Grand jury votes to indict Trump

Let’s be real here. Bill Clinton was clearly guilty of lying under oath. Probably of obstruction too, but the first charge was a no doubter. He was disbarred for it after he left office too. Conviction in the Senate is all about politics.
Hence why Trump was smart enough to never say anything under oath.
Let’s be real here. Bill Clinton was clearly guilty of lying under oath. Probably of obstruction too, but the first charge was a no doubter. He was disbarred for it after he left office too. Conviction in the Senate is all about politics.
Are you really comparing lying about a blow job to bribing another country to get dirt on your opponent? Or inciting a violent mob? What Nixon did was serious and it was taken as such, by both parties. The Same should have happened with Trump.
He is a liberal that is what they do to anyone besides themselves.
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Are you really comparing lying about a blow job to bribing another country to get dirt on your opponent? Or inciting a violent mob? What Nixon did was serious and it was taken as such, by both parties. The Same should have happened with Trump.
You shouldn’t be such a hyper-partisan. The phrase “lying about a blow job” is a 100% tell that someone is a hyper-partisan. Never fails. Clinton is subsequently disbarred, yet you defend him. Don’t be a hypocrite.

I would have voted guilty for Nixon, Clinton, and Trump. In fact, HRC was guilty of mishandling classified information, as are Trump, Pence and Biden. What do you think about that? Don’t be a hypocrite.
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You shouldn’t be such a hyper-partisan. The phrase “lying about a blow job” is a 100% tell that someone is a hyper-partisan. Never fails. Clinton is subsequently disbarred, yet you defend him. Don’t be a hypocrite.

I would have voted guilty for Nixon, Clinton, and Trump. In fact, HRC was guilty of mishandling classified information, as are Trump, Pence and Biden. What do you think about that? Don’t be a hypocrite.
How is that being hyper partisan? It’s exactly what happened. He lied about a blow job. And where did I defend him?
Why are you but what abouting in this thread? I think anyone who has mishandled documents should be investigated, as I’ve said before. Don’t be a what abouter. Stay on topic.
How is that being hyper partisan? It’s exactly what happened. He lied about a blow job. And where did I defend him?
Why are you but what abouting in this thread? I think anyone who has mishandled documents should be investigated, as I’ve said before.
He was guilty of perjury. He had an affair with the most junior person in the White House. Today that’s pure sexual harassment. You still defend him as if it was a nothing burger. You are at the top of the the hyper-partisan Democrat list here. It makes you hypocritical. Don’t take offense, I have one on my side too - actually two. One for Trumpsters and one for Republicans.
How is that being hyper partisan? It’s exactly what happened. He lied about a blow job. And where did I defend him?
Why are you but what abouting in this thread? I think anyone who has mishandled documents should be investigated, as I’ve said before. Don’t be a what abouter. Stay on topic.
He lied about his conduct toward Paula Jones and many other women he used (or tried to use) his power to get sex from. And all you Democrat hypocrite liberals helped him make their lives hell, and then, when it became a Republican who was accused, you said “always believe the woman.“

Just stop.
How is that being hyper partisan? It’s exactly what happened. He lied about a blow job. And where did I defend him?
Why are you but what abouting in this thread? I think anyone who has mishandled documents should be investigated, as I’ve said before. Don’t be a what abouter. Stay on topic.
Also your answer on mishandling classified information is hypocritical. That was carefully worded and we both know why.
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I never voted for Bill Clinton, never much liked the guy, was happy he got caught and humiliated. I feel the same way about Trump, other than the fact that Trump got away with a lot more crap for far longer.
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He was guilty of perjury. He had an affair with the most junior person in the White House. Today that’s pure sexual harassment. You still defend him as if it was a nothing burger. You are at the top of the the hyper-partisan Democrat list here. It makes you hypocritical. Don’t take offense, I have one on my side too - actually two. One for Trumpsters and one for Republicans.
I have no idea what you are going off on. I said he lied about a blow job and that’s what happened. And yes it was perjury. Can you please show me the words where you have now twice said I defended him? Because I sure don’t see them. You’ve used the word hypocritical multiple times. And yet when you asked me a question I said they should all be treated the same. And you are making up my defending Clinton. That’s not being honest.
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Also your answer on mishandling classified information is hypocritical. That was carefully worded and we both know why.
Is hypocritical your word of the evening? Lol. I have no idea why. Anyone who has mishandled documents should be investigated. How is that carefully worded? How is that hypocritical?
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He lied about his conduct toward Paula Jones and many other women he used (or tried to use) his power to get sex from. And all you Democrat hypocrite liberals helped him make their lives hell, and then, when it became a Republican who was accused, you said “always believe the woman.“

Just stop.
Lmao. Again please point out where I defended Bill Clinton? I’m going to bed. Republicans are testy tonight. I don’t blame you. Hypocritical …. Word of the night!!
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I have no idea what you are going off on. I said he lied about a blow job and that’s what happened. And yes it was perjury. Can you please show me the words where you have now twice said I defended him? Because I sure don’t see them. You’ve used the word hypocritical multiple times. And yet when you asked me a question I said they should all be treated the same. And you are making up my defending Clinton. That’s not being honest.
You said:

Well the only reason he wasn’t found guilty was because the Republicans refused to vote for what was right. He clearly was guilty.

