Grand jury votes to indict Trump

I think it will rally his base and it will rally other Repubs and indies. I think the outrage will be such that even folks like Aloha will pull a lever for him. I think you'll put a Trump flag in your yard, and make the pole tall enough it can be seen from STL city. I think the Dems will get annihilated.
The polls I see are showing independents support the indictment. I bet that is soft, but.

I don't know if it will elect him but it will greatly increase his personal wealth.
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Wasn't Ike pretty good? Or did he just play a lot. In either case, I'm sure he didn't cheat.
I think Ike was pretty good. My understanding without looking it up was that Trump was best, and Ike was #2, but I could be wrong. Trump, from what I understand, is so good that he'd still kick most of our asses even if he didn't cheat.

Says something about his personality that he feels the need to cheat when he rarely needs to.
I don't get why it's so hard to admit that "the other guy" might have something going for him. Obama was smart. That was one of his things he had going for him.

I dislike Trump, but I don't have a problem admitting that he was probably the best golfer that ever resided at 1600 Penn. That doesn't cause me to lose sleep.
OK, so he was smart and pushed his masterful health care bill through before it could fully be read. Who should be up on charges right now on the effect on the American people ? Get back to me on that one.
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The polls I see are showing independents support the indictment. I bet that is soft, but.

I don't know if it will elect him but it will greatly increase his personal wealth.
Wonder how much of that $47 actually goes to the WinRed PAC, and how much goes to the Save America, LLC Totally Not A Trump Slush Fund PAC (Wink Wink).

Also, five bucks says you have to uncheck the "recurring payment" box if you don't want to give $47 every month.

I think that's because most Americans are just long past ready for Trump to go away, and they no longer care how it happens.
Not me, I want Trump to either kill the party or watch the party kill Trump.

I'm tired of republicans doing nothing and secretly hoping that the Dems put him away for them because of some sort of do the right thing honorable BS.

Nope, we gave the rnc two golden opportunities to rid themselves of Trump in the impeachments, with the second being the most obvious and golden of golden but, nope they couldn't do it.

So f#$k em.

Trump brought the RNC new voters and new energy so I get why the Faustian deal was made but now it's time to pay the debt.

Trump isn't my problem until the general (and I have very little worry of him there even with running a frickin 82 year old who's fastball is now 60 MPH).

It's all between y'all. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the shit show of the republican primary.

Desantis is obviously running. He's already shadow campaigning as a book tour and just recently submitted to overturn the Florida law that says an elected official has to resign to run for another office....on the day that Trump was indicted showing off his impeccable political timing and pissing off the Magaverse.

Nope, you can't abort this, you have to see it to term.

Should be fun.
They could do it much earlier this year. They are delaying this thing intentionally.
Have you ever seen a court schedule? I was once helping someone on a very minor infraction of the local animal control codes, and after the initial hearing, it was basically, "Okay, see you all in six months." And that's in podunk meth city, USA. I can't imagine in NYC.
Not me, I want Trump to either kill the party or watch the party kill Trump.

I'm tired of republicans doing nothing and secretly hoping that the Dems put him away for them because of some sort of do the right thing honorable BS.

Nope, we gave the rnc two golden opportunities to rid themselves of Trump in the impeachments, with the second being the most obvious and golden of golden but, nope they couldn't do it.

So f#$k em.

Trump brought the RNC new voters and new energy so I get why the Faustian deal was made but now it's time to pay the debt.

Trump isn't my problem until the general (and I have very little worry of him there even with running a frickin 82 year old who's fastball is now 60 MPH).

It's all between y'all. I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the shit show of the republican primary.

Desantis is obviously running. He's already shadow campaigning as a book tour and just recently submitted to overturn the Florida law that says an elected official has to resign to run for another office....on the day that Trump was indicted showing off his impeccable political timing and pissing off the Magaverse.

Nope, you can't abort this, you have to see it to term.

