Harris vs. Trump 2024

What you and the rest of your family is doing is commendable, and commonplace. However, it's not possible (or practical) for many. The small town Indiana life isn't universal.
And I dont think Vance was referring to as being so---Just a suggestion. TOact as if he's implying hving grandma/grandpa, your children, being THE solution, is being naive.

IT is commonplace, though as you said. I know many who use family as a PART of reducing day care cost.
Who is 'we'? You've been a Republican for about 15 mins.
the current republican party not the party of two decades ago. the party that has been the ticket for hte last two elections. the party that nominated trump by a landslide. that one.
He’s the last Republican to win anything. Maga won. And young dems skew hard left. Pubs need centrist candidates. Not old guard.
Centrist is probably right. Centrist is viable - with some center left and center right in the coalition. That’s not MAGA.
Centrist is probably right. Centrist is viable - with some center left and center right in the coalition. That’s not MAGA.
of course it's maga. it's appealign to that segment of the economic base that felt left behind. that used to be a guarantee for the dems. electricians. trades. cops. etc. you think wars and cheney and trickle down appeal to them in rhetoric or reality? of course not. that's maga. maga is the old dem party. the people who vote maga used to vote for dems. now dems are liberal academics, hollywood, and minorities. the working class went maga. if twenty thinks that's gross i don't know what to say. they built america
They aren’t all MAGA. Polls are showing that Trump is leading among the demographic that doesn’t follow politics at all. The low information sector. They recognize his name. “Hey, I’m going to vote for him. I heard of him!” Sad.
low information? do you think the dem block is "high information." welfare state expansion, defund police, bail projects, cart before the horse energy policies, and open borders? please.
of course it's maga. it's appealign to that segment of the economic base that felt left behind. that used to be a guarantee for the dems. electricians. trades. cops. etc. you think wars and cheney and trickle down appeal to them in rhetoric or reality? of course not. that's maga. maga is the old dem party. the people who vote maga used to vote for dems. now dems are liberal academics, hollywood, and minorities. the working class went maga. if twenty thinks that's gross i don't know what to say. they built america

Lol. Trump got basically the same % of the vote in '16 as Romney did in '12.... Yet you act like it's some great changing of the tides.

He just ran against a woefully worse opponent
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Lol. Trump got basically the same % of the vote in '16 as Romney did in '12.... Yet you act like it's some great changing of the tides.

He just ran against a woefully worse opponent
LOL the second most liberal senator this century is the presidential nominee with a progressive vp and you don't think there's a change?
low information? do you think the dem block is "high information." welfare state expansion, defund police, bail projects, cart before the horse energy policies, and open borders? please.
I’m specifically talking about Trump leading among the segment of people who say they don’t follow politics at all or very little. I think it’s likely name recognition for them.
LOL the second most liberal senator this century is the presidential nominee with a progressive vp and you don't think there's a change?

You're the one making the absurd argument that 'Trump won, Romney lost.... Nobody wants to vote for a Romney type again!'

Romney got 47.2% of the votes cast. Higher % than Trump did in either of his runs. Your position doesn't hold water.
You're the one making the absurd argument that 'Trump won, Romney lost.... Nobody wants to vote for a Romney type again!'

Romney got 47.2% of the votes cast. Higher % than Trump did in either of his runs. Your position doesn't hold water.
your position doesn't hold water inasmuch as you're trying to extrapolate the country a decade ago for today. times have changed. romney today would do about like haley. not well. left went way left and trump filled in with the old blue collar workers that once went dem. doesn't leave much for romney types.
your position doesn't hold water inasmuch as you're trying to extrapolate the country a decade ago for today. times have changed. romney today would do about like haley. not well
The swing states have changed making it more likely the popular vote loser can squeeze out an EC win like Trump in 2016.
The swing states have changed making it more likely the popular vote loser can squeeze out an EC win like Trump in 2016.
great. mccain romney lost. it's my belief that in the current political milieu they'd lose by even larger margins.
You’re one of those false equivalency guys who doesn’t know the difference between classifications, the difference between negligence and deliberate mishandling of classified information, or the difference between cooperation and active obstruction.

We got lucky in the first Trump administration - until he totally botched COVID. Memories are short. Now he’s nearing 80 and in mental decline to go along with us irrational and irrational behavior and mental instability.

I don’t know how I can make it clearer. I want Trump defeated and MAGA purged from the party. That requires living through four years and I can deal with that. As can all you guys thinking it’s the end of the world. It isn’t.
If you want Trump purged from the party then why not hold your nose and vote for harris?

That is what a lot of trumpers in denial claim to be doing in the opposite direction due to claiming Harris is worse.