Guilty is clearly not a consistent criteria for you - hence hypocritical.
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He lied about his conduct toward Paula Jones and many other women he used (or tried to use) his power to get sex from. And all you Democrat hypocrite liberals helped him make their lives hell, and then, when it became a Republican who was accused, you said “always believe the woman.“

Just stop.
Stop what exactly? Aloha likes it too!! I’m waiting for one of you to step up and show me where exactly I defended, in any way whatsoever, Bill Clinton. You know you can’t because I didn’t. But go on pretending I did something I didn’t. Speaking of hypocrisy…. Night .
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You said:

Well the only reason he wasn’t found guilty was because the Republicans refused to vote for what was right. He clearly was guilty.

Guilty is clearly not a consistent criteria for you - hence hypocritical.
Uh I’m talking about Trump. And this all started because you tried to compare Clinton’s impeachment to Trump’s. And you said it was always political . And I pointed out that Nixon’s was not, because he did something that clearly was serious and hurt the country. As did Trump. If saying lying about a blow job is not as serious as Trump and Nixon’s crimes, then I guess I’m guilty. I don’t consider that defending him. And it’s hypocritical and partisan if you to act like they should be taken with the same amount of gravity.
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Is hypocritical your word of the evening? Lol. I have no idea why. Anyone who has mishandled documents should be investigated. How is that carefully worded? How is that hypocritical?
Because you know HRC’s case has already been investigated and Mueller decided she shouldn’t be prosecuted. This despite the fact she clearly met the “grossly negligent” requirement of the law. He actually changed “grossly negligent” to “extremely reckless” in his report.

I thought she was guilty and I think Trump is guilty. Biden and Pence very likely too.

If you think HRC wasn’t guilty and Trump is, you’re a hypocrite.

I’ll freely acknowledge that what Trump seems to have done is worse, but what HRC did was also criminal per the law.
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How is that being hyper partisan? It’s exactly what happened. He lied about a blow job. And where did I defend him?
Why are you but what abouting in this thread? I think anyone who has mishandled documents should be investigated, as I’ve said before. Don’t be a what abouter. Stay on topic.
JFC You are the epitome of being hyper partisan. My God you are just insane
Because you know HRC’s case has already been investigated, and Mueller decided she shouldn’t been prosecuted. This despite the fact she clearly met the “grossly negligent” requirement of the law. He actually changed “grossly negligent” to “extremely reckless” in his report.

I thought she was guilty and I think Trump is guilty. Biden and Pence very likely too.

If you think HRC wasn’t guilty and Trump is, you’re a hypocrite.
She is absolutely nuts! We dont agree on all of it but damn how can someone be so blind?
He lied about his conduct toward Paula Jones and many other women he used (or tried to use) his power to get sex from. And all you Democrat hypocrite liberals helped him make their lives hell, and then, when it became a Republican who was accused, you said “always believe the woman.“

Just stop.
Yes, she was a hypocrite for Bill Clinton vs Kavanaugh too. So was every woman in the Senate that had been there during the Clinton years.
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She is absolutely nuts! We dont agree on all of it but damn how can someone be so blind?
Hate to say it, but you’re on my side’s list. We agree on more, but I strenuously disagree on some too. I don’t think everyone on the same team has to agree on everything. Concur?
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Hate to say it, but you’re on my side’s list. We agree on more, but I strenuously disagree on some too. I don’t think everyone on the same team has to agree on everything. Concur?
Exactly . I wish Trump were gone from the picture but the constant blind to anything else vendetta while not observing your own faults is ridiculous .
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A ham got indicted … More harassment shall surely ensue.

if not dismissed on the merits … a change of venue motion should be interesting …
You and Zeke and Mark all live in your own alternate universe it appears and to quote Mark he doesnt care if its true or not as long as Trump gets convicted of something. Meanwhile we have a president that has to have handlers to help him even walk. I just saw a video of him around some big machinery for something being steered around and he can barely walk on his own.
So, Trump is innocent because Biden did something??
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We don't need to know what they are to know that it's a political hack job! Because DEMOCRATS!
Hey, GOAT -- out of 92 prosecutors in Indiana, how many are NOT elected as Republicans or Democrats? (Zero, or pretty close to zero.)

