He's back.

So what was the exact mistake that he made that was so much worse than the rest of the world?
Did you read his proclamations? All basically denying Covid and its severity. And in case you forgot, ingesting bleach and bright lights will kill it. If you need more idiotic statements just google it.
He was convicted later because there were much more serious crimes committed by many more J6 rioters. I said at the time they'd get around to him and they did. Convicted appropriately. The rest of that is mostly indecipherable and/or a bit looney. Sorry.
He just spouts looney as do the rest of the idol worshippers. They can not admit that the Dear Leader is a f***ing convicted criminal who will have additional convictions to deal with. They would have been right at home in Jim Jones world.
Did you read his proclamations? All basically denying Covid and its severity. And in case you forgot, ingesting bleach and bright lights will kill it. If you need more idiotic statements just google it.
Oh that’s super insightful, you simplistic child. Of course those are dumb statements, but also harmful that we kept schools locked down for way too long and then left wing governments fired government employees for not taking a vaccine that wasn’t necessary at all.

Don’t forget that your hero’s CDC head proclaimed that the vaccine stopped the spread. That’s just as much a lie as “the disease isn’t harmful”. But you can’t think for yourself so why don’t you take a step back and literally **** your own face?

In reality, child, both parties in government are equally stupid and equally incompetent. But you’re brainwashed to think that pointing out any unwarranted and excessive criticism of Trump makes one a Trumper. Because you’re a child.
A) If I have a choice as being Helen Mirren or myself, I'll switch places today.
B) Side note, sadly, booby-trapping your house is illegal. Rather famous case that went to court. If you've got 20 minutes of time, this is a good breakdown.
So Edgar wouldn’t be in this shit to begin with if it wasn’t for a damn woman to start with. Check
Edgar had the gun positioned to stop any question, except for a damn woman. Check
Edgar would be down at the pub, not giving two shits, but there was a damn woman. Check
Edgar lost $30k because a damn woman. Check
I bet Bertha fell in love with Clarence (or what ever his name was) and got her shit back.
Edgar got to spend a few years behind bars, with no women. Yeh Edgar!! Great education/ vacation for Edgar!! And he lived happily ever after!

Now, it took me 30 minutes to watch this 20 minute clip, because every time I’d step outside to smoke and watch it, my “Bertha” would unplug the WiFi router, while looking out of the window to see my reaction. …
What gauge wire did Edgar use?
Like? There are many things on that list that produce ROI not spending. What are you referring too? Deportation? Simple, use whatever we are funding the UN with and send the bad actors home. Half the sh!t the Biden admin funds like the Paris treaty...Thats gone day 1. Any green climate change funding...BuhBye! The military is a given you can't let it go to sh!t and technology has to keep up. What else are you referring too?
I was referring to the fact there is extra spending and tax cuts….i was trying to square the circle from a budgetary perspective
He said personally better off. I'd guess several of us can say that. I'm certainly better off in personal economic terms. Income, buying power, and wealth are considerably higher and better. So is that of my daughter and just about everyone that I can think of in my family and among friends and coworkers. I'm two weeks from retirement because I'm in great shape to do that and I'm tired of leading and managing which I've done pretty much nonstop since 1985. I'll take a six-figure income hit, but my income will still be in the six-figures. I'll just put less in my investments and won't skip a beat, and the investments will continue to grow just at a slower rate. So yeah - better off here. Personal situations are anecdotal evidence, and we can all find some of that kind of evidence to support any position we want to support. Whether most people are better off is a different question. We need empirical data studies for that.
Yes, I think the middle and upper middle class are better off. I too have a higher wage and my retirement portfolio is in better shape. However, most in the working class, who don’t have a retirement and investments, based on the stock market, are struggling. Frankly, regardless of which party is in power, most in the middle to upper middle class will thrive. On average, America has had a strong and robust economy for many decades.
If you're going to parody the title, at least spell it right. The word is "turds," genius.

I frequently cite sources. Those are not among them.

You, on the other hand, never cite anything. Given your history, you're probably afraid to. I'm sure your search history is something to behold.
'...never.' a lie.

I've posted a list of 12-15 or so sources I read regularly.

Right now it is the Murray Rothbard book 'What Has Government Done To Our Money?'

And you're a terd, professor....
Oh that’s super insightful, you simplistic child. Of course those are dumb statements, but also harmful that we kept schools locked down for way too long and then left wing governments fired government employees for not taking a vaccine that wasn’t necessary at all.

