He's back.

Bernie Sanders pollster. We're winning people. Learn what a response bias is and that Republicans take vacations in the summer.

I'm not even sure what your point is.? But you're linking to a poll thats close to 2 weeks old that had Harris already tied with Trump. She had already closed the gap 2 weeks ago, and a lot has changed since then.

This polling doesn't even include her barnstorming blitz of swing states last week, which has completely energized Dems and a large portion of Independents. Trump's "lead" was basically based on the enthusiasm gap, when a lot of Biden voters weren't excited and many of them weren't even motivated to vote...

That's gone. Not only has Harris rejuvenated the Dem base, but she has also provided an alternative to the folks who weren't going to vote because they hate Trump and couldn't be inspired to vote for Biden. Early voting will start in some states in 2 or 3 weeks from now, and with this kind of genuine enthusiasm and momentum the early/mail voting numbers may end up surpassing 2020.
Based on exactly nothing at all. That's pure idiocy.
Some unsolicited advice. Stop worrying so much about how others classify you politically. What does it matter? I get called a “Trumper” everyday. No skin off my rear.

I know you’ll say you don’t care, but that’s hard to believe when you start threads to that end and constantly feel the need to justify yourself. It clearly gets to you.
The two proposals are different. KH specifically said "service and hospitality workers". Trump is including "tips" in the form of bonuses paid to people like hedge fund managers, and compensation to greedy CEOs who choose to refer to their paid incentives as "tips". If you can't see who Trump is pandering to, I don't know what to tell you...
You can't possibly be serious.
So inherently that means that your theory is that it was in fact a MAGA or Republican? What is that based on?
I don't have a theory, but all indications point to the person(s) being MAGA. After all, they were the rioters that day and all the other crap, including Ray Epps being a Fed (and convicted) is totally unsupported ridiculous nonsense. They could have been left there by some nut or other unrelated whacko as well. We don't know.
The fundamental failure here is your assumption that if Aloha rejects the unevidenced accusation that the culprit is A, then he must be claiming it was B. You're completely ignoring the most likely scenario, which is that he doesn't have any idea who the culprit is.
To state as fact, that the original stance was based on zero evidence (paraphrasing since I'm not going to scroll over different pages), can only be made from a stance that he knows what evidence was used by the original poster. That is impossible and only emotion. To call out the null hypo, you have to have some data. And as per the ankle biter that used "data" that there were just MORE Pubs and MAGA, also admits that there wasn't ONLY Pubs and MAGA's, all while completely ignoring other, self omitted inputs.
So no, you are still incorrect. IF your "likely scenario" were correct, Aloha could only say.. I have no idea if you are correct or incorrect. OR even better yet, "Your (the OG poster) hypothesis is either correct, or not, I simply don't know".
This is fun. Statistics and data analysis 101, The #1 answer is always "Maybe, it depends".
To state as fact, that the original stance was based on zero evidence (paraphrasing since I'm not going to scroll over different pages), can only be made from a stance that he knows what evidence was used by the original poster. That is impossible and only emotion. To call out the null hypo, you have to have some data. And as per the ankle biter that used "data" that there were just MORE Pubs and MAGA, also admits that there wasn't ONLY Pubs and MAGA's, all while completely ignoring other, self omitted inputs.
So no, you are still incorrect. IF your "likely scenario" were correct, Aloha could only say.. I have no idea if you are correct or incorrect. OR even better yet, "Your (the OG poster) hypothesis is either correct, or not, I simply don't know".
This is fun. Statistics and data analysis 101, The #1 answer is always "Maybe, it depends".
Uh, no. That's not how any of that works.
You know Ray Epps isn't even mentioned in that link? Ray Epps was not a Fed or a CI. Feds and CIs don't get convicted for doing their jobs. Period. It was all nonsense before his conviction, but his conviction proved it was all nonsense.
What is your basis for believing this? I haven’t seen it anywhere. Bonuses are distinct category of compensation (taxed higher than salary) and never have I seen them referred to as tips.