Trump apparently thinks only Democrats would prosecute him. So, wouldn't Allen County be a safe zone for Trump to operate in, you know, because Allen County elects only Republican prosecutors?
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Hahaha GD you are just something else. What is your world seriously like? Anything Zeke has to say is the truth anyone else is wrong. You are everything that is wrong with this country right now and wear it like a badge of honor. Do you seriously ever look at anything outside your little bubble of I Hate Trump? You seriously have never heard anything about the Clintons but yet every tidbit about Trump is true. Seriously over 50 times but nah that's all bullshit conspiracy. The Kennedy's were pretty good at doing the same thing but we all loved them
So, you claim Trump is innocent because of something Biden and Kennedy did ??

Trump 2024 !! Make America Trumpy Again!!
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This is kind of where I’m at. Anyone who thinks this will end with Trump is kidding themselves.

This is bad for the country.

They pardoned Nixon for the good of the country.

Those days are over. That country is gone.
Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon all by himself.

Other Republicans, like Goldwater, took a harsher position against Nixon. There was no public groundswell of "they" in favor of carte blanche pardoning of that lying sack of shit.
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He lied about his conduct toward Paula Jones and many other women he used (or tried to use) his power to get sex from. And all you Democrat hypocrite liberals helped him make their lives hell, and then, when it became a Republican who was accused, you said “always believe the woman.“

Just stop.

fwiw, Clinton lied about being a Dem.

both Clintons were as far right free trader, no regulation, neocon, pro billionaire, anti working class, as you can get.

everyone knows only about the BJ, and have absolutely zero idea how Bill governed for 8 yrs.

for sale and bought, free trading, anti working class, pro billionaire, neocon, Hilary, is what gave us Trump in 2016.

only candidate the Dems could have run in 16 that Trump could beat.

Biden headed that list in 20, but proved there were no Dem candidates Trump could beat in 2020, even though the DNC and their corporate media arms gave it their best shot in running the one who gave Trump the best chance.

when money can buy political parties, 100 percent chance they will just buy both.

not personal of course. just business.
But is this what Dems have come to? Getting all riled up about a some hush money and an NDA to a porn star, formerly represented by Michael Avenatti? I don't get it. Seems like there are bigger battles worth fighting and that this is only going to galvanize the Trumpers.
When you read the actual indictment next week, you may not want to defend Trump's practices quite so much.
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Just like you are stupid because zeke mark and goat are? Sure you all are. I dont give a damn but you are stupid. This place has turned to just what your meter says . It is 100% political and you just prove it
So, Trump is innocent because Biden did something??

Hey, GOAT -- out of 92 prosecutors in Indiana, how many are NOT elected as Republicans or Democrats? (Zero, or pretty close to zero.)

Trump apparently thinks only Democrats would prosecute him. So, wouldn't Allen County be a safe zone for Trump to operate in, you know, because Allen County elects only Republican prosecutors?

So, you claim Trump is innocent because of something Biden and Kennedy did ??

Trump 2024 !! Make America Trumpy Again!!

No, apparently it's now an indictment instead of just an investigation.😬

Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon all by himself.

Other Republicans, like Goldwater, took a harsher position against Nixon. There was no public groundswell of "they" in favor of carte blanche pardoning of that lying sack of shit.

fwiw, Clinton lied about being a Dem.

both Clintons were as far right free trader, no regulation, neocon, pro billionaire, anti working class, as you can get.

everyone knows only about the BJ, and have absolutely zero idea how Bill governed for 8 yrs.

for sale and bought, free trading, anti working class, pro billionaire, neocon, Hilary, is what gave us Trump in 2016.

only candidate the Dems could have run in 16 that Trump could beat.

Biden headed that list in 20, but proved there were no Dem candidates Trump could beat in 2020, even though the DNC and their corporate media arms gave it their best shot in running the one who gave Trump the best chance.

when money can buy political parties, 100 percent chance they will just buy both.

not personal of course. just business.

When you read the actual indictment next week, you may not want to defend Trump's practices quite so much.

And Trump's possible characterization of the payments in documents such as business records, loan applications, financial statements, etc.

Just like you are stupid because zeke mark and goat are? Sure you all are. I dont give a damn but you are stupid. This place has turned to just what your meter says . It is 100% political and you just prove it

Hey stuffer , welcome to bowls nightly concerned AA class he likes to have for people posting at 2 AM.

Welcome good to know he has someone else to concern himself with.