkie talkies - at least not with any precision necessary for targeting. However, I am sure the Israelis have other ways to track, such as using planted tracking devices and other technologies that would amaze.

As for whether this was a "mistaken activation," yesterday I posted a link that suggested the activation was sooner than they had planned because someone within Hezbollah had figured out something was up with the pagers. That seems very plausible. Of course, it could also have been someone within the Mossad that intentionally leaked that story to hide the fact that something (or someone) caused a premature explosion. On the bright side, there are a lot of Hezbollah members who no longer have to worry about their own premature explosions. :)
It wasn't like they took a few readings and ruled them a mule. They took thousands of records and narrowed them down to only those who went to the same places many multiples of times.

I don't care if any Democrats here believe it or not. I don't care if self-proclaimed 'Republicans' here believe it or not. I think the methodology for narrowing down the 'mules' was solid enough evidence for me.

It's just another anomaly of the 2020 election that has never been properly investigated.
You're invincibly ignorant.
And there's the issue if this was truly a mistaken activation of these pagers and it causes them to stop using technology to communicate and plan.

Will all their communication now be done by courier through written notes or word of mouth? How do you intercept those? How do you track targets now?

Hell, they will go back to doing it old school. They still do it old school anyways. They likely have dozens, if not hundreds, of human assets in country right now. Impeding the enemy's ability to communicate and operate in real time while simultaneously sowing dissent within Hezbollah's ranks is crucial and that type of disruption is worth the risk.
No, no, no - I knew that walkie talkies were the explosion du jure. I was asking about tomorrow. :)
How about cars?

Thunderbird Thursday?


It wasn't like they took a few readings and ruled them a mule. They took thousands of records and narrowed them down to only those who went to the same places many multiples of times.

I don't care if any Democrats here believe it or not. I don't care if self-proclaimed 'Republicans' here believe it or not. I think the methodology for narrowing down the 'mules' was solid enough evidence for me.

It's just another anomaly of the 2020 election that has never been properly investigated.
The problems with that is it is a small sample. They didn't sample for a year, or 10 years. There are all sorts of reasons people might be in an area for a week or two and not in other times. Did he discuss looking at road/sidewalk construction and detour routes, just to name one easy one?

But here is the big thing, Biden did great in the wealthy suburban counties. He beat Trump in them, where Trump beat Clinton. Even here in Indiana, Biden did much better in Hamilton County than Clinton did. So, how many mules were involved in Hamilton County? Why is it Republicans only look at Black inner cities for voter fraud.

VOTES=155,799 President and VP of the US (Click for Precinct Breakdown�)VOTE FOR1
59199 6032 22068 87299 56.03%TRUMP \ PENCE (R)
35211 4531 17472 57214 36.72%CLINTON \ KAINE (D)
6921580161691175.85%JOHNSON \ WELD (L)

34747 17223 49617 101587 52.21%(R) Trump \ Pence
16074 25796 46520 88390 45.43%(D) Biden \ Harris
1643779147238942.00%(L) Jorgensen \ Cohen

So the Dems lost Hamilton County by 19+ points in 2016, and 7+ in 2020. That is a large change, and that happened in suburbia all over America. That happened everywhere, here is Pew:

  • Biden made gains with suburban voters. In 2020, Biden improved upon Clinton’s vote share with suburban voters: 45% supported Clinton in 2016 vs. 54% for Biden in 2020. This shift was also seen among White voters: Trump narrowly won White suburban voters by 4 points in 2020 (51%-47%); he carried this group by 16 points in 2016 (54%-38%). At the same time, Trump grew his vote share among rural voters. In 2016, Trump won 59% of rural voters, a number that rose to 65% in 2020.

So suburbs, as a whole, went up 9% for Biden. So there were 2000 "mules" in Philly, how many tens of thousands more must there have been in every suburban county in America (like Hamilton) to get Biden that increase? And out of those tens of thousands, you would think one would go to a Republican and say, "I'll give you proof for a million".
If this is true, then this plan has to be years in-the-making.

How the bleep do you arm a device on a solar panel to go off when the Hezbollah guy is nearby?

With that said if true, then yes, Israel needs to arm / set off all devices now. Hezbollah is going to go into uber-paranoid mode now and disassemble every possession they own over the next week, so it was only a matter of time until they started finding all these devices.
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The problems with that is it is a small sample. They didn't sample for a year, or 10 years. There are all sorts of reasons people might be in an area for a week or two and not in other times. Did he discuss looking at road/sidewalk construction and detour routes, just to name one easy one?

But here is the big thing, Biden did great in the wealthy suburban counties. He beat Trump in them, where Trump beat Clinton. Even here in Indiana, Biden did much better in Hamilton County than Clinton did. So, how many mules were involved in Hamilton County? Why is it Republicans only look at Black inner cities for voter fraud.

VOTES=155,799 President and VP of the US (Click for Precinct Breakdown�)VOTE FOR1
59199 6032 22068 87299 56.03%TRUMP \ PENCE (R)
35211 4531 17472 57214 36.72%CLINTON \ KAINE (D)
6921580161691175.85%JOHNSON \ WELD (L)

34747 17223 49617 101587 52.21%(R) Trump \ Pence
16074 25796 46520 88390 45.43%(D) Biden \ Harris
1643779147238942.00%(L) Jorgensen \ Cohen

So the Dems lost Hamilton County by 19+ points in 2016, and 7+ in 2020. That is a large change, and that happened in suburbia all over America. That happened everywhere, here is Pew:

  • Biden made gains with suburban voters. In 2020, Biden improved upon Clinton’s vote share with suburban voters: 45% supported Clinton in 2016 vs. 54% for Biden in 2020. This shift was also seen among White voters: Trump narrowly won White suburban voters by 4 points in 2020 (51%-47%); he carried this group by 16 points in 2016 (54%-38%). At the same time, Trump grew his vote share among rural voters. In 2016, Trump won 59% of rural voters, a number that rose to 65% in 2020.