I know you’re not drawing this conclusion simply because Harris said “service and hospitality”. That is implied.

Cite your source or be exposed as a dishonest shill once again.
It was part of some of the original criticism of Trump's proposal. So much so that when speaking with CNBC, Harris officials took pains to point out that she was proposing legislation with an income limit and requirements. Those concerns were voiced by some critics after Trump's initial proposal...

CNBC also requested info from Team Trump on that issue. So far crickets...

"Banning taxes on tips would require new legislation and congressional approval, which a Harris campaign official later acknowledged.

"The campaign official said Harris would work with congressional lawmakers to construct a tax-free tip policy that has an income limit and has requirements to prevent “hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy.”

"Those caveats respond to several criticisms that have already emerged about banning taxes on tips."

Who do you think made the proposal that those criticisms were directed to? Santa Clause?

There are more criticisms levelled by experts having to do with revenue. My point was that on some level the two proposals are far from the same...The Harris campaign is at least aware of possible pitfalls...

"According to the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, eliminating taxes on service tips would leave a hole in federal revenue over the next decade of between $150 billion and $250 billion.

Beyond the hit to government revenue, some economists argue that a tax-free tip policy would not effectively achieve its goal of easing the tax load on low-income Americans.

“The policy goal is to lower tax burden for low-income workers,” Ernie Tedeschi, economics director at Yale University’s Budget Lab, told CNBC in June after Trump initially proposed the idea. “This is not a well-targeted, efficient way of doing that.”
He noted that only a small sliver of the low-income workforce are in tipped jobs and many of those workers skew younger or already pay no income tax because of their low earnings.

He also argued that the policy could create a hierarchy of low-income jobs where only some workers reap the benefits of tax-free income. And he said that tiered approach could compel employers to try to game the system like, for example, encouraging more tipping instead of raising wages.

“What would an economy where we incentivize tips so much look like?” Tedeschi said. “I have to imagine that smart tax lawyers and accountants thinking about this for just a little bit of time, would think up some really clever ways to take advantage.”

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You know Ray Epps isn't even mentioned in that link? Ray Epps was not a Fed or a CI. Feds and CIs don't get convicted for doing their jobs. Period. It was all nonsense before his conviction, but his conviction proved it was all nonsense.
Teh link wasn't about Epps, so you are right. Your holistic wholesome use of CI's and puppets is so totally elementary (not intended as a insult), one would think that you have spent your life working for an organization that doesn't want you to ever be able to admit to the depths of evil that it will do. We all get it and thank you. But those of us unburdened, that have the ability to see through unvarnished eyes, know the truth, or at least what they are willing to pull off.
Have you ever heard of a CI, being convicted, and then filtered out of the CJS to go into Witness Protection? Ever heard of that? Ever thought of how easy that would be? Do you think that your old/ current bosses would do that to achieve their goals? Any of that possible or are your bosses totally incapable of doing anything like that?
Not saying if Epps fits this or does not fit this, but will you admit that this is not only possible, but has happened several times? You very probably were a wholsome warrior. Your leaders at the highest levels are not always equal to that. DC and the MIC have a lot of leavers to pull to get the outcome they desire. I'm sorry that you can't, at the very least, admit that those leavers exist and are used daily.
Epps was either the most stupid patriot ever, or Epps knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it. But your "CI's don't get convicted 24 months after the issue" is total sunshine pummpin crap. It's just as much, or even more so easy to say that his "conviction" was stalled only to a point because American's were really starting to cause some noise in speculation. You simply don't own the only "truth" on Epps Aloha.
It was part of some of the original criticism of Trump's proposal. So much so that when speaking with CNBC, Harris officials took pains to point out that she was proposing legislation with an income limit and requirements. Those concerns were voiced by some critics after Trump's initial proposal...
Criticism from who!?!?!?! And what was their basis for believing such nonsense?
I’m not a dream teamer.

