Gov. Pritzker calls up National Guard, declares disaster after Texas buses 500 migrants to Chicago

Can someone explain to me how spending taxpayer money to ship two plane loads of immigrants all the way to Martha's Vineyard is "fiscally conservative" rather than just a "look at me pwning the libs so that I can trend on twitter" stunt?
^^^ Too dumb to understand a bus ticket is cheaper than lifetime costs of welfare and education and medical ^^^^
So let me get this straight. Governor DeSantis uses Florida taxpayer money to send two planes with migrants from San Antonio TX to Martha's Vineyard, an island off the Massachusetts coast. The migrants had been told they were being flown to Boston with ample housing and job opportunities. Local (Martha's Vineyard) officials had no knowledge of the incoming flights until 20 minutes before the planes landed. They had to scramble to find food and shelter for dozens of migrants, including women and children, stranded on a tarmac.

Martha's Vineyard, vacation spot and summer home for mostly wealthy Dems, is essentially dead from Labor Day to Memorial Day. It's an island community with limited resources. There are fewer than 20,000 permanent residents.

Only a piece of shit would do this.

Two things.
I’m sure there’s at least two fed immigration laws on the books that contradict one another

why do non of these little fvckers ever go into New Mexico?
And they actually acted like REAL Christians and are helping to take care of them. Pathetic and repulsive using humans as pawns in their political games. Yes, that’s exactly what Jesus would do.
Although a higher percentage of Republicans consider themselves to be Christians than Democrats, each party is made up of a majority who call themselves Christians.

Republicans are likely to be Evangelicals with liberal Christians being more likely to be Democrats.

My experience with Evangelicals Christians and liberal Christians is that the Evangelicals are less tolerant of liberals with liberal Christians claiming to love everyone. Evangelicals also tend to have more faith in the Bible being unerring along with being less convinced that scientists have all the answers.

There are parts of the country where not being an Evangelical or a liberal Christian would make being elected to a political office very difficult.
Two things.
I’m sure there’s at least two fed immigration laws on the books that contradict one another

why do non of these little fvckers ever go into New Mexico?
Because of geography. New Mexico's border with Mexico is a big ole desert and El Paso, TX sits right at the border with New Mexico and is directly across the border from Ciudad Juarez. Anyone trying to get across in this environment where basically anyone can come in has a safer point of entry at El Paso. Then if they want to get to NM they just find transportation from there.

Living in tents on the streets of El Paso because they are overwhelmed. And they come because of the political decisions and proclamations of Democrats in places like Martha's Vineyard, Chicago, D.C., etc. So it is humanitarian to move them to areas where these caring souls can help take care of the overflow.

The handwringing is because of NIMBY. The situation those migrants are in is EXACTLY what happens when they get released into places like El Paso. There is no plan to do anything with nearly 2 million people in the past year. The bumbling dumb **** who runs this country and the bigger idiots who advise him have no plan. So they should have to shoulder some of the burden to handle. I guarantee that the people who call Martha's Vineyard home have more resources available to them per capita then any one of those border towns. You voted for this, you get to help.
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No person may knowingly transport an undocumented person within the United States, and Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis just did. Specifically, their stunt violates Section 274(a)(1)(A)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which makes it a federal crime to transport undocumented persons across state lines. Their stunt may also meet the legal definition of human trafficking.
And just like that, the party of sanctuary cities cares about immigration laws.

Living in tents on the streets of El Paso because they are overwhelmed. And they come because of the political decisions and proclamations of Democrats in places like Martha's Vineyard, Chicago, D.C., etc. So it is humanitarian to move them to areas where these caring souls can help take care of the overflow.