Don’t forget that your hero’s CDC head proclaimed that the vaccine stopped the spread. That’s just as much a lie as “the disease isn’t harmful”. But you can’t think for yourself so why don’t you take a step back and literally **** your own face?

In reality, child, both parties in government are equally stupid and equally incompetent. But you’re brainwashed to think that pointing out any unwarranted and excessive criticism of Trump makes one a Trumper. Because you’re a child.
Oh now you hurt my feelings. Both parties aren’t trying to overthrow democracy. Only one did that and they are setting up to do it again when they lose. You f***ing worshippers are really pathetic in your unwavering loyalty to Orange Jesus.
And you know that vaccine wasn’t necessary how? Please provide facts to back that up. Bet you can’t. Over a million died. Amazing how the death began to slow and nearly stopped completely when the vaccine was introduced. Probably just coincidence right?
Have you even listened to Orange Jesus lately. Last night he said global arming was going to create more water front property. And he said global warming is less a problem than nuclear warming. Whaaaat? And who can forget when he asked if we could set off a nuclear bomb in a hurricane to stop it. You just can’t fix stupid. 😂😂
Oh now you hurt my feelings. Both parties aren’t trying to overthrow democracy. Only one did that and they are setting up to do it again when they lose. You f***ing worshippers are really pathetic in your unwavering loyalty to Orange Jesus.
And you know that vaccine wasn’t necessary how? Please provide facts to back that up. Bet you can’t. Over a million died. Amazing how the death began to slow and nearly stopped completely when the vaccine was introduced. Probably just coincidence right?
Have you even listened to Orange Jesus lately. Last night he said global arming was going to create more water front property. And he said global warming is less a problem than nuclear warming. Whaaaat? And who can forget when he asked if we could set off a nuclear bomb in a hurricane to stop it. You just can’t fix stupid. 😂😂
The only one stupid here is you, if you can't tell that Wakeboarder isn't a Trumper. He's the kind of Republican vote Democrats can actually earn if they aren't assholes about it, so maybe take it down to 11.

1---So we have to be in a war, for there to be wars----and since we are not---then no, worries? Gotcha. Trump was supposed to destroy world peace, and cause WW3. Yet under his watch, there was little, to no conflict. Under Biden? Yikes.

"Trump promised to build a wall, and have Mexico pay for it"---He tried to do so---your dumbass party wouldnt allow it. Then when shit hit the fan, was like---man we better builf that muther****er"---Oooops, nevermind---Too, late. Oh, well.

Repal Obamacare---His powers are limited here.

Infrastructure----Hows Biden doing?

And exactly what is Harris' platform(now)? Shes did a complete 360. Why? I know----Her campaign knows if she runs on what she really beleives, she'll lose. Its funny----shes now claiming, "clamping down on the border.."---JFC---You cant make this shit up. Shes had 3 yeears to do this.

Shes a fukin joke, bro.
Biden got an infrastructure bill passed?
Oh now you hurt my feelings. Both parties aren’t trying to overthrow democracy. Only one did that and they are setting up to do it again when they lose. You f***ing worshippers are really pathetic in your unwavering loyalty to Orange Jesus.
And you know that vaccine wasn’t necessary how? Please provide facts to back that up. Bet you can’t. Over a million died. Amazing how the death began to slow and nearly stopped completely when the vaccine was introduced. Probably just coincidence right?
Have you even listened to Orange Jesus lately. Last night he said global arming was going to create more water front property. And he said global warming is less a problem than nuclear warming. Whaaaat? And who can forget when he asked if we could set off a nuclear bomb in a hurricane to stop it. You just can’t fix stupid. 😂😂
The vaccine worked very well at preventing deaths during the first iteration. Once Omicron was the strain…the cat was out of the bag.

The mask garbage was like pissing in the wind.

Keeping kids out of school was a huge tragedy…some will never recover
What gauge wire did Edgar use?
Typical pull force of a shotgun trigger is optimally about 4 lb.

Studies of American Wire Gauge tensile strengths lists 24ga at 7 lb. and 20ga. at about 25 lb.

The longer the wire, the weaker it is in tension, and you would also have to consider the shock load (if you kick the door open, the wire could snap first before achieving the pull force), so I'm guessing the 20ga. is the minimum you'd want to use.

See, who says you don't learn anything on the Water Cooler?
Typical pull force of a shotgun trigger is optimally about 4 lb.