Efficiency of what? Have you read my posts? Outside of Cosmic, I think I have the highest word count per badly explained point on this board. That ship has sailed.
Honestly, I haven't followed you much, at least that I can remember. I have an alarm set every day, when it goes off, I can go be a mouthy little bitch for a little bit. Then when the next alarm sounds, I go back to just reading. You were lucky today and Bloom hadn't posted in this thread. That helps a lot!
The two proposals are different. KH specifically said "service and hospitality workers". Trump is including "tips" in the form of bonuses paid to people like hedge fund managers, and compensation to greedy CEOs who choose to refer to their paid incentives as "tips". If you can't see who Trump is pandering to, I don't know what to tell you...

This is exactly the kind of mentality that results in people like you blindly praising Trump for giving up his $800,000/yr or so "salary". Meanwhile he raked in millions by the use of his properties to house military, host foreign dignitaries, and basically be a conduit for any type of GOP event for 4+ yrs. If you pay a bill for services rendered at a Trump property (which are exhorbitant to begin with), you're just putting those funds in Trump's pocket...Not sure why you can't grasp that?
Bwahahahhah. This is next-level brainwashed. It’s not your fault totally though. The media should be in jail.

I agree but he also gets credit for Warp Speed and the left gives him none.

And every country made major mistakes. Him included.
I agree that every country made mistakes. But his mistakes were monumental. January 22 we have it totally under control. February 27 it’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle - it will disappear. September 21 he says to a campaign crowd in Swanton Ohio COVID affects virtually nobody. I’d bet the million plus who died would disagree with his assessments. I could go on but you get the drift. Guy is an absolute boon who doesn’t give a s**t about people. Just himself.
Bwahahahhah. This is next-level brainwashed. It’s not your fault totally though. The media should be in jail.

You are definitely in the cult of Agent Orange. I’d bet you think he got cheated in 2020. He’s already setting things up for when he loses in November. He needs a different playbook Same crap he used in 20. Guy can’t put two sentences together. And you cultists complained about Biden’s mental acuity. Agent Orange 🍊 is the best commercial Harris and Walz could use to win the election.
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Have hundreds of thousands of volunteers in all swing states. And look at the voter registration across the swing states. PA was Dem +700k on election day 2020. It's now down to around Dem +350k.

What is your source on this "hundreds of thousands of volunteers in all swing states" proclamation?
Who is coordinating them? It certainly is not the RNC.
Honestly, I haven't followed you much, at least that I can remember. I have an alarm set every day, when it goes off, I can go be a mouthy little bitch for a little bit. Then when the next alarm sounds, I go back to just reading. You were lucky today and Bloom hadn't posted in this thread. That helps a lot!


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So President Donald John Trump had no power or sway over any type of national COVID response whatsoever?

