Harris vs. Trump 2024

A few conservative political cartoons for your viewing pleasure:

Since they're being posted by me and having originated on Fox; if you're an easily triggered lefty I suggest you avert your eyes and save the rest of us your pre-adolescent meltdown(s)... In other words..., they're only met for folks with a sense of humor...
Yea you’re a redneck idiot watching Fox channel. You should expect to be shamed, mocked and humiliated for watching Fox. You know CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and CNBC are the purveyors of all truths.


When searching for articles on the internet to post here I used to try and avoid picking FOX articles. Now I say fck anyone that wants to shame me for posting a Fox article. They are no more bias than all other MSM.
A few conservative political cartoons for your viewing pleasure:

Since they're being posted by me and having originated on Fox; if you're an easily triggered lefty I suggest you avert your eyes and save the rest of us your pre-adolescent meltdown(s)... In other words..., they're only met for folks with a sense of humor...
The fourth one is perfect. Calling Vance weird while having those absolute nut jobs in their administration. Hell they had a trans/it in the Administration stealing cloths from women's luggage in airports. Rachel Levine might be the ugliest “it” roaming the earth. She’s right there pining for young boys rights to cut off their penises before reaching adult age.
they're only met for folks with a sense of humor...
I have a sense of humor, but most of those weren't particularly funny. Not that I disliked the topic, just most weren't particularly witty.
I did like the "Kamala take the wheel" one. That one was good.

These are better.




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Can people see the images in my post? Not showing up for me in the main thread, but when I try to edit the post (or if I quote / reply to my own post), they appear normal in the edit window.
I watched about half of Trump’s speech in Atlanta yesterday. In addition to his usual pack of obvious lies which his crowd cheered for, he decided that it was good politics to attack Georgia’s popular Republican Governor. How can that possibly be good politics for a guy who needs more than his devoted base to have a chance to win? How does he think attacking a popular Republican Governor will help him win that state, which he needs?

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I watched about half of Trump’s speech in Atlanta yesterday. In addition to his usual pack of obvious lies which his crowd cheered for, he decided that it was good politics to attack Georgia’s popular Republican Governor. How can that possibly be good politics for a guy who needs more than his devoted base to have a chance to win? How does he think attacking a popular Republican Governor will help him win that state, which he needs?
Just plain dumb to attack Kemp. He needs all republicans and independents in GA that voted for Kemp to vote for him.
No kidding? Tell me more!
If you're sincerely asking, it was detailed in this video I posted in the swap thread. I guess you missed it...

(fast forward to 6:50 or so to hear details)...

After Navalny's death the agreement nearly fell apart when the Germans balked on setting Krasikov free too help secure the release of American prisoners. Biden dispatched Kamala to persuade Scholz how vital Germany's role in the exchange was.

After a Feb meeting between Harris and Scholz, Scholz agreed to go forward with Germany's role. She also met with Slovenian PM Golob in Munich to convince Slovenia to participate as well. That Slovenian cooperation was the final piece of the puzzle.

Meetings and negotiations went on for months, and then on the same day that Biden announced he had Covid, the US was informed the deal had been agreed to. So all that time MAGA chided Biden for "hiding at Camp David" was time Biden was spending hammering out the final details. And on the same day Biden withdrew, the final deal had been worked out, just an hour before he announced that he wasn't going to run...
If you're sincerely asking, it was detailed in this video I posted in the swap thread. I guess you missed it...

(fast forward to 6:50 or so to hear details)...

After Navalny's death the agreement nearly fell apart when the Germans balked on setting Krasikov free too help secure the release of American prisoners. Biden dispatched Kamala to persuade Scholz how vital Germany's role in the exchange was.

After a Feb meeting between Harris and Scholz, Scholz agreed to go forward with Germany's role. She also met with Slovenian PM Golob in Munich to convince Slovenia to participate as well. That Slovenian cooperation was the final piece of the puzzle.

Meetings and negotiations went on for months, and then on the same day that Biden announced he had Covid, the US was informed the deal had been agreed to. So all that time MAGA chided Biden for "hiding at Camp David" was time Biden was spending hammering out the final details. And on the same day Biden withdrew, the final deal had been worked out, just an hour before he announced that he wasn't going to run...
So, in a deal that was supposedly years in the making, it was Kamala who convinced the Germans to release the assassin?

Is that your belief?
Can people see the images in my post? Not showing up for me in the main thread, but when I try to edit the post (or if I quote / reply to my own post), they appear normal in the edit window.
No, can't see them.
So, in a deal that was supposedly years in the making, it was Kamala who convinced the Germans to release the assassin?