Studies of American Wire Gauge tensile strengths lists 24ga at 7 lb. and 20ga. at about 25 lb.

The longer the wire, the weaker it is in tension, and you would also have to consider the shock load (if you kick the door open, the wire could snap first before achieving the pull force), so I'm guessing the 20ga. is the minimum you'd want to use.

See, who says you don't learn anything on the Water Cooler?
So what you are saying, is that we need a lever since we need 2 things to be efficient; 1) The door needs to be totally open 2) the trigger pull distance is only about 1/8"
The door is going to swing with a roughly 36" axial distance, which is one end of the wire, but the trigger only needs to move 1/8". We just need a contraption that uses reverse leverage and I think the even puts the wire strength at it's max.
We ( I mean some other home owner, who isn't home and trying to protect shit that he wish he didn't have, OR her) could do this. mmm Checks out.
Oh now you hurt my feelings. Both parties aren’t trying to overthrow democracy. Only one did that and they are setting up to do it again when they lose. You f***ing worshippers are really pathetic in your unwavering loyalty to Orange Jesus.
And you know that vaccine wasn’t necessary how? Please provide facts to back that up. Bet you can’t. Over a million died. Amazing how the death began to slow and nearly stopped completely when the vaccine was introduced. Probably just coincidence right?
Have you even listened to Orange Jesus lately. Last night he said global arming was going to create more water front property. And he said global warming is less a problem than nuclear warming. Whaaaat? And who can forget when he asked if we could set off a nuclear bomb in a hurricane to stop it. You just can’t fix stupid. 😂😂
This is next-level dumb. Good Lord. Seek help.
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My first thought when I see something like this is “are they really unaware of how ridiculous stuff like this makes them look?”

Then I realize, that’s not the point. Far more people will see the propaganda than will see this tweet. And that’s the point. To spread a narrative. To push an agenda. They don’t care about anything but pushing a narrative.

Wait, badwakeboarder is INRanger?
I’m up to being a DecentWakeboarder. Now I’m BadWakeSurfer.
So what was the exact mistake that he made that was so much worse than the rest of the world?
Trump cut the budget for pandemic preparedness, compared to what he inherited from the Obama Admin. In the summer of 2019, he eliminated the position of the CDC official who was implanted in China to keep a watch out for precisely the type of outbreak that occurred with Covid. And somehow Biden was aware of the possibility of a pandemic we weren't prepared for and brought it to public attention in Oct 2019...

Trump played golf...

I linked the article. If you want to kmow the answer, read the article. I try to help, but I can't read for you...
“Several criticisms” no name, no source.

But from those two words you derive that Trump’s proposal was a malignant plot to give tax breaks to hedge Fund managers while The Harris plan is only meant to for those in the service industry.

Nevermind they were both in Nevada at the time they proposed it. Nevermind that Trump attributes the idea to his conversation with a waitress. You immediately attribute the worst possible intent, once more the supposed plan doesn’t even make sense and would never pass muster with the IRS.

You are the most full of shit person on this board. Hands down. Bar none.

Take a break.
Trump cut the budget for pandemic preparedness, compared to what he inherited from the Obama Admin. In the summer of 2019, he eliminated the position of the CDC official who was implanted in China to keep a watch out for precisely the type of outbreak that occurred with Covid. And somehow Biden was aware of the possibility of a pandemic we weren't prepared for and brought it to public attention in Oct 2019...

Trump played golf...

So Trump could’ve SAVED THE WORLD - and didn’t. What a scumbag.
“Several criticisms” no name, no source.

But from those two words you derive that Trump’s proposal was a malignant plot to give tax breaks to hedge Fund managers while The Harris plan is only meant to for those in the service industry.

Nevermind they were both in Nevada at the time they proposed it. Nevermind that Trump attributes the idea to his conversation with a waitress. You immediately attribute the worst possible intent, once more the supposed plan doesn’t even make sense and would never pass muster with the IRS.

You are the most full of shit person on this board. Hands down. Bar none.

Take a break.
Harris met with the culinary union prior to her spech making the proposal. If you believe Trump' made up story about the waitress, you're dumber than I believe. "Sir, blah blah blah"... Multiple people who know Trump well have said that a major tell for when he's lying is when he brings out the "sir" line...

Again the reason Harris felt the need to stress the raise to the minimum wage and income requirements was to address the concerns many made after Trump's vague proposal. She was very specific about hospitality and service workers. Trump made no distinction...

