Harris vs. Trump 2024

in order to qualify for social security, you have to watch kids during the day while parents work :) (if they don't have grandkids, they have watch other people's grandkids lol)
So this is what you took from what he said? Not surprised. Typical dem answer---or rebuttal.

I watch my grandson almost every weekend, to help my son and his wife with daycare cost. He's not saying its THE way---just a thought. Askng an aunt/ucnle, or any family member, to help out----is not that big of a deal. My daughter in law sister watches our grandson, MOn-Thurs; my wife watches him on Friday---and then we get him for the weekends.
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Beats your progressive policies. We have a record evidencing same. Did you forget? There’s a record?
The job of Commander in Chief requires many traits that is lacking in your candidate - one of those is self-discipline. He doesn't have that at all.
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He doesn't have the self-discipline to debate but he's good to go for President. Who needs a President with self-discipline anyway?
Cant walk up steps or down them(by himself)....cant be held accountable for losing classified documents, OR using the Oval Office for favors, finanacial gains, etc.....because he's to old, and has a bad memory----But hes good to be POTUS.

I mean who needs a comptent, POTUS with a good memory, to be POTUS?

Then there's Harris----who was a prt of that sham. And he'll one of her bigger supporters just said sh'es lying, just to win an election..

Try harder.
The job of Commander in Chief requires many traits that is lacking in your candidate - one of those is self-discipline. He doesn't have that at all.
Meh....How many conflicts overseas where there when he was in office? You'll never admit this, simply b/c your a closet DEM, but this country was just fine under Trump.

Not so much under Biden....And it'll be a disaster under Harris.,
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Cant walk up steps or down them(by himself)....cant be held accountable for losing classified documents, OR using the Oval Office for favors, finanacial gains, etc.....because he's to old, and has a bad memory----But hes good to be POTUS.

I mean who needs a comptent, POTUS with a good memory, to be POTUS?

Then there's Harris----who was a prt of that sham. And he'll one of her bigger supporters just said sh'es lying, just to win an election..

Try harder.
You talking about Trump? Those first two paragraphs describe him well.
She’ll lie through her teeth have canned insults and sound rehearsed. He’ll be unprepared, lie, and get triggered.
Tulsi has been prepping him for weeks. You all said the same thing before the Biden debate. That said, Harris will do better than most expect. It's very controlled environment moderated by far left Dems. Trump will win because her policies are so ridiculous.
You talking about Trump? Those first two paragraphs describe him well.

I could respect your thoughts if you simply werent trolling---being purposely obtuse. Its obvious you're a democrat. Anything said at all negatively toward Harris, or Biden, you immediately go after Trump, or republicans. Never addressing the issue.

THis answer is just another example of you either being a troll, purposely obtuse, or a democrat. Probably all three.
Meh....How many conflicts overseas where there when he was in office? You'll never admit this, simply b/c your a closet DEM, but this country was just fine under Trump.

Not so much under Biden....And it'll be a disaster under Harris.,
Well, Afghanistan was still happening as was the conflict with ISIL in Iraq and Syria. We had troops involved in African conflicts. More people died in Afghanistan during Trump's four years than in Biden's. Same with Iraq against ISIL. Your talking point is wrong.
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I could respect your thoughts if you simply werent trolling---being purposely obtuse. Its obvious you're a democrat. Anything said at all negatively toward Harris, or Biden, you immediately go after Trump, or republicans. Never addressing the issue.

THis answer is just another example of you either being a troll, purposely obtuse, or a democrat. Probably all three.
No. Those two paragraphs very obviously could be Trump.
Tulsi has been prepping him for weeks. You all said the same thing before the Biden debate. That said, Harris will do better than most expect. It's very controlled environment moderated by far left Dems. Trump will win because her policies are so ridiculous.
He’ll be terrible like last time. He’s too old to just wing like he thinks he can.
Well, Afghanistan was still happening as was the conflict with ISIL in Iraq and Syria. We had troops involved in African conflicts. More people died in Afghanistan during Trump's four years than in Biden's. Same with Iraq against ISIL. Your talking point is wrong.
No its not---ANd you know this. Keep tugging at straws. Trump inherited these conflicts, etc...But you know this.
No. Those two paragraphs very obviously could be Trump.
How? SHow me video of Trump being helped off stage....falling down steps---and up steps. SHow me where Trump was found to be to old, with a bad memory, to be held accoutable for impeachable actions. In his debate with Trump, Jill has to help Joe down like 3-4, small steps. He repatedly needed help coming on, or off a stage, platform.

