He's back.

Take away the names, personalities, etc.
Candidate A vs Candidate B…
Which one is going to take care of the border?
Which candidate is going to improve the economy?
Which one is going to work on lowering inflation and interest rates?
Who will allow the US to become more oil efficient, thus lowering gas prices, thus improving the economy?
She doesn’t.
But still gonna vote for her, because...………..???

I just go by what I see....And what I have seen since 2020, is a total cluster ****. prices sky high...gas...housing...border is a mess...much tension in the ME, and across the world. Israel under attack. Crime is up.

Honestly----what has this administration done, that has made this a better country? What did Trump do during his presidency, that was as bad than what this administration has done?

Save me the "hes a liar"---Man this administration has been nothing but that. Save me "hes a criminal"---Pure horseshit. Hes gonna be a dictator---Like he was last time? Threat to democracy?---Again, like he was last time?

Both sides are ****tards----I just happen to think dems are the bigger of the two. Harris is a fraud. What is she hiding from? We gonna see 2020 all over again? She hasn't done one single interview. Why? And now suddenly shes backtracking on everything she stood for, through her entire , political career.

Shes a fukin whack job. And when elected, people will see......
Take away the names, personalities, etc.
Candidate A vs Candidate B…
Which one is going to take care of the border?
Which candidate is going to improve the economy?
Which one is going to work on lowering inflation and interest rates?
Who will allow the US to become more oil efficient, thus lowering gas prices, thus improving the economy?
The one who did so from 2016-20.
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Take away the names, personalities, etc.
Candidate A vs Candidate B…
Which one is going to take care of the border?
Which candidate is going to improve the economy?
Which one is going to work on lowering inflation and interest rates?
Who will allow the US to become more oil efficient, thus lowering gas prices, thus improving the economy?
I have very many serious policy disagreements with Harris/ Walz and certainly do not defend them on any of those positions. But the choice is still easy. Vote for the ADULT in the room, not the whiny brat in a perpetual temper tantrum.
How do you know you have policy differences? She hasn’t announced any. Oh she did say “no tax on tips.” Lol.
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I like and agree with pretty much everything I've seen from P25, but I understand it's maybe not the most appealing to moderates. Plus I haven't actually read it cover to cover and neither have you so maybe stop bringing it up because you are definitionally ignorant on the subject. I'm sure it won't stop your verbal diarrhea though.

It's called campaigning, like how nameless, faceless Harris advisers have put out memo's flipping her position on literally every issue in the past few weeks. Love Project 2025, Hate Project 2025, Indifferent, at least it stakes out positions in detail .

Something that we haven't been able to get from Harris in person or even on her website since it was announced she would lead the ticket. She's a coward, and a moron to boot.
P25 stakes out position inconsistent with a democracy.....anyone that supports that crap can't consider themselves a patriot imo
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No on the other side you had a guy (Trump) that had the country in a great position in his 1st term and actually ran things the way they should be run while stupid dem governors allowed their cities to burn ignoring Trumps offers for the national guard. If you can't admit that you're a fool.

If you think the country is jumping on board with someone who is clueless AF (Harris) already had one job and FAILED MISERABLY, and then another dumbass who allows 14 year olds to make decisions on what sex they should be while removing them from their parents you're smoking crack. Thats AUTHORITARIAN UTOPIAN sh!tI I think half you guys are just bot dolts that post just to get clicks. Nobody in the human race is as stupid as what you defend and wish for which is beyond comical. Maybe the mentally ill trannies, but thats about it.
But still gonna vote for her, because...………..???

I just go by what I see....And what I have seen since 2020, is a total cluster ****. prices sky high...gas...housing...border is a mess...much tension in the ME, and across the world. Israel under attack. Crime is up.

Honestly----what has this administration done, that has made this a better country? What did Trump do during his presidency, that was as bad than what this administration has done?

Save me the "hes a liar"---Man this administration has been nothing but that. Save me "hes a criminal"---Pure horseshit. Hes gonna be a dictator---Like he was last time? Threat to democracy?---Again, like he was last time?

Both sides are ****tards----I just happen to think dems are the bigger of the two. Harris is a fraud. What is she hiding from? We gonna see 2020 all over again? She hasn't done one single interview. Why? And now suddenly shes backtracking on everything she stood for, through her entire , political career.

Shes a fukin whack job. And when elected, people will see......
You obviously don't watch diaper Don much if you think Harris is the bigger whack job.
P25 stakes out position inconsistent with a democracy.....anyone that supports that crap can't consider themselves a patriot imo
You mean such enacting a coup against the guy who rightfully won the Democratic primary and installing a deep state puppet that no one voted for? Or illegally changing voting laws? Not enforcing the legally passed voting laws? Trying to throw your opponent in jail because you can't beat him in an election? Having 51 Intel agents state under oath that a piece of evidence extremely damaging to the Dem candidate is false when they know it's real? Making up a false Russian collusion hoax against your opponent?

Just which of these stakes against democracy are you referring to?
There's 3 certifiable whack jobs on this forum. DDE, Pinecone in Chicago and DBM. Why argue with them? It's a waste of time. They live in a bizarro world full of alternate truths, cognitive dissonance and conspiracy theories .. you're not going to deprogram them... Trump has become a foundational belief to them.

Treat them like the weirdos they are and always were. Point and laugh .. and they'll eventually go back to being the weird ass social pariahs they were before Trump .. giving them any attention other than ridicule only validates their weird ass beliefs..
But still gonna vote for her, because...………..???

I just go by what I see....And what I have seen since 2020, is a total cluster ****. prices sky high...gas...housing...border is a mess...much tension in the ME, and across the world. Israel under attack. Crime is up.

