Gov. Pritzker calls up National Guard, declares disaster after Texas buses 500 migrants to Chicago

Remember when he said "Thou - meaning politicians - shalt be accountable".

Was that in Luke or John?
Helpful hint, danc. Stay away from religion. It's another topic you know nothing about.

You continue to support your party's leader whose own sister described him as having no principles. Not surprising, then, that you'd defend his disciple to the hilt, even when he does something malicious like this.
This is way more than "putting the crisis on display." Send them to Boston or Springfield if you think a blue state needs to be part of this. But Boston wasn't good enough for DeSantis. He has referenced Martha's Vineyard repeatedly since he became governor. He hates it because it's a Dem enclave and Obama has property there. This carefully orchestrated political stunt was vindictive and cruel, with vulnerable people deceived and exploited for Little Ron's "gotcha" moment. He's a piece of shit.
We all know Democrats would never ''use'' anyone for political stunts right? BTW I wasn't laughing at your Bible verses I was laughing at you posting them. You are a total hypocrite about things like this. It's OK to use Boston or Springfield but how dare he use Martha's Vineyard? You have a house there or something?

Living in tents on the streets of El Paso because they are overwhelmed. And they come because of the political decisions and proclamations of Democrats in places like Martha's Vineyard, Chicago, D.C., etc. So it is humanitarian to move them to areas where these caring souls can help take care of the overflow.

The handwringing is because of NIMBY. The situation those migrants are in is EXACTLY what happens when they get released into places like El Paso. There is no plan to do anything with nearly 2 million people in the past year. The bumbling dumb **** who runs this country and the bigger idiots who advise him have no plan. So they should have to shoulder some of the burden to handle. I guarantee that the people who call Martha's Vineyard home have more resources available to them per capita then any one of those border towns. You voted for this, you get to help.
The handwringing is also because this is all bringing attention to the open border - and it's close to the election.

Dems are nervous about their policies actually being reported on by the lamestream media.
If I was Obama I'd have my people open that home up to provide temporary housing and relief for a portion of the refugees that got dumped there. It would be an absolute PR coup, and probably would encourage other high rollers with homes on the island to do the same.
Yeah, sure you would.
They probably were fed on the plane, had a bathroom to use and comfortable seats for the trip. Hell Id take a free vacation on Martha's Vineyard for a bit and find a place to sleep in this kind of weather
We all know Democrats would never ''use'' anyone for political stunts right? BTW I wasn't laughing at your Bible verses I was laughing at you posting them. You are a total hypocrite about things like this. It's OK to use Boston or Springfield but how dare he use Martha's Vineyard? You have a house there or something?
There are resources in cities, Einstein. They were promised jobs and housing in Boston. But, of course, that point went over your head.
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There are resources in cities, Einstein. They were promised jobs and housing in Boston. But, of course, that point went over your head.
No, obviously the point has went over your head completely, You are fine with it when its in places you think its OK but but tread on the bastion of white Liberals and you get upset. Promised by whom? Do people need their lawns mowed in MV? Have you taken any migrants in under your roof?
Legal immigrants who were put on a flight to a place within the continental U.S. that this countries elites are willing to pay millions of dollars to live in. The horror.

What you fail to address is that these people end up in Texas, where they don't know anyone, don't have a job, don't have a place to live, don't have food to eat, etc., etc. And states like Texas have been complaining for years...decades about what that means for their local economies and resources they have to set aside to care for them.

And now they are moving them to some of the richest areas in the country to get help with that cost. The counties around D.C. are among the wealthiest on this planet. Same with Martha's Vineyard. The reality of this is that the people who claim that this should be an open and welcoming country are often those who live in communities that have physical and/or economic barriers of entry for these immigrants because as awesome as they are, they don't want them in their backyard. They don't have the resources. They are "welcome" to the MAGAt (to borrow from shitty Mac and cheese product up above) areas of the country.

We want diversity. Just not at our private schools. We want de facto open borders. As long as those immigrants don't live here. We want renewable energy as long as those wind farms don't **** up our ocean view. We want to reduce carbon emissions but it is really important we don't hop on a commercial flight with you peons. We want no cash bail but we don't want those criminals released here. We need more affordable and high density housing...but not here.

In general I think there are quite a few of us that are sick and ****ing tired of that virtue signaling bullshit that really comes from the "elite" left. The suckered on this board don't matter. Those Martha's Vineyard people can suck it up and be forced to put their money where their votes are. You want them? Obama can give up a few acres and build some apartments on that land. There is plenty of room and money floating around that island to take care of 50 people and the idea that those 50 people were mistreated by sending them to one of the richest places in this country is a ****ing joke.

That Karen in the video dmbhoosier posted up above is probably a DEI, BLM, open borders supporting solid Democrat voter whose first instinct the first time an immigrant showed up in her community was to get them the **** out of there ASAP. And yet the Conservatives are the heartless racists. ****ing joke.
Craze, from what I can tell asylum seekers aren't legal immigrants per se.

They are facing a long process toward becoming a citizen with a strong possibility they might be exported if they cannot prove to a court they meet the asylum law requirements. Courts are backlogged which presents a big problem.