Is that your belief?
You believe many very implausible things without a shred of supporting evidence.
Do you never watch any of his speeches?
No. I don’t watch campaign speeches for anyone besides clips of them on X or here. I’ll add, I could potentially see myself watching one if I wasn’t familiar with the candidate, but I know Trump and Harris.
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No. I don’t watch campaign speeches for anyone besides clips of them on X or here. I’ll add, I could potentially see myself watching one if I wasn’t familiar with the candidate, but I know Trump and Harris.

Parts of speeches taken out of context can be misleading as on X, social media, and negative campaign ads.
Parts of speeches taken out of context can be misleading as on X, social media, and negative campaign ads.
I agree. It’s why a lot of people on the left believed the fine people hoax.
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If Shapiro is the pick the race is over. Trump will have what look like two righties and the left will have a progressive moron actively trying to distance herself from woke vapid bullshit and a governor who is just normal with solid ratings. Game over. Vance was a dumb dumb pick
Never underestimate the power of a failed assassination attempt. Everyone knows the Democrat-led Secret Service let their guard down, figuratively and literally. They let politics influence their decision making which woefully, beyond belief, proved negligent in performance and design. Where would our country be today, right now, if Trump’s head had exploded like an overly-ripe cantaloupe, seeds and all, the way it was supposed to be? Payback is a bitch jilted at the portal’s pedestal to purgatory. Republican’s know this. Independents do, too.
I agree. It’s why a lot of people on the left believed the both sides are fine people hoax.

SC, in a good many cases the notion there are good people on both sides is true.

Wish more of us saw things this way instead of all this left v. right stuff.

Just naive me.
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Seriously, not calling you a moron, but you sure do follow and quote some of the biggest ones out there...

So why do you think a young girl fresh out of high school in the early 1980s (under Reagan) would travel all the way from CA across the country to a traditional HBCU (Howard) if she felt she had no cultural ties to being Black? And on top of that join an All Black sorority that she's been a member of for the past 40 + Yrs?

Who in the world would do that, except maybe a bi-racial young woman interested in learning more about her father's heritage? You think that fresh out of high school she saw feigning being Black as a key to political success 40 yrs down the line? In Reagan's America?

Man there are some idiots in MAGA world...Just completely devoid of common sense...

On top of that, if someone is bi-racial they often identify with both sides of the family. No one questions Bob Marley being Black, but he actually had a white father.

I believe her parents got divorced/sepearted and her mom got a job in Canada and moved the kids with her to Canada. That was her teenaged years, nd then she decided to get her degree from Howard...

Better to be a moron than a commie.
Parts of speeches taken out of context can be misleading as on X, social media, and negative campaign ads.
Pretty hard to take this or the Truth Social posts he made before the speech attacking both Kemp and his wife out of context...

What I think is hilarious is that Trump tried to primary Kemp with some hand picked yahoo and Kemp got 70% of the vote...
SC, in a good many cases the notion there are good people on both sides is true.

Wish more of us saw things this way instead of all this left v. right stuff.

Just naive me.
I agree, I also think the internet and social media has given the fringe a platform. So quite a few that were sitting on the line between further right or left and in the middle got pissed of by rhetoric from either side and moved in their chosen direction.
I watched about half of Trump’s speech in Atlanta yesterday. In addition to his usual pack of obvious lies which his crowd cheered for, he decided that it was good politics to attack Georgia’s popular Republican Governor. How can that possibly be good politics for a guy who needs more than his devoted base to have a chance to win? How does he think attacking a popular Republican Governor will help him win that state, which he needs?

Because Kemp wants the Senate seat in 2026. If he doesn't deliver GA for Trump he has no chance and was just put on notice. MAGA would vote for the Dem. Ossof I think.
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Just plain dumb to attack Kemp. He needs all republicans and independents in GA that voted for Kemp to vote for him.
I’ve noted that there are basically three parts to a Trump rally speech:

1) Introduction and grievances
2) Who to blame and hate
3) Why he’s the only one who can fix 1) and defeat 2)

His intro is mostly bragging about how big the crowd is, how God saved his life so he could be there, how great his attendees are, and how the media won’t show the crowd or fairly report about what he says (initial whining grievance). Then he dives into how he’s so unfairly treated and he’s sacrificing himself for his followers. He follows that with a list of real (very few), imagined and false problems in the country. Yesterday he repeated the lie that the administration spent $9B on 8 EV charging stations. That’s become a staple because it sounds so outrageous.