Honestly----what has this administration done, that has made this a better country? What did Trump do during his presidency, that was as bad than what this administration has done?

Save me the "hes a liar"---Man this administration has been nothing but that. Save me "hes a criminal"---Pure horseshit. Hes gonna be a dictator---Like he was last time? Threat to democracy?---Again, like he was last time?

Both sides are ****tards----I just happen to think dems are the bigger of the two. Harris is a fraud. What is she hiding from? We gonna see 2020 all over again? She hasn't done one single interview. Why? And now suddenly shes backtracking on everything she stood for, through her entire , political career.

Shes a fukin whack job. And when elected, people will see......
It’s actually interesting to ponder who would be the biggest cluster if elected.

Because make no mistake, our next president will be a disaster either way.
But still gonna vote for her, because...………..???

I just go by what I see....And what I have seen since 2020, is a total cluster ****. prices sky high...gas...housing...border is a mess...much tension in the ME, and across the world. Israel under attack. Crime is up.

Honestly----what has this administration done, that has made this a better country? What did Trump do during his presidency, that was as bad than what this administration has done?

Save me the "hes a liar"---Man this administration has been nothing but that. Save me "hes a criminal"---Pure horseshit. Hes gonna be a dictator---Like he was last time? Threat to democracy?---Again, like he was last time?

Both sides are ****tards----I just happen to think dems are the bigger of the two. Harris is a fraud. What is she hiding from? We gonna see 2020 all over again? She hasn't done one single interview. Why? And now suddenly shes backtracking on everything she stood for, through her entire , political career.

Shes a fukin whack job. And when elected, people will see......
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You mean such enacting a coup against the guy who rightfully won the Democratic primary and installing a deep state puppet that no one voted for? Or illegally changing voting laws? Not enforcing the legally passed voting laws? Trying to throw your opponent in jail because you can't beat him in an election? Having 51 Intel agents state under oath that a piece of evidence extremely damaging to the Dem candidate is false when they know it's real? Making up a false Russian collusion hoax against your opponent?

Just which of these stakes against democracy are you referring to?
I'll tell you what. Thank goodness for Elon and X...LOLOL. It throws the biggest wrench in the authoritarian dem world EVER!!!! Glorious!
I'll tell you what. Thank goodness for Elon and X...LOLOL. It throws the biggest wrench in the authoritarian dem world EVER!!!! Glorious!
No. It. Doesn't.

fwiw - Authoritarian dem = liberal pub. Not only are you creepy and strange, you're also dumb AF.
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I really don't get how that guy inspires people. I get how he inspires you; it doesn't take much. However, others seem to be inspired, and I don't get it. He talks like he's in grade school and he thinks his audience maturity level is about the same.
But what about TRUTH!
This is where I'm at. I think he's like P.T. Barnham on steroids. He's probably been one of the all-time great grifters this country has seen. He's been great at getting fools to part with their money on various scams over the past few decades. He's been able to parlay grifting money to grifting votes. Even he didn't expect to work in 2016, but once it did, he decided he was going to tap that well for the rest of his life.
Can any one of you three make a convincing case for voting for Harris without mentioning Trump?
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What do you think about no tax on tips now?
I thought that is what Trump said.

Most probably don't report it anyway

Edit: apparently both candidates said it. Meh, doesn't move the needle for me and don't see either candidate following through.
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Can any one of you three make a convincing case for voting for Harris without mentioning Trump?

Harris has bad policies... Most of which are never going to happen. And those that do will quickly expire.

Trump is a corrosive infestation with much longer term destructive elements. Are national politics better or worse since he arrived on the scene?
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Harris has bad policies... Most of which are never going to happen. And those that do will quickly expire.

Trump is a corrosive infestation with much longer term destructive elements. Are national politics better or worse since he arrived on the scene?
What policeis implemented by Trump have had a destructive impact? No wars under his watch...economy was strong...People could actually afford groceries and gas----in the same week. He was declared to be be doomsday for the country---yet, well, that never happened.

Politics are what they are today, simply because people do not like Trump. It has very little to do with his policy.

Rather or not Harris' policies happen, or quickly expire----they can still cause harm---and will. And if her policies dont last, or never materialize, then basically what you're saying is, her presidency would be a waste of time.

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"diaper Don"====Cute. And you folk chastise DJT for name calling.

Harris is as radical as they come. You'll find out.
Shouldn't we hold people running for office to a higher standard than how random people post on message boards?

Trump shows no respect, so he doesn't deserve respect

Harris is hardly radical. That is just propaganda bull crap from lying conservatives
What policeis implemented by Trump have had a destructive impact? No wars under his watch...economy was strong...People could actually afford groceries and gas----in the same week. He was declared to be be doomsday for the country---yet, well, that never happened.

Politics are what they are today, simply because people do not like Trump. It has very little to do with his policy.

Rather or not Harris' policies happen, or quickly expire----they can still cause harm---and will. And if her policies dont last, or never materialize, then basically what you're saying is, her presidency would be a waste of time.

What wars did Biden enter us into again? Trump took over a booming economy from Obama and left it in the tank during the pandemic.

Trump promised to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it... FAIL

Trump promised to repeal obamacare....FAIL

Trump promised an infrastructure bill...FAIL
I thought that is what Trump said.

Most probably don't report it anyway

Edit: apparently both candidates said it. Meh, doesn't move the needle for me and don't see either candidate following through.
She said it after Trump. She’s doing tarmac rallies like Trump only with smaller crowds. Oh and now she’s going to shut down the border.

Looks like she’s copying Trump. Imagine that?
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