Harris vs. Trump 2024

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People are waking up dbm

Most of us wake up and wish we hadn't when these two shit stains are the best available option. What a fkn disaster this country is in.
Dude you're not bothered by Trump defrauding thousands of people via Trump U, stealing money from childrens charities, and being adjudicated by two juries and a judge of being liable for sexual assault? And yet you expect us to believe (supposedly) plagiarized words off of wikipedia is suddenly a game changer? The only people upset by the latter and not bothered by the former are people who were already voting Trump...
I'm guessing this same author penned something about why the Dems are losing the election a week or so before the 2022 midterms as well.

I'm not sure how Harris can be "losing" when over 4 Million votes have already been cast and the Dems are leading by over 30% (60%-28%) of the 1.6 Million requested mail ballots in PA. This media blitz of people saying Trump is winning overall and esp in PA is just a continuance of the "Red Mirage" from 2020 and 2022.

Trump is again counting on the fact that early votes in PA are counted last, so he can again claim he's winning after election day when most of these banked early ballots won't yet be counted. He won't be able to schedule a 3am victory speech in the WH like last time, since he no longer has that pulpit. But the main motivation of why these MAGA types are flooding the zone and media with phony polls, is so that he can once again claim the election was stolen...

It's hilarious how people jump to the latest poll as if most recently released is also most accurate...

So the Economist/YouGov and Morning Consult which each poll weekly had Harris up by her largest nationwide margin of the cycle (+4 and +6 respec) in polls released less than a week ago. And then suddenly NBC relases one of their less frequent polls with a much lower sample size and much higher MOE that shows them dead even? And all of a sudden Trump is winning?

What earth shattering event occurred in the 4 or 5 days between MC's weekly poll and NBC's monthly poll that would serve to shift the polling so drastically? Newweek from Oct 8, just 6 days ago...

"The poll, conducted by Morning Consult between October 4 and 6, shows that Harris leads Trump by 6 points, 51 percent to his 45 percent. The poll surveyed 11,353 likely U.S. voters, with a margin of error of +/-1 percentage point."

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Her entire campaign was astroturfed. She has zero grass roots support. Only those who despise Trump more than they care about anything else.
You really have to wonder what the hell they were thinking. They have to win all 3 rust belt states. Therefore it's a brilliant idea to replace Scranton Joe who has reliable working class and union support in all 3 states and who is Catholic with a Jamaican Canadian Indian woman from California. The amount of malpractice the Dems committed this election is almost hard to believe. Biden won Catholics btw.


Have to say I did not think she had the stones for this. It will be ugly. Baier is going to press her.
She needs to launch a Hail Mary. Blame all the dogshit stuff from ev mandates to free everything to open borders on Biden. Throw his ass under the bus and proclaim she’ll govern from the center but as vp the old coot wouldn’t listen to her

Dream Team should run campaigns
You really have to wonder what the hell they were thinking. They have to win all 3 rust belt states. Therefore it's a brilliant idea to replace Scranton Joe who has reliable working class and union support in all 3 states and who is Catholic with a Jamaican Canadian Indian woman from California. The amount of malpractice the Dems committed this election is almost hard to believe. Biden won Catholics btw.

@VanPastorMan yeoman’s work pastor. Well done
She needs to launch a Hail Mary. Blame all the dogshit stuff from ev mandates to free everything to open borders on Biden. Throw his ass under the bus and proclaim she’ll govern from the center but as vp the old coot wouldn’t listen to her

Dream Team should run campaigns
And not only did they launch a coup against Scranton Joe they picked Tampon Tim over Shapiro. Maybe they are trying to lose. This guy is a complete clown.

It's about over folks.

You do know that this is a poll of people who say they PLAN to vote early, not epople who have already voted. Right?

Huge difference as Dems with huge leads among the 4 Million + who have already voted are banked votes. Not people just telling Mark Penn they "plan" to vote early...

Even at that they are essentially tied as 1 or 2 points is not outside the MOE...The Dems two largest source of votes in the Blue wall in 2020 were Philadelphis and Wayne Co (Detroit). In both cities they are currently doing better than they did in 2020,both in terms of total early votes cast and % of turnout rate...

I like our chances. The chance to dominate early voting and a superior ground game that can focus on turning out people who are irregular voters. This is exactly why your "Red Wave never materialized. The Dems put up such huge numbers going into election day that both Mastriano and OZ were cooked by midnight...
I'm not sure she understands that Maricopa Co is primarily Pubs to begin with. The reason Biden and Hobbs/ Kelly won in 2020 and 2022 respectively is because lots of those Registered Republicans voted for them. There are also a pretty large number of unaffiliated voters who will likely vote Gallego, but may or may not ticket split and vote Trump. The abortion measure will motivate voters as well...

You will remember that all of those stories describing election denialism and threats against election workers and officials basically described GOP on GOP attacks. That's because the majority of election and county officials in Maricopa are Republican. It's a Republican county...
ABC Ipsos just dropped. 4 point movement towards Trump as well. And both of these polls were Biden and Hillary by double digits in October.

Here's what you're missing. This should be a f*cking gimme. Americans are facing a once-in-a-lifetime cost of living crisis while also dealing with an overflow of confusing, different, uncomfortable immigrants and at the same time trying to understand a shift to the weird in social and gender issues that most Americans are just not going to be able to follow. If there was ever an election for a Republican to win all 50 states, this was it. This should be a f*cking landslide.

But it won't be. You'll be forced to cheer and dance over a D+ biased pollster who only has Harris +2, because you and your idiots took the golden goose, flushed it down the f*cking toilet, and said, "Gimme Trump again!"

If Trump wins, whatever. End of story. But if Harris wins, know this: Literally every other Republican not named Donald Trump would have beat her. The only reason she is in this thing is because you nominated the only candidate capable of losing to her.

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