Sadly there has been a lot of voting for the least bad option this decade.
for sure. the gop needs likable centrist candidates who don't refer to people as pigs and perpetuate frauds. but hte old guard bush, cheney, mccain types forget it. @Aloha Hoosier is a man's man. these kids today are built different. 90 percent have no interest in the military. i've coached. my daughter is like the defacto mayor of her junior high. these kids are softttttttttt. it's a new world order here. the dems have a ticket of wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy left candidates. the republicans can't go back to the old invading countries haliburton cheney types. the next gen won't have it. and we're going to have to account for tens of millions of immigrants coming into the mix as well
The party needs to swing right on fiscal matters. Embrace Bitcoin. Stop with the endless war shit and make cuts. Leave abortion to the states and call it a win. And close the f#cking border.
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your position doesn't hold water inasmuch as you're trying to extrapolate the country a decade ago for today. times have changed. romney today would do about like haley. not well

Nonsense. Look at Gov and Senate elections just in the last few years. MAGA has continued to fail in competitive races......Trump trying to primary Kemp out via Perdue or running losers like Herschel and Lake and Oz in Senate races.

While wins have come from places like Youngkin in VA... Who is basically a younger Romney.

'MAGA' is nothing really more than a personality movement. Once Trump isn't the circus leader it will fracture and whither away.
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Again lies. He never said Biden got more legal/constitutional votes in those states. Of course Biden had 81M votes recorded for him. The problem is many are illegitimate.
The problem when you say many of Biden's votes "are illegitimate" is that there are numerous documented cases of Republican voters committing ballot fraud. Here are some examples.

Election deniers have never proven that there was so much more such fraud by Democrats than by Republicans that election outcomes were affected.

Grow up.
Lol. Trump got basically the same % of the vote in '16 as Romney did in '12.... Yet you act like it's some great changing of the tides.

He just ran against a woefully worse opponent
Obama was beatable in 12, but the Bush shit show dragged Romney down. Obamacare was a disaster.
great. mccain romney lost. it's my belief that in the current political milieu they'd lose by even larger margins.
Maybe they’d win now. Ohio is solidly red now and Obama won that state. Same with Florida. Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are in play for Republicans now. Romney wins Florida and Ohio along with one or more of the others and he’s an EC winner like Trump.
Nonsense. Look at Gov and Senate elections just in the last few years. MAGA has continued to fail in competitive races......Trump trying to primary Kemp out via Perdue or running losers like Herschel and Lake and Oz in Senate races.

While wins have come from places like Youngkin in VA... Who is basically a younger Romney.

'MAGA' is nothing really more than a personality movement. Once Trump isn't the circus leader it will fracture and whither away.
trump endorsed candidates across the board have an overwhelming winning record. now much of that is baked in as those folks would perhaps vote red but who knows. again i disagree with you on maga. i think trump slid in and picked off a segment left behind by the dems that woudl not gravitate to a romney/mccain type. that said i do believe the dems with a centrist candidate could pick some of it off again - if they got away from identity politics etc. listen all of this is just opinion.
If you want Trump purged from the party then why not hold your nose and vote for harris?

That is what a lot of trumpers in denial claim to be doing in the opposite direction due to claiming Harris is worse.

Sadly there has been a lot of voting for the least bad option this decade.
I want to vote for a Republican and Trump will win Ohio. I’m leaning toward Youngkin at the moment.
Maybe they’d win now. Ohio is solidly red now and Obama won that state. Same with Florida. Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are in play for Republicans now. Romney wins Florida and Ohio along with one or more of the others and he’s an EC winner like Trump.
i don't think they would. i don't think your garden-variety old school blue collar dem who votes trump would vote romney/bush. my family. asphalt guys. roofers. electricians. 40 year dems now vote trump. they'd vote a centrist dem. but htey won't vote a bush. and every one of them are vets. war vets.
Obama was beatable in 12, but the Bush shit show dragged Romney down. Obamacare was a disaster.
Obamacare happened in Obama’s first term. Bush had been out of office four years. Obama was beatable, but still too popular and the economy was good.
Meh....How many conflicts overseas where there when he was in office? You'll never admit this, simply b/c your a closet DEM, but this country was just fine under Trump.

Not so much under Biden....And it'll be a disaster under Harris.,
Sounds like you believe the President of the United States is responsible for "conflicts overseas" that don't involve the U.S.
I know. Republicans picked up a million seats in the House in 2010 because of it. I still think Bush’s Presidency hurt Romney in 2012. Not sure what you were inferring?
Romney lost bc he got killed by young people and minorities. He was totally out of touch. I believe twenty and aloha are wrong as that ilk would come across as being even more out of touch today. Minorities. Young people. Working class. That’s not a Romney type nor is it an old guard pub.
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What you and the rest of your family is doing is commendable, and commonplace. However, it's not possible (or practical) for many. The small town Indiana life isn't universal.
Many parents don't even live in the same city as the grandparents. And, even when grandparents live in the same city many of them are still working themselves.

Vance is obviously dealing in cliches.
I disagree. You really think a Trump would have beaten Obama in 2012? No chance in hell, IMO.
Oh no, you’re correct on that. I got lost in your guys conversation. I was just saying a really good GOP candidate could have beaten Obama. I don’t view Romney or Trump as good candidates.
Oh no, you’re correct on that. I got lost in your guys conversation. I was just saying a really good GOP candidate could have beaten Obama. I don’t view Romney or Trump as good candidates.

Well I'm not sure who this mythical person is (or was). Romney was not a great candidate, I agree... He would have been a much better President than he was a candidate.

Basically the opposite of Trump, who just likes running for office and getting attention, but generally uninterested in the job.
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LOL the second most liberal senator this century is the presidential nominee with a progressive vp and you don't think there's a change?
A "change" from what? Certainly not a "change" from the tone of past Democrat platforms for the past 70 or 80 years.

It's really not possible for you to claim the Harris/Walz ticket is more "progressive" than past Democrat candidates and/or nominees such as Biden, Sanders, Warren, Obama, Hillary, Kerry, Dean and Sharpton from this century or than Kennedy, LBJ, McGovern, Humphrey, Jerry Brown, Dukakis, Jesse Jackson, Shriver, Muskie, and Eugene McCarthy from earlier years. Harris and Walz don't seem that much different from their predecesdors.

If that list of isn't enough to remind you, do you honestly think you can demonstrate that Harris is proposing a more "progressive" departure from past policy than the sweeping changes Franklin Roosevelt and LBJ actually implemented? Harris/Walz are not even close to those two.

Republicans must be running scared to try to label Harris and Walz for the purpose of fear-mongering.
A "change" from what? Certainly not a "change" from the tone of past Democrat platforms for the past 70 or 80 years.

It's really not possible for you to claim the Harris/Walz ticket is more "progressive" than past Democrat candidates and/or nominees such as Biden, Sanders, Warren, Obama, Hillary, Kerry, Dean and Sharpton from this century or than Kennedy, LBJ, McGovern, Humphrey, Jerry Brown, Dukakis, Jesse Jackson, Shriver, Muskie, and Eugene McCarthy from earlier years. Harris and Walz don't seem that much different from their predecesdors.

If that list of isn't enough to remind you, do you honestly think you can demonstrate that Harris is proposing a more "progressive" departure from past policy than the sweeping changes Franklin Roosevelt and LBJ actually implemented? Harris/Walz are not even close to those two.

Republicans must be running scared to try to label Harris and Walz for the purpose of fear-mongering.
No. Cradle to grave benefits with Biden/Harris. Equity of outcome. You’re always wrong. Always. Change your feed.

No. Cradle to grave benefits with Biden/Harris. Equity of outcome. You’re always wrong. Always. Change your feed.

I read that article. Its methodology is just a comparison of Harris's contemporaries in the Senate, and all this does is create a list of contemporaries.

But it doesn't prove Harris represents some great departure from past Democrat proposals, which is your still-unproven claim.
I read that article. Its methodology is just a comparison of Harris's contemporaries in the Senate, and all this does is create a list of contemporaries.

But it doesn't prove Harris represents some great departure from past Democrat proposals, which is your still-unproven claim.
That’s how left the admin aspired. Harris second most liberal. California. Wake up. Get a new feed

I read that article. Its methodology is just a comparison of Harris's contemporaries in the Senate, and all this does is create a list of contemporaries.

But it doesn't prove Harris represents some great departure from past Democrat proposals, which is your still-unproven claim.
here's what the worst about harris and posters like you and hickory and some others. you're dishonest. you have no principles. harris has a progressive record. harris and biden promised to be transformative. they set out playing the race card and vowed to open the border bc trump was treating brown people cruelly, attack cops bc they target blacks so let's defund and implement bail projects, we're green so let's go after the oil companies fracking etc, and let's be transformative. largest social safety net in history. forgive student loans. medicare for all. cradle to grave benefits.

but now harris lies. and you lie. oh no no no. we're not progressives. no that's not us. we really didn't want those things in 2021. i mean wtf. at least bernie sanders and warren and others are true to themselves. they say progressive shit. yes. that's right. we think it'll work. do it. keep going with progressive policies! you and harris on the other hand think we're all deaf and blind. that we didn't read it. didn't hear it. it's bizarre

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