Part two is all about evil progressives, Crooked or Sleepy Joe Biden (“worst President in history” and how he destroyed the country, but “fake news” was saying he was sharp and great until Trump beat him so badly in the debate leading to unfairly replacing him with Lying Ku-MAH-La Harris (not a very original insult name), but he should be happy because she’ll be easy to beat. He then lists a bunch of personal insults about her which have all been posted verbatim here. He’ll occasionally say something like, “I don’t know if it’s true, but I think maybe it is.” There’s more but that’s the gist and the tone. This is the section he decided to insult Kemp because he was in Atlanta.

Part three he starts talking about how great everything was when he was President. How we had “the greatest economy in history.” Of course we didn’t, but he says it anyway. Some of what he claims in this section is accurate, but much is dubious or false. However he throws out “many say” or other qualifiers for some of the obvious false claims. He talks about how he almost instantly fix all the “disasters” of Biden-Harris. He says this or something like it toward the end (copied this from a transcript, so verbatim):

“Because if we don't win on November 5, I think our country is going to cease to exist. It could be the last election we ever have. I actually mean that. We don't win, I think this could be the last election we ever have. That's where our country is going.”

That’s real responsible there. 🙄

It’s clearly an effective rhetorical style for the people that attend. They generally cheer wildly, no matter how actually stupid some of his applause lines are. To me it sounds like he’s talking to people he thinks are dump (low intelligence voters). Yesterday there was one mixed reaction to what I’m sure would be a solid applause line which was interesting. During the part about the assassination attempt (which he said he’d probably not talk about again) he praised the bravery of his SS detail and he got some mild applause and a some audible grumbling. He might have to rework that some since much of his crowd now think the SS is chocked full of incompetent, disloyal buffoons who may have wanted him dead.
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Because Kemp wants the Senate seat in 2026. If he doesn't deliver GA for Trump he has no chance and was just put on notice. MAGA would vote for the Dem. Ossof I think.
I don’t know how you could get dumber but you pull it off over and over again.
I’ve noted that there are basically three parts to a Trump rally speech:

1) Introduction and grievances
2) Who to blame and hate
3) Why he’s the only one who can fix 1) and defeat 2)

His intro is mostly bragging about how big the crowd is, how God saved his life so he could be there, how great his attendees are, and how the media won’t show the crowd or fairly report about what he says (initial whining grievance). Then he dives into how he’s so unfairly treated and he’s sacrificing himself for his followers. He follows that with a list of real (very few), imagined and false problems in the country. Yesterday he repeated the lie that the administration spent $9B on 8 EV charging stations. That’s become a staple because it sounds so outrageous.

Part two is all about evil progressives, Crooked or Sleepy Joe Biden (“worst President in history” and how he destroyed the country, but “fake news” was saying he was sharp and great until Trump beat him so badly in the debate leading to unfairly replacing him with Lying Ku-MAH-La Harris (not a very original insult name), but he should be happy because she’ll be easy to beat. He then lists a bunch of personal insults about her which have all been posted verbatim here. He’ll occasionally say something like, “I don’t know if it’s true, but I think maybe it is.” There’s more but that’s the gist and the tone. This is the section he decided to insult Kemp because he was in Atlanta.

Part three he starts talking about how great everything was when he was President. How we had “the greatest economy in history.” Of course we didn’t, but he says it anyway. Some of what he claims in this section is accurate, but much is dubious or false. However he throws out “many say” or other qualifiers for some of the obvious false claims. He says this or something like it toward the end (copied this from a transcript, so verbatim):

“Because if we don't win on November 5, I think our country is going to cease to exist. It could be the last election we ever have. I actually mean that. We don't win, I think this could be the last election we ever have. That's where our country is going.”

That’s real responsible there. 🙄

It’s clearly an effective rhetorical style for the people that attend. They generally cheer wildly, no matter how actually stupid some of his applause lines are. To me it sounds like he’s talking to people he thinks are dump (low intelligence voters). Yesterday there was one mixed reaction to what I’m sure would be a solid applause line which was interesting. During the part about the assassination attempt (which he said he’d probably not talk about again) he praised the bravery of his SS detail and he got some mild applause and a some audible grumbling. He might have to rework that some since much of his crowd now think the SS is chocked full of incompetent, disloyal buffoons who may have wanted him dead.
Notice that at no point during his 90 min speeches does Trump ever feel compelled to utter the words, “I can imagine what will be, unburdened by what has been.” That’s a good thing because it’s nothing but a ghost writer’s meaningless fluff piece of generality. Smart people see through Kamala Harris. She’s marked a lot of sofas on her way to the top, stains that may never wash out.
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