He's back.

I don’t give him a pass. He was elected to do a great job and he was mediocre. But you and half this country have been so brainwashed to think he’s the bogeyman that it’s now become abundantly clear to me that I have to fight my urges to defend him and consider voting for him because of how unfairly he’s been treated compared to any Democratic president in my lifetime.

And to go with a covid attack vector is especially childish given how virtually every country with demographics and health issues as ours had the same outcomes.
Mediocre? Are you serious? Only measurable accomplishment he got was to give himself and billionaires a great big tax cut on the backs of the middle class. And take a look at his deficit numbers. Going down under Obama and Biden. Went through the roof to $1.9 trillion. Yeah give me 4 more years of that.
If he was your child you’d spank his ass and ground him until he’s 18 for all the lying alone. He’s morally bankrupt like his businesses. Correction, he’d have to actually have morals to be bankrupt of them. He’s been found guilty of sexual assault and is a convicted felon. No matter the platform, I’d vote for any Dem over that piece of s**t. He will once again try to destroy democracy if he loses. This time there will be enough police and national guard to do what is necessary to put the uprising down.

Increased deficits and federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars thru 2026
Yes. Two different problems. Need infrastructure improvements badly and need to address deficit spending badly.
Yes. Two different problems. Need infrastructure improvements badly and need to address deficit spending badly.
The CBO projects that the agencies and programs will retain the higher funding levels indefinitely.

“This makes it easier for legislators to retain the IIJA’s spending increases when they expire, as simple extensions would unfortunately not be counted as having a fiscal impact relative to the Congressional Budget Office baseline.”

One of the very first things a fiscal conservative in the House should do is introduce a bill to eliminate the funds. According to CBO….it would save $1.26 trillion in discretionary outlays
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The only one stupid here is you, if you can't tell that Wakeboarder isn't a Trumper. He's the kind of Republican vote Democrats can actually earn if they aren't assholes about it, so maybe take it down to 11.
Try reading his posts again. He spouts the Orange Jesus and MAGA propaganda regularly. Anyone who will vote for him is in the cult and or is just so dumb that because the are a registered Republican they have to vote for a Republican regardless of how horrible a human being that person is. I was a Republican that crossed party lines frequently to vote for a Democrat if they warranted my vote. Only voted straight ticket one time and that was when I was 18 and was nervous about my first election. I have since 2016 left the party and now identify as an independent.
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The CBO projects that the agencies and programs will retain the higher funding levels indefinitely.

“This makes it easier for legislators to retain the IIJA’s spending increases when they expire, as simple extensions would unfortunately not be counted as having a fiscal impact relative to the Congressional Budget Office baseline.”

One of the very first things a fiscal conservative in the House should do is introduce a bill to eliminate the funds. According to CBO….it would save $1.26 trillion in discretionary outlays
Infrastructure funding is temporary - except the money that comes from the federal gas taxes. If the frickin' Congress extends spending without offsets, that would be par for the course for both fiscally irresponsible parties.
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Infrastructure funding is temporary - except the money that comes from the federal gas taxes. If the frickin' Congress extends spending without offsets, that would be par for the course for both fiscally irresponsible parties.
I don’t know what to tell you. It was a bad bill that was sold as something it was not. Look at all the garbage projects included. It’s wasteful. Slush funds that provide little value. Corporate welfare that is not needed and we shouldn’t support. Government red tape that only increases the cost. More expansion of the federal government that we should not be supporting. It increased spending in areas that are not even relevant. It’s a terrible bill.
This is where I'm at. I think he's like P.T. Barnham on steroids. He's probably been one of the all-time great grifters this country has seen. He's been great at getting fools to part with their money on various scams over the past few decades. He's been able to parlay grifting money to grifting votes. Even he didn't expect to work in 2016, but once it did, he decided he was going to tap that well for the rest of his life.
He doesn't know what to say about Harris. He can't say she's old and feeble,

He used to automatically say his women opponents are ugly, not his style, have horse faces etc. Now, he's comparing Harris to his beautiful wife and saying they resemble each other. He seems forgetful.