I didn't even say I was opposed to the proposed policy. I said that people had warned about how what Trump proposed could be troublesome, and you accused me of , I don't know making it up? So I linked to two seperate articles which list some of the critics and what bothered them.You're the one who accused me of making stuff up and you're the one who is being deliberately obtuse...

Here is an article from July discussing the issues with Trump's proposal...

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Harris met with the culinary union prior to her spech making the proposal. If you believe Trump' made up story about the waitress, you're dumber than I believe. "Sir, blah blah blah"... Multiple people who know Trump well have said that a major tell for when he's lying is when he brings out the "sir" line...

Again the reason Harris felt the need to stress the raise to the minimum wage and income requirements was to address the concerns many made after Trump's vague proposal. She was very specific about hospitality and service workers. Trump made no distinction...

I didn't even say I was opposed to the proposed policy. I said that people had warned about how what Trump proposed could be troublesome, and you accused me of , I don't know making it up? So I linked to two seperate articles which list some of the critics and what bothered them.You're the one who accused me of making stuff up and you're the one who is being deliberately obtuse...

Here is an article from July discussing the issues with Trump's proposal...

That's a good write up of some of the many reasons this is a bad idea. But it's still a bad idea when Harris proposes it, too.
So Trump could’ve SAVED THE WORLD - and didn’t. What a scumbag.
You seemed to want to give him a pass. I pointed out why that was foolish and represents revised history. You seem fairly normal compared to the folks advocating for Trump in this thread. I gave you the documentation, I can't control whether or not you pay attention to it or not...

Btw, here is a link about Trump recklessly eliminating the CDC position that was designed (from Bush on) to provide the exact safeguards that Trump foolishly eliminated...From March 2020, so not exactly after the fact...Just an honest recounting of events...

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I'm better off than 4 years ago. Higher salary that outpaced inflation. Good gains in my stock portfolio. Decent economic outlook for the industry I work for (building construction in the Columbus, OH area).
I know that my situation is not the same as everybody's though.
And to hell with the majority of the country! Amiright?

You forgot MeidasTouch.

That being said….If Trump (and his sorry kids) don’t get some kind of ground game going in Wisconsin…we are going to be stuck with terrible progressive policies.
I don't think it's going to be Trump, or his kids' fault, if we end up with progressive policies....
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I was ok, having fun with an ankle biter, until you presented as a woman.Game changer! FYI, My house that you will soon own, is rigged and as soon as you step in. You'll never hear anything ever again.
He may want to go with pillow biter.
You seemed to want to give him a pass. I pointed out why that was foolish and represents revised history. You seem fairly normal compared to the folks advocating for Trump in this thread. I gave you the documentation, I can't control whether or not you pay attention to it or not...

Btw, here is a link about Trump recklessly eliminating the CDC position that was designed (from Bush on) to provide the exact safeguards that Trump foolishly eliminated...From March 2020, so not exactly after the fact...Just an honest recounting of events...

I don’t give him a pass. He was elected to do a great job and he was mediocre. But you and half this country have been so brainwashed to think he’s the bogeyman that it’s now become abundantly clear to me that I have to fight my urges to defend him and consider voting for him because of how unfairly he’s been treated compared to any Democratic president in my lifetime.

And to go with a covid attack vector is especially childish given how virtually every country with demographics and health issues as ours had the same outcomes.
'...never.' a lie.

I've posted a list of 12-15 or so sources I read regularly.

Right now it is the Murray Rothbard book 'What Has Government Done To Our Money?'

And you're a terd, professor....
The truth is you rarely, very rarely, link a source. Your sources are not credible to most because they’re near worthless almost always prove to be false, but they’re credible to you because you WANT to believe them. You know this in the deep recesses of your mind, so you stopped linking them.
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We needed the infrastructure part of that bill. There’s a ton of much needed highway, bridge and railroad work going on across the country because of it. Trump promised to do it, but failed. If he had done it every work site would have a “TRUMP PROJECT” sign.

Increased deficits and federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars thru 2026
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Your point is indicating you don’t follow congressional legislation? Biden got an infrastructure bill passed. I was replying to Borden who indicated he didn’t think Biden had done anything on infrastructure. Need to keep context of posts clear when you reply.
Of course he did - haven't you seen all the charging stations he's set up? I mean, I think there are at last 8!
You’re one of the idiots that believes Trump when he said we built 8 stations at a cost of $9 billion. You’re his base.
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