Should be fun.
That's a very good point. And I'm with you in theory. But when Trump is getting sworn in on 1/20/25, I'll be cursing your confidence.
Reports are his daughter worked for Kamala a number of years ago.

Trump will continue spewing shit until he's told not to in no uncertain terms. Evidently the judge warned him against "inciting violence" or something of that nature, said he wasn't of a mind to issue a gag order but that his mind could change if circumstances warrant.
If Trump said it's a cloudy day, he'd be accused of predicting a hurricane and national disaster.

If he defends himself, the judge will claim it's incendiary behavior. Just like when he told the protesters on 1/6 to go peacefully. That part is totally ignored.
Have you ever seen a court schedule? I was once helping someone on a very minor infraction of the local animal control codes, and after the initial hearing, it was basically, "Okay, see you all in six months." And that's in podunk meth city, USA. I can't imagine in NYC.
No, I haven't. But since Bragg is failing to prosecute far more serious crimes, I figured there'd be plenty of time on the docket for this.
If you stopped being so hateful, and stuck with pure ol' cynicism, you could be a solid troll. The next @JamieDimonsBalls perhaps.
If Democrat apologists would start acting like they have some common sense and quit ruining the country, I wouldn't have to be so hateful (not that I think I'm hateful, but in your woke world, I'm sure you think I am).

My sights are set much higher than Jamie's Balls.
If Trump said it's a cloudy day, he'd be accused of predicting a hurricane and national disaster.

If he defends himself, the judge will claim it's incendiary behavior. Just like when he told the protesters on 1/6 to go peacefully. That part is totally ignored.

Let's see what happens. Let's see if he continues to blast the judge or if he brings the judge's daughter up again.
If Democrat apologists would start acting like they have some common sense and quit ruining the country, I wouldn't have to be so hateful (not that I think I'm hateful, but in your woke world, I'm sure you think I am).

My sights are set much higher than Jamie's Balls.
I tried to give you some sage old person advice. Take it for what it's worth, youngster. Which is probably not much.
Let's see what happens. Let's see if he continues to blast the judge or if he brings the judge's daughter up again.
You missed my point. It doesn't matter what he does. He can point out facts about the judge and the judge will claim it incites violence.

Whatever he said will be twisted around to make it sound like he's inciting violence.

If I was Trump, I'd FU - issue the gag order and let's take it to the Supreme Court.
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Wonder how much of that $47 actually goes to the WinRed PAC, and how much goes to the Save America, LLC Totally Not A Trump Slush Fund PAC (Wink Wink).

Also, five bucks says you have to uncheck the "recurring payment" box if you don't want to give $47 every month.
You sir are on fire tonight! Bravo you’re making me laugh
You missed my point. It doesn't matter what he does. He can point out facts about the judge and the judge will claim it incites violence.

Whatever he said will be twisted around to make it sound like he's inciting violence.

If I was Trump, I'd FU - issue the gag order and let's take it to the Supreme Court.

The judge talked about inciting violence today. That doesn't mean that Trump has free rein to do anything else. We'll see.
I don't get why it's so hard to admit that "the other guy" might have something going for him. Obama was smart. That was one of his things he had going for him.

I dislike Trump, but I don't have a problem admitting that he was probably the best golfer that ever resided at 1600 Penn. That doesn't cause me to lose sleep.
And those that said GWB was dumb were wrong too. All partisan politics.
I don't understand that. He caused the type of entry to be made into a book or computer program by approving the payment?

While they may deal with big numbers, the Trump Org is a very small outfit. Trump most assuredly told Weisselberg how to record these payments.
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Let's see what happens. Let's see if he continues to blast the judge or if he brings the judge's daughter up again.
When Trump does that, it shows how vulnerable Trump thinks he is. He is scared.

And, Trump's rambling Mar-a-Lago speech tonight operated as much a motivator for Trump opponents as for his supporters.