Is there any way that assassination attempt changed anything about his thought process?
I don’t know what to tell you. It was a bad bill that was sold as something it was not. Look at all the garbage projects included. It’s wasteful. Slush funds that provide little value. Corporate welfare that is not needed and we shouldn’t support. Government red tape that only increases the cost. More expansion of the federal government that we should not be supporting. It increased spending in areas that are not even relevant. It’s a terrible bill.
We needed the infrastructure part for sure. Don't you agree? I've hit frickin' potholes on the highway at 70 mph. Luckily, I haven't blown a tire - yet. I've dodged dozens too.
We needed the infrastructure part for sure. Don't you agree? I've hit frickin' potholes on the highway at 70 mph. Luckily, I haven't blown a tire - yet. I've dodged dozens too.
You know, state and local governments are supposed to fund their own infrastructure for the most part. Other than interstates, rail and maybe airports and ports the Federal government shouldn't really be passing stuff like this.
Yep Harris will win tho. It’ll be close but she’ll win. Money to trump’s campaign is a waste. Give it to the other races. Harris is basically a moron but she’s functioning. Biden was simply unfit. I suspect some folks recognized you can’t vote for that and feel okay about voting for harris. Trump lost when Biden got swapped out. And it doesn’t matter that it’s Harris. Just a D. A D that is functioning, which Biden was not.
There is something about Harris that is more likeable than Trump or Biden, too. She laughs a lot and seems genuinely happy. Sometimes she uses self-deprecating humor.

I know that's entirely superficial, but a lot of voters don't dig into policy issues anyway. Harris' appearance projects much more competence than Biden's did. That may be enough to win.
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We needed the infrastructure part for sure. Don't you agree? I've hit frickin' potholes on the highway at 70 mph. Luckily, I haven't blown a tire - yet. I've dodged dozens too.
Targeted and paid for …this was not it.

The vast majority should be funded and overseen by the state and local governments. It would cost less and have fewer bullshit projects.

Look at the bill: you’ve got funding for bike lanes (should not be handled federally), streetcars (should not be handled federally), ferry boats (should not be handled federally), walking paths (should not be handled federally).

That’s just the transportation part of the bill. It’s a bad bill
There is something about Harris that is more likeable than Trump or Biden, too. She laughs a lot and seems genuinely happy. Sometimes she uses self-deprecating humor.

I know that's entirely superficial, but a lot of voters don't dig into policy issues anyway. Harris' appearance projects much more competence than Biden's did. That may be enough to win.
Her laugh is like nails on a chalkboard. She reminds me of 75 percent of the nonprofit EDs I know. Not a president. She should run a local urban league
Targeted and paid for …this was not it.

The vast majority should be funded and overseen by the state and local governments. It would cost less and have fewer bullshit projects.

Look at the bill: you’ve got funding for bike lanes (should not be handled federally), streetcars (should not be handled federally), ferry boats (should not be handled federally), walking paths (should not be handled federally).

That’s just the transportation part of the bill. It’s a bad bill
One can reasonably infer that interstate ferries could be a federal subsidy.
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Try reading his posts again. He spouts the Orange Jesus and MAGA propaganda regularly. Anyone who will vote for him is in the cult and or is just so dumb that because the are a registered Republican they have to vote for a Republican regardless of how horrible a human being that person is. I was a Republican that crossed party lines frequently to vote for a Democrat if they warranted my vote. Only voted straight ticket one time and that was when I was 18 and was nervous about my first election. I have since 2016 left the party and now identify as an independent.
Ladies and gentlemen we’ve found the new - worse - version of Grover. The most simplistic poster around.

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Saw this opinion piece and agreed with a good chunk of it.