Cannot see how having asylum seekers in Chicago makes meeting our laws concerning asylum seekers more efficient.
So why do you think the Dems can’t just easily pass a law allowing all of that?

culture wars? it's making both sides so stupid on this issue but I do think this one sorts itself out. it's still culturally much easier to become an American than a Chinese, a Russian, a German, and so on. We have urban centers in desperate need of tenants, jobs in desperate need of workers, plenty of room for for our major cities to grow. we're close to Mexico and Central America, which have geographical and (amazingly still) post-colonial issues they are still sorting out that doesn't enable them to employee a high % of their people. we can also still be a destination for students and professional-class immigrants if we get our visa shit together too. not sure how it's holding up but read a few years ago that 1/2 of Chinese students at US universities stay here.

but I'm just going to assume the US will fail up on the issue eventually lol
Cruelly sent them to Martha's F'ing Vineyard? Seriously this is the dumbest argument. Low crime, high wealth, idyllic Martha's Vineyard where Presidents go to vacation and live is more cruel than dumping them into a city like Los Angeles? You know how stupid that argument is? It is nonsensical.
You can't possibly be this stupid. Martha's Vineyard is a summer resort for rich people. There is nothing to do there for eight months of the year. The climate is harsh, nothing is open, there is nothing to do, and there are no jobs. Except for the summer, it is literally an island of no opportunity.

DeSantis didn't send them there for a vacation, ace.
Defend what DeSantis did, asshat, instead of referring to my "stunts," whatever the hell that means.

I'm going to guess it's been a very long time since you've opened the New Testament or set forth in a church other than for a wedding or funeral.
@UncleMark didn't you ask for this thread to not devolve into name calling?

I realize Bowel is on your team, but isn't calling someone an 'asshat' name calling?
Making a streamlined easier way to become legal for the ones that are deserving should be the first step. Do some checking on them and just get it done. All kinds pouring over.

I have friend Ive known 25 yrs,met him working and he spoke little English. Part of his family was legal part not he got bad info. He speaks better English than most now, has a house pays taxes Kids are citizens graduated HS . Have jobs but because of his poor info originally from family members he is still having problems getting 100% legal after 25 yrs. That kind of thing needs streamlined and look at some records, never had any issues with the law except being here . But no traffic issues major crimes etc. Why don't we deal with that before just letting everyone pour in .
Clearly DeSantis doesn't have much of a moral compass, but who the hell is advising him and thought this was a good idea? This was a terrible political calculation that will follow him through the fall and beyond.
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You can't possibly be this stupid. Martha's Vineyard is a summer resort for rich people. There is nothing to do there for eight months of the year. The climate is harsh, nothing is open, there is nothing to do, and there are no jobs. Except for the summer, it is literally an island of no opportunity.

DeSantis didn't send them there for a vacation, ace.
Yeah I wasn’t thinking either. This is a shitty time of year. Season is over
Helpful hint, danc. Stay away from religion. It's another topic you know nothing about.

You continue to support your party's leader whose own sister described him as having no principles. Not surprising, then, that you'd defend his disciple to the hilt, even when he does something malicious like this.
So educate me where Jesus talked about accountability. Or STFU with your psychobabble Christian-bashing bullshit.
So educate me where Jesus talked about accountability. Or STFU with your psychobabble Christian-bashing bullshit.
"Christian-bashing?" You're bearing false witness again, danc. I embrace the faith. You make a mockery of it.

Here's a bible verse I found especially for you:

A fool does not delight in understanding,
But only in revealing his own mind.
Proverbs 18:2
"Christian-bashing?" You're bearing false witness again, danc. I embrace the faith. You make a mockery of it.

Here's a bible verse I found especially for you:

A fool does not delight in understanding,
But only in revealing his own mind.
Proverbs 18:2
Hmmm.... I don't see anything about Jesus in Proverbs, telling anyone 'Thou shalt be held accountable'.

You embrace the faith? Yeah, you really show it on this board.
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I’ll take the heat over cold any day. But don’t get distracted with me. They’re sitting up sucking in oxygen grateful for a break!
Not me. I'll take cold over heat any day.

Hard to believe 50 people on Martha's Vineyard among the uber-wealthy can cause this kind of apoplexy. It's actually funny as hell. I know you don't care for Desantis, but I think it's genius.
I’ll take the heat over cold any day. But don’t get distracted with me. They’re sitting up sucking in oxygen grateful for a break!
When I was younger the cold didnt bother me as much. Heat I was OK working but not in the sun . Had a sunstroke and you never really recover totally. I find it much easier and cheaper to run enough AC in the summer vs heat in the winter. Granted I burn wood but the work and you have no choice on heat . It costs me 40-45 bucks a month on AC so I never give it much thought.No heat pipes freeze all kinds of bigger problems
Hmmm.... I don't see anything about Jesus in Proverbs, telling anyone 'Thou shalt be held accountable'.

You embrace the faith? Yeah, you really show it on this board.
Still bearing false witness, danc?