So suburbs, as a whole, went up 9% for Biden. So there were 2000 "mules" in Philly, how many tens of thousands more must there have been in every suburban county in America (like Hamilton) to get Biden that increase? And out of those tens of thousands, you would think one would go to a Republican and say, "I'll give you proof for a million".
I'm not making any claim about the '2000 Mules' issue costing him the election. Just that it's something that's dismissed out of hand without any real investigation.

In an election where Trump lost swing states by narrow margines, several thousand false ballots can make a huge difference.

Here is an interesting study.

The statistics portion is over my head, but I can read their results and conclusions.

3. Results
In the baseline results for the first-digit test, there are multiple anomalies
seemingly detected. For example, all vote counts significantly deviate from Benford’s law in
the whole sample and in states won by Democrats. However, only a few are consistent across
all estimations and robustness checks. Statistically significant irregularities are observed in all
five tests for Democratic vote counts in states won by the Democratic candidate, for Republican
vote patterns in safely blue states (such as Massachusetts or California), and, perhaps most
importantly, for Democratic votes in key battleground states. Notably, no anomalies are
detected for any of the tests in states won by the Republican candidate, and only one out of 15
estimations is significant in safely red states.

4. Conclusion
This study has applied Benford’s law to detect irregularities in county-level voting data for the
2020 US Presidential election. The distribution of digits for voting counts is consistently
anomalous across all estimations and robustness checks for Democrats in states their candidate
has won, including key swing states, and for Republicans in safely blue states.
The observed
voting patterns are significantly different from first-digit and two-digit Benford’s law, the
empirical distribution observed in past elections, and Monte Carlo simulated distributions.

From concept, to design, to preparation, to implementation, to execution, this was brilliant and totally unexpected. It will change the means and method of counter terrorism. I question whether we can pull off a similar feat. We seem to be diminishing the creativity, mentality and even ruthlessness at our highest levels of decision- making in favor of other goals.
Yes Seriously. With a questionable chain of custody … the devices should have been inspected for threats … before being issued for use. But, I can also settle for poor process and lack of attention to details.
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Exactly what was exposed in 2,000 Mules - I remember when that was ridiculed here.

Tell our local Swabby.
lol!!!!!! I read that post, got a big smile on my face and slowly stepped away from the “post reply” button. Pure gold!
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Yes Seriously. With a questionable chain of custody … the devices should have been inspected for threats … before being issued for use. But, I can also settle for poor process and lack of attention to details.

You were both right.

It was a great (ongoing) plan, And. a serious lack of imagination by the Hezbollah security operatives...

Much like 9-11 and the great cross continent Chinese balloon intelligence sweep, a lack of imagination will nearly always come back to bite you... Deadly adversaries will never "play by the rules" or within the norms and to expect them to is an invitation to disaster...

Couldn't have happened to a finer group of fellows... (and to be an integral part of a terrorist organization knowingly invites the destruction of those closest to you)....
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Yes Seriously. With a questionable chain of custody … the devices should have been inspected for threats … before being issued for use. But, I can also settle for poor process and lack of attention to details.
You can settle for poor business practices if you want. I’ll settle for that old standby smart vs dumb.
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If this is true, then this plan has to be years in-the-making.

How the bleep do you arm a device on a solar panel to go off when the Hezbollah guy is nearby?

With that said if true, then yes, Israel needs to arm / set off all devices now. Hezbollah is going to go into uber-paranoid mode now and disassemble every possession they own over the next week, so it was only a matter of time until they started finding all these devices.
Think about the Israeli intelligence and infiltration ops. Even the Iranian Mullahs are probably inspecting their beard trimmers.
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Here's another article on the hand held radio second wave:

I heard that Hezbollah fired 10 rockets into Israel today in response...

//Evidently it would have been more but they could only find ten guys courageous enough to touch the ignition switch...//😎🍺 (my personal joke)
You can settle for poor business practices if you want. I’ll settle for that old standby smart vs dumb.
I’ll agree that poor business practices are dumb … haven’t “best practices” been beaten to death in B-schools and those two dimension — 4 quadrant graph guys for decades now.
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I told the owner today that I was fine with them wanting me to carry my personal cell phone while I'm out doing deliveries, but if they ever decided to issue pagers I was getting the fvck out of there.
You'd better hope the Mossad hasn't read your posts here
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Maybe he’s the one Iran hired to deliver their Trump file to the Bidet-Harri team? (Did it include a copy of the famous faux “Russian ho micturates on Trump” video for which nearly 80,000,000 American dumbfux fell and el-jaculated over?)
Can you imagine if the Russians hacked into Kamala's campaign and gave that info to Trump?

No, I'm sure no conspiracy investigation would ensure.
You're invincibly ignorant.
I just don’t know why you do this. Disagreeing with someone aggressively can be done without personal insults.

I’ll be the first to admit I’ve lost my temper just like you and hurled insults. I am trying to do better.
I just don’t know why you do this. Disagreeing with someone aggressively can be done without personal insults.

I’ll be the first to admit I’ve lost my temper just like you and hurled insults. I am trying to do better.
I lost all patience with DANC long ago. He’s a very bad faith poster and his dishonesty is intolerable.