In particular, I think this line is on point:
"Mr. Trump’s performances as he traipses around the country again are reinforcing the illusion of that choice. Instead of telling them consistently and repeatedly what they are actually getting if they vote Democrat, he is merely reminding them what they will get again if they vote Republican."
Here's another instructive point from that article: "By my calculation, about one-third of Mr. Trump’s remarks fell into three categories: false, obtuse or lunatic."
I was referring to the fact there is extra spending and tax cuts….i was trying to square the circle from a budgetary perspective
Sorry I got pulled away...

Anyways I see a lot on that list that are money makers. Seems like it's no different than last time he ran which I am fine with!
You're pretty excited about her. So yeah.
You're fun to make fun of. You're the caricature of some tired, middle aged man who thinks he still has his fast ball.
You’ve won a debate on this board. Here you’re not discussing substance. From dei to inflation to crime to border you’ve got nothing. Stick to kid’s sports. You’re tapped out at that
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You’ve won a debate on this board. Here you’re not discussing substance. From dei to inflation to crime to border you’ve got nothing. Stick to kid’s sports. You’re tapped out at that

Stick to whatever it is you stick to. When you land your think tank job, let me know.
You forgot not tax on tips...Wonder where she got that from?
Wait a second.

You're pissed that some ideas (not his own) that Trump publicized gained a supporter? Why? If those are good ideas, you should be ecstatic if they are gaining support.

You clearly prefer that no one implements the ideas and perhaps makes thing better -- you just want them to remain something for Trump to campaign on.
You mean such enacting a coup against the guy who rightfully won the Democratic primary and installing a deep state puppet that no one voted for? Or illegally changing voting laws? Not enforcing the legally passed voting laws? Trying to throw your opponent in jail because you can't beat him in an election? Having 51 Intel agents state under oath that a piece of evidence extremely damaging to the Dem candidate is false when they know it's real? Making up a false Russian collusion hoax against your opponent?

Just which of these stakes against democracy are you referring to?
That post is just a written Gish gallop:

You just rattled off a bunch of debatable things while acting like they are all accepted as true.

Prove each one with facts. You can't.
What do you think about no tax on tips now?
This was not Trump's original idea either -- it has been kicking around for at least 17 years:

I thought that is what Trump said.

Most probably don't report it anyway

Edit: apparently both candidates said it. Meh, doesn't move the needle for me and don't see either candidate following through.
I think the IRS may "impute" a certain minimum percentage as tip income that wait staff has to pay taxes on (even with no supporting documentation) , on the assumption that restaurant customers are known to tip at certain levels.

Maybe Stoll or some other accountant on here knows the true rule.
Infrastructure funding is temporary - except the money that comes from the federal gas taxes. If the frickin' Congress extends spending without offsets, that would be par for the course for both fiscally irresponsible parties.
I’m glad you are objective enough to see both sides of the aisle are completely into pork barreling and financially irresponsible- term limits stat so tough choices can be made instead of passing the buck!!
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1---So we have to be in a war, for there to be wars----and since we are not---then no, worries? Gotcha. Trump was supposed to destroy world peace, and cause WW3. Yet under his watch, there was little, to no conflict. Under Biden? Yikes.

"Trump promised to build a wall, and have Mexico pay for it"---He tried to do so---your dumbass party wouldnt allow it. Then when shit hit the fan, was like---man we better builf that muther****er"---Oooops, nevermind---Too, late. Oh, well.

Repal Obamacare---His powers are limited here.

Infrastructure----Hows Biden doing?

And exactly what is Harris' platform(now)? Shes did a complete 360. Why? I know----Her campaign knows if she runs on what she really beleives, she'll lose. Its funny----shes now claiming, "clamping down on the border.."---JFC---You cant make this shit up. Shes had 3 yeears to do this.

Shes a fukin joke, bro.
Trump controlled both houses of Congress for two years. So, how did the Democrats prevent him from keeping his promises?
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