I do not always suffer fools gladly, but I'm usually respectful - - even to you, which might qualify me for sainthood.
Still bearing false witness, danc?

I do not always suffer fools gladly, but I'm usually respectful - - even to you, which might qualify me for sainthood.
Wait - you think you're respectful to me? I see your problem now - you're delusional. I knew it before, but this proves it to everyone.

You claiming to 'embrace the faith' while posting the way you do is the reason so many people detest Christians.
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Seems to me the media is making a show of it.
You don't think anybody in DeSantis' office tipped them off? Really?

I hope you're as upset by Biden for buying votes with the college loan forgiveness.

I wasn't a fan mostly b/c while, sure, it shaved 10k off the loans for those with federally backed loans, the real predatory shit wasn't touched b/c it's private.

So yeah, it was one of those "promises made, promises kept" things which are usually bad policy.
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eh, this sounds like some populist rhetoric. to keep the capitalist machine humming, the US needs more people. inflation is here to stay unless we get more bodies. to stay competitive in the (semi-)fake war of civilizations, the US needs to be a baby factory again. most importantly, the US needs lots more youngs right now because youngs have soft brains that allow them to learn new skills and adopt new ideals. not like us olds who are always fighting the last f*cking war. immigrants are usually young, come with at least some education the US didn't pay for, and are ready to work/ are eager to start families, which is perfect because the US needs more damn people. and until they are citizens, they pay taxes for a lot benefits they don't get. not too bad a deal for us.

the alternative is long lines, constant crippling inflation, diminished tax base, loss of global primacy, more populism.....

within ten years we're going to be begging everyone and anyone to move here. it'll be hugs and welcome baskets. pyramid schemes need wide bases.
Agree. The dumbest immigration policy is welcoming them to our best Universities [at the expense to qualified in state students} and then making them leave after graduation. I should have stayed with the girl from Hattie. She majored in French for crying out loud.
This is way more than "putting the crisis on display." Send them to Boston or Springfield if you think a blue state needs to be part of this. But Boston wasn't good enough for DeSantis. He has referenced Martha's Vineyard repeatedly since he became governor. He hates it because it's a Dem enclave and Obama has property there. This carefully orchestrated political stunt was vindictive and cruel, with vulnerable people deceived and exploited for Little Ron's "gotcha" moment. He's a piece of shit.
Keep deflecting

Your emperor’s junk is in the wind

Tell us again about how deeply you want others to help immigrants - my forge needs hot air
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That actually would be funny. I hope these immigrants do that on everyone's lawns. Yours, mine, everyone's. We all deserve it. We play up the "American dream" "streets paved with gold" bullshit. And when people actually come here for that we spit in there faces. We all suck as humans. Everyone here included.
Don’t judge me Ace. I am all for immigration as long as we all follow the established process for becoming a citizen. While it is amusing to see the hypocrites on the left get their noses rubbed in this, these poor folks should not be pawns.
Keep deflecting

Your emperor’s junk is in the wind

Tell us again about how deeply you want others to help immigrants - my forge needs hot air
Deflecting? Look in the mirror, pal. The posts were about DeSantis. Once again, he exploited 50 vulnerable people to stick it to his enemies. He sucks.
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Deflecting? Look in the mirror, pal. The posts were about DeSantis. Once again, he exploited 50 vulnerable people to stick it to his enemies. He sucks.
You’re descended from Yankees who didnt have the balls to be Abolitionists.

You are pro-immigrant - so long as the immigrants stay in Florida, Texas, Arizona and California.

Wait - you think you're respectful to me? I see your problem now - you're delusional. I knew it before, but this proves it to everyone.

You claiming to 'embrace the faith' while posting the way you do is the reason so many people detest Christians.
You're a unique challenge, danc, but I stand by my earlier statement that I'm usually respectful to posters - - even you. I think serious posters see that.

And it's absolutely hilarious that you whined to the mod about me for referring to someone as an "asshat" (would "tinfoil hat" have been better?) while, in the same sentence, you referenced me, as you usually do, as "bowel." You're a piece of work. See? I said "work" instead of something else that would have been more suitable.
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Im sure the snooty rich Dems on Mahthah’s Vinyahd will hire them - if they stay downstairs out of sight

You’re descended from Yankees who didnt have the balls to be Abolitionists.

You are pro-immigrant - so long as the immigrants stay in Florida, Texas, Arizona and California.

You're not very bright. No intelligent person would make factual assumptions about someone they've never met (i.e. me) and know nothing about. I thought only danc did that.

I'm the grandson of immigrants. My ancestors weren't here during the Civil War era so stop defaming them with the "didn't have the balls" bullshit. Their lives were profiles in courage. They came here not knowing a soul, without fluency in the language or money in their pockets, but with an unwavering commitment to making a better life for themselves and their families. They succeeded despite enormous obstacles including closed doors (jobs and housing), mockery and disrespect. I know, because I witnessed some of it.

Yes, I am proudly pro-immigrant. For me, it's personal. No, I don't believe in open borders. But I do believe that people who enter this country, legally or illegally, are worthy of respect. And DeSantis' little stunt was disgustingly disrespectful and cruel.

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