Gov. Pritzker calls up National Guard, declares disaster after Texas buses 500 migrants to Chicago

So long as they are private companies, they can algo any rithm they want.

What we need is for every person to delete Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. - and every news app - all at the same time. Send a message.
Nah, we're not getting the toothpaste back in the tube. I would be like taking guns away from people. Not going to happen.

So now what? Should we treat them like we did the cigarette companies? Should their products come with warnings and public service campaigns? Should we charge more for health insurance for those who engage in XX number of hours of social media per year (therapy, etc)?

How do we hold these private companies accountable for the damage they have caused?
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Maybe that’ll be the next big lawsuit. My kid ran a 16 minute mile
Nah, we're not getting the toothpaste back in the tube. I would be like taking guns away from people. Not going to happen.

So now what? Should we treat them like we did the cigarette companies? Should their products come with warnings and public service campaigns? Should we charge more for health insurance for those who engage in XX number of hours of social media per year (therapy, etc)?

How do we hold these private companies accountable for the damage they have caused?

That is childish and pathetic to bus people to someone's residence.

It's one thing to coordinate the transfer of immigrants. It's quite another just be dropping them off unannounced wherever you d*** well please.
She deserves it after her horrendous interview w/Chuck Todd. It's pathetic that she's a VP IWBH.

How many crossed the border and didn't get caught? Complaining about people crossing the border is political theatre. Complaining about lack of board patrol/enforcement would be more appropriate.

short of putting our country under a dome, there's little that can done to prevent crossing completely.

She's not wrong about people crossing the border under Trump and every other president as well.
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This really is what happens when C students get jobs.

You can't get the Dem nomination without the black vote. Biden only got it because Clyburn rigged the SC primary.

And even if he got the nomination Trump would destroy him.
Do you remember what happened the last time Trump ran?

Also, if Trump is the nom, Biden will the Dem nominee and we'll just f*cking do 2020 all over again. Great.
Do you remember what happened the last time Trump ran?

Also, if Trump is the nom, Biden will the Dem nominee and we'll just f*cking do 2020 all over again. Great.
I genuinely believe if it’s trump Biden again a celeb type will emerge. The Rock

I'm not sure where this ends (Texas's new policy of busing migrants and Chicago's response) but I don't think it is going to be pretty.
Good thing Pritzker has his priorities straight. Get out of that hell hole Dems. You've been warned.

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There is an ongoing debate at the Water Cooler about whether our immigration laws need updating by Congress,

Some of us think the current laws are sufficient and all we have to do is follow the laws already on the books. I tend to disagree. This latest situation whereby the governor of Texas sends 500 asylum seekers to the so-called sanctuary city of Chicago proves to me our current laws are insufficient.

For starters there is no such thing as a "sanctuary city" in federal law. This article explains it as follows,

There is no definition of “sanctuary city” in federal law. It’s a political term, not a legal one. A variety of policies fall under the broad umbrella of what people call “sanctuary cities,” and a city, county, or state may have such policies without declaring itself a “sanctuary.” On the other hand, a city may call itself a “sanctuary city” or a “welcoming city” without implementing any new policies.

As to asylum seekers, these folks are within the law as per this explanation which in part says this,

The right to seek asylum was incorporated into international law following the atrocities of World War II. Congress adopted key provisions of the Geneva Refugee Convention (including the international definition of a refugee) into U.S. immigration law when it passed the Refugee Act of 1980.

As can be seen by Texas without notice sending 500 legal asylum seekers by today's laws to Chicago, the Refugee Act of 1980 simply isn't adequate to deal with asylum seekers..

I'm not sure where this ends (Texas's new policy of busing migrants and Chicago's response) but I don't think it is going to be pretty.

transporting immigrants to different locals around the country is absolutely the correct thing to do.

but doing so without coordinating with the recipient locals first seems an ahole move, unless border states have essentially been forced into doing that due to lack of cooperation from the rest of the states and the feds.

that said, the feds absolutely should be out ahead of this, and dispersing immigrants around the country immediately upon arrival, for those who don't already have a place to go, and or relatives/friends to stay with.

saddling the border communities/states with the issue is both totally unfair to them, and no doubt totally exacerbates the push back against immigrants from boarder states and communities.

doing this correctly starting day 1 seems the best way to handle immigration, and how the country feels about it..

while i think Abbott is scum, he shouldn't be put in a position in the first place where he needs to do this, and everything that possibly can be done should be done, to not unduly saddle border communities and states with the immigration issue.
Immigration is a national LEGAL issue, but because there is no compromise in DC these days, it disadvantages Texas and Florida and Arizona and California unequally.

Much worse, for the last 5 to 6 years the Democratic Party has attempted to paint anyone who disagrees with them about any issue as a bigot, especially in the immigration law area. People who merely claimed that immigration laws should be enforced were painted as bigots. Meanwhile, democrat officials in multiple cities and states across the nation set themselves up as “far more moral than all of the GOP bigots” and falsely claimed that they were sanctuaries where immigrants, legal or otherwise, could come and find refuge from the GOP bigots. And I, for one, find it to be social justice to watch them flail when faced with the same problems their civil contemporaries face in these unequally burdened states. Their immigration chickens have come home to roost. Their hypocrisy is flying in the wind, and November is coming.
Impeach Biden immediately for refusing to do his damn job. The Executive branch enforces the laws on the books. They don't get to choose which laws to enforce. Imagine if Trump did this.