The handwringing is because of NIMBY. The situation those migrants are in is EXACTLY what happens when they get released into places like El Paso. There is no plan to do anything with nearly 2 million people in the past year. The bumbling dumb **** who runs this country and the bigger idiots who advise him have no plan. So they should have to shoulder some of the burden to handle. I guarantee that the people who call Martha's Vineyard home have more resources available to them per capita then any one of those border towns. You voted for this, you get to help.
Bunch of f*****g hypocrites.
I hope they all take a giant dump on his front lawn.
That actually would be funny. I hope these immigrants do that on everyone's lawns. Yours, mine, everyone's. We all deserve it. We play up the "American dream" "streets paved with gold" bullshit. And when people actually come here for that we spit in there faces. We all suck as humans. Everyone here included.
Yes, it could overwhelm the system. It's an island community with fewer than 20,000 residents. That's 23% of the population of Bloomington IN, but with an ocean around it.

Dropping off 60 people in Martha's Vineyard would be like suddenly dropping off 8,000 in Chicago (population 2,699,000).
Now do that math for El Paso. Except they get it daily.
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Bet they could fit a few families here:

If I was Obama I'd have my people open that home up to provide temporary housing and relief for a portion of the refugees that got dumped there. It would be an absolute PR coup, and probably would encourage other high rollers with homes on the island to do the same.
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Decades of US policy has created all of this. Our pipedream marketing ploys of the American Dream and our drug policies that turned most of central and south America into warzones.

No one wants to actually fix the problem. Couldn't use it for political gain anymore if fixed.
Good thing Pritzker has his priorities straight. Get out of that hell hole Dems. You've been warned.

Another law is about trespass. The government will no longer remove someone who is trespassing on someone's property ie garage. The trespasser will get a ticket. It will be up to the owner of the property to remove the person legally. I am not sure what is the legal means but hypothetically a guy can trespass and not go to jail but the owner could go to jail if they remove the person in what the government deems as the wrong way.
I wonder how many vineyard residents will come out of their houses to point guns at the scary brown people walking through their neighborhood?

Good grief. None of this is funny. Stupid on all sides of the aisle.
Your remark is stupid. As are most of your remarks. The people pointing guns here have been conditioned. The mob trespassed. In the most dangerous city in America. Where the then mayor’s spouse was murdered in front of the house in a carjacking.
What you lack is a sense of reality. A perfect progressive. Some of us are sick of vapid progressive bullshit
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If I was Obama I'd have my people open that home up to provide temporary housing and relief for a portion of the refugees that got dumped there. It would be an absolute PR coup, and probably would encourage other high rollers with homes on the island to do the same.
I will wait on this action with baited breath and will give kudos to him if he does.
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What would Jesus do?

What would YOU do? I know, pull out the AR-15 (if you had one) and tell those freeloaders to take their brown asses somewhere else, or eat some lead.
What does brown have to do with anything. You libs keep saying it. Everything is race in your narrow little brain isn’t it? I’d take a hundred brown people and send you over there
What does brown have to do with anything. You libs keep saying it. Everything is race in your narrow little brain isn’t it?
VPM's idol Trump was the one who wanted people from places like Norway and Sweden, instead of from shithole countries in Africa. What do you think he was getting at?
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Yes, I'd love to hear a Christian Coolerite try to defend DeSantis' very un-Christian stunt. On its "merits," and without a whatabout. Jesus stressed accountability. And he didn't use stupid false equivalences.
Your polutical hypocrisy has nothing to do with Christianity. Your votes whores claimed they would care for immigrants. DeSantis called their lie, et, bluff.

Deflect away hypocrite. Your emperor has no clothes.
They're enjoying and getting off on the cruelty of jacking brown people around.. It's a feature not a bug.
It really is shameful that this is what we've come to. These people are desperate, and have sacrificed everything to get here. Even if their claims are meritless, they shouldn't be subjected to being used this way. These are living, breathing people, with hopes and dreams and families, and they're being treated like livestock.
They're enjoying and getting off on the cruelty of jacking brown people around.. It's a feature not a bug.
Morgues are getting overwhelmed in Texas border towns because this dipshit administration deliberately undermines border security and puts in place immigration magnets and you have the nerve to complain about air conditioned plane rides to Martha's Vineyard being "cruel".

You people seriously need your heads checked, you don't even live in reality anymore.

OS, you, grover, that Highlife guy, Bowl, the new Mod all fit for a straight jacket, politics has melted your brains.

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