Man, he sounds like he's not worth a sh*t for a leader who let his country down in easily one of the top 2-3 worst moments for the US this century. I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to vote for him again.
Bush and Obama had created a game plan for handling a pandemic which Trump did not use at all. Instead, he hired Jared's friend to produce protective equipment ( he had no experience in that field) and the guy took the money and ran. He also had states participating in a version of Hunger Games vying for protective gear for their states. He also favored red states over blue states in providing assistance. He required governors to kiss his ring and proclaim his greatness in order to get any help from the federal government. He rambled on about non-scientific garbage like bleach and light treatments and took the vaccine himself in secret instead of publicizing that he took it which would have saved thousands of lives. He could not have handled the situation any worse. We had the worst person in the country running things during the worst pandemic in 100 years. I can tell in my business I had 16 clients pass away from COVID. Only one was vaccinated. Some died before the vaccination but several refused the vaccination despite having risk factors. One diabetic man died at 37 leaving 3 children under the age of 10. Several men died in their 50's and 60's. They would be alive today had they vaccinated. I put everyone of these deaths as the fault of DJT, whose feckless and idiotic actions made the pandemic much worse for our country. Why the media continues to give him a pass on his incompetence is beyond explanation.
What is your source on this "hundreds of thousands of volunteers in all swing states" proclamation?
Who is coordinating them? It certainly is not the RNC.
They are actually trying to get 100,000 volunteers to poll watch. That’s code for voter intimidation. How would you like to live in Georgia where the Republican congress passed a law prohibiting people from giving voters in line water.
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I was ok, having fun with an ankle biter, until you presented as a woman.Game changer! FYI, My house that you will soon own, is rigged and as soon as you step in. You'll never hear anything ever again.
A) If I have a choice as being Helen Mirren or myself, I'll switch places today.
B) Side note, sadly, booby-trapping your house is illegal. Rather famous case that went to court. If you've got 20 minutes of time, this is a good breakdown.
I agree that every country made mistakes. But his mistakes were monumental. January 22 we have it totally under control. February 27 it’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle - it will disappear. September 21 he says to a campaign crowd in Swanton Ohio COVID affects virtually nobody. I’d bet the million plus who died would disagree with his assessments. I could go on but you get the drift. Guy is an absolute boon who doesn’t give a s**t about people. Just himself.
So what was the exact mistake that he made that was so much worse than the rest of the world?
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You are definitely in the cult of Agent Orange. I’d bet you think he got cheated in 2020. He’s already setting things up for when he loses in November. He needs a different playbook Same crap he used in 20. Guy can’t put two sentences together. And you cultists complained about Biden’s mental acuity. Agent Orange 🍊 is the best commercial Harris and Walz could use to win the election.
Oh I get it now. You’re a moron. **** off, pissant.
Teh link wasn't about Epps, so you are right. Your holistic wholesome use of CI's and puppets is so totally elementary (not intended as a insult), one would think that you have spent your life working for an organization that doesn't want you to ever be able to admit to the depths of evil that it will do. We all get it and thank you. But those of us unburdened, that have the ability to see through unvarnished eyes, know the truth, or at least what they are willing to pull off.
Have you ever heard of a CI, being convicted, and then filtered out of the CJS to go into Witness Protection? Ever heard of that? Ever thought of how easy that would be? Do you think that your old/ current bosses would do that to achieve their goals? Any of that possible or are your bosses totally incapable of doing anything like that?
Not saying if Epps fits this or does not fit this, but will you admit that this is not only possible, but has happened several times? You very probably were a wholsome warrior. Your leaders at the highest levels are not always equal to that. DC and the MIC have a lot of leavers to pull to get the outcome they desire. I'm sorry that you can't, at the very least, admit that those leavers exist and are used daily.
Epps was either the most stupid patriot ever, or Epps knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it. But your "CI's don't get convicted 24 months after the issue" is total sunshine pummpin crap. It's just as much, or even more so easy to say that his "conviction" was stalled only to a point because American's were really starting to cause some noise in speculation. You simply don't own the only "truth" on Epps Aloha.
He was convicted later because there were much more serious crimes committed by many more J6 rioters. I said at the time they'd get around to him and they did. Convicted appropriately. The rest of that is mostly indecipherable and/or a bit looney. Sorry.
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My first thought when I see something like this is “are they really unaware of how ridiculous stuff like this makes them look?”

Then I realize, that’s not the point. Far more people will see the propaganda than will see this tweet. And that’s the point. To spread a narrative. To push an agenda. They don’t care about anything but pushing a narrative.
@dbmhoosier this is why trump will lose and I don’t believe any of your polls. Ranger dislikes progressive bs every bit as much as I do and if he cant pull the trigger for trump Harris will win relatively easily. This post means more to me than your pollls.

We fckd up going with trump. DeSantis after what he did in fla should be the nominee
Wait, badwakeboarder is INRanger?