That is childish and pathetic to bus people to someone's residence.

It's one thing to coordinate the transfer of immigrants. It's quite another just be dropping them off unannounced wherever you d*** well please.
Like the feds are coordinating all the people who end up at the border towns in the Southwest?

This isn't just for "pwning" the libs. It is making a political point that all the "we have so little enforcement at the border that they are effectively open but we don't want to call it that" crowd are a bunch of NIMBY bullshitters on this topic. Texas doesn't get a ****ing warning when 500 migrants show up on a Tuesday and the border patrol let's them waltz right in. Arizona sees its shelters and medical facilities having spaces taken up by migrants who Biden has opened the door to. They see the resources that are set aside for their citizens being occupied and used by foreign nationals that all the "Sanctuary In Name Only" areas believe deserve a spot in the U.S. Well, that has a cost. Why shouldn't the costs associated with the acceptance and processing and housing of the 1-2 million or so people Biden is letting walk into the country a year be shared by the "the borders are basically open" crowd?

Talk is cheap. You want the open border, then you should share the costs.
Immigration is a national LEGAL issue, but because there is no compromise in DC these days, it disadvantages Texas and Florida and Arizona and California unequally.

Much worse, for the last 5 to 6 years the Democratic Party has attempted to paint anyone who disagrees with them about any issue as a bigot, especially in the immigration law area. People who merely claimed that immigration laws should be enforced were painted as bigots. Meanwhile, democrat officials in multiple cities and states across the nation set themselves up as “far more moral than all of the GOP bigots” and falsely claimed that they were sanctuaries where immigrants, legal or otherwise, could come and find refuge from the GOP bigots. And I, for one, find it to be social justice to watch them flail when faced with the same problems their civil contemporaries face in these unequally burdened states. Their immigration chickens have come home to roost. Their hypocrisy is flying in the wind, and November is coming.
They aren't even facing anything similar to what Texas for example does. 500 total for Chicago? Parts of Texas are seeing multiples of that number in a day. What is getting bussed or flown to other areas of the country is a drop in the bucket.
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They aren't even facing anything similar to what Texas for example does. 500 total for Chicago? Parts of Texas are seeing multiples of that number in a day. What is getting bussed or flown to other areas of the country is a drop in the bucket.
and a drop in the bucket compared to the numbers being flown north daily, out of Texas, paid for by the Feds. They had no problem with this, until the Texas Gov got into the act and this turned political. FUBAR'd with no end in site. Yet, we're told on TV the border is secure.
Like the feds are coordinating all the people who end up at the border towns in the Southwest?

This isn't just for "pwning" the libs. It is making a political point that all the "we have so little enforcement at the border that they are effectively open but we don't want to call it that" crowd are a bunch of NIMBY bullshitters on this topic. Texas doesn't get a ****ing warning when 500 migrants show up on a Tuesday and the border patrol let's them waltz right in. Arizona sees its shelters and medical facilities having spaces taken up by migrants who Biden has opened the door to. They see the resources that are set aside for their citizens being occupied and used by foreign nationals that all the "Sanctuary In Name Only" areas believe deserve a spot in the U.S. Well, that has a cost. Why shouldn't the costs associated with the acceptance and processing and housing of the 1-2 million or so people Biden is letting walk into the country a year be shared by the "the borders are basically open" crowd?

Talk is cheap. You want the open border, then you should share the costs.
Does anyone know the procedure for processing these people being bused? Is it a process of them waiting for an amnesty filing and ruling? How long does it take?
Do you remember what happened the last time Trump ran?

Also, if Trump is the nom, Biden will the Dem nominee and we'll just f*cking do 2020 all over again. Great.

i'm guessing neither will be heading the tickets in 2024.

insanity would be Biden heading the ticket again, though i find it highly highly doubtful he will.

total insanity would be Trump heading the GOP ticket in 24, let alone not being in prison by then.

but if 2008 and 2021/22 have told us anything, it's that the rich and powerful absolutely are immune from the law.

literally every day is a further lesson in just how immune the rich and powerful are from our legal system, and any accountability for anything ever.
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the Illinois SAFE-T Act, coming 1/Jan, is going drive a lot of people- myself included, out of this state for good. No bail needed for release on higher felony arrests. What can wrong there??

the not keeping violent criminals and thieves in jail/prison thing is absolutely killing Dems in every election.

people getting time for drug possession and low level dealing sparked legitimate outrage from liberals.

but somehow the idea of doing away with harsh treatment of drug possessors and low level dealers got hijacked by some malevolent morons, who somehow were able to leverage proposed sanity in dealing with such, into total and complete insanity in dealing with violent criminals and hard core thieves.

Dems better get their act together and fix this fast. like starting yesterday.

do so, along with backing the working class again, and they start dominating elections again.

don't, and they are just as responsible as anyone if our democracy gets hijacked.

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