You are simply trolling. Good for you. But everytime someone "attacks" Harris, you never address the attack---you immediately go after Trump.

No its not---ANd you know this. Keep tugging at straws. Trump inherited these conflicts, etc...But you know this.
Seriously. Look it up. Trump also takes credit for defeating ISIL. Conflict or not a conflict? Troops dead or not dead? How about those 5,000 Taliban fighters we forced Afghanistan to release, good idea or not a good idea?
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Seriously. Look it up. Trump also takes credit for defeating ISIL. Conflict or not a conflict? Troops dead or not dead? How about those 5,000 Taliban fighters we forced Afghanistan to release , good idea or not a good idea?
Look what up?

Who should take crredit for defeating ISIL?
Troops dead or not dead----Huh?

Trumps approach for troop withdrawl needed to be followed---It was not---ANd disaster ensued..
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Well, Afghanistan was still happening as was the conflict with ISIL in Iraq and Syria. We had troops involved in African conflicts. More people died in Afghanistan during Trump's four years than in Biden's. Same with Iraq against ISIL. Your talking point is wrong.
Mattis pushed continued Afghan fighting and presence. He resigned after clashing with Trump over withdrawal. IIRC you supported Mattis’ position.
How? SHow me video of Trump being helped off stage....falling down steps---and up steps. SHow me where Trump was found to be to old, with a bad memory, to be held accoutable for impeachable actions. In his debate with Trump, Jill has to help Joe down like 3-4, small steps. He repatedly needed help coming on, or off a stage, platform.

You are simply trolling. Good for you. But everytime someone "attacks" Harris, you never address the attack---you immediately go after Trump.

He slipped on a ramp leaving a stage at one of the academies. He’s increasing speaking incoherently. He couldn’t rennet Elon Musk’s name a couple days ago and called him Leon. He deliberately kept far more classified documents than Biden and tried to keep them (obstruction of justice). The guy was awful at protecting classified information. On and on. Biden isn’t the candidate. I’m on record here saying he’d drop out long before he did - though I started to worry he wouldn’t. Trump is clearly in mental decline too and he’s the old geezer in the race now.

I’m not interesting in attacking Harris. I let most of the dishonest attacks you guys make slide by. I’m no Democrat and no fan of Harris but I hope she wins (without my vote) because I seriously believe Trump is a cancer in the party and the country. He should never be in the Oval Office again, even as a guest. He needs to lose. I take no joy in this election.
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Look what up?

Who should take crredit for defeating ISIL?
Troops dead or not dead----Huh?

Trumps approach for troop withdrawl needed to be followed---It was not---ANd disaster ensued..
Not that again. Trump left no Afghanistan withdrawal plan. This is a fact. You’re repeating a Trump lie.
Trump left no Afghanistan withdrawal plan.
Thats a good thing. The plan details were in the hands of the military whom Biden ignored and then did his own thing. It was a disaster. That is 100% on Biden and “last person in the room” Harris.
Thats a good thing. The plan details were in the hands of the military whom Biden ignored and then did his own thing. It was a disaster. That is 100% on Biden and “last person in the room” Harris.
It is on Biden. No argument. He’s Commander in Chief.
He slipped on a ramp leaving a stage at one of the academies. He’s increasing speaking incoherently. He couldn’t rennet Elon Musk’s name a couple days ago and called him Leon. He deliberately kept far more classified documents than Biden and tried to keep them (obstruction of justice). The guy was awful at protecting classified information. On and on. Biden isn’t the candidate. I’m on record here saying he’d drop out long before he did - though I started to worry he wouldn’t. Trump is clearly in mental decline too and he’s the old geezer in the race now.

I’m not interesting in attacking Harris. I let most of the dishonest attacks you guys make slide by. I’m no Democrat and no fan of Harris but I hope she wins (without my vote) because I seriously believe Trump is a cancer in the party and the country. He should never be in the Oval Office again, even as a guest. He needs to lose. I take no joy in this election.
He slipped once----WHoa, boy.

SO he kept more documents than Biden---Ok. That excuses Joe?

Not interested in attacking Harris---but you're certainly interested in defending her. Hmmmmm....

Harris is far worse more dangerous than Trump.

If Trump is such a cancer---why didnt this country fall apart under him? At least with him, we knoww what we are getting.. Harris basically lying at every turn....just to win. Yet you chastise Trump for such.

Exactly what is her stance, asides from---"I'm not Trump"?
He slipped once----WHoa, boy.

SO he kept more documents than Biden---Ok. That excuses Joe?

Not interested in attacking Harris---but you're certainly interested in defending her. Hmmmmm....

Harris is far worse more dangerous than Trump.

If Trump is such a cancer---why didnt this country fall apart under him? At least with him, we knoww what we are getting.. Harris basically lying at every turn....just to win. Yet you chastise Trump for such.

Exactly what is her stance, asides from---"I'm not Trump"?
You’re one of those false equivalency guys who doesn’t know the difference between classifications, the difference between negligence and deliberate mishandling of classified information, or the difference between cooperation and active obstruction.

We got lucky in the first Trump administration - until he totally botched COVID. Memories are short. Now he’s nearing 80 and in mental decline to go along with us irrational and irrational behavior and mental instability.

I don’t know how I can make it clearer. I want Trump defeated and MAGA purged from the party. That requires living through four years and I can deal with that. As can all you guys thinking it’s the end of the world. It isn’t.
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You’re one of those false equivalency guys who doesn’t know the difference between classifications, the difference between negligence and deliberate mishandling of classified information, or the difference between cooperation and active obstruction.

We got lucky in the first Trump administration - until he totally botched COVID. Memories are short. Now he’s nearing 80 and in mental decline to go along with us irrational and irrational behavior and mental instability.

I don’t know how I can make it clearer. I want Trump defeated and MAGA purged from the party. That requires living through four years and I can deal with that. As can all you guys thinking it’s the end of the world. It isn’t.
We want you purged from the party. We don’t want to go back to the Halliburton war mongering old guard bs. You really think that’s what the next generation wants? Gen Z? Good lord the country is moving left. Trump is a centrist. Harris and walz are radical lefties. The next gen doesn’t want the old bullshit Republicans. They’re dinosaurs. They’re dead. They couldn’t win 15 years ago. Today? Please. My daughter can vote in 4 years. Her crowd ain’t voting for Fing Cheney types
You’re one of those false equivalency guys who doesn’t know the difference between classifications, the difference between negligence and deliberate mishandling of classified information, or the difference between cooperation and active obstruction.

We got lucky in the first Trump administration - until he totally botched COVID. Memories are short. Now he’s nearing 80 and in mental decline to go along with us irrational and irrational behavior and mental instability.

I don’t know how I can make it clearer. I want Trump defeated and MAGA purged from the party. That requires living through four years and I can deal with that. As can all you guys thinking it’s the end of the world. It isn’t.
The Republican Party needs to find some seriously center right candidates or won’t win again.
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The Republican Party needs to find some seriously center right candidates or won’t win again.
Trump is center right, maybe a tad center left.

The GOP needs candidates at least. whom the media can treat fairly. That ain’t gonna happen. They unfairly excoriated every GOP candidate since Nixon.
I watch my grandson almost every weekend, to help my son and his wife with daycare cost. He's not saying its THE way---just a thought. Askng an aunt/ucnle, or any family member, to help out----is not that big of a deal. My daughter in law sister watches our grandson, MOn-Thurs; my wife watches him on Friday---and then we get him for the weekends.

What you and the rest of your family is doing is commendable, and commonplace. However, it's not possible (or practical) for many. The small town Indiana life isn't universal.
Trump is center right, maybe a tad center left.

The GOP needs candidates at least. whom the media can treat fairly. That ain’t gonna happen. They unfairly excoriated every GOP candidate since Nixon.
for sure. the gop needs likable centrist candidates who don't refer to people as pigs and perpetuate frauds. but hte old guard bush, cheney, mccain types forget it. @Aloha Hoosier is a man's man. these kids today are built different. 90 percent have no interest in the military. i've coached. my daughter is like the defacto mayor of her junior high. these kids are softttttttttt. it's a new world order here. the dems have a ticket of wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy left candidates. the republicans can't go back to the old invading countries haliburton cheney types. the next gen won't have it. and we're going to have to account for tens of millions of immigrants coming into the mix as well
What you and the rest of your family is doing is commendable, and commonplace. However, it's not possible (or practical) for many. The small town Indiana life isn't universal.
no but there are sketchy ways around it that are being ignored. hoosiers here in the city @manichi knows the term have neighborhood daycares i.e. some mom at home watching four of five kids. unlicensed neighborhood daycares are common
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We want you purged from the party. We don’t want to go back to the Halliburton war mongering old guard bs. You really think that’s what the next generation wants? Gen Z? Good lord the country is moving left. Trump is a centrist. Harris and walz are radical lefties. The next gen doesn’t want the old bullshit Republicans. They’re dinosaurs. They’re dead. They couldn’t win 15 years ago. Today? Please. My daughter can vote in 4 years. Her crowd ain’t voting for Fing Cheney types
I’m no “Halliburton war mongering old guard” Republican, but we’ll see what happens to the GOP when, hopefully, Trump is purged and no more. A MAGA dominated GOP with all that MAGA culture (anger, paranoia, whining, pessimism, Incivility, dishonesty, denial of facts, uncompromising stubbornness, etc.) cannot possibly last. It’ll never win the popular vote nationwide again. If Trump manage to squeeze it out in the EC it will be after losing the popular vote by millions. More than half the country will despise him - and he’ll despise them because it’s the way he is.

The new GOP might not be “old guard” but it can’t be MAGA either.
I’m no “Halliburton war mongering old guard” Republican, but we’ll see what happens to the GOP when, hopefully, Trump is purged and no more. A MAGA dominated GOP with all that MAGA culture (anger, paranoia, whining, pessimism, Incivility, dishonesty, denial of facts, uncompromising stubbornness, etc.) cannot possibly last. It’ll never win the popular vote nationwide again. If Trump manage to squeeze it out in the EC it will be after losing the popular vote by millions. More than half the country will despise him - and he’ll despise them because it’s the way he is.

The new GOP might not be “old guard” but it can’t be MAGA either.
maga is the party. you're preoccupied with with the wrong rhetoric. mccain lost. romney lost. trump won. trump pulled more republican votes than any republican in history. why? bc he spoke to that group left behind by the dems. it touched a nerve that the gop has never tapped. that group that used to vote dem. maga is the party. wars and trickle down hopes do not appeal to the group that now represent the party
Trump is center right, maybe a tad center left.

The GOP needs candidates at least. whom the media can treat fairly. That ain’t gonna happen. They unfairly excoriated every GOP candidate since Nixon.
Yet Reagan won and both Bushes won a race fairly comfortably. We need to dial back the fear factor on the media.
maga is the party. you're preoccupied with with the wrong rhetoric. mccain lost. romney lost. trump won. trump pulled more republican votes than any republican in history. why? bc he spoke to that group left behind by the dems. it touched a nerve that the gop has never tapped. that group that used to vote dem. maga is the party. wars and trickle down hopes do not appeal to the group that now represent the party
Yet he didn’t win the popular vote. He can’t. MAGA can’t.
no but there are sketchy ways around it that are being ignored. hoosiers here in the city @manichi knows the term have neighborhood daycares i.e. some mom at home watching four of five kids. unlicensed neighborhood daycares are common

Of course. And that's been happening for forever. And there's nothing wrong with it as far as I'm concerned. Back in the day it was called "babysitting", not "day care".
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We want you purged from the party. We don’t want to go back to the Halliburton war mongering old guard bs. You really think that’s what the next generation wants? Gen Z? Good lord the country is moving left. Trump is a centrist. Harris and walz are radical lefties. The next gen doesn’t want the old bullshit Republicans. They’re dinosaurs. They’re dead. They couldn’t win 15 years ago. Today? Please. My daughter can vote in 4 years. Her crowd ain’t voting for Fing Cheney types

Who is 'we'? You've been a Republican for